Dear Friends,
The annual Girls Leadership Conference was a resounding success, held from the 13th to the 16th of March at AMFCC Auditorium. This life-changing gathering saw girls from across the globe camping together in pursuit of spiritual growth, leadership development, and divine transformation.
The conference climaxed on Sunday, March 16, with an astounding attendance of over 4,500 girls. Our Presiding Bishop, Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, graced the occasion alongside our beloved Mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti. With great wisdom and love, they encouraged the girls to move beyond mere admiration of Our Mother, Professor Eunor Guti, and begin to implement her godly virtues in their daily lives through the way they speak, dress, and conduct themselves as Kingdom daughters. The conference was rich with powerful teachings, and deliverance flowed mightily. He ministered with deep insight, leading to a life-changing altar call, where 62 girls dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ. 300 girls were delivered, and 57 were filled with the Holy Spirit. Indeed, it was a time of divine realignment and spiritual awakening!
The Main Speaker, Overseers S and I Machuwaire from Bulawayo Province, delivered deep revelations of the Kingdom of God, stirring the hearts of many young women to rise as true leaders in Christ. Alongside them, several other anointed speakers imparted life-transforming messages, leaving the girls challenged, inspired, and empowered for their journey ahead.
A special vote of thanks goes to the International Girls Director, Pastor Ruth Basa, as well as the Coordinating Ladies and the Steering Committee, whose tireless efforts and dedication ensured that this conference was an overwhelming success.
The Annual Girls Leadership Conference 2025 has indeed set a new standard. As the girls return to their respective homes and churches, may they continue to walk in the wisdom and power imparted to them, shining as true daughters of the Kingdom.
We thank the God of Ezekiel here in Algeria, who never fails to fulfil His word. We also appreciate your prayers. On Sunday, March 9, Apostle Enock and Pastor Virginia hosted a fellowship and Bible study with the locals, and seven people attended. The Apostle took time to pray for them and strengthen their faith. There was so much joy and the presence of God that no one wanted to leave until almost midnight. We give all the glory to God for planting the seed in their hearts.
Our Second service on Friday had 51 people in attendance. Pastor Virginia taught the importance of working on one’s character, emphasizing that it is the believer’s sole responsibility to cultivate a godly character. Apostle Tigere then preached powerfully and with authority on prayer, encouraging us that God hears us when we pray. He emphasized the importance of faith and persistence in prayer, referencing Luke 18:1-8. Many people came forward for prayer, and one person gave their life to Jesus. Even after the service, many stayed behind for one-on-one counselling and deliverance. Glory be to God! The entire church had time to eat and fellowship after the service. The new believers’ class was launched on Monday and continued on Wednesday. Indeed, this ministry will never come to an end—the legacy continues!
Please continue to pray for the safety of believers here in Algeria.
The God of our Father is transforming the region across all nations for Jesus Christ. New territories in Belarus, Lithuania, Albania, and Georgia are finding entry contacts. Inspired by Overseer GTC Mutsigwa’s motto for the year, “Revive, Fortify, and Extend,” the region is nurturing leaders and establishing many assemblies.
God’s work in Poland is flourishing at an extraordinary pace. New assemblies have been established in Torun and Rzeszow while existing assemblies in Poznan, Gdansk, Lublin, and Warsaw continue to thrive. The Lublin Assembly has made great strides by acquiring musical instruments to enrich worship. Elder Jerry and Chipo Manunure from the United Kingdom, visited last Sunday and donated a pulpit and some accessories in the capital, Warsaw Assembly now boasts 150 members. This remarkable growth has resulted in the appointment of over 15 new lay leaders to support the Lord’s work. February brimmed with activities, highlighted by a powerful leadership training week, equipping leaders for the tremendous journey ahead. Elder Simba Chereni from the Netherlands delivered profound teachings that moved the hearts of the leadership and congregation. His ministry included deliverance and Holy Spirit sessions, where God’s power was evident, freeing many and leading four individuals to receive the Holy Spirit for the first time. We rejoice for the recent weekend as Senior Pastor and Evangelist Zibusiso Mtombeni visited the Poznan and Torun assemblies en route to Warsaw. A dynamic Big Sunday service was hosted, allowing time for the Warsaw leadership to connect with the vision of revival, fortification, and expansion. Senior Pastor Mutsigwa imparted a powerful teaching on “Turning Point,” stirring many hearts and leading several saints to seek guidance in their walk with Christ.
