Apostles Update Week 13

by fifmi

April 9, 2024

Dear Friends,


The Harare Elders Deeper Life Leadership Conference, which took place in April 2024, under the theme “Practising to be true disciples who remain rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our church in unity, love, prayer, and the fear of God,” was a tremendous success, drawing an impressive attendance of 4,225 delegates. The conference was graced by the presence of international delegates from Europe, Australia, America, and other African countries. Speakers included our mother and senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti, our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti and our mother, Rev Nyasha M. Guti, Archbishop Drs. M. and P. Simao, Archbishop E. Z and Bishop P. Soko, Apostle Drs S. and L. Simukai, and Apostle M and Rev L. Nyambo.

In addition to the main speakers, several esteemed elders made valuable contributions to the event, ministering to the delegates.
All the speakers were mightily used by God. One of the significant highlights of the conference was the powerful message on deliverance from the spirit of poverty, passionately preached by our beloved mother Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti.

Lastly, our father emphasized the importance for elders to adhere to the visionary’s teachings and refrain from introducing new practices, in accordance with Philippians 4:9. He also explained the dangers associated with changing the vision. It is evident that the impact of this conference will forever transform Harare.


We thank the God of our father, E.H Guti, for leading the church in Slovakia. We continue to be revived in our spirits by both prayer and the sharing from our Sunday services as well as from our WhatsApp group. Sunday, 7 April 2024, recorded a powerful service hosted at Elders’ residences. The service was well attended, and the people testified the goodness of God in their lives even as we are in a foreign land. This week we kickstarted a new topic for our Bible study “The power of the blood of Jesus” as extracted from “Sunday Morning Lectures”. After the service, we had time to share food and get to know each other. We continue to see the hand of the God of Ezekiel in all our gatherings. The church continues to pray for a proper venue for our services.


We continue to see the mighty hand of God in Japan! For a fourth consecutive week, we received new members and visitors to our Sunday service. 3 new people joined us for the first time, and our attendance numbers are increasing—glory to God. We attended a powerful Easter conference hosted by the youth in China. We were truly blessed by all the activities and transformed by the Word. The youth and young adults of Japan also hosted their first-ever Sunday service. Two powerful preachers spoke about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and also about self-examination and cleansing of our hearts. The God of Ezekiel continues to show His faithfulness. We ask for your continued prayers for more souls, and a physical venue for our services. Thank you for your prayers and support.


We are grateful to the God of our father Apostle E.H. Guti, for awarding us the privilege of holding our first physical Easter Conference since the beginning of the COVID-19 era, on the 4th to the 6th of April. We held a powerful hybrid conference, with the physical event being held in Beijing and the online part on Zoom. The conference saw an average attendance of 49 adults and 7 children present physically and 15 devices that were logged in on Zoom. Youth members from other provinces managed to travel to Beijing for this momentous conference. The speakers for the conference, our National Pastors, Pastor Farai and Tsitsi Kupamhama ministered powerfully, and we experienced a great move and revival of the Holy Spirit with some receiving the baptism and speaking with new tongues. The youth also managed to meet on the second day for an outdoor activity at a park near the venue and enjoyed fellowshipping and learning from the servants of God. We praise God for a power-packed conference. In the previous week, the Ladies held their Online Prayer Retreat from the 28th to the 30th of March with the highest number of 30 people in attendance. Bishop Angeline Chabarwa was the guest speaker. She ministered powerful and soul-searching teachings, many were healed and delivered as they poured out their hearts to the Lord. We are so grateful for such a great Vision. We thank the God of Ezekiel for enabling us to host these powerful events. Thank you for your prayers.


Much progress has taken place in Germany and the Schengen region for the past five weeks since the arrival of the new missionaries. Leadership fellowship and training were held in Berlin. The Pastors cast the vision for Home Bible Churches and helped the leaders to create 3 vibrant Home Groups with each Elder leading his or her own. They also experienced a breakthrough after visiting the Zimbabwean embassy, a great door opened in Berlin to win souls for Christ. In the Hannover assembly, we had a powerful hybrid service with 9 adults and 2 children attending the physical service and about 37 families connecting from some nations around the Schengen on Zoom. There was baptism of the Holy Spirit, one lady began to speak in new tongues for the first time. A few ladies were also delivered from different spirits. We managed to set 3 Home Bible Churches, and backslidden members have started to slide back to fellowship in the groups. The Pastors also visited the Hamburg assembly, where a very educative couples fellowship was held. They continued to teach on leadership and then formed 3 Home Bible Churches. Great deliverance occurred when two women who were violently possessed were set free by the power of God. We are praying for the ability to rent venues in Hannover and the capital city Berlin, and more trips undertaken to reach out to all corners of Germany and the region. Thanking God for the success of new church structures set at National and Regional levels.


