Dear Friends,
The Chitungwiza Elders and Deacons Deeper Life Leadership Conference 2024 was held from the 22nd to 27th of April with a massive and explosive Big Sunday on the 28th of April, under the theme; Practicing to be true disciples who remain rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our church in unity, peace, prayer and the fear of God. It was an enormous success with an attendance mounting up to 1269. The conference was graced by delegates from South Africa, amongst others. Conference speakers included Senior Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti, our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti and our mother Rev. Miriam Nyasha Guti, Apostle M. and Rev. L. Nyambo, Bishop Dr. J Mangiza and other speakers including young preachers (Deacons and Elders) from various provinces and districts. Our mother delivered a powerful message on fellowship saying that we get to know the problems of the church members through fellowships. A powerful prayer session and ‘Faith Clinic’ was held on Thursday from morning till late afternoon. Archbishop Eunor Guti shared passionately on the Kingdom of God; and how it has to be enjoyed by us right here on earth. Our Father Ezekiel Guti was blessed to bless a lot of people so they come out of poverty. By virtue of this, we are urged to stay in the Kingdom so that we enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom. Our Mother herself taught about how to receive the Holy Spirit to those who were not speaking in tongues and 389 were filled by the Holy Spirit, amongst them the highest number was the youth. Our Senior Arch-Bishop Mother Eunor Guti encouraged the zone to be united in order to construct the Zonal Centre, surely because of her encouragement by this time next year the Zone is geared to commence as early as yesterday the construction of the steel structure for our Zone. After a powerful sermon from our father Apostle Dr Joseph Guti, 39 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Glory be to the God of Ezekiel.
Lastly the church of tomorrow the youth were invited by our father to the podium and there was great joy and that has made our youth feel a sense of being loved, cherished and CHITUNGWIZA will never be the same again, there is great transformation that took place on such a powerful conference.
We thank the God of our father E.H. Guti, for leading the church. We continue the weekly services and in addition some of our ladies join the big Tuesday prayer in the USA. As the work continues in Guyana, we see the movement of prayers. On Friday the church gathered for service. Sunday service we had a great Bible study from the History book followed by a powerful interactive session on knowing your church. The church was encouraged to pray without seizing as we approach the anniversary celebrations. There was one visitor. We thank you for your prayers as you continue to pray for the construction of our building.
Glory to the God of our Father Apostle Ezekiel Guti. Here in Barbados we’re just giving thanks to the God of our Father who hears the prayers of His people. During the week we welcomed our Bishop all the way from the United Kingdom Bishop Jonathan and Greater Chikwawawa and Pastors James and Hazel Leacock who were in Zimbabwe for 4 years and in Belize for 1 year now to be received here in Barbados their home town as our full time Pastors. The Leadership met on Saturday and Bishop Jonathan taught us the importance of having Pastors who will shepherd us. Our Sunday Service was indeed powerful in attendance were, 20 adults, 9 children. Our Bishops presented Pastors James and Hazel Leacock to the congregation as our New Pastors what a wonderful time that was. Bishop Chikwawawa preached powerfully on “practicing to be true disciples”, to God be the glory. A few believers testified of God’s grace and providence in their lives. We are thankful to the God of our Father, we are seeing good things happening in our church, please continue to pray for us.
We want to thank God who allowed us to have Pastors James and Hazel Leacock of Barbados who have been at our Mango Creek Independence Assembly and have now been sent on a new assignment. Weekly activities went on well. Friday God’s presence was with us as Elder Pearl led in corporate prayer mightily. Saturday’s Go Quickly session dubbed Wise Woman and her Family in Belize City was attended by 17 ladies and followed by a time of fellowship with food. Our Sunday service, Bible study was from the Sunday Morning Lectures taught by Elder Orin. Elder Jeanette shared the word on the right way of giving to the Lord. Pastor Helen, who is in the Independence Mango Creek Assembly taught on Treasures in His Kingdom. 7 youths, some who were coming because of their parents and guardians, personally accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. In Punta Gorda Pastor Diane delivered a powerful message on the theme of character and a man received Christ. After a jail visit by our Pastors on Prison family day, two people at the Belize Central prison (Kolbe Foundation) and total of 11 people accepted Jesus as their Lord. In our nation we had 70 people in attendance of services. We continue to thank the God of Ezekiel for His goodness and mercy upon us here in Belize, the Forward in Faith international family special prayers for us. To Him we give all the glory for what He has done, He is doing and continues to do in fulfillment of the Vision.