Senior Pastors visited Switzerland to prepare for the launch of an assembly in Geneva. God has graciously provided three couples as our entry contacts. The Big Sunday service was joyfully well-attended by members from the Basel assembly and a new student who arrived just days prior. The assembly is set to launch in May.
Schengen Ladies’ Prayer Retreat
We give thanks for the Schengen Go Quickly and Tell prayer retreat from March 7th to 9th in Hannover, Germany, led by Senior Pastor Sessie Mutsigwa and the Schengen pastoral team. We were blessed to have Dr. Mabel Samasuwo from the UK as our guest speaker. On Friday, she guided us through Isaiah 58, inviting us to share insights, pray, and reflect. She imparted wisdom on serving God, maturity, patience, resilience in adversity, and emotional healing. The faith clinic provided a profound opportunity for personal reflection. A Q&A session culminated in deliverance and a special altar call for ladies seeking God’s blessings for marriage. The faithfulness of the God of Ezekiel Guti was evident, lifting burdens and bringing spiritual relief. Saturday’s feedback from pastors returning from the Bindura prayer mountain after the Deeper Life conference reignited our spirits. On Sunday, Senior Pastor Sessie passionately shared Godly guidance on raising successful, God-fearing children. The launch of the Bindura bookshop building project was a joyous highlight. Average attendance reached 40, peaking at 50 on Saturday evening, with 15 devices tuning in online. Our lives have been forever transformed.
Germany is witnessing a powerful revival since the Senior Pastors’ return from Deeper Life. Our five assemblies are experiencing remarkable growth. The Senior Pastors conduct online teachings from Monday to Thursday while traveling on weekends to establish churches in person. Three new assemblies in Frankfurt, Munster, and Bremen are set for imminent launch. An open-air outreach took place in Berlin’s Central Park. We held a week-long intensive feedback session with all pastors taking turns. Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and Overseer Luke Mutsigwa delivered a special teaching on Kingdom Ministering, contributing to the realization that making money is common within the Schengen. The Part-time AMFCC Bible College has launched with 36 first-year students enrolled. We stand in awe of God’s incredible work in the Schengen. May the saints continue to pray for our revival, growth, and expansion!
Ras Al Khaimah – We are grateful to the God of Ezekiel for a special Sunday service where we were glad and excited to receive our resident pastors Wellington and Rachel Kwesha. We received powerful teachings on the word of God and on prayer. We have been encouraged to continue doing the things we saw in our father and one of them is prayerfulness. 20 people attended.
To enhance our unity as enshrined in the theme for this year, 12 leaders were in attendance for a fellowship and a meeting together with our Pastors. The coming in of our pastors saw us witnessing a dramatic improvement in our services and participation from believers. People would usually go home after the services, but this Sunday, fellowship continued at the mission house with a yearning to be around the pastors. It was a great revival indeed. People who do not usually participate during bible study were also participating. We kindly request your prayers for God to give us the grace to win more souls.
The God of our father is so amazing. We are witnessing the hand of the Lord in Congo Brazzaville. It has been a week of prayer and fasting and people were coming up for services every day with an average of 55 believers attending. Our pastors encouraged us to pray and taught us the importance of prayer in Forward in Faith. There was great deliverance on Friday and more than 25 believers were delivered from various demonic oppression. We engaged door-to-door evangelism with the youth preaching on fire and 5 people were saved. On our Sunday service, Brother Paul conducted a life-giving Bible study. Pst Phillip Maonedzo preached about the Kingdom of God using Sunday Morning Bible lecture and it was so eye-opening. He finished while the church was shouting for more. 21 souls received Jesus Christ. This was awesome as we continued glorifying the God of Ezekiel Guti for the legacy that is continuing in our nation. Please continue to pray for us to have resources to make the church look nice and modest. Thank you for your prayers
FIF Russia continues to march forward with the vision of our father. We are overflowing with gratitude for a power-packed relaunch service in the city of St Petersburg. On the 9th of March, we witnessed the power of God as our Elder Mashoko delivered a sermon on the Kingdom of God emphasizing the need to be born again and repent. Glory to God for one of the students, who gave his life to Christ. 17 members were in attendance, including 3 members who joined in from Moscow to support the relaunch. This past Sunday was nothing but a miracle as a local brother who came to our church for the first time gave his life to Christ.
In Moscow, we had a powerful online service with Elder Mutemaringa encouraging the church to remain steadfast in the Lord. During the in-person service, our brother Thamsanqa was teaching about the power of hope. The total attendance for both services was 39 members. As the FIF Russia church, we commit to following the example of our father. Thank you for your prayers and unwavering support.