We want to thank the God of our Father Baba Guti for allowing us to hold our 2024 Resurrection Conference at our national center this past weekend from the 4th to the 7th of April. We saw a record-breaking attendance of over 260 people. Some people had given sacrificially to make sure that there were free buses to transport people from the different towns to attend. The conference was life-changing as we received teachings from our speakers which included; young preachers from the different assemblies, our Elder Knowledge Mwanyenyeka, and our Pastors the Mwales. 31 people received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, 43 people were baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and 14 registered their names to be water baptised. Many were delivered and healing took place. We also made a trip to Bible land according to Acts 13:4-5 to Salamis where Barnabas lived and where Apostle Paul preached. We were charged up to continue winning souls for Jesus and to follow in the footsteps of our father and mother Archbishops Ezekiel and Eunor Guti in soul-winning. Thank you for your continued prayers. ?


Ontario & Quebec – We thank the God of Ezekiel for a one-of-a-kind Easter Conference in the Province of Ontario and Quebec. Our main speakers were Pastors Joshua and Rejoice Kufaruwenga. The youth spearheaded the Conference and truly did a marvelous job. A number of them were greatly used as Forerunners. The Conference started on a high note and attendance was good from Thursday till Sunday. Deliverance night on Saturday saw the mighty move and hand of God in the auditorium and many were set free under the anointing.
Sunday Service culminated the Conference with an attendance of 250 people in person and 22 gadgets logged in through Zoom. 13 people received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. 15 people were water baptized. 3 babies were dedicated. There were workshops on Saturday and the youth went out for a fellowship after Sunday service. Praise be to the Lord and God of our Lord Jesus Christ.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for yet another blessed week. Our weekly activities continue ladies meet for Tuesday prayer, and we are grateful for the teachings of Pastor Fanuel, who imparted God’s word to us on Friday. On Sunday, the service was powerful. The Bible study was taught from the Sunday Morning Lecture on how to be an effective soul winner. It was an interactive session. We had four members who had not visited in a long time. It was with joy to be in service that one woman accepted Jesus Christ. We thank you for your prayers as you continue to pray for the construction of our building.


We thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for a powerful Sunday service in the FIFMI church in the Dominican Republic. The word was themed around the Holy Spirit and great deliverance took place. The church had been having a week of fasting and prayer for the leadership of the church. We pray for spiritual liberation in our leaders and members in the Dominican Republic, for a revival of souls, for finances to be able to open more assemblies, and for the missions office so that the God of our father Ezekiel Guti can send missionaries to the nations as the word of God commands in Matthew 28:19. We ask for prayer for a place for the new assembly in Pedro Brand.


Our weekly activities went on well and our Sunday service started with a powerful prayer and devotion. We were taught about the importance of home Bible study groups. Many powerful testimonies were shared, showing the hand of God in people’s lives. We were once again graced with our Guest Speaker Pastor Elizabeth Martinez. Her message was on “Treasures from Heaven in the Kingdom of God”. We had a total of 41 in person and 3 people on Zoom, including 3 visitors. We give God all the praise and glory for the good things in FIF Belize.


We give glory to the God of our father E.H Guti for His grace towards the FIF Qatar church. Go Quickly and Tell had a prayer retreat from 19-21 March where 15 ladies were logged online daily. Our speaker Pastor Christina Kagura was mightily used by God. We are grateful to the God of our father Ezekiel H. Guti for this vision of prayer retreat that is bringing transformation of lives. From the 27th to the 29th of March our youths hosted the Easter conference and were very excited to do almost everything by themselves, including bringing in the speaker from Abu Dhabi – UAE Elder Mbongeni Mpofu. The church gathered in their numbers physically and online as the speaker was mightily used by God to teach. Many were healed, lives transformed, and a great revival took place. The kids’ church had a presentation about what is Easter on the last day of our conference which brought joy and jubilation from the whole church. The youths ended with a fellowship at the Mission house with their speaker and electing the new board for 2024-2025. We give all the glory to the God of our Father for His favour upon the FIF Qatar church.


We want to thank the God of Ezekiel for his continued faithfulness in our nation. We had a phenomenal resurrection conference from the 29th to the 31st of March at Cameroon Highlands. Elders Clive and Rebeca Matumbu from Thailand were our guest speakers, who were mightily used by God during our conference. 38 adults, 3 visitors, 3 children were present, and 37 online viewers. The speakers taught powerfully and 4 were spirit-filled. On Sunday the 31st the service was colorful with all departments in uniforms and we finished the conference on a high note, Malaysia will never be the same again. We appreciate your prayers and support.


