Apostles Update Week 23

by fifmi

June 19, 2023

Dear Friends,  


As we continue in this month of prayer do not miss your opportunity to seek God through prayer, fasting and reading the word. Deacons testified of a powerful time in the presence of the Lord. This weekend it’s all the believers. This is YOUR time with God and please do not take it lightly. God is doing something great.


We would like to appreciate the prayers from our parents Apostles of Jesus Christ, Professors Ezekiel and Eunor Guti and the saints across the Forward In Faith family world wide. The seed of the vision is germinating steadily in this country and region. Last week Monday prayer went on well virtually and Thursday Bible Study was attended by nine members.

We had a thick presence of the Holy Spirit on Saturday, during our prayer and worship service led by Pastor Sesedzai.

On Sunday the pastors travelled 230km to and from the capital to minister to one Hungarian woman who they had given the book of the History of ZAOGA FIF to read in advance. Their ministry to her centred on what she wanted to understand from the testimonies in the book, which included deliverance from witchcraft, from mermaid spirits, resurrection of the dead who were prayed for, healing of the sick, the blind and meaning of repentance. When the pastors were answering and explaining what the God of Ezekiel does, she was sobbing all the way under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. She later received Jesus Christ with tears, openly in the restaurant. Glory be to God.

Pray with us as we travel to the new territory of Slovakia this weekend, that the God of our father will bring those who He has already given to Ezekiel as disciples in that land.


We want to thank the God of our father Archbishop Ezekiel Guti for His continued grace upon us here in Guyana. The Believers’ prayer convention started and ran on a high note. As we continued to read the book of Isaiah 58 each day, one women testified how Isaiah 58 helped her to reconcile with her sister and mother after they had a conflict that they got to an extent of not even picking each other’s calls but during the believers prayer convention she called them and apologized and now they have a good relationship again. On Sunday the church was full as believers came out in their numbers. The word was ministered by the Pastor, he encouraged us to sow good seed, and what you sow is what you reap. We had 3 visitors, who were given the Forward In Faith welcome. A child was dedicated and appreciation of fathers was done as they were given a token by their wives. Please continue to pray for us.


We want to thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for His goodness on our island Tonga which is under the leadership of Pastor Moses and Winnie Patsika. We thank God for allowing us to join the rest of the Forward in Faith family in this month of prayer and fasting, we managed to host the Elders prayer convention, this prayer brought great revival and deliverance amongst our leaders as we had different speakers. Last week it was the Deacons prayer convention which started on Thursday with an average of 25 people per service. On the Sunday, our service had 49 adults and 19 children and we also welcomed some visitors.The church was full of joy and during the time of Praise and worship we had a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit, people were worshiping in tears. We baptised 3 people in water and we continue to see the marvelous hand of the God of our father Ezekiel. We are eagerly looking forward for the Believers prayer convention. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


We remain indebted to this God of Ezekiel who has continued to show His faithfulness in Thailand. This week we welcomed two new members to the FIF family. The youth had had a week of prayer and fasting and met daily with an average attendance of 24 people per service with different speakers encouraging them. They concluded their week by doing a day and night fast and many of them testified that their lives will never be the same again. Some testified how they got jobs against all odds, glory to God! The weekly programs ran concurrently with the youth services and we had a good attendance. Sunday was yet another powerful service with a total attendance of 64 people, 45 online and 15 adults and 3 children onsite. During bible study, Elder Farisai gave a profound teaching on the importance giving tithes and offerings. Later Pastor Prim ministered powerfully on “The God who breaks protocol”. People rushed to be prayed for and a great deliverance took place. The saints are highly motivated and we are seeing lives being transformed. Thank you continuing to pray for us as we pray for you.


Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We thank the Lord so much for the week filled with many wonders in the lives of FIF believers. We had our midweek services and continued with bible study on prayer. 23 people attended our Sunday service (12 adults and 11 children). Our missionaries continue to receive many people at the mission house and ministering to them. 2 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior during the week. We need your prayers for our missionaries visa processing and we are believing God for permanent places of worship for Douala.

Ebolowa – We thank the Lord for a fruitful week. Our midweek services continued and we had a super charged Sunday. 19 people attended the service. We managed to locate a permanent place of prayer, we are proceeding with the securing of the venue this week. Glory to God.


