Apostles Update Week 18

by fifmi

May 14, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI!!


There was great joy in Chipinge Province on 8 May 2024, where we witnessed a great visitation of grace. God has been gracious to us Chipinge Province. Indeed, we have seen the hand of God and His faithfulness in the unfolding of the vision of ZEGU Chipinge campus through a groundbreaking ceremony. The saints were eagerly waiting for such a season of having ZEGU in our Province. We were excited to receive our mother the Senior Archbishop Prof. Eunor Guti, our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and our mother Pastor Nyasha Miriam Guti, the HQ Bishops, Bishop S. Masaka from Australia, a delegation from ZEGU including Professor Chirisa, the Acting Vice Chancellor and ZAOGA Schools Department. Though the event was on short notice, we are happy to report that 456 people including government officials and others from our Town Council and Rural District Council attended the ground-breaking ceremony. There was joy when our mother delivered her speech explaining the Legacy, the vision of ZEGU, the importance of education, the importance of home talents, and Kingdom Partnership. Other presenters also took turns in support of the vision through solidarity speeches. The District Development Coordinator of Chipinge received the ZEGU vision on behalf of the government.

It was an emotional moment when different delegates starting with our mother, the Senior Archbishop Prof. Eunor Guti, took turns in participating in the groundbreaking ceremony using a pick and a shovel signaling that the vision has to commence implementation. For Chipinge, it was a double honour to partake in the same grace as we have started building Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti Christian Secondary School as a Province. It was a prophetic and relevant visitation. We are glad that we have two (2) government officials who gave their lives to Christ after being ministered to by our mother Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti. Glory to God! Chipinge will never be the same again.


We continue celebrating the lives and legacy of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti. Sadly, we lost the mother of student pastor Janis who was buried on Saturday. On Sunday, the church was on fire. The praise and worship was powerful. We had the Glory Carriers Dance Group, which met with our pastors two weeks before the anniversary. As they were invited to come and celebrate with us on our anniversary, they volunteered to come and minister. After the service, they were so blessed that they promised to come back again despite their distance from our church. We had 6 visitors. We also had KMD and choirs. The history book was read. The word was ministered by Pastor Fanuel Faith. Holy Communion was followed by fellowship. We thank you for your prayers. as you continued to pray for the construction of our building.


Our weekly activities went on well. Friday to Sunday marked the three-day Anniversary program of our 64th anniversary celebration of FIFMI globally. A video of the history narrated by Apostle Eunor was watched as she shared how God opened the doors for churches to be planted in different countries and states globally. Pastor gave a word of encouragement on how important it is to know your history and its benefits. Attendance was 15 gadgets logged in. On Saturday, we continued a walkathon practicing a healthy lifestyle as taught, one assembly had a time of evangelism in the neighborhood around the church witnessing and inviting people to church and 2 people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In the evening, we watched the conclusion of the history of FIF by Apostle Eunor Guti, got to hear the history of FIF Belize, and were able to watch pictures of when the Apostles cleaned and refurbished the bar to become a church. Sunday Celebration service was done, testimonies were given followed by a march to our Church in Belize City. We had a great time of singing and dancing leading to worship, the Holy Spirit took over and people were, prayed for healing and deliverance took place. Our celebration concluded with a time of fellowshipping, and giving of gifts as we acknowledged Mother’s Day and had fellowship sharing food. In attendance were 58 people. We ask the FIFMI family to pray for a bigger Van, especially any 18-seater and above to be able to carry people to our services as our 7-seater van has become too small, finances to build a church in Independence Village and a place of worship in Punta Gorda.