We want to thank the God of Ezekiel that we held prayer retreats as per the Go Quickly calendar. The retreats started with the much-anticipated life-changing Female Pastors Prayer Retreat where 14 Female Pastors converged from every corner of Australia to camp at the Ezekiel Guti Convention Centre in Minto Sydney and about 10 female pastors logged online from New Zealand, Solomon Islands and some who couldn’t make it from around Australia and the Islands. The prayer retreat started with a report from the team of female pastors that went to the 10 days Prayer Camp. Our mother of Australia Dr Dorcas Masaka was among the speakers, and she taught on Unity and Love. We also had Mama Bishop Muhwati who taught powerfully on Talents. In March we saw every state in Australia hosting their Women’s Prayer Retreats. The women were truly healed and set free. This year we saw an increase in number of more women and girls camping compared to the years before. We thank the God of Ezekiel for this vision that he gave our mother Archbishop Dr Eunor Guti. It’s yielding great results. We also want to thank the International Go Quickly Director Dr La-Verne for running with this vision and ensuring that it is implemented in the different states and nations.


We want to thank God for a power-packed Easter Conference. We had 2 Speakers sent by Bishop Masaka, Elder Victor Jaricha and Deacon Comfort Goko. They came with a clear assignment of Deliverance, Healing and Restoration in line with the completed work of Calvary and indeed was witnessed by all. 20 people gave their lives to the Lord throughout the conference. A bedridden lady, was brought to service by her friends from her house (just like the story of faith of 4 friends) on a chair, got an instant miracle and leapt out of her chair healed, and received Jesus and the Holy Spirit afterward. A Young man was delivered from the Spirit of infirmity, he hadn’t walked properly for 4 years, and he stood up straight for the first time. Many were delivered from tormenting spirits and were filled by the Holy Spirit. Resurrection Sunday was amazing, Elder Jaricha taught about understanding the church through books in the time of transition. All the church books brought from the Australia bookshop were sold. We finished Sunday learning about the Power of Resurrection and it was a great revival with a record attendance of 143 people, including many new people who had heard about the move of God, and most of them received Jesus Christ.


We thank God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His mighty intervention in the lives of believers in the Solomon Islands during Easter and for the two international speakers from Australia, Pastor Paul Chapfunya and Elder Tinos Masaka who were mightily used by God to touch the lives of people throughout the conference. In Guadalcanal Province of Honiara city, Elder Tinos Masaka was the main speaker with attendance ranging from 210 – 374. On Saturday evening we had a Holy Spirit session conducted and 15 people were filled with the Holy Spirit while many were refilled. Holy Communion was also conducted. 56 received Jesus Christ throughout the conference and 65 people were water baptised. Many people received their healing and deliverance.
For Temotu Province, Pastors George and Ellen were the speakers. Attendance was 66. 6 people received Jesus Christ and a Holy Spirit session was also conducted. In Makira Province, where Brother Moses Manu was the speaker 13 of them received Jesus and 12 people were baptized by Elder Richard. Pastor Paul Chapfunya was in Noro province, attendance reached 130. 6 people were born again, 10 were baptised with the Holy Spirit and 6 were baptized in water. Glory be unto Jesus.
Overseer Reuben Makosa and team managed to visit believers in Malaita province where a tribal demon that was causing some people to be mentally ill, some not to go to school, divorces of some married and divorce was cast out. Husbands and wives were sleeping separately for over 15 years but now the God of our father Ezekiel brought them together. Envoys who had been sent to the place faced a lot of attacks, some did not want our church in that territory but all the glory to the God of Ezekiel for the chief whom He raised to stand with our church. Great deliverance and healing took place. Attendance was 80 and 24 were baptized. About 37 of them came to Honiara for the Easter conference and they were full of excitement, and they received the Holy Spirit. Glory be to God of our father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness.


Abuja – we would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for His grace upon Abuja had a powerful Easter Conference from the 29th to the 31st of March. We managed to book a classroom at Gwagwalada (58km from Abuja Central) and we were camping there from Friday night to Sunday. Our sessions had an average of 45 people. We had powerful teachings and workshops on Saturday afternoon. Food was also shared from Saturday morning to Sunday after church. Our conference was graced by a Zimbabwean elder who has just relocated to Abuja from Maiduguri. Abuja is promising to grow fast, we are believing God for a proper place of worship, instruments, and a car. Thank you for your prayers and support.