Our hearts overflow with gratitude to the God of our father as we witness His mighty hand at work in our church. Through our midweek ministerial meetings, we continue to experience spiritual growth, with members actively engaging. Friday’s Worship Night was a powerful encounter with God. The atmosphere was saturated with His presence as Pastor Shami Mwale delivered a timely message on faith, equipping the saints to stand strong and unwavering.
Sunday’s service ushered us into a new dimension. Pastor Shami led a Bible study on Church Standards, providing deep insight into our commitment to God’s principles and the church pattern. The praise and worship session was incredibly powerful, with the tangible presence of the Lord among us. The focus of the service was on revival and deliverance, many were delivered and experienced inner healing and there was great joy in the city.
We rejoiced as three individuals surrendered their lives to Christ, and 22 believers were baptized in water, all to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was also encouraging to witness our congregation turn up with 141 adults and children gathering together in worship. We are filled with excitement and anticipation for what God is doing in Mauritius.
We thank God for His faithfulness and blessings as the ladies continue their Tuesday prayers, the Go Quickly Ladies recently held a powerful Prayer Retreat from Thursday to Saturday. Our guest speaker, Pastor Chipo Khama from Maryland, DC FIF USA, delivered impactful teachings on the importance of being a clean vessel and the power of prayer, among other topics. The Holy Spirit moved mightily, leading people into deep, heartfelt prayer. Despite being online, the connection was tangible, and the experience was truly life-changing.
Overseer Essie Mhundwa from Jamaica also joined us in prayer. During the Sunday service, we had an interactive Bible Study led by our pastor, who continued teaching our Church Doctrine from the book New African Apostle, emphasizing the significance of holiness and righteousness. The ladies were on fire, eagerly testifying about the powerful lessons learned during the retreat. This was followed by powerful praise and worship, leading into the word. Our pastor preached from Life of Miracles as he emphasized the purpose of this book is to encourage you to believe God and expect Miracles. People were prayed for. Thank you for your prayers as you continue to pray for the construction of our church building.
We are grateful to God for the success of our online morning glory prayer sessions during the week. Wednesday, we had an election, public and bank holiday. One cell group in San Pedro met in person, led by Pastor Diane, and four people attended. Friday service was done at the national level with 10 gadgets logged in. Starting next week each Assembly will be meeting at their respective assemblies for our Friday night services.
In Punta Gorda, bible studies and the Word were shared by Pastor Diane on the topic of Prayer. Service was held at the Mission house as we continued to pray for a place of worship. In Mango Creek, Bible study was done by Mrs Nadine Pandy Chaplin, and preaching was done by Deacon Tanya Lizama, who is currently running the assembly. This Sunday our bible study in Belize City was from Sunday Morning lectures continued on the topic of healing was done interactively and was very informative with Pastor Victory’s teaching and a powerful word shared by Pastor Helen. Starting tomorrow, Monday, we will be meeting at the National Level for morning glory prayer time from 5 to 6 am.
A total of 4 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour this week, two of them at the mission house as they had come for counselling in preparation for their wedding. Attendance was 39 people this Sunday. We continue to give God all the glory, for he is a good God.
Zengeza Province
Nazareth Region was privileged to have a Night of Worship and Deliverance on the 14th March 2025 with the theme “Panobudika” in Nyatsime. The speaker being international Evangelist Alice Mavhunga. 700 people came to attend the event from different places around Zimbabwe, places like Zaka, Kadoma, Gweru, and Marondera, some from Mozambique and South Africa. 9 people were born again, glory to the God of our father Ezekiel.
Testimonies and miracles:
One lady was completely healed from the dislocated left leg.
One lady testified that her son got a job after the Evangelist prayed for him over the phone.
One lady from Gweru testified that her child got sick in the middle of the night she called the Evangelist and prayed for her she was totally healed by morning.
6 people were delivered from the spirit of barrenness.
160 people were delivered from the spirit of stagnation.
8 far-sighted people were able to read their Bibles in front of everyone which they could not do before.
31 people were delivered from dreaming and moving snakes in their bodies many demons manifested confirming their deliverance.
21 people were delivered from spiritual husbands.