We thank God for all church members in the Cayman Islands and for all He continues to do in our lives. Cell groups met on Friday for the weekly bible study meetings in the respective venues. This Sunday 12 May 2024 was a special Sunday as we were celebrating 64 years of Forward in Faith ministry as well as Mother’s Day. In attendance, we had 48 people (12 men, 19 women, and 17 children). The church celebrated 64 years of Forward in Faith Ministry and Mother’s Day in the church. After that the children’s ministry did a special Mother’s Day presentation and gave the mother’s gifts. We continue to ask that you stand with us as we pray for the Cayman Islands church, that the church will grow in the knowledge of God’s word, and that God will open doors for the growth of the church. Additionally, we pray for our Leaders, that the Lord will guide them and direct them as they advise and minister to the church.


We had a wonderful Service today, we had celebrations for the Anniversary of our great church ZAOGA FIFMI and Mother’s Day. We had the pleasure to have among us His Excellency the Ambassador of Zimbabwe in Cuba who took time to honour our mother Archbishop Prof. Eunor Guti and all mothers. More than 55 adults and 7 children gathered. We had time for praise and worship team and afterwards, our dear Elder Dalgis read from the History book. We also had poems and presentations. After that our Pastor José Arocha read from the book “African Apostle” from page 43 and also preached from “2 Chronicles 20:20 b, ” Believe in the Lord your God, So shall you be established, Believe his prophets, So shall you prosper”, then it taught us that this is the promise in life for every one of us through our father Ezekiel Guti, we prayed for the people and had fellowship.



This weekend the Province celebrated the 64th anniversary of the church. It was a jampacked weekend. In the Quebec region, our speakers were Pastor Cee Tambudze and Elders Sidney and Pfungwa Katandawa. Events kicked off on Saturday with a walkathon and aerobics attended by about 20 people including members of the community. There was so much joy and fellowship as people walked for 6km singing the old songs in the heart of downtown Ottawa. Elder Katandawa and Pastor Tambudze prayed away the rains that almost derailed the walkathon. The walkathon was followed by a BBQ also attended by members of the community. There was a revival as people from Ottawa and Montréal fellowshipped with the community. Sunday service had a great attendance, and the history book was read, and people gave moving testimonies of what the God of Ezekiel has done in their lives. 43 people attended.


Our speakers were Pastors Emmanuel and Jaqui Chuck and Elders Michael and Cynthia Mazvizvo. The church was filled with joy and jubilation as we celebrated our church anniversary. On Friday we met in Toronto for our celebratory concert. We enjoyed performances from our in-house praise team accompanied by Pastors Mary Moyana and Shingi Suluma. Also, in attendance was a guest praise team from the community, that came to celebrate with us. It was a beautiful expression of joy and excitement as people sang and danced to songs from when the church was founded to date. Pastor Jaqui shared continuing with the teachings of our father and the number one job of soul winning. On Saturday we held a 10 km walkathon and aerobics to honor the tradition of walking started by our father E. H. Guti. After completion of the walk, we enjoyed a BBQ in the park. Everyone who participated was given a certificate while the top 3 people who walked the furthest were given
medals. A total of 75 participated. On Sunday, Pastor Emmanuel taught about thanking God for the legacy and the importance of connecting to the covenant the Lord made with His servant Apostle E.H Guti. Elder Cynthia taught on Talents. 1 person rededicated their life to Christ. In attendance were 131 people, 101 adults, and 31 children. 7 logged on Zoom. We give all glory to the God of our father Ezekiel.


We successfully hosted our first-ever conference this weekend as we celebrated the 64th Anniversary of our church. The saints enjoyed singing along to golden oldies and many other songs that are part of the rich history of ZAOGA FIF. Our Speakers, Senior Pastors C and S Mutsigwa from Germany, taught us about commitment and genuine discipleship in following the teachings of Baba Guti. As the celebrations mark a New Year for ZAOGA FIF, he encouraged us to make a New Year’s resolution to pledge total devotion and to renew our commitment to the things of God. Also, our first-ever cell groups were launched with the help of our Pastors F and T Kupamhamha. We now have 1 cell group in Tokyo, and another in Osaka. We successfully attended our Wednesday Bible Study in our groups during the week; Glory to God! The church in Japan continues to move from glory to glory by God’s grace. We ask for your prayers in the growth of the church, and for us to get physical venues for our services. Thank you for your continued support in prayer.


