Apostles Update Week 22

by fifmi

June 12, 2023

Dear Friends,  


As we continue in this month of prayer do not miss your opportunity to seek God through prayer, fasting and reading the word. Elders testified of a powerful time in the presence of the Lord. This weekend it’s the Deacons. This is YOUR time with God and please do not take it lightly.


We continue to see the hand of the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti in Hungary. At this stage of inception prayer is needed for the right people to build the work with. Our pastors continue to search for souls wherever God opens doors. The new revived midweek Bible Study sessions and fellowships have become popular and attracting new student members. The group has now registered 20 members despite the fact that students are writing exams and each one going to their countries for vacation just after finishing exams. Pastor Chris was invited to introduce FIFMI at the local church where we rent for our services. He spoke about The African Apostle who has impacted the world during his 75 years of nonstop preaching, 63 years of the existence of the church that God used him to start and that God has blessed him with long life, being a centenarian now. He said our father Ezekiel Guti, is now bringing back to Europe, the gospel and revival of Godly ways from Africa.The pastor testified about what our father has accomplished for social economic development apart from the spiritual part. The building of schools, hospitals, clinics, orphanage centres, technical colleges, university and as many ministries to cater for all sectors of human settings are some of the things the pastor mentioned. He ended by telling the all white congregation that he was sent by Archbishop Ezekiel Guti to look for a Hungarian bride “Rebecca” who will be trained to do God’s work in this nation, referring to Genesis 24. During fellowship after the service many members wanted to understand more about our father and his vision. They were amazed that there is a man of God like that in Africa. May the believers continue to pray with us as we visit Budapest this week to find ways of pioneering another assembly in the capital city.


We give thanks to the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti for the month of prayer. Our Pastors were participants of the Pastor’s Prayer convention with USA and Caribbean countries and in our region we had a combined prayer convention for Elders and Deacons mainly because of the numbers in Guyana and Nevis while Elders met on their own in Barbados. We had time to read Isaiah 58 verse by verse and everyone explaining according to their understanding and people also poured out their life. Great deliverance happened. Two people prayed for something during the convention and by Sunday their prayers were answered in Guyana. Pastor Fanuel taught and after the word there was a great impartation. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way. Meanwhile in Nevis, the live radio programs and community outreaches are yielding results. On Sunday, a new believer came to church for Bible study and she received Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. She needed a job and the Pastor Chirima prayed for her and the next day she got a job. Right now she is working. God of our father is good.The lunch hour prayer and deliverance services are continuing. 

In Belize, Go Quickly met in the assemblies on Tuesday and Men of Integrity continue to meet at National Level with Pastor James Leacock sharing powerfully this past week. One gentleman gave his life to Christ and many others were delivered from all kinds of spirits, anger, lust, poverty etc. After the service 2 men who had given their lives to Christ were baptized at Brandons Beach. Pastors Victory and Helen Makonese had a training of the Interim Finance Committee in Belize, highlighting their roles and responsibilities for them to be able to run the Church. Please continue to pray for us to get suitable places of worship and also success for a vehicle to assist with transportation for the work of God in Belize and for more souls to come to the Lord in the Caribbean. We want to thank our Father and Mother for their love and prayers.


We give glory to the God of our father Apostle E.H Guti as FIF Gujarat, our three assemblies; Vadodara City Church, Rajkot, and Mehsana, have been experiencing the power of God. Our attendance during the previous Sunday services at the various assemblies was as follows: Vadodara City Church had 43 attendees, Rajkot assembly had 18, and Mehsana assembly had 5. We rejoice as four individuals have recently given their lives to Christ, experiencing the transformation of the God of Ezekiel. Pastors Blessed and Josephine Moyo faithfully teach us the word of God and encourage us to maintain a life of prayer. Our Monday night prayers continue to be a great success, with an increasing number of participants each session. Additionally, successful Wednesday Bible study sessions in cell groups focus on prayer, equipping us with valuable insights and encouraging a consistent prayer life. Continue to Pray for us.


