Apostles Update Week 23

by fifmi

June 18, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI!!

Indeed the month of prayer and fasting continues. Let’s all take advantage of this time to spend in prayer, fasting, and reading the Word. This is not a ritual. After a powerful weekend of Elders Prayer conventions all over the FIFMI world, we believe God will also honor the Deacons with His presence and life-changing experience.


Blantyre – We thank the God of Ezekiel for remembering the nation of Malawi through bringing our mother, Senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti together with a high-profile delegation of 25 servants of God from Zimbabwe, South Africa and the UK which included the SG Apostle Nyambo and amai, Bishop P. Soko and others. The team camped at Blantyre city church for a ten-day prayer retreat from the 6th to the 15th of June 2024 together with all the local pastors of Malawi and student pastors. Our mother came with a word for Malawi through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to remove the blanket that was hindering Malawi from growing. The prayer camp was comprised of intensive prayer and fasting as is written in the book of history. There were many speakers during the retreat which were used mightily to bring the word of the season which focused on pouring out our hearts to the Lord so that He may cleanse us so that our prayers can be heard. Many prophetic declarations were made which caused people to engage in faith clinic which saw Pastors pouring out, and asking for forgiveness. The Elders then joined the retreat from the 13th to the 15th of June, indeed the Holy Spirit was at work as the Elders poured out their lives after powerful preaching on forgiveness, a clean heart, and sanctification amongst others.
On the 16th of June, the nation of Malawi gathered together for a national mega Big Sunday held at COMESA Hall in Blantyre with our mother as the main speaker. Over 600 people were in attendance. Our mother shared a word concerning teenagers and young children to involve them in church activities so that the devil would not use their energy for wrong things. She also encouraged the church to dwell more on the word of God so that one might grow in the kingdom. She then donated Bibles to those who did not have Bibles. After the word 130 people came to the Lord and 70 people were Holy Spirit filled. People were also prayed for and the following miracles were recorded:
2 people with throat cancer were prayed for and their healing was confirmed,
A woman who could not walk by herself but used crutches, was prayed for and instantly rose up and began to walk all around the building by herself to the glory of God.
Many other people were prayed for and were delivered.
After the service, our mother took time to counsel individuals one-on-one and others who had left the church returned to the church. There was great joy in the church for this great work done in our nation. We thank the God of Ezekiel for His mighty revival as a new Malawi has been birthed. We give glory to God we now have National Bishops Baba and Amai Odilo. Blantyre Province donated 10 flasks for Ezekiel Junior Legacy Centre. We are now enjoying the kingdom of God as we received Chichewa bibles from our mother Archbishop Eunor Guti, our believers will never be the same. Continue to pray for us that we keep the fire burning that was ignited in our nation by our mother.


We give glory to the God of Ezekiel for His faithfulness which is from generation to generation. This week was power-packed, with our normal meetings going on from Monday to Wednesday with good attendance. On Tuesday, a Thai national, received Jesus as her personal Saviour, after Pastors Mazuru ministered to her, glory to the God of Ezekiel! On Thursday night, the elders and deacon’s prayer convention commenced. Friday night 17 people gathered physically while we had 8 gadgets connected online. The presence of God was evident and great deliverances took place. On Saturday, we had 20 people on site and 8 gadgets online. We spent the whole day in prayer and there was a mighty visitation of God. Pastors Rodney and Lindsey were used mightily to minister to us, and we experienced the supernatural in a unique way. Sunday was another powerful service with 30 people on site and 35 joining online. We had a Thai elderly woman who joined us and she promised to come again. We also had one new lady from Zimbabwe who has promised to make FIF her home. Another lady who used to visit occasionally pledged that she would be attending the services going forward. Pastor Lindsey facilitated a very interactive bible study on fasting. Later Pastor Rodney taught powerfully on the anointing. There was a tangible presence of God in our midst and the word of knowledge operated through our pastors in a mighty way.
Some testimonies:
During the prayer convention, 2 ladies were delivered from spiritual husbands.
3 people who were feeling heaviness in their chests said as they were being prayed for, they felt something leave their chests and they were completely delivered.
2 ladies were healed from sharp stomach pains.
Many people testified to the accuracy of the word of knowledge they received through the pastors and how God answered what they had been praying for.
On Sunday 3 people who were tormented by evil spirits were delivered. Several others received their healing and breakthroughs as the pastors prophesied into their lives.
Surely our lives will never be the same again! Thank you for praying for us as we pray for you.