We thank the God of our father for a Big Revival Weekend with Senior Pastors Chris and Sessy Mutsigwa, and the resident Pastor – Pastor Ester Ziel in Enschede. On Friday evening, the Senior Pastors took time to visit some 8 believers praying for them and encouraging them. On Saturday, believers converged from across the country for a Barbeque fellowship which was preceded by a leader’s fellowship with 10 leaders and potential leaders. Senior Pastor Chris taught about understanding the purpose for which God made everyone of us to be here. 40 people (26 adults and 14 kids) attended the Barbeque fellowship and there was great joy among the believers as they ate together. The Senior Pastors took time to talk to many believers one on one, getting to know them more. In the evening, we had a service with about 15 people. On Sunday, 34 people attended including Pastors Dirk and Aquinata de Haas. The Senior Pastors appointed new Elders and Deacons and a leadership structure for the Enschede Assembly. Afterwards they taught about the importance of church history, doctrine and pattern in everything, especially regarding grasping the vision and direction of the church. Many people had time to be prayed for on different issues. We had a great fellowship after the church service which was filled with joy. We thank God for this, and we believe that our nation will never remain the same.
The Young Generation Conference took place from 19th to 21st April 2024 at Cefn Lea, Wales. Approximately 150 young people between the ages of 10 and 15 attended from 8 provinces across the UK, in addition to the young attendees, there were 26 teachers, 4 speakers, and about 6 friends of the ministry present. The conference featured powerful speakers: Pastor Burke (Our CE Director), Pastor Blessing Mutingwa, Pastor Lisa Dongo, Elder Shumirai (National CE Chairman) and forerunners from amongst the young people themselves. The conference covered a wide range of topics relevant to the young generation such as Salvation, Holy Spirit: a powerful session where 100 young people were filled with the Holy Spirit, Deliverance, Bullying and Mental Health. The young participants engaged in various activities such as sports, hiking, talent show and Kingdom Music and Dance Sessions. An astounding 90% of the young attendees made a commitment to Christ during the conference. Their newfound faith promises to shape their lives positively. A testimony from a young person: “…I was really blessed and had a great time, I wish we had these conferences every 2 months”. This it seems is a sentiment most of the young people shared. The Forward in Faith Ministries UK Young Generation Conference exemplified the transformative power of faith, community, and joy. Glory to Jesus.

MOI – We thank God for our Middle East Men of Integrity (MOI) prayer retreat which was held on 25 and 26 April. All FIF Middle East Regions Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Ras Al Khaima, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were logged on to the zoom platform. A total of 70 devices were logged on the zoom platform on day 1 and day 2 saw a total of 67 devices logged on. Some men gathered physically together in one place and were fellowshipping during the two days of the prayer retreat. We were highly blessed to have Overseer Dr. Winston Jaricha as our speaker for the two days. We had time of reading the word with guiding scriptures Isaiah 58 and Psalms 51, a devotion session of pouring out and seeking repentance in prayer. Overseer Dr. Jaricha taught on the importance of men to lead, prayer (men to pour out), continue in the teachings of our father EH Guti, repenting from sinful habits, burden of soul winning more men into the kingdom of God, home talents, giving and partnering with God. He also encouraged all regions to have proper MOI structures and adhere to all the decrees from Jerusalem. After the teaching sessions we also had faith clinic and men were delivered. May the God of our father EH Guti continue working in our lives so that we live according to Isaiah 58 and that Middle East MOI continues to grow walking in the teachings of our father as men.

Douala – Praises unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. Great joy is in the city Douala, as the church welcomed missionaries, Pastors Major and Rupo Nyamukuvhengu on Saturday. On Sunday we had a power packed service as our Pastors began to teach on prayer during Bible study and the history of ZAOGA Forward in Faith. In attendance were 42 people (20 adults, 22 Children, 2 were visitors). 2 people gave their lives to Christ. We have a lady who was prayed for and got delivered and was healed from back pain, and a brother who had knee pain that had been troubling him for a long time got healed totally. One person who has been attending services together with us decided to fully commit to become a FIF member and he also gave his life to Christ. We continued with our culture of fellowship after the Sunday service. We continue to extend our need for prayers for church registration.

