Dear Friends,
The South Africa Deeper Life Leadership Conference (Zone 1) was held from the 17th to the 20th of April at the national headquarters, Olifantsfontein. The theme of the conference was, ‘Practicing to be true disciples who remain rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our church in unity, love, prayer, and the fear of God.’ It was a success; with an attendance of over 1500 delegates from various provinces in South Africa, Lesotho, and Namibia. The conference was graced by our mother Archbishop Prof. Eunor Guti, our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, and our mother Pastor Miriam Nyasha Guti, and Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai who were our speakers as well as some Elders. Archbishop E.Z. and Bishop Prisca also attended. Our mother delivered a powerful message on how to teach Holy Spirit baptism, emphasizing that we must make sure that all believers are baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit. A powerful prayer session and ‘Faith Clinic’ was held on Friday from morning till late afternoon after teaching on salvation from our mother Pastor Miriam Nyasha Guti. We had the opportunity to celebrate the belated birthday of our Archbishop Eunor Guti. Our father Apostle Joseph Joe Guti Guti shared passionately on the importance of all leaders to be baptized in the Spirit of the church, the same Spirit that was upon our father Archbishop E.H. Guti. Saturday afternoon saw the capping of 12 student pastors from the AMFCC RSA Class of 2020 – 2022. The ‘12 disciples’ as our father affectionately called them, were capped by our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti. The afternoon also saw more than 250 children ascend the Red Carpet in honor of their contributions towards ODC Fund. Sunday 21 April was a Zonal Big Sunday that was attended by all members in Gauteng Province. More than 5000 people attended the big Sunday where our mother, the senior Archbishop Eunor Guti taught powerfully about the importance of the ODC Fund. Our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti also preached powerfully, where 79 people received Jesus Christ. South Africa shall not be the same again, now that both Elders and Deacons are equipped for His work!
We would like to thank the God of our father, Ezekiel Guti, for the great things that continue to happen in our nation of Poland. This year’s Easter Conference was hosted in Warsaw for the whole of Schengen Region. We received the missionaries, Pastors Blessing and Cleo Mutingwa two weeks ago, and God has been so good to us. We continue to see many young people coming to the Lord with a notable drastic increase in numbers of people attending church services. In Lublin, we have an average of 50 people attending church every Sunday and Warsaw with an average of 60 people. We’re so excited to let you know that last week, we saw the birth of a new assembly in Poznan, western Poland, with 8 people in attendance. We give all the glory to God. Hallelujah! We also thank God for the variety of spiritual activities that have taken place with our missionaries. We had a powerful national leadership seminar anchored on establishing and developing church growth through cell groups. The leaders gladly received the teachings, and we thank the God of our father that all three assemblies in Poland have now set up their cell groups and running with the vision. We also thank the God of our father for the great revival of our assemblies. We have seen many university students being healed and delivered through prayers and counselling. The BOT and GOQ forums and activities have kick started. We’re also thankful to God of our father for the Poland online Tuesday ladies’ prayer, which started last week, with 12 ladies in attendance. We thank God for bringing this seed to our nation. Many students, including families, are finding a place to call ‘home’ away from home. Many are being saved, healed, and delivered. Please continue to pray for us and the registration of our church in Poland.
The God of Ezekiel is doing wonders in Germany. A new Assembly has been born in South Germany which had its first physical service this past weekend. The Assembly comprised of mainly youthful members from Baden Württemberg (Stuttgart) and Bayern. The momentous occasion was hosted and planted by our Senior Pastors GTC and Sessie Mutsigwa who shared the vision and the mandate of the Church. He emphasised the fact that we should perpetuate the legacy that our Father Ezekiel Guti left, to extend the kingdom of God to the glory of His name. They also taught on growing a Local Church touching on topics like what people expect when they come to Church and not letting anyone despise our youth. Camping and launching from an AirBnB, from Friday to Sunday we had a total sum attendance of 35 adults, 9 children and over 45 online gadgets logged in. The planting was characterised by intense fellowship and a great time of receiving great teachings from ZAOGA FIFMI literature. Saints managed to have one on one sessions with the Pastors. Leaders also had fellowship and training on how to receive and care for new believers. A Jericho march was done to claim the city of Stuttgart for Jesus. All our assemblies in Berlin, Hannover and Hamburg registered an increase in attendance this weekend. Those who had stopped coming to church, returned to fellowship with us, reassuring their membership. Some testimonies:
One young man accepted Christ as his personal Saviour and 3 others rededicated their lives.
A lady was prayed for and healed from headache and stomachache.