In Cyprus, we joined the rest of the FIFMI on the 4th of May to celebrate Archbishop Ezekiel H. Guti day by having a walkathon. Other activities included aerobics, various sports, the E.H Guti Soccer Championship and we signed off with a Gospel Musical Show later that evening. This anniversary weekend we celebrated from the 9th to the 12th of May. We had guest speakers Elders Martin and Nyasha Mangaba from the UK who shared with us life-transforming teachings. Including a leadership session according to Philippians 4:9. We started at the regional level and then gathered together at the national level on Sunday. 244 people came from the different cities. The atmosphere was electric as we celebrated the Legacy of our father that lives on. People testified of how the God of Ezekiel has transformed their lives. To God be the glory.


The nation of Germany and the Schengen Region joined the whole Forward in Faith family in celebrating 64 years of Advancing the kingdom of God. The celebrations started on Monday and throughout Saturday with online and hybrid services characterized by touching testimonies and preaching by members and Schengen pastors, expressing how the God of Ezekiel transformed their ragged lives. On Sunday people 57 adults, 10 children, and 6 visitors gathered physically in Hannover from all the five established assemblies in Germany which are Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, Rheinland, and South Germany. Physical attendance had also delegates from France and Belgium who had come to be part of the jubilations while members from Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Slovakia, and Romania, a total of 66 gadgets connected online. The Saturday service was mainly characterized by powerful teachings on different topics. Great deliverance took place and there was an outpouring of the spirit of revival in the hearts of believers which was evidenced by tears as the church cried for restoration from the God of Ezekiel. One person gave his life to Jesus Christ. The Celebrations ended with a great feast as people ate and fellowshipped together as one family. As Germany we also join the whole Church to say Happy 64th anniversary ZAOGA FIF, glory to God.


We thank the God of our father, E.H Guti, for leading the church in Slovakia. We continue to be revived in our spirits by both prayer and the sharing from our Sunday services as well as from our WhatsApp group. The week under consideration has been a refreshing one as we were in the spirit of celebrating the 64th anniversary. The Schengen region started celebrating the anniversary on Monday 6 May and has been attending daily services virtually. We also had moments to read the History of ZAOGA Forward in Faith every day throughout the week. People were also having time to give out testimonies about how they came to ZAOGA FIF and also how the God of Baba Guti has impacted their lives. Our pastors in the Schengen region were our speakers for the anniversary, and it has been quite a powerful week as we reflected on the great work the God of Baba Guti started with the servant and apostle of God.


We had a week of celebrating 64 years of ZAOGA FIF. In Poland, we had online services together with other Schengen nations from Monday to Saturday. The services had different powerful speakers, uplifting testimonies, and reading of the ZAOGA History book. On Sunday all roads led to Lublin as we celebrated as a nation. People came from Gliwice, Gdansk, Poznan, Warsaw and Torun. In total, we were 103 with 6 visitors. One person gave her life to Christ with tears of repentance. There was joy as we danced, testified of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel as we celebrated 64 years of God’s grace. We were honored to have Elder Blessing and Nyaradzai Maruta from Berlin, Germany who are also the Schengen region coordinators. They brought a word from senior pastors GTC and S Mutsigwa and encouraged the church to be true disciples, be willing and obedient, and preserve the seed of ZAOGA FIF. After the service, we had time to fellowship and break bread. Continue praying for us for church registration and visas for missionaries to come soonest.


We are grateful to the God of Ezekiel for allowing us to organize an impactful 64th Anniversary Celebration Conference. We joined the rest of the family of ZAOGA FIF across the globe to celebrate the grace of God we are witnessing in this church. The conference was held online for the first two days then finished with a hybrid service on Sunday with 26 saints gathered in person in Moscow. Our pastors ministered powerfully on the History of the church and testimonial preaching that left us revived. Our services were characterized by jubilant songs and great testimonies that encouraged our faith in the Lord and we wrapped up with a wonderful fellowship. Before the Anniversary we also managed to celebrate Archbishop Ezekiel Guti Day on Thursday, we had a walkathon and sporting activities which attracted 25 people including 3 new people who joined us on the day. Long live the legacy!! Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIF. Thank you for praying for us.


