Apostles Update Week 25

by fifmi

July 3, 2023

Dear Friends,  


Glory to God. After a powerful and fruitful month of prayer and fasting we have begun the second half of the year.


The week under review started with the first Wednesday Bible Study that was attended by 8 people. After the powerful bible study Senior Pastor Chris recorded and posted a prayer in the group for all members including those that failed to attend. This prayer got an overwhelming response from all group members. During the week in a meeting with lawyers they gave the procedures on registering the church in Slovakia and this week will see execution of the procedures. Friday was a 1 hour prayer band which was fairly attended. Our pastors taught the church on prayer and the church prayed for an hour. Thanking the God of Ezekiel for the first Sunday Service in Slovakia. Since we are still looking for a venue to hold our church services, our first Sunday service was held in the local city park called Kuchajda. The saints heeded the call and there was an attendance of 8 women and 2 men. Our Pastors Chris and Sessy went ahead and gave a background of Forward in Faith Ministry and its mandate through our visionary Archbishop Ezekiel Guti. One of the members had to say ,”this is surely our own Bindura” as we attended church under a gumtree. We trust in the God of Baba to continue doing miracles.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for His goodness we are experiencing in Cambodia. One soul has been added to the family after receiving powerful teachings from pastors Learnmore and Primrose Nyanzara which convinced him to surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Monday and Friday prayer meetings were conducted successfully. Attendance during mid-week services was within the range of 9 to 10 believers. Cambodia held a Sunday service on its own on the 2nd of July and the Spirit of the Lord moved powerfully throughout the service. Pastor Learnmore Nyanzara delivered a life changing message on the