Apostles Update Week 24

by fifmi

June 26, 2023

Dear Friends,  


What a blessed time we have been having in this month of prayer. Believers testified of a powerful time in the presence of the Lord this past weekend. God has indeed done some great things. 


The God of Ezekiel is faithful to his servant. He has given him the world as his heritage. A new baby has been born in Slovakia this weekend.

Pastors Chris and Sesedzai met with 17 invited people for an Introductory Braai Fellowship at the park in Bratislava the capital city of Slovakia. We had some from Kenya, Ghana and the majority were Zimbabweans. Four ladies testified almost in tears that the church is coming here for them at the right time. Another one who has been a member of ZAOGA On Campus in Zimbabwe said she preferred that we meet on Sundays for real church services straight away. After the fellowship the pastors spoke to everyone of the attendees, getting to know them closer. 

Elders Knowledge and Yvonne Revesai who called for the church to come are helping with finding venues. The pastors will spend this week with appointments, ministering one on one to those who attended the Fellowship sharing more about personal salvation as well as acquainting them with the history of the church and the vision for Slovakia. 

There is great potential to build a sustainable work since the members are all stable working class establishing life in the country.

May the saints pray for the individual meetings, procedures of church registration that we have started, finding suitable venue for Sunday services, all provisions needed and that the God of our Father lead us to those that must be saved.



Praise be to the God of our father. Prayers are consistently sustaining the work here. Our midweek Bible Study was physically attended by 8 members with others logged in from Poland and Austria. During fellowship time Pastor Chris had time to train the deacons and all present to be able to continue as good disciples of our father the Apostle Ezekiel Guti by reading the books he wrote and use them for teaching Bible Study in his absence. He encouraged them to win souls despite the long vacations.The weekend service was well attended by students by themselves since the pastors have left for Slovakia. It was a Prayer and Praise time. The Spirit of God moved and the joy over flowed. We thank the saints for continually praising God for providing those that must be saved. 



We would like to thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti, who sent us wonderful Pastors to Italy all the way from Namibia, Overseers R and S Owoseb. We had our first service on Skype attended by 8 people, after a while without pastors. We are quite elated for such great favour thrust upon us as a nation. Our Pastors shared with us quite an inspiring and powerful message on the  Kingdom of God. May you continuously intercede for us as we thrive in this journey of soul winning and the growth of our church.



Glory be to the God of Ezekiel for an anointed, power-packed and joy-filled, 2023 USA Leadership Deeper life Conference, held from June 22-25, 2023, at the FIFMI USA National Center in Arlington Texas and was also live streamed online. 

We thank the Visionaries; Archbishops Ezekiel and Eunor Guti for sending us the USA General Overseers Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai who delivered a full package of ministration, with powerful teachings and demonstration of the power of God, as well as wisdom shared by Apostle Dr Steve. Guiding the nation to a better understanding of the church and catching the vision given to our Father.


The conference tipped off with a National Council meeting for leaders on Thursday afternoon, where Dr. La-Verne and Dr. Steve shared a message from Baba and Mama to the USA leaders. We had anointed speakers including Bishop Pat Schatzline, Pastor Mark Ballew, Overseer Dr. Francis Madzivadondo (New Zealand), Overseers Joram & Joylyn Rusere (Australia), Dr. Phil Mutsambiwa and other local speakers, teaching various subjects in the well-packaged sessions. Saturday Night was a special USA Centenary celebration of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti’s 100th birthday, it was followed by a powerful demonstration of power by Evangelist Phil Mutsambiwa.

Sunday service had an attendance of 290 adults, 55 children, and 171 users on Zoom.

Dr. La-Verne ministered to the church in Explo style, demonstrating the power of God with miracles following. There was a downpour of Joy as she ministered, people got delivered from bitterness and unforgiveness. Dr. Steve wrapped up the conference with a powerful and anointed exhortation that brought a new revival and injected a fresh anointing into the church. There was a high level of impartation and movement of the Spirit of God. The spirit of our Father was indeed with us throughout the conference.