We want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel for allowing us to join together with the rest of Forward in faith all over the world to celebrate the legacy of the great Apostle of our time Archbishop Ezekiel Guti. Overseers Senior Pastors GTC and S Mutsigwa organised us all in the Schengen region for a glorious 64th anniversary Celebration. The program started from Monday the 6th to Friday the 10th with powerful speakers from our Region. Our overseers taught powerfully in morning glory. On Saturday and Sunday, we met physically in our nation for service and our pastors shared the word using ZAOGA FIF History Book. The service ended by cutting the Anniversary cake and fellowship. We thank the God of our Ezekiel for our overseers for the great work done in the Schengen Region. Keep on praying for us as we pray for you.


We give glory to the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His continued faithfulness in our nation. This week we met daily for anniversary celebrations, reading the book; The History of ZAOGA Forward In Faith, The Book of Remembrance, How It Began and Where It Is Going. We had local speakers giving powerful testimonies on how they came to FIF and how the God of Ezekiel has transformed their lives. There was an average attendance of 40 people per service. From Thursday to Saturday evening, Overseer Mutumbwa was used mightily to teach on different topics, including deliverance, salvation, and the power of ministering to the Lord. During the deliverance session, one lady who was feeling pains in her body testified that as the Overseer was making declarations, she was immediately delivered and the pain left her body, glory to God! On Sunday, we had yet another powerful service with a total attendance of 67 people, 50 people online and 17 onsite. There was so much joy and excitement in our midst. During bible study, we had the reading of the book, and later people continued to testify of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel. Deacon Nyasha was used mightily by God to deliver a message on the fear of God. We later had time to pray for our lives and we are assured God is doing a new thing in our nation. After the service, we had time to celebrate together over some eats. Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we pray for you.


Happy 64th Anniversary to the Forward In Faith Ministries International family worldwide! Indeed, faithful is the God of our father who has allowed us as a nation to celebrate the goodness of the Lord as we reflect on the great work that He started with His servant. We commenced our celebrations on the weekend of the inaugural Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti Day as we joined the rest of the world for the Walkathon and Aerobics held at Eden Island Beach. Indeed, it was a memorable day that refreshed all participants as we remembered the great legend of the faith. We had a wonderful anniversary week which was characterized by the testimonies, teachings, and the reading of the ZAOGA FIF History book of remembrance. By the grace of God, we read through the whole book in sessions starting Thursday right through to the grand celebration on Sunday which marked a powerful service wherein our Pastors taught about restoring one of the landmarks of the church, which is the first love. We are surely enjoying the love of God and our pastors have already visited most of the believers in their homes as we strive to continue in the Apostle’s doctrine, going from house to house, breaking bread, and fellowshipping. Our services are continuing every Sunday while the mid-week services continue online in which great deliverance on happening as testimonies of healings, better job conditions, and various miracles are flowing through every week. We are grateful for the prayers of the whole church, and we are believing for more locals to come to the fellowship. We are also believing for the continuous renewal of permits for our pastors so that the work of God may continue to flow without any disturbance.


