The long awaited book by Apostle Dr. EH Guti has finally come. After many years since the publishing of “Wise Woman” by Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti, the cry of every woman has been heard, with the release of “A Wise Man” by Apostle Dr. EH Guti.
Apostle Dr. EH Guti writes:
“I specially dedicate this book to the ladies of ZAOGA Forward in Faith who for years have been crying for their husbands to be taught lessons on being a father, husband. They have been saying, “we women are in grade seven and our husbands are in grade zero.” Here is the book for your husbands. Be happy as they are no more going to remain in grade zero.
[This books is dedicated…] To all the men who are married and wish to enjoy their marriage and their children, who seek to be a blessing and to be appreciate in the home. To my son Ezekiel who is working hard to be a good husband and father.”
The book contains over a hundred pages of lessons for a man in today’s world, This book is a must-have for every man who wishes to elevate to the next level in his family, his spiritual life, and his manhood as a whole.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Wise Man and His Home
Creating a welcoming home
Wise man and his family
Wise man and his sons
Wise man and his daughters
Wise man and his God
Wise man and his Bible
Wise man and his prayer
Wise man and his time
Wise man and his friends
Wise man and his money
Wise man and his integrity
Chapter 2: Restoring the Manhood
Wise man and his sexuality
Chapter 3: Masturbation
Why do people masturbate
Is it wrong for a Christian to masturbate
Chapter 4: How to be a real man
Characteristics of a real man
Chapter 5: Other duties of a husband
The head
Looks after your parents
Holy wedlock or unholy wedlock
Chapter 6: Expectations by the Wife in Marriage
Chapter 7: Different Characteristics of a Man
Emotional differences
Physical differences
Sexual differences
How to meet her needs
Some hints on romance
Chapter 8: Other things a Wise Man Should Remember
Remembering birthdays
Remembering mother’s day
Remembering anniversary
Wise man with post-natal period