We give all the glory to the God of Ezekiel for His continued faithfulness in the nation of Thailand. We thank God for allowing us to join the rest of Forward In Faith Family in this Month of Prayer and Fasting. This week we had intense prayer and fasting, meeting together with the whole church every day. Different speakers were used mightily to deliver a word of encouragement during this season of seeking God. We had an average attendance of 35 people per service. From Thursday, the leaders prayer convention commenced with 24 leaders attending. On Friday and Saturday, the leaders in Bangkok met onsite while the others joined online. Several speakers shared the word on different topics and it was a life altering experience, we give God all the glory. On Saturday night the Presence of God manifested in the place where the leaders were gathered and Pastor Learnie gave a word of prophecy to the leadership. Many leaders testified that their lives had been transformed. Sunday was the icing on the cake with 17 people onsite and 40 people online. We had 2 young men who visited us and the church prayed for them to get employment. They have committed to come back and fellowship with us. During Bible study, Pastor Learnie taught powerfully on the importance of a good heart. Later Elder Becky shared a teaching on prayer in the Kingdom of God. Some testimonies:

  • One lady testified how God had preserved her after she contracted a strong variant of covid 19. 
  • Another person testified how they miraculously got their visa extended on the day it was supposed to expire.
  • One person testified of how God had opened a door to bless her with thousands of dollars she was not expecting.  

Surely the God of Ezekiel is doing a new thing in our nation, we give him all the glory. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


Glory be to the God of our father the Servants and Apostle of God Professor Ezekiel H. Guti. Happy 100 years to our father as we celebrate 75 years of nonstop preach the gospel of Jesus christ and 63 years anniversary. There was a great joy in our nation as we joined together with the rest of FIFMI Worldwide to celebrate the triple event. It was so wonderful, Our God is so faithful. We started our anniversary on the 9th of May, and the church was full of joy for many days still having the spirit of anniversary. Attendance was very good, We had many powerful testimonies that touched many lives of the believers on how God of Ezekiel has done. Some didn’t have good names, but today, they are also counted among others. The church was really grounded, when the history book was read, it was so powerful, believers were so happy because of having their own history. They know where the church is coming from and where it is going .Our speaker was Overseer Suguta Soweri from Fiji Islands, and she taught about having a big God, means having everything. Sunday marching was so colorful. It was led by the National Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Bands and led by the Australian defense force soldiers. During the anniversary, sick people were healed and delivered.14 new souls gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God.


We want to thank the God of Ezekiel for His goodness on our Island. We thank God for our last week Friday night service which was attended by 29 people. We had a Holy Spirit session and 3 people were filled with the Holy Spirit and many were revived. Our MOI had a powerful prayer retreat on Isaiah 58. 8 men attended and they testified of great transformation. It was all joy in our Sunday service last week as we bade farewell to our Pastors. We thank our father, the Archbishop Professor E. H. Guti for sending them to us. God used them mightily and the church was so encouraged. We had 59 people in attendance. We received a powerful word and Bible study teaching from the pastors. 3 new people attended and these have pledged to make FIFMI their home. From our last Sunday which was a “bring a soul Sunday,” new members are being added to the church through invitations. Glory to the Lord God of Ezekiel. As FIF Mauritius we are joining the entire FIF family in prayer during this month of June. We are experiencing the power of Prayer. We thank the God of Ezekiel.


Douala- Glory glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We thank the Lord so much for the week filled with many wonders in the lives of FIF believers. We had our midweek services and continued with Bible study on prayer. 20 people attended our Sunday service (9 adults and 11 children). One person received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and 9 children were dedicated to Christ. We continue to see the hand of our God in people’s lives, one of our believers gave a testimony on how a position was created for him and now he is second in command at his work place. We took time to allow everyone to testify the goodness of God. We need your prayers for our missionaries visa processing and we are believing God for permanent places of worship for both Douala and Ebolowa.