We would like to thank God for all that He continues to do in the Cayman Islands, the lives of the church members, and the community at large. Cell groups continued to meet for the weekly bible study meetings in the respective venues. This Sunday 16 June 2024 we had 55 people (15 men, 21 women and 14 children) in attendance. Of those in attendance, we had 6 visitors. The church celebrated Father’s day and the fathers were given appreciation gifts. The word was shared by Elder Syntra Chapfika. May you continue to pray for us as we continue the work of God in the Cayman Islands. May you intercede that the church will grow in the knowledge of God’s word and that God will open doors for the growth of the church.


We thank God, Monday to Friday Morning Glory, Monday evening prayers and Tuesday Ladies Meeting 6 went well. Our Wednesday Bible study cell group four groups were active with a total of 15 people attending. Our Elders and Deacons prayer convention started on Thursday ending on Saturday, we had two speakers who spoke powerfully Pastor Diane Mangar and Elder Rose Brown. One of the elders testified that she really enjoyed the hours of prayer they were together in unison. We had a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 out of a possible twelve leadership members. The Church was encouraged in prayer to continue making it a part of our lives even when the month of June finishes. Holy Communion was served. There was a baptism mid-week in Independence Village of one young Generation, the attendance this Sunday was 25 people and we had 3 visitors. One lady had a special private marital celebration this past Saturday. We are praying that her husband joins her in the walk with Christ. Continue to pray for new souls and a door to open in other districts of the Nation. To God be all the glory.


What an awesome and powerful week we had once again. As we continue in this month of prayer and fasting. On Wednesday night we had prayer/bible study, which was facilitated by Pastor James, the topic was faith. Everyone was very active. On Thursday and Friday at our Elder and Deacons prayer Convention, we had a powerful time in the Lord. Our Sunday Service was dripping with the Holy Spirit from our devotion to the worship and the word that was brought by Elder Stephanie. Persons testified with joy of God’s providence in their lives. One believer who was away from church for a very long time testified that she is back to stay and that FIFMB is her home. We thank God for another exciting and eventful week. Please pray for us at Barbados FIFM as we pray for you.


We are committed to prayer and fasting in the month of June and we are moving in one accord to encourage the church to grow. In the Sunday Service, the leadership of the Nevis FIFMI gave stirring testimonies on their recently concluded Prayer Conference on 13th-15th June. Through the powerful testimonies, we are expectant of a change in attitude to work toward winning more souls for the kingdom and submitting to the will of God. The leadership met after the Sunday Church Service (June 16th) to fellowship at the Mission House. The Men of Integrity meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays for prayer in the hills. We request that our ZAOGA FIF family continue to pray for us during the hurricane season in June – November. May the God of peace be with you always.


Hurungwe – We would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti for the grace He has given us. June 2024 for Hurungwe Province is a unique and remarkable month marked by the Great Apostolic visitation by our father Apostle Dr. Joe Guti and our mother Rev Miriam Nyasha Guti on Sunday 16 June 2024. He toured three churches that is Local Church, Shining City, and Blessed Region church. The visit was a significant blessing to the church in Hurungwe Province, and we are grateful for the apostle’s guidance and teaching. Their presence brought great joy and blessings to the ZAOGA churches of Hurungwe Province. Our father apostle Joseph Joe Guti, also encouraged the church to continue to pray for our mother Senior Archbishop Eunor Guti, and the three apostles. Lastly, Apostle Dr. Joe Guti also took time to pray and bless the Province, the Bishops, the Overseers, the Pastors, and the believers.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for grace and wisdom for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  4. Thanking God for the USA Deeper Life Believers’ Convnetion to be held in Dallas, TX this Thursday, June 20-23, 2024. May God aoinit the speakers. May He enable believers from all over the USA to be able to attend.
  5. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


Acts 16:4-5 “And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily”.

We are praying that among our churches wherever you are, we expect people who are gifted but not only gifted but people whom God can use for His Kingdom. We are a Pentecostal church we must prophesy, speak in tongues and someone interprets, that’s the Pentecostal church. It doesn’t matter if you are not a leader; the gift is not only for a pastor but for every member of the church. You can just be a member, but you have the gift of knowledge or the gift of wisdom and you tell your pastor that God has shown me this and that….TO BE CONTINUED. God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46

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