Dear Friends,
He is risen! Glory to God.
We thank the God of Ezekiel for yet another blessed week in Japan. One more member joined the church this week, making us 33 in total. Praise the Lord! The ladies joined the virtual Prayer Retreat hosted by China and were so transformed by the teachings on prayer and Talents taught by the guest speaker Bishop A Chabarwa. We held all our midweek services plus a joyful Sunday service with record attendance of 16 people. Our Pastor, Farai Kupamhama, preached to us about the Year of the Lord, which is the Year of Jubilee that Jesus proclaimed to bring freedom to captives; and indeed we believe we were set free! The church is filled with joy, and we are thankful to God for His grace. We ask for your continued prayers for the growth of the church, and for the acquisition of a physical venue. Thank you for your support.
We are grateful to the God of Ezekiel for allowing us to organize an impactful Easter conference themed ‘Resurrection Conference’. We had an average of 41 members across the four days from Thursday the 28th to Sunday the 31st of March. The conference was held online for the first three days and then a Hybrid Service on the last day. We had three visitors joining us. The event was graced by the presence of powerful speakers Evangelist Carlton and Pastor Sidra Mutizwa who encouraged the Russian church to pray in truth and Spirit, major in the Word and to know the power in the name of Jesus. There was a line-up of powerful forerunners and a workshop led by Pastor Farai Kupamhama on Self-Development and Relationships. Thank you for praying for us.

We thank God for the spirit of grace and supplication, the weekly service continued on Tuesday as ladies reached online to pray. The Easter conference started from Friday to Sunday, as it was spearheaded by the youths. It was the first time for the youth to lead such a conference. There were powerful speakers who ministered. The history book was read about the life of the Apostle E.H. Guti and the history of the church. On Sunday, the church gathered for fellowship as we were led by the youth team in power praise, and worship. They had choirs, the child evangelism, and the K.M.D. was given time. The speaker was one of the youths along with the student pastors, and the youth were given time to choose a committee among themselves. The committee was prayed for as Pastors and Elders, and the church received them. We ended the service with holy communion. We thank you for your love and prayers.
We give all the glory and praise to the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness to us here in Nevis. All our weekly activities continues and we are truly thankful for the teaching of God’s word that our Pastor Dr. Robert Chirima is giving us. We had an awesome powerful Resurrection Conference from Friday to Sunday. Friday the teaching was on the meaning of the cross. Saturday teaching was on the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and Sunday he teaching the history of the church and the Power of his resurrection and we ended the conference with Holy Communion. Easter Monday we went for an outing as a church. Ladies had their prayer retreat. Glory be to God. Please continue to pray for us here in Nevis.
This was another week in the presence of God as our mid-week services went on well. Our Annual Easter Conference started on Friday 28th April where the speakers shared on Salvation in Jesus Christ, “The purpose of the cross. Saturday Morning we continued receiving the word and had time in the presence of the Lord as we worshipped him. The evening session was a combined service, Punta Gorda and Belize City joining us in Independence Christian Centre. The word was shared by Elder Anna Linarez, a powerful delivery on My Rock, My Sword, and My Shield. Sunday was a joyful day as we celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. In Independence we had the reading of our history book by Deacon Tanya after the children recited a poem about Easter. Various speakers shared on Salvation, Jesus being the ultimate Deliverer, Guest speaker Pastor Elizabeth Martinez message was on “The power of the blood of Jesus”. She taught about breaking the strongholds of sin that follow the bloodline out of our lives. Through the conference our attendance ranged from 16 to 61 with over 23 gadgets connecting online. 2 people gave their lives to the Lord, and many people were prayed for and delivered. All glory and praise to God. Amen.