We thank the God of our father for the mighty work He is doing in the church of Mauritius. We were honored to receive Apostle Shepherd Mayemu and Pastor Elvis Chinyere in the nation of Mauritius on the 9th of May, as we were starting the church anniversary celebrations. We started the first day of our celebrations on a high note with an explosive evening service where we read the history book, and our Apostle preached powerfully on the importance of knowing the history of the church and synchronizing ourselves to the vision. Testimonies on the history of the church and where God had taken us from were given on this day. Indeed, the God of Ezekiel continues to do mighty things in our midst. Attendance on the first day was about 55.
On the second day, we had our main celebrations at the Mont Choisy beach, which was well attended, and we had sporting activities and fellowship. The celebration mood was evident, with all ages taking part in the activities of the day. We concluded the day with an evening anniversary service at church where we were further charged and encouraged in the Word of God by Apostle Mayemu. The Sunday service concluded our anniversary celebrations with testimonies, reading of the history book, and another powerful sermon from Apostle Mayemu charging us on fellowshipping with God. The Sunday service, which was followed by fellowship and cutting of the anniversary cake, had a great attendance of 90 people. Glory to God, Hallelujah! We are seeing the hand of God in Mauritius, as God continues to grow His work, expanding the territory of FIF in this nation. May the Legacy of our father Baba Guti live on. Thank you for your continued prayers for FIF Mauritius.


We are grateful to the God of our father E.H. Guti for His greatness that we are experiencing in our Nation and for allowing us to join the FIFMI family in celebrating the legacy of our father. We had a worship night and proceeded to KLCC Park for Aerobics. On Saturday 11 May, the church was on Cyberjaya streets, shopping mall, and train station distributing fliers inviting people to join us as we would launch a new assembly in the city, the people were excited that FIF has arrived in their vicinity. In the evening we had an Anniversary eve BBQ and we had the honour of being hosted at the residence of the Prince of Swaziland who promised to make FIF his spiritual home. Sunday 12 May marked the birth of our new baby assembly Cyberjaya with 18 adults and 6 children. We give all the glory to the God of Ezekiel. The guest of honour, the Zimbabwean Ambassador to Malaysia, H.E. Mrs. C. Chemwai graced the occasion with 2 embassy officials. She gave profound wisdom to the church in her speech which was followed by powerful preaching from our Pastor who taught about knowing the God of our father. We had 3 visitors from China. We thank you for praying together with us that the kingdom of God continues to reign in this Muslim state and FIF continues to spread into many cities.


It has been an exciting week in Lesotho as believers converged at Lakeside City Christian Church to celebrate the anniversary of ZAOGA FIF and the legacy of our father, Apostle E.H Guti. We had our Pastor Esnath Makoni and the senior elders: Elder Dr. Peter Chatanga, Elder Dr. Redemption Chatanga, Elder Dr. Bertha Chatanga and Elder Taele Pompo, and Deacon Mapoloko Tsenoli as the speakers. They taught on several topics including church doctrine, church pattern, history of the church, guidance rules and policy, African Apostle, and sanctification. Attendance averaged between 100 and 150. Powerful testimonies were given which brought revival to the church of God.



We thank the God of our father Professor E. H Guti for the work in Nigeria which He continues to spearhead. Our anniversary celebrations were very successful. It started on the 3rd of May as we started with the reading of the history book and ended it on the 12th of May. On the 4th we had a gospel concert with different gospel artists and our victorious choir ministering. The event was full of the presence of God a little boy of two years and eight months who has never walked from birth due to complications of his birth started walking during the service, the family who joined Forward in Faith during the ten days prayers were filled with joy as the mother was rolling on the floor thanking the God of Ezekiel Guti. The history book came alive especially when it was read to the church that at Highfield cripples walked and those who were jobless got jobs as they gave their lives to Jesus Christ and were prayed for. We also participated in the walkathon.
Our anniversary cake was cut by the Overseers Henry and Helen Esene with fellowship after closing. We also want to thank the God of our father for our Lekki outreach center the gospel has penetrated the community and we are believing God for a good PA system before the end of the month for this center. We also want more prayers as we embark on our campaign this week from Jeremiah 16:16 a door-to-door campaign in our HQ catchment area that God will bless our outreach. Also thanking the God of our father for Ezekiel Guti International School as God continues to add students to the school. Two families have joined our church from the school after enrolling their children.