Marrakech – We thank the God of our Father Apostle E.H. Guti, for sustaining the church in Marrakech. Our 4 in-person home bible cell groups are continuing with good attendance. We also conducted several online meetings during the week, including the ladies’ Tuesday prayer, Wednesday Bible Study, and Friday Prayer. We had a powerful service on Sunday with a total of 31 attendees. There was great joy as 4 believers were baptized in water after the service.
Casablanca – We give glory to the God of our Father, Apostle E.H. Guti, for enabling one of our Deacons to attend the Deeper Life conference in Harare with the support of the missions office. It was a life-changing experience, and the church was greatly encouraged by the teachings given during the feedback session. Last Saturday, we conducted a worship service with 20 attendees. There was great joy as the church came together in praise and worship. Our Sunday service had an attendance of 7 adults.
We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel for the successful Zones 2-5 Deeper life Conference, held from 23rd to 27thApril, 2024 in various Zonal centers, Eastern zone in Chipata, Northern zone in Kasama and Copperbelt Zone in Kitwe. The main speakers being our short-term missionaries Pastor Biggy Muneri, Pastor Johnson Mashayanyika, National Administrator, Reverend Godfrey Chipoya and other local speakers. There were about 14 leaders who were born again in Eastern zone, a total of more than 30 leaders received baptism in the Holy Spirit, and many people were delivered. We give Glory to the God of our father Ezekiel for such wonderful conferences as we continue to thank God for other upcoming events of Anniversary Celebrations.
We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel H. Guti for such an auspicious and momentous Kairos Moment of Miracles that was held on 26 April 2024 at ZEGU. The Holy Spirit was in our midst as Pastor Trymore Konye was ministering and he was mightily used of God. It is candid to state that, ZEGU VIBRANT CHURCH witnessed the unprecedented power of God on this day. A myriad of uncommon miracles were witnessed, cancerous patients (breast and womb) were prayed for and told to seek medical examination to confirm their healing, restoration of marriages and finances. Angels were ministering to individuals in mysterious ways which cannot be explained. The Kairos Moment of Miracles had an astounding attendance of over 500 people. 20 people gave their lives to Christ. We appreciate the prayers and guidance we receive from our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and our mother Archbishop Professor E Guti.
We thank the Lord God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the grace of launching the first ever Adolescence Conference in Chivhu province from the 24th to 26th of April at Chivhu Local Mother Church, focusing on Teenagers from 10 -18yrs. We are so thankful to Overseer Cook for working hard for the success of this first launch. The international Children’s Church Director Pastor P and R Dope were the main speakers alongside Pastor Gonyora, Pastor Masotcha and other facilitators from the Police, Correctional service, Hospital and Social services. Attendance reached 260 with 130 children repenting and some rededicating their lives to God. One on one sessions were also conducted and children had time for confessions and being prayed for. 83 children were delivered from evil spirits including Satanism. We thank God that the conference was a great success. We so thankful to our Mother Archbishop Professor E. Guti the visionary for her burden of equipping our teenagers with knowledge.
As we continue to celebrate the Legacy of our father, we want to thank God for enabling us as Gweru to hold a power packed and life changing Child Evangelism Intermediate Conference (6-10 years old) with Pastors C and R Mapunga as speakers. 105 children between 6-10 years old gathered from 23-24 April. 65 souls came to Christ at this Conference. Some Children were delivered from Satanism, spiritual husbands, witchcraft and various diseases. Indeed, our children will never remain the same again.
Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website
You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for refreshing her after the Chitungwiza zone Deeper Life Conference held last week. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the success of the Chitungwiza Deeper Life Conference held last week.
- Thanking God for the events that will be held on E.H. Guti day, May 4 in all the FIFMI churches. May this be a time of celebration and revival.
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
- Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
- Thanking God for your nation.
We need to understand the kingdom of God. When Adam sinned dominion was taken away. 1 John 5:19. “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” The system of the world is controlled by the enemy. That system will not allow you to prosper, or do anything. God brought His Son Jesus Christ with the kingdom of God which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. When you are in the kingdom, you live in the real world but you are not affected by the system of the world…..God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] |
“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46