We are grateful to God for all that He continues to do in the Cayman Islands church and in the lives of the church members. This week was a packed week, Elder Mutomba was part of the delegation who hosted the Zimbabwean Ambassador and Deputy Ambassador who were in the Cayman Islands to assist Zimbabweans and meet with various government officials. In light of this, on Tuesday there was a fellowship with the Ambassadors. Additionally, we have two of our Elders travelling with two of the children from the children’s church who are on a football tour in the United Kingdom. We pray that the Lord continues to protect and grant them favour throughout the various engagements. It was Easter week and the church members continued to meet for cell groups in the various locations. For the service on Sunday 31 March 2023, we had 39 people in attendance. Of the people in attendance, we had 4 first time visitors. During testimony time our visitors and some of the regular church members shared testimonies of how God has opened doors for them to travel from Zimbabwe to Cayman Islands and for this we are grateful. One testimony shared was how the lady, was wearing a t-shirt with Baba Guti’s picture and she related how she witnessed God’s favor as she travelled through Panama and Jamaica where she was told she would need a visa but by God’s grace they advised her that she could transit to Cayman Islands. Mrs Mutwayo shared the word on Walking in the Light. Elder Mutomba then encouraged the church and led the church in communion. We thank you for your prayers. May you continue to pray for us, that the church will have a deeper understanding of God’s word and that God will continue to open doors for the growth of the church and for the church members.
We hosted a prayer retreat for Go Quickly and Tell as Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah ladies under the leadership of Overseer Rhoda Dewa. Our guest speaker was Overseer V Simbanegavi. The reading of Isaiah chapter 58 was very transformational as ladies took turns to read and to pour out. We had a total of 37 ladies present. We thank God for the great revival and ladies testified of how they were healed emotionally and being able to forgive. In the Dubai region, Pastor Melania Mutizwa, and the Go Quickly board also organised a retreat with Overseer Joylyn Rusere as the speaker. 76 Ladies attended. We extend our gratitude for the continuous support from the Headquarters and express our
heartfelt appreciation to our mother, Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti, and the vision given to our father Prof Ezekiel Guti for prayer retreats that contribute significantly to the spiritual growth and development of our members.

We want to thank the God of Ezekiel as Central Region of Canada as we met at the Ezekiel Guti National Centre in Edmonton. People came from Yellowknife, Calgary, Manitoba and other surrounding areas. Our main speakers were Overseers Dr. Francis and Sandra Madzivadondo. There was mighty deliverance and healing. We thank God for life changing teachings. The topics shared included Salvation, Church Doctrine, Decision making, Talents and others. 7 people received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. 6 people were water baptized, one of them started speaking in tongues as they were being water baptized. Total attendance was an average of 121 people a night and 23 gadgets were logged in on zoom. He is risen praise to be to the God of Ezekiel.
With hearts brimming with gratitude to the God of our father, we continue to witness His abundant blessings in Mauritius. We had a life transforming Resurrection Conference, which was also coupled with an Apostolic visit where we had Apostle Dr. Steve and Dr. La Verne Simukai as our speakers. Their visit commenced with a powerful leadership session on Thursday. Friday evening brought forth a transformative Passover experience, as the church was urged to speak boldly in faith. Saturday was equally impactful, witnessing 4 people receiving Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour, 15 baptised in the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues, several delivered, and joyous laughter in the Spirit. Resurrection Sunday resonated with the message of the indwelling resurrection power, resulting in 2 people being saved and 6 people committing to make FIF Mauritius their spiritual home. Our congregation swelled to 98 attendees, spanning across adults and children. We deeply appreciate and are sincerely grateful for your continued prayers.

Blantyre – We want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti, for affording our country to hold a Prayer Retreat from Friday the 22 March through Sunday the 24th of March 2024. We received from the HQ, District pastors Gift and Rachael Tembo, Pastors Rei and LaDonna Chigwenhembe. Elders Jaison and Irene Mafumbate and Elders Patrick, and Viola-Eunice Mbizvo. The provincial overseers Gladson and Alice Kanzeru had prepared two administrative prayer centres. Men were taught separately from ladies. Isaiah 58 was the centre of teaching. There was a pouring out session where many people poured out what was in their hearts. People testified the fulfilment they had after pouring out. Home talents were taught and the principles of business, partnering with God in tithing and. giving. Deliverance took place and many people were delivered from the spirit of poverty. Malawi will never be the same again.