The Namibian Child Evangelism (CE) Ministry hosted its 2nd national conference in Windhoek Namibia from the 22nd to the 24th of March 2024. The conference was graced by the international CE Directors Rev. Petros and Regina Dope as guest speakers. On Thursday the 21st, the international directors had a teachers’ seminar, 15 teachers were in attendance physically while many more joined on Zoom. The teachers were encouraged to soldier on and reminded of the importance of the CE ministry and the role of the teachers. On Friday the 22nd of March the conference started on a high note with 360 children in attendance coming from the 5 provinces and 1 District of the nation. The director taught powerfully about the need for both children and parents to understand the times that we are living in. Attendance continued to increase and on Sunday the 24th, 410 children were in attendance, 53 children gave their lives to the Lord, and many teenagers were delivered. The conference was spiced up with memory verses competitions and KMD dancing competitions bringing much joy to the children as they participated and also won some prizes for their performance. Indeed, Namibia CE Ministry will never be the same again to the glory of the God of our father Ezekiel.



Chipinge South province held a historic zonal single ladies conference from 29 to 31 March 2024. We are grateful to the God of our Father Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti for allowing us to have such a great conference with our international director Reverend C. Mhlandhla as the guest speaker. Our attendance ranged from 100 on the first day and reached over 150 on Sunday. The gospel is good news and she said how it be good news when you are in that situation. The gospel heals the broken hearted. She emphasized much on praying for our children. Elder Munyonga helped us with her testimonial teaching. Life-changing testimonies were shared on how the ministry is helping them. There were also times of pouring out which saw every member having time to share to the pastors who were there. We want to thank the God of our Father for the conference for it was a long-awaited answered prayer, praise be to God.


We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness as we witnessed the mighty move of God during the just-ended Easter Conference. The conference was dubbed ZOE LIFE Conference and it was led by the Youth Ministry under the leadership of DPs F and L Masendeke. Our Guest Speakers were Evangelist Adequate and Nqobile Maziriri. Attendance rose from 400 to a peak of 1455 on Sunday.106 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 141 were Holy Spirit filled and 30 were water baptized.
1 blind man was prayed for and received his sight.
5 people who were scheduled for operations were prayed for and set free.
1 man was prayed for and got a job miraculously.
A great number was delivered from various afflictions, and this brought a great revival to the church.
Glory to God.


As Turf District, Chegutu Province we thank the God of our father Apostle E.H Guti for a successful 2024 Passover Conference. We were very delighted to host the National Youth Directors, Overseers S and E Matsikenyere during the Passover Conference from 28-31 March 2024. The highest attendance was 429 on Sunday. The Church had a joyous ambiance to receiving powerful teachings. 8 people received Jesus as their Savior, 13 were water baptized and 25 were Holy Spirit filled. More than 50 people were delivered from diverse ailments like headaches, period pains, backaches and demon torment.


With pride and gratitude we give thanks to God almighty, the God of our Father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti, for allowing Ascot Youth District in Gweru to host a top-notch Easter conference. This superlative conference was made possible, with the blessings of our esteemed leaders DP W and N Sigauke. The conference was graced by Bishop Drs. W. and G. Rupapa. They came with student pastors J and M Jazi. We were indeed privileged to receive profound teachings and divine insights from our esteemed guests. The attendance increased from 329 to 700 on Sunday. On Saturday night we had the Holy Spirit session and 15 people were filled by the Holy Spirit. We also had 9 people who received Christ as their personal Savior.


On the 5th – 6th of April 2024, Pastors’ children in the Matebeleland Region of Zimbabwe gathered in Victoria Falls for a Get-together and Fellowship to kick start the April Sadop Get-togethers set for this month across the Nation. The events are building up to the Grand Sadop International Legacy Celebrations set for August this year. SADOPs gave powerful personal testimonial messages, encouraging each other to keep holding on to what we have been taught by our father. DP G Vhevha shared on Faith and also encouraged SADOPs on business and to be successful in all endeavours and said the role of SADOP is to pray for their parents. The event ended with a tour of the Victoria Falls and a fellowship. We give glory to God!

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for strengthening her throughout the Elders’ Deeper Life Conference held last week. Thanking God for wisdom and revelation during the Deacons’ Deeper Life Conference to be held this week. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the success of the Elders Deeper Life Conference held last week. Indeed God is watching over His church.
  4. Thanking God for the Deacons Deeper Life Conference to be held from Monday April 8-13, 2024 at the Ezekiel Guti Convention Center, Harare, Zimbabwe. May God anoint the speakers and enable the deacons to attend. Thanking God for journey mercies to and from the conference.
  5. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
  9. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
  10. Thanking God for your nation.


Fear of God – we need to fear God. We have our father Ezekiel as the Job of today – he feared God. He showed us an example of a person who fears God. Everyone spoke about it even in world. He was blameless, upright before God and he feared God. He ran away from evil. You should also run away from evil.
Job 1:1 “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil”….God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46

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