We thank The God of Ezekiel who allowed the FIFMI USA to organize such a successful conference, it was very encouraging to see the youth Deacons being active in almost every department, glory be to God.



We thank our Father and Mother Archbishops Ezekiel H. and Eunor Guti for sending us short term missionaries Overseer Mutumbwa to help with the registration of the church, and Pastors Acme and Ratidzo Hove who are our short term Pastors. We thank God for our National Chairing Elders I and L Gwasira who have been conducting online services in Seychelles.

We had our first face to face service at the Mission house with our Pastors and we were powerfully encouraged on having good character. Attendance was 8, that is 7 adults and one child. We managed to get an affordable residential place on a long term lease. We thank God as we also managed to get a place of worship at a School near the mission house at an affordable monthly rental, and this coming Sunday will be our first Sunday to use the Venue.

 The short-term missionaries have already started witnessing, and we are expecting some internationals who were witnessed to, this coming Sunday. Now that we have a keyboardist and also taking advantage of Pastor Acme Hove, who plays the keyboard we are believing God for instruments that we will use for our services. Continue to pray for us.



Casablanca – We give glory to the God of our Father, Apostle E. H. Guti, for sustaining the church in Casablanca. We had a powerful Believers’ Convention as the church joined together in seeking the God of our Father in fasting and earnest prayer. Our prayer convention program included an all-night prayer on Friday that lasted until Saturday morning. Our Sunday service registered an attendance of 16 adults and 4 children.


Marrakech – We continued to experience the goodness of the God of our Father, Apostle E.H. Guti, as the church in Marrakech experienced a great revival during the Believers’ Convention held from Thursday to Sunday. The church was exhorted with powerful teachings on having a godly character and spent time in intense prayer. The total attendance for our Sunday service was 22. During the week, 4 of our bible study groups managed to meet with a total attendance of 37 individuals.



We give thanks to the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti for a month of prayer and fasting. We had time to pray and learn better the book of Isaiah. We had Believers’ Prayer Convention where the Elders were speakers. We finished by connecting to the Deeper Life conference in America. We continue to experience the hand of the God of Ezekiel every week. Mid week programs are going on well. On Sunday our Pastor Dr. Chirima prayed for a man who was brought by a believer on wheelchair, could not eat, walk and talk properly and God of Ezekiel did a miracle. He started walking. During fellowship, he developed too much appetite and he ate more than expected. He could now walk and stand on his own. These miracles strengthen our faith. Continue to pray for us. 



Glory to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti who has continued to show His faithfulness to the nation of Thailand. This week we were excited to welcome an elder who has relocated to Thailand. One other person pledged to make FIF his home, glory to God! We joined the FIF family in the Believer’s prayer convention. We began gathering daily as the whole church for prayer and encouragement with the Word from Monday until Saturday. We had several speakers who were used mightily by God to propel us along the way. Throughout the convention, we had an average attendance of 45 people per service. Sunday was a national big Sunday and several people travelled from different provinces, some as far as 830km. We had a total attendance of 61 people, 29 onsite and 32 online. We had a highly interactive Bible study facilitated by Elder Farie on Tithing and later one child was dedicated to God. Pastor Learnie gave a powerful message on the unfailing promises of God using the book “History of ZAOGA Forward in Faith.” The presence of God was so thick and people rushed to be prayed for, surely our lives will never be the same again. Later we had Holy Communion and after the service we had fellowship over some eats. Thereafter, we went for water baptism and two people were baptized as the saints sang and celebrated with them. Great things are happening in the nation of Thailand and we are grateful to the God of Ezekiel. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.



Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We praise God for breakthrough with our missionary visa extension. Our Ebolowa Pastor, Pastor Eyene liaised with the immigration department to ensure our missionaries get 6 months visas. We continued with our mid week services. 28 believers (16 Adults, 12 Children) attended our Sunday service as we joined the rest of FIF to end the Believers prayer convention. The word was shared by our Elder C Davu entitled Digging our father’s well, a call for everyone to build FIF Cameroon and be fully committed. Our God is increasing us day by day and we are believing God for a bigger place of worship.