2 ladies were delivered from violent demonic possession.
Others testified how they were empowered by the word.
One lady also thanked God about how morning glory prayer turned a decision around at work.
We thank God that Hannover Assembly got a new affordable venue this weekend
Continue to pray for us as we are now looking for a venue for our physical services in Stuttgart and Berlin. We have outgrown our small worship room in the Berlin. Pray for an affordable mission house most probably in the capital. Germany will never be the same again.
Abu Dhabi – We had a life-transforming Easter Conference which took place from the 11th to the 14th of April 2024. We had the honor of having powerful and anointed international guest speakers Bishop Dr. Tinashe Jabangwe and Overseer Dr. Lisa Jabangwe from South Africa. Our conference was held face-to-face with an average of 128 people in attendance and an average of 26 online viewers. On Saturday a Holy Spirit session was conducted and many people were baptized with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and others were refilled. God was at work during the conference and one of the members received her miracle, she received her residence visa after 4 months of waiting. On Sunday we had an attendance of 178 people and among the delegates, we had the Middle East Administrator and the Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the UAE. Bishop ended the conference by conducting deliverance session and also speaking the blessings of the Lord upon Abu Dhabi. People were revived and strengthened.
We are eternally grateful to the God of our father for His continued faithfulness in our nation of Thailand. This week was our week of celebrating Easter through the Passover Resurrection Conference. The conference ran from Thursday the 11th to Sunday the 14th of April with several local youth speakers and Pastors Shingi and Noma Moyana as the guest speakers. The speakers were used mightily to speak to our lives and encourage us. Pastor Shingi ministered deliverance through the teaching of the power in the blood of Jesus and Pastor Noma ushered us into the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Saturday evening and many were refilled and revived. Our conference concluded with the resurrection encouragement and assurance that Jesus came out of every life situation with us on resurrection day. Our highest attendance was 20 people onsite and 29 gadgets online. We had three visitors, a lady and young man who recently arrived from Zimbabwe and an Elder relocating from South Africa. What a power packed weekend, our lives were indeed transformed! Thank you for praying for us, as we pray for you.
We give all the glory and praise to the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness to us here in Nevis. We had a powerful session on the Holy Spirit where we saw believers being filled by the Holy Spirit especially the new believers. We are truly thankful for the teaching of God’s word that our Pastor Dr. Robert Chirima is giving us. Glory to God. All our weekly activities continue. Last week on Easter Monday the whole church had an outing by the beach. Ladies had their High tea. Glory be to God. Please continue to pray for us here in Nevis.
We give God all the praise for all that He continues to do in the Cayman Islands church. On Friday 12 April, 2024 Bishop Caleb Mashushire arrived in the Cayman Islands for a short missions trip till Monday 15th April 2024. He arrived in a season when the church was supporting and comforting one the families that had lost a sister and interceding for healing for some of the church members. During his visit, he ministered to various members of the church. This Sunday 14 April, 2024 we had 58 people in attendance including 3 visitors. The Bishop encouraged the church that whatever the enemy meant for evil, the Lord will turn it around for good. Additionally, the church was invited to participate in a missions conference and a night of fellowship this Sunday evening and they set a booth for Forward In Faith Ministries. We thank God for all that He continues to do in the Church and ask that you continue to pray for the Cayman Islands church that God will open doors for the growth of the church.
We thank the God of Ezekiel for yet another blessed week. Our weekly activities continue and ladies meet for Tuesday prayer. Bible study was taught by Student Pastor Patrick about the History of our church from the book History of ZAOGA as we are preparing for the Anniversary Celebrations. We are receiving visitors, one of them a Zimbabwean from the medical school of Guyana who was connected to our Pastor through someone and one person received Jesus Christ. Pastor Fanuel preached about the Kingdom of God using the books Hidden Treasure and Preach the Kingdom. People were prayed for and there was great deliverance. Thank you for your prayers as you continue to pray for the construction of our church building.
Belize City – Our weekly services went on well, for Wednesday Bible study service 7 people were present with 13 gadgets logged on zoom. We are learning the importance of home Bible study also known as Cell groups, explaining what it does for us and how we get to know each other through fellowship. On the Friday night service Pastor Victory shared on how living a life of prayer and fasting along with reading the word, gives us power and authority to cast out demons. 8 people attended, and 10 gadgets were logged in. Sunday service we started with a time of refreshing through songs, setting the atmosphere for a powerful devotion. Bible study was followed by the word, which was shared by Elder Rose Brown, just back from Zimbabwe. Her message was on “Sanctification”. This was one of the topics shared at the Elders conference in Zimbabwe. Encouraging us to live our lives differently from the world. A total of 58 people were present, with 1 visitor. God is doing a new thing in our midst, in our lives, in our Assembly. Praise the Lord! During the week four people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, two in Dangriga and two in Belize City.
We thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for a powerful week of prayer and fasting in the Dominican Republic. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was felt with great liberation by both the children and adults. Four people received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. They joined the FIFMI ministry in the Dominican Republic. Glory to God and we ask for prayer for the growth of the church in the Dominican Republic.
Here, we are witnessing the manifestation of the God of Ezekiel in remarkable ways. The power of God is moving mightily; the sick are being healed, and prophecies are being revealed, filling our hearts with joy and awe. Under the guidance of Evangelist Takesure and Faith Matthew, the church has experienced a revival like never before. Their passionate leadership has ignited a fire within the congregation, and the church is alive with renewed fervor and dedication. Evangelist Takesure Matthew continues to impart the wise teachings passed down to us, offering a beacon of hope to all saints. His profound insights have deeply impacted our faith journey, and we are grateful for their guidance. Moreover, the pastors are deeply connected with the youth, nurturing and empowering them to become strong leaders in their own right. Truly, it’s an outpouring of God’s love here in Gujarat, India, and we are humbled to witness His mighty works. With blessings and gratitude, Gujarat, India.
The work of God is rapidly growing in state of Punjab, recently we had an open air Easter conference for three days. People from all the corners of Punjab came to attend the conference and stayed at place called Zira where pastor James and Seema Gilchrist are residing. The God of our father powerfully used to all the speakers. Attendance was 250, 18 people gave their lives to Jesus, 23 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit, there was great joy. All international students were refreshed as they participated in soul wining and deliverance session. There were so many testimonies as the Holy spirit touched so many people’s lives. After service we had fellowship together. We thank the God of our father Father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness. Keep praying for India, we believe all things are possible.
We continue to celebrate the goodness of the God of our father in the island nation as we appreciate the much-needed presence of the pastoral team, namely Overseers Tafadzwa and Tinotenda Vhurinosara – who are nourishing us with the Word of God and strengthening us in the doctrine. Our Sunday and midweek services are continuing well as we have welcomed 2 new members in the past weeks. We are witnessing mighty ministrations on a regular basis and particularly in the last couple Sundays where several people were healed after a powerful word from the servants of the Lord. By the grace of God, all our Sunday services are being characterized by subsequent moments of fellowship with one another. The home visitation programme is intensifying as the servants of the Lord have already graced several households, praying with the saints and admonishing each and every one to continue in the grace of God.
This past week we commenced the Friday weekly evening prayers online and we had ten devices connected. We witnessed a powerful ministration of the Word and we are excited in anticipation of more of these powerful services in the future as our church grows from strength to strength. We appreciate the prayers of the whole church and we are believing for locals to embrace this seed of Forward in Faith.

We thank the God of our father, Professor E.H Guti for affording us to host a powerful Child Evangelism Conference in the NORTH East Province (Francistown), under the leadership of Overseers Tapiwa and Abigail Zhou. The conference theme was Training up a child in this Digital era, which ran from the 12th to the 14th of April 2024. The guest speakers for the event were former National Child Evangelism ministry administrators and current Zone 6 CE pastors in Masvingo, Pastors E and S Chijena, who were accompanied by Elder Chiware, CE superintendent and a seasoned nurse. The attendance was averaging 110 children and more than 10 CE teachers. They taught powerfully on a range of subjects critical to our children starting from Salvation, drug abuse, adolescence and sexual health, raising a God fearing child in this generation. A total of 21 children were Holy Spirit baptized and 51 rededicated their lives to Jesus, glory to God!! Many children were delivered as well. We are grateful unto the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for such a ministry as we continue moving forward in God’s grace.
We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel for the successful Zone 1 Deeper life Conference, held from 16th to 20th April, 2024 at Ezekiel Guti International Revival Centre (Kabwata). The main speakers being Bishops Washington and Gertrude Rupapa, Elder Solomon and Tsitsi Sithole and other local speakers. There were about 377 leaders in attendance and people were delivered. The topics taught includes; Discipleship, Salvation, Importance of prayer, Talents, Duties of Elders and Deacons and Principles of Giving, deliverance and many more. We give Glory to the God of our father Ezekiel for such a wonderful conference as we continue to pray for other upcoming Zonal deeper life conferences to be held from 23rd to 27th April 2024.