We give all the glory and praise to the God of our father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti for His continued grace upon us here in Nigeria. Our Prayer Conventions are going smoothly to the glory of God. Our Overseers visited the different Assemblies to pray with the leaders. This week, the work at Sango Assembly continued with our Overseers as we were able to move the Assembly to the new venue. There was joy in the hearts of members as we fellowshipped in the new venue. Sunday service was very powerful: two couples were ordained Elders in response to the growing work. A new Assembly Co-ordinator, Hosting Director, Home Cell Group Co-ordinator, Praise Worship Leader and Youth Leader assumed their respective roles in response to the growing work. Overseer Henry Esene taught the church from the books ‘ Rules and Policy, Tithes and A Disciplined and Teachable Spirit’. He gave time for questions and answers, using the books of our father to provide all the answers. The Overseer also had time to train the new Elders and the secretary on proper administration in Forward in Faith. The church in Sango is in good spirits. Continue to pray for us as we focus our attention this week on the Lekki church venue and the Ifon church Venue. We believe the same miracle of Sango will take place in these two cities. Also, we pray for a breakthrough for our Abuja Assembly to have a place of worship. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nigeria.


Chisipite – We want to thank the God of our Father Archbishop Ezekiel Guti for His grace is sufficient for us. Joy station Region under the leadership of pastors Leo and Aidah Chipeture held Night of Deliverance and Miracles, with our Guest Speaker Evangelist Ronald Munenzva who was mightily used by God. The Deliverance Service was attended by over 120 Saints and 8 people gave their lives to Christ. As the Evangelist Munhenzva was ministering the God of our Father performed Great Miracles and many people were delivered from various demonic oppressions. Some notable Miracles are outlined below:

  • 3 ladies were delivered from suicidal spirit.
  • 2 women were delivered from the spirit of barrenness as demons manifested.
  • 2 people were delivered from drug addiction.
  • 3 people had their eyesight restored.
  • 5 people were delivered from marine spirits.
  • A lady who was suffering from backache was miraculously healed.
  • Some people were delivered from anti-marriage demons.

We give glory to God for the successful Deliverance and Miracle Service.

Beitbridge – We thank our Father Apostle Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for sending Bishop J Mangiza and Mama to Beitbridge province during the months of May to early June 2023. They loved and blessed the church through the word of God, in their teachings they emphasized the kingdom of God. 11 people repented in the province during their stay and this brought so much joy in Beitbridge province. MOI hosted a couple’s fellowship at the Beitbridge provincial conference center, Debora’s husbands were also invited, and many marriages were revived through that fellowship. Mama Bishop B Mangiza had the opportunity to attend Big Tuesday with the Go Quickly. 130 ladies attended the prayer meeting. Surely Beitbridge Go Quickly and Tell Ministry will never remain the same.The bishops also had ample time with all SADOP in the province. They gathered at the provincial Overseer’s house to just have time to fellowship. Glory be to God for such a remarkable time in our province.

Glaudina – We held our second Kingdom Explosion service with Evangelist DP A and N Maziriri as our Speakers. We are thankful to the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti for continuing to do notable miracles in our district:

  • One person with an eye that was totally blind since birth was completely healed and recovered sight. 
  • Another young boy who couldn’t see clearly for 3 years was healed and began to see clearly.
  • A woman with a cyst and was due for operation was healed while another with a growth on the lower abdomen was prayed for and the growth disappeared. 
  • A lady with numbness in her hand was healed and is now able to stretch the hand.
  • 5 people were healed from leg pains and infirmities and began to walk without challenges.
  • A man whose car had been stolen was prayed for and he miraculously recovered his vehicle.
  • 3 people received a prophetic word of entering in business deals with business partners who later betrayed them, they confirmed it to be true and they were prayed for breakthrough in their businesses.
  • A person with bipolar disorder was prayed for and was healed.
  • A woman who used to be sucked by goblins was prayed for and was delivered.

Many other people were healed delivered from various demonic manipulations. We give all the glory to the God of Ezekiel.

Please send us videos of the celebrations in your cities and nations on this email

Click here to watch the Centenary Celebrations held at the Glamis Arena in Harare Zimbabwe

Click here to watch the ZEGU 7th graduation


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to dsg@fifmi.org by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen them and enables them time to rest. May grace abound for all that He has put on their hearts to do in 2023 Thanking God for always giving them victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the USA Deeper Life Leadership Conference to be held in Dallas, TX. May God anoint the speakers and enable leaders to attend. Thanking God for journey mercies to and from the conference.
  4. Thanking God for the Believers’ prayer conventions that will be held this weekend in the FIFMI churches around the globe.
  5. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  6. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, and Cameroon.
  7. Thanking God for your nation.



Acts 16:4-5  “And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily“.

When I was pastoring the church at Highfield Revival Centre I used to have a lot of prophets. There is a song that says, “Shadreck, Misheck and Abednego, they walked by prophecy in deed they conquered”. We do not want to run FIF church being blind, the Holy Spirit must move and show us how we should walk and what to do. That is why they sang this song because they were led by the word of prophecy. We are saying FIF pray to God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, of prophecy, interpreting tongues and the gift of healing must be in our church not waiting for the pastor or the overseer but it’s for every member. I want you to say amen…..TO BE CONTINUED. God bless you


We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org


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