Our Abuja center which was led by overseers Thomson and Tsungie Nsingo also marked the anniversary gloriously. We started reading the History Book from Monday the 6th of May at our 2 home fellowship centers and from the 10th of May we camped at Gwagwalada for celebrations, reading the History book and receiving teachings from our Overseer Thomson and Tsungie Nsingo. On the 10th of May, we had an attendance of 26 people(including children) and on the 11th of May, we had an attendance of 18 people in the afternoon and 31 people in the evening including visitors.
On Saturday elder Amos from Zimbabwe who works at Maiduguri joined us. During celebrations on Saturday afternoon, a woman had labour pains and was taken to hospital where she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Our Overseer Thomson named the unborn baby Ezekiel when he was praying for the woman before she went to the hospital.
The woman was discharged the same day-glory be to the God of our father.
Sunday the 12th of May was the main Celebration Day, we had an attendance of 54 people including children, we marched around the area where we booked a classroom for our celebrations sharing fliers and some people joined us during the marching. Elder Amos and Overseer Thomson Nsingo preached powerfully during the marching and at church. Many people were delivered and healed, and 4 people gave their lives to God. We also had time to cut the cake and holy communion and share food after the service.
We thank the God of our father for the Abuja Assembly we are seeing the grace of God. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nigeria.



As Highfield Local Mother Church, we thank the God of our father, Apostle Professor E. H. Guti for allowing us to join together with the entire ZAOGA FIF Ministries International Family in celebrating our Church’s 64th Anniversary. Celebrations ran for the entire week, from the 6th to the 12th of May 2024, where saints were singing old songs and testifying about how much grace they received since they became members of ZAOGA FIF Ministries International. The celebrations saw a maximum attendance of over 1100 members, where a total of 33 people gave their lives to Christ. Our guest speaker was Bishop Reuben Moyo, who was mightily used by God, as was evidenced by the powerful move of God whenever he stood to preach. We are also happy to report that God also gave us grace by allowing our mother, the Senior Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti to grace the celebrations on the last day of the event. Our mother emphasized the need for all saints to understand and accept the fact that it is God who planted them in ZAOGA FIF Ministries. She encouraged congregants to uphold the teachings given to us by our father Apostle Professor Ezekiel H. Guti, which are not mixed with lies or tricks, but they are from the pure word of God. She went on to reiterate that the emerging generation needed to know that all that is needed for the success of God’s work has been availed by God from the beginning since a solid foundation has already been laid, upon which if we build, we will never fail. We believe that Highfield Local Mother Church will never be the same again. We ask that you continue praying for us, so that we may continue practicing to become true disciples of our father, Professor Ezekiel Guti.


Beitbridge Champion Province also partook in the anniversary celebrations. Hundreds of saints marched in great jubilation. Overseer A Mapamba shared and a lot of people were healed from infirmities and illnesses and a total of 7 people gave their lives to God. Indeed, the God of our Father is still doing miracles. Sunday service was graced by visitors from different spheres of businesses around Beitbridge including a representative from the Beitbridge Prison and correctional services and the town Secretary Mr. Ramahapola who in his words confirmed that he was inspired by the history of our Father Ezekiel H. Guti during the book reading. In return, they were given the gift of our father’s books namely the African Apostle. A lot of people were delivered from the spirit of stagnancy and their businesses have been uplifted. 11 people gave their lives to Christ. Indeed, the God of our Father is in the business of lifting lives as well as performing wonders amidst us. 40 people correcting their ways back to the ways of the Lord. Glory be to God.


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for grace and wisdom for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the success of the 64th Anniversary Celebrations held in all the FIFMI churches worldwide. It sure was a time of celebration and revival.
  4. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  5. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  6. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


History page 20-21
“This ministry is not going to come to an end. God will raise many young people if they keep themselves from these: Pride, the love of money, and the temptation of women. God raised one Ezekiel, but there are going to be many true disciples of Ezekiel who will lead the people in all truth by the Spirit of God”…..God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46

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