We are thankful to the God of Ezekiel for granting us favour to host our International Go Quickly Director Dr. La- Verne Simukai in Manicaland Zone. The auditorium was fully packed with an attendance of 1218 ladies from Buhera, Nyanga, Chipinge, Dangamvura and Mutare Provinces. There was so much joy as Provinces took turns to testify on home talents and choir presentations were done also. We are thankful to the team for the powerful testimonies that really revived the ladies in mighty way. Our director shared a life transforming word in season on prayer of a righteous woman, giving testimonies of how our father eschewed evil and became a blessed man. She encouraged us to continue with Isaiah 58 until Christ is formed in us. 5 ladies gave their lives to Christ. Over 100 people were filled with the Holy Spirit and many ladies were delivered from the spirit of unhappiness and the whole auditorium was filled with spirit of laughter. We are thankful to the God of Ezekiel for the Director’s visit, surely our lives are not going to remain the same again.
Seke Central
Under the leadership of Overseer D & A Masunda and Pastor F Kambudzi as provincial CE pastor we held a provincial intermediate conference on 12-14 April with Pastor P Marikopo as our speaker with 65 children in attendance of ages ranging 6 to 11 years. She taught on Salvation, Fear of God, Grooming and Etiquette, Holy Spirit and Deliverance. 20 children received Christ as their Savior, 15 were Holy Spirit filled and 8 were delivered. We had activities such as horse riding, photo shoot and ice-cream eating, the children really enjoyed the conference and their lives were transformed by the word. All the glory is given to the God of Ezekiel who gave Ezekiel the vision of catching them young. Seke Central province CE will never remain the same.
We thank of our Father Apostle E.H Guti for a powerful All-Night prayer service held at Norton City International Christian Centre on the 17th of April 2024. Over 500 people from various places across Zimbabwe and South Africa attended this occasion. Evangelist Mark Mariya preached about breaking the spirit of poverty. Deliverance started taking place during Praise and Worship and Preaching Time. And 15 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Almost everyone present was prayed for and 71 manifested and were delivered from the spirit of poverty. 19 people testified being healed from various ailments. One testified that their Father sold over 380 cattle to get medical assistance from various medical doctors and traditional healers but to no avail. He was completely healed when they visited ZAOGA Norton City as a family and prayed for by the Evangelist with the only price being the teaching and pleading the blood of Jesus. And of those who received Christ, 3 were baptized the following morning. Glory be to God of our Father Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti for such a powerful manifestation.
The on-going SADOP fellowships and Get-together rolled into Mashonaland East on the 18th of April. The gathering had over 60 SADOP at Chiparahwe Dam view resort near Marondera. Our Director, Overseer D. Guni encouraged us to love one another, to obey and work side by side with our Parents, to be be a blessing to the church and the community. He further encouraged SADOP to work hard using their talents( Matarenda )as has been taught by our Father Archbishop E.H Guti. The event ended with a lot of activities such as canoeing, Quad biking, Zip lining, ball games, swimming among other sports. These fellowships are leading us to our Grand SADOP International Legacy Celebrations set for August this year. To God be all the glory.
As ZAOGA On Campus(ZOC) MSU Gweru under UGF Ministry, are grateful to the God of Ezekiel for allowing us to organize an impactful word festival from the 18th to 21st April where 34 people gave their lives to Christ . The conference was themed “Raising true disciples on Campus” ,through the guidance of our DPs Trust and Gladys Musiyiwa and Advisors, Elders P and M Kuzomunu. Attendance ranged from 169 to 445 people. Pastor Prosper Gwenjere, our UGF chairman Elder Abraham Phiri, secretary Deacon P. Muleiwa were the speakers and on Sunday the occasion was graced by our UGF Director Apostle Dr. A and F Gudyanga. We saw signs and wonders as 60 people were delivered from various sicknesses and addictions, including those who suffered headaches and high blood pressure, to mention a few. Many people were helped and delivered during the faith clinic. We also had the move of the Holy Spirit where 10 people were filled with the Holy Spirit, and over 50 were edified in the spirit and received new tongues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Apostle Gudyanga then closed with a word of blessing. We thank the God of Ezekiel, for He continues to show His, great love towards us.