We are so thankful to the God of our Father Professor E. H. Guti for His faithfulness as we are witnessing the great hand of God here in Nigeria. Our prayer conventions are proceeding with great progress furthermore, AMFCC part-time school which started two months ago is yielding fruit as one of our students from Konifewo opened a new Assembly with 9 people. Also, he went to Ifon town to preach in the city and many new converts were realised. To this end, we are planning to have a crusade there in July then we will open another assembly there. In this month of prayer, God favoured us with a new venue which we paid for last week (Sango branch). Getting that location at unbelievable amount can only be attributed to the hand of God at work. Moreover, the new venue in Sango is more centralised so the Assembly is moving there this Sunday. All our services are going on well in all our Assemblies. In this month of prayer, we are also praying for a venue in Lekki peninsula of Lagos to accommodate members who can not attend the Ikotun Headquarter Branch due to distance. We are believing God for a venue with reasonable price. We are also praying for a breakthrough concerning a venue in Abuja for our members over there. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Nigeria.


Francistown – We thank the God of our father Archbishop E. H. Guti for the North East Province that is under the leadership of Overseers Tapiwa and Abigail Zhou. We managed to host an Elders prayer convention in our province from the 8th to the 11th of June. Our speakers for the convention were Bishop J and E Maswerera who taught much on prayer. Elders were also encouraged on righteousness and practicing the word of God. We thank God also that the elders spent much time in prayer as they were camping seeking the face of God for their lives and for the work of God. An average of 25 elders were able to attend the convention. A total of 5 pastors from the province also gathered with the elders for the convention.To wrap it all up, we had a powerful leadership seminar on Sunday the 11th of June with the Bishops J and E Maswerera before the main service, the seminar was attended by 46 leaders including the deacons. Leaders were drilled much on leadership and productivity.

The main service had an attendance of 105 adult members and 35 children. We thank the God of our father E.H. Guti for using the Bishops Maswerera to deliver a word of transformation to our province.


Glaudina – We held our inaugural Kingdom Expression Service as part of the spiritual revival process which is ongoing in the district. The speakers were our DPs Evangelist A and N Maziriri. The God of our father Ezekiel Guti performed profound miracles. These are outlined below:

  • 13 people who were partially blind were set free and are now seeing clearly and 5 people who experienced painful surgical scars were prayed for and the swollen scars disappeared. 
  • One young lady who had a lump in her breast was prayed for and the lump disappeared. Another person who was due for surgical operation to remove fibroids was prayed for and the fibroids disappeared.
  • 3 people were set free from hearing impairments and now hear clearly and 10 people were set free from moving objects in their bodies. 
  • Many other people were set free from various demonic manipulations, marine spirits, spiritual husbands and spirit of limitation, among others. 

We therefore give all the glory to the God of our father Professor E.H. Ezekiel Guti. Over and above all we thank God for giving our district grace in working missions at a time when our DPs are preaching about the need to have a fast forward anointing in advancing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please send us videos of the celebrations in your cities and nations on this email

Click here to watch the Centenary Celebrations held at the Glamis Arena in Harare Zimbabwe

Click here to watch the ZEGU 7th graduation


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen them and enables them time to rest. May grace abound for all that He has put on their hearts to do in 2023 and that He continues to give them victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the Deacons’ prayer conventions that will be held this weekend in the FIFMI churches around the globe.
  4. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  5. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, and Cameroon.
  6. Thanking God for your nation.



Acts 16:4-5  “And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily“.

We are praying that among our churches wherever you are, we expect people who are gifted but not only gifted but people whom God can use for His Kingdom. We are a Pentecostal church we must prophesy, speak in tongues and someone interprets, that’s the Pentecostal church. It doesn’t matter if you are not a leader; the gift is not only for a pastor but for every member of the church. You can just be a member, but you have the gift of knowledge or the gift of wisdom and you tell your pastor that God has shown me this and that….TO BE CONTINUED. God bless you.


We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

[email protected] | www.fifmi.org


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