Seke Zone 14 Chitungwiza Child Evangelism under the leadership of Zonal Pastor Faith Kambudzi, Zonal Superintendent Elder Jewel Mashumba and Young Generation Zonal Chairman Br Godwell Nyamidzi held a Children’s Church Zonal Council on Saturday 15 March 2025 at Seke 1 District. 48 Young Generation 1 & 2 leaders from the 3 Provinces that constitute the Zone were in attendance together with 12 teachers to plan the work of God in the Zone. The council ended with Pastor Faith encouraging leaders from the books written by our Father Professor Ezekiel H. Guti – What Makes the church to grow, Relay of Three Leaders, Where is Heaven, and What Every Good Leader Should Know. She emphasized the cry of the world for a true, faithful and influential leader who knows, leads, shows the way, and persuades others to go the way. A true leader who leads people where they do not necessarily want to go. Every leader present was motivated and geared for the work ahead in the zone. We thank God of Ezekiel for the grace He is showing to us each day in our Zone.
Guruve Province
We give glory to the God of our father Archbishop E.H Guti for a successful Provincial Big Sunday under the leadership of Overseer T and E Nyamuzinga. 900 believers attended the Big Sunday. DP Big Muzereni and Evangelist Nehemiah Favor were mightily used by God to deliver the word of God; many received their deliverance and others were healed. 80 believers were delivered. Demons were cast out. A paralyzed woman was completely healed last week and now she is busy spreading the good news and many are coming as far as Gokwe, Mutare, Chiweshe, and Harare for deliverance.
A lady who was on the verge of dying was prayed for and she was instantly healed.
6 people who were barren gave testimonies that they now have children.
80 people were delivered from diverse spirits.
The legacy of miracles is continuing in Guruve Province. Indeed, the God of our father Archbishop E.H Guti is the same yesterday today, and forever.
Harare North Province
We give Glory to the God of our Father, Prof. Ezekiel. H. Guti, who allowed Harare North Platinum Province to hold a fruitful 1st Quarter Provincial Council which was consummated by a powerful
Provincial Big Sunday. Overseer W. Jaricha as the speaker, shared the importance of having a good heart and good character which makes one a vessel of honour. The attendance was 366 leaders.
Our Provincial Big Sunday took place at Hatcliffe High School. Guest musicians Evangelist Machokoto and Pastor Haisa captivated the congregation with their electrifying musical performances. Our guest speaker, Dr. W. Rupapa, delivered an inspiring teaching titled “Do You Want to Be Well?” He addressed the pervasive spirit of lingering, urging believers to overcome it through prayer, the power of God’s Word, and a positive mindset.
The event saw a remarkable attendance of 2,350, welcomed 40 new converts, about 342 were prayed for and 28 individuals experienced deliverance from various ailments and spiritual afflictions. We believe that our Province will continue to experience the goodness of the God of Ezekiel
We thank the God of our Father E. H. Guti, for revealing Himself in such a mighty way at the Night of Miracles in Mvurwi on the 14th of March 2025. We had such powerful evangelistic preaching and ministering from our DP Sharon Muzereni on Friday where there was a great overflowing attendance in the new church building. Many demons were cast out, and several people were healed from various diseases:
10 people were healed from the spirits of infirmity which were causing them to lose a lot of money to physicians and medications.
8 people were instantly healed from hearing problems which included those who had left ear problems, blocked ears, and another woman who could not hear since birth.
A woman who had a lump in her breast was healed as the lump instantly disappeared.
7 people testified to have been healed from leg pain.
20 women were delivered from spiritual husbands.
6 women were delivered from marine spirits.
25 people were healed from the spirits which caused them to have menstrual pains.
47 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Personal Savior.
27 people were water baptized in water.
Glory to the God of our Father Ezekiel H. Guti for His grace and mighty power, which was demonstrated during the Night of Miracles in Mvurwi.
- Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
- Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website
- You are welcome to contact our office at +263 774 873 565 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mum Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her and refresh her daily. Thanking God for wisdom and revelation for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for our father, the Presiding Bishop Dr. Joseph Joe, and our mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they lead the church.
- Thanking God for the 2 Apostles, SG Apostle Mishael & Pastor Leticia Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
- Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the ongoing construction of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special Diabetes pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, Poland, and South Korea. Thanking God for the construction of the churches in Guyana and Ghana. Thanking God for peace in areas that are not politically stable. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
- Thanking God for your nation.
Have a good heart. Even if your boss does not acknowledge you or your work, you continue doing good. I know this because l was successful as a result of continuing to do good regardless. There is something difficult, which is known as obedience. It is difficult to obey something that you do not understand, but l am saying obey even if you don’t understand. God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you.
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] |