We are grateful to the God of our Father, Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti , for giving us grace during the Easter Conference that was held from 28-31 March 2024 , hosted by the Youth Ministry. All the regions namely Rakops, Mmadikola, Orapa, Mmathsumu, Ebenezer and Ezekiel Centre gathered together in Letlhakane for the conference. Our guest speakers were Pastors Mighty and Ethanim Jack from Zimbabwe. The attendance ranged from 98 on Thursday to 174 on Sunday. The guest speakers taught powerfully and deliverance was ministered. 12 people received Jesus, 11 were filled with the Holy Spirit. Some testimonies :
A woman felt something coming out of her throat, while Pastor Etha was preaching.
A man with swollen legs got healed during the deliverance session.
A woman who was sick for a long time and not able to eat was prayed for and healed
Saturday afternoon, we had an interview that was streamed live on Facebook, whereby Pastor Etha was shedding more light on the life of the servant and Apostle of God. On Sunday we received a voice message from our father, Apostle Joseph Guti blessing the church at large.
We thank God for a great Easter revival in Nkulumane District, one of the earliest assemblies established in Bulawayo after Mpopoma, Pelandaba and Miracle Centre. The conference started slowly but picked up on Saturday with an attendance of 95 children and 150 adults, which swelled to 343 on Sunday. 11 people were saved, Holy Spirit-filled 22, and 24 were delivered from various conditions, including fearful dreams, anger and bitterness. Responding to the powerful word shared by Dr. Ken Mauye on purity of heart, 52 people were counselled in a faith clinic where deliverance continued. We thank God for the support of Overseers Maseko and host DPs Nettie and Pardon Makanda, who encouraged the youth to take leadership. Nkulumane will never be the same again.
With pride and gratitude we give thanks to God almighty, the God of our Father , Apostle Ezekiel Guti, for allowing Ascot Youth District in Gweru to host a top notch Easter conference. This superlative conference was made possible, with the blessings of our esteemed leaders DP W and N Sigauke. The conference was graced by the former Secretary General, Bishop Dr W and G Rupapa. They came with student pastors J and M Jazi. To say we were blessed is an understatement. We were indeed privileged to receive the profound teachings and divine insights from our esteemed guests. Topics covered include discipleship, soul winning, personal development, home talents ,prayer, giving ,holy spirit and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The attendance increased in every session we had ,Thursday evening there were 329 attendees and on Sunday it ranged from 650 to 700. On Saturday night we had the holy spirit session and there were 15 people who were filled by the holy spirit. We also had 9 people who received Christ as their personal savior. We extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the God of our Father for the resounding success of our Easter Conference. May we continually strive to walk in the light of his word and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, always giving glory to the God of our father, Apostle Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website
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This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for wisdom and revelation during the Elders Deeper Life Conference to be held this week. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the Elders Deeper Life Conference to be held from Monday April 1-6, 2024 at the Ezekiel Guti Convention Center, Harare, Zimbabwe. May God anoint the speakers and enable the elders to attend. Thanking God for journey mercies to and from the conference.
- Thanking God for the Easter/Resurrection Conventions held this past weekend in all our FIFMI churches worldwide, as we celebrated the risen Lord. Many souls came to the Lord.
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
- Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
- Thanking God for your nation.
Fear of God – we need to fear God. We have our father Ezekiel as the Job of today – he feared God. He showed us an example of a person who fears God. Everyone spoke about it even in world. He was blameless, upright before God and he feared God. He ran away from evil. You should also run away from evil.
Job 1:1 “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil”….God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] |
“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46