Ebolowa – Glory to the God of our father. We thank the Lord for a blessed week. Our midweek services continued and had a powerful Sunday.18 people attended the service. The word was shared by our resident Pastor. We thank the Lord for a permanent place of worship. We need your prayers for the registration of the church in Cameroon.



We thank the God of our father Archbishop Ezekiel H. Guti for continuing to bless His work in Nigeria.Tuesday Women prayer continued at the Headquarters. We are carrying on with the work on the new Worship Centre in Sango and also follow up old members who had stopped coming to church last year. To the glory of God, two of them agreed to come back. Construction work on the Sango Assembly tent finished on Friday as we continue to work towards a bigger shed to accommodate the growing work. At the Headquarters, the youth were the host of the Believers Prayer Convention. There was a mighty move of God on Saturday accompanied by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many youths received the Holy Spirit and some began to prophesy. Something glorious happened during this season as the Holy Spirit directed them to look at the banner with the photo of our father. Immediately they looked at our father, there was a baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of prophecy began to manifest to the extent that many could not withstand God’s presence. They were on the floor drunk in the Holy Spirit. One of the youths went home and throughout the night was filled with so much joy. Sunday service was organized and led by the youths. Bible study was led by a former Muslim; it was his first time ever standing before a group of people teaching the Word of God. The speaker, Favour Esene delivered a powerful message. Two new elders and two deacons were presented to the church.

The service ended with the blessing of the church by our NEC Apostle Joe Guti, and the youth provided refreshments for fellowship. Continue to pray for us as we continue to search for a venue in Lekki area of Lagos as the Overseers and evangelist Oscar Uduak continue to push the work in Sango and the breakthrough in our Abuja branch. Thank you for your continued prayers.



Francistown – We would like to thank the God of our father Archbishop Ezekiel H Guti for a successful Believers prayer convention which we held in the North East Province Francistown under the leadership of our Overseers Tapiwa and Abigail Zhou. We started our prayer meetings on Monday the 12th of June with evening meetings and online chain prayers.

Thursday the 22nd of June we started our believers prayer convention together with the Evangelist T and M Mutizwa as our speakers who taught powerfully. An average of 105 believers attended the prayer convention, 63 leaders attended the Sunday morning leadership service. Sunday service attendance was 143 adults and 49 children. Many had their spiritual lives revived and six people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, glory be to God. The church had enough time for faith clinic with the evangelists, which led to a power packed Sunday service witnessed by great testimonies of deliverance.To sum it up we had a powerful and a life changing believers prayer convention. We thank the God of our father for allowing Evangelist T and M Mutizwa to be with us during the convention as well as the time well spent in the presence of God.



AMFCC – A total of 89 students, among them were students from Guyana, India, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, USA, UAE, Solomom Islands and Fiji, AMFCC staff and community members ‘de-roled’ from their positions as pastors, elders or deacons, to become believers, and participated in a life changing believer’s prayer convention at AMFCC. The Spanish version of the song, ‘They that wait upon the Lord..’ Ezequiel espera En El Senor Removara su fuenza Levantara En a las como..’ was the main song that brought the power of God in a mighty way. Over 20 people were delivered from emotional hurts after a powerful word on the need to forgive to maintain a good heart delivered by our Pastors Dr. K and Pastor Sibongile Mauye. Many more were helped through faith clinic. Isaiah 58 led to a discussion on the need to have a good heart that maintains Christian relationships in the school. 1 person was baptized. 