Hwange & Binga
Zone 9 Deeper life conference took place from the 8th to 13th April. A total number of 382 delegates attended the conference. An international flavor was added to the conference with 3 delegates coming from Botswana. Our guest Speakers were the National Administrator of Namibia Overseer P & T Mutumbwa, Evangelist R. Munhenzva, Elder Stella Takarova, in addition to the main Speakers we had local Speakers who included Overseer T. Msiza, Overseer S. Reuben, Elders and Deacons. We also had notable Speakers who included the District Medical Officer for Hwange District and a local Advocate who touched on health and legal issues. All the Speakers were mightily used by God, a great ministering and impartation and deliverance from the spirit of poverty. Highlights of the conference saw several people being spirit filled and about 40 people were delivered from witchcraft induced illnesses. One testified how she was healed from demonic afflictions. Indeed Zone 9 will never be the same again, as we concluded the conference, we received the closing remarks and the closing prayer from our Father Apostle Joseph Joe Guti.
Maungwe – Buhera
We are grateful to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for a powerful life transforming Zone 16 Deeper Life 2 Leadership Conference held from the 8th to the 13th of April 2024 at Mabvazuva Local Mother Church in Rusape with average attendance of 450 delegates. Our guest speakers Apostle Dr. Atoria and Rev. Florence Gudyanga together with Elders Shepherd and Chido Chatsakama were used of God as they taught powerfully the Word of God using baba’s books. Several other local speakers were added to the team of speakers including Buhera province resident Bishop Madzivanyika who graced the conference. 46 leaders re-dedicated their lives to Christ and 88 were delivered from various demonic attacks while others were healed from chronic diseases such high blood pressure and diabetes . On Saturday, the last day Apostle Atoria Gudyanga spoke on Faith quoting from baba’s books. There was great move of the Holy Spirit. Apostle prayed for every delegate during a session of impartation. Leaders were greatly revived.
777 Delegates converged for the Zone 6 Deeper Life conference with Apostle M Nyambo and Pastor L Nyambo as the main speakers alongside local speakers. One unique speaker was a young lady a ZEGU student who rose from poor background and even worked for school fees to the extent of buying a personal vehicle. Indeed, the God of Ezekiel is doing wonders. Evangelist A. Mavhunga ministered and about 300 people received their deliverance. Pastor D Mabvuramiti was also in attendance, and he encouraged the delegates to support the Deliverance Explo which will be held in Bindura soon. Directors from different ministries visited including Dr. Mlambo who encouraged leaders to enrol with the AMFCC Part Time. Our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and Pastor Miriam N Guti graced the conference. He highlighted that Baba Guti did not go with his God, but he left us a big God. There was great move of the Holy Spirit as the Apostle blessed the congregants and the conference ended with the Holy communion.
As we celebrated the unique legacy of our father, the Patriarch, the visionary, founder/President of ZAOGA FIFMI, Archbishop Professor E.H Guti. Zone 32 under the leadership of Overseers M & H Maturure experienced God’s immense visitation throughout their Deeper Life conference. Every speaker did us the justice of using books written by our own Father, Apostle and Archbishop E. H.Guti . On Saturday night many were delivered from different demon attacks and diseases. We had powerful speakers: Bishops Moses & Shirley Mlambo, DPs S & R Mbizvo and Elders F and F Makwenje. Attendance ranged from 460 – 475 people, it was so encouraging since it was our 2nd Deeper Life conference. Truly the God of our father E.H. Guti is not yet done with us, he has a lot to show us which he promised to his servant. We finished off with a Provincial Big Sunday where all the believers joined the leaders and were blessed by the Bishop.
Zone 25 leadership with a turnout of over 600 delegates at City Mother Local Church also had their Deeper Life. We dined on the table of the Lord from different local speakers, Our Bishop Chiweshere, Overseer Mlambo, the Secretary General Apostle Mischael Nyambo and Pastor Letticia Nyambo were panel beating us to be good, admirable and righteous leaders. Evangelist James Mtizwa and Mama Mtizwa ministered prophetic messages and led us into the area of deliverance and a lot of leaders were delivered from the works of the devil. Apostle Nyambo led all leaders into a prayer of repentance to start afresh as new, improved, revived and better leaders saying, “ZAOGA needs you…” Glory to God.
Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website
You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for refreshing her after the RSA zone 1 Deeper Life Conference held last week. Thanking God for strengthening her throughout the Chitungwiza Deeper Life Conference to be held this week. . Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the success of the Chitungwiza Deeper Life Conference to be held this week. May God anoint the speakers and enable leaders to attend
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
- Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
- Thanking God for your nation.
God blessed Joseph because of the fear of God and the covenant. Joseph ran away from sin and left his jacket with portiphar’s wife.
The fear of God made Joseph to inherit the covenant that was made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Even in prison the blessing followed Joseph. He interpreted the Baker and butler dreams. The Covenant benefits worked because of the fear of God that he had.
Joseph was made second in command due to the covenant that was made with his father, grandfather, great grandfather ….God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] |
“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46