ZOC-ZEGU – ZAOGA on Campus, Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZOC-ZEGU) from the 19th-25th of June 2023 departed for a gospel outreach in Kwekwe-Amaveni New Jerusalem District, Zimbabwe. The gospel outreach saw 100 ZOC ZEGU student members going therefore to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as emerging generation Evangelists. In fulfilling the number one commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of winning souls, 703 believers received and as well rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. 30 believers were baptized with the Holy Spirit as 36 got refilled with the Holy Spirit and 48 believers were water baptized. This all took place in different venues in the District which is at the Amaveni New Jerusalem Local mother church and Tiger Reef church. At both ends the God of Ezekiel mightily did wonders through the students as they witnessed Jesus Christ unto believers. Miracles took place as the evangelists ministered the word of God during the daily door to door sessions and Crusades sessions. Many people were delivered from witchcraft, Satanism, appendix and hernia, backache, migraine headaches eyesight, financial, marital, marine spirits and speech impairment problems. Crusades on daily bases ranged from 90 to 300 believers on attendance considering both ends. We thank the Lord God of Ezekiel for sustenance in preaching the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and winning lost souls. Special thanks goes to NEC Apostle Joe Guti, Overseers Nyakonda of Kwekwe, Dps P and L Rugare of Amaven District and our beloved university Chaplains Pastors T and S Konye for their prayers and support.


ZOC-UZ – We thank the God of Ezekiel Guti for ZAOGA On Campus University of Zimbabwe that is led by DPs Peter and Rose Natsa and group advisors Tinashe and Evelyn Mhlanga. On the 9th of June 2023, we embarked on a gospel outreach in Mutoko Province. A total number of 146 evangelists participated in this outreach conducting door to door witnessing during the day and crusades during evening hours. Outstanding miracles:

  • 1983 souls came to Christ. 201 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit.123 people were water baptized.
  • More than 500 people got delivered from different curses, diseases and demonic attacks.
  • A 15-year-old girl, who consistently dreamt drinking blood, having sex with many spiritual husbands, listening to secular music and many more was delivered and brought all the rings she used to wear. 
  • A lady who had a thorn in her leg for 4 months was healed and the thorn got out of her after evangelist prayed for her. 
  • An old lady who had aching joints, stomach pains due to peptic ulcers and piercing sounds in her ears got healed instantly after evangelist prayed for her.
  • A lady who was jobless for a long time miraculously got a job after she was prayed for and a jobless bursar got a job a day after she was prayed for by the evangelists. 
  • A certain lady was delivered from generational demon of asthma.
  • A certain lady and a man suffering from stroke on their left legs were healed completely.
  • A certain girl was delivered from the spirit of witchcraft.
  • People who were struggling to walk because of back pains and malfunctioning knees were healed and got back home walking properly.
  • A certain lady was delivered from period pains and another one whose hands suddenly had different colours appearing on her hands was prayed for by the evangelist and received restoration.
  • A man who could not drink water without it blocking the pipes was healed and could do so. 
  • An old lady who had her whole body itching and having pains in the chest, back testified the following day that she had a good sleep. 
  • Certain ladies one who had stroke in her fingers and the other one who walks by crawling got healed.
  • A person who could not stretch her leg for 11 years was prayed for and was able to stretch 

The crusades were remarkably powerful and the God of Ezekiel Guti ministered in a mighty way. 


Please send us videos of the celebrations in your cities and nations on this email


Click here to watch the Centenary Celebrations held at the Glamis Arena in Harare Zimbabwe


Click here to watch the ZEGU 7th graduation



Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen them and enables them time to rest. May grace abound for all that He has put on their hearts to do in 2023 Thanking God for always giving them victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the USA Deeper Life Leadership Conference held in Dallas, TX this past weekend. God honored the prayers of the saints.
  4. Thanking God for the British Columbia, Canada Believers’ Convention to be held in Vancouver this Thursday June 29-July 2, 2023. May God anoint the speakers and enable believers to attend the conference.
  5. Thanking God for the powerful prayer conventions be held this weekend in the FIFMI churches around the globe.
  6. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  7. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, and Cameroon.
  8. Thanking God for your nation.




Acts 16:4-5  “And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily“.


I am speaking to leaders. Some years ago the spirit of greed entered the church. Some people have caused people who are not born again to give their tithe. They give but they are not giving to God, they are giving to you and they complain about their tithe. Please do not take money from people who are not born again. You are there as a leader to keep the rules of Jerusalem…. God bless you



We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

[email protected] | www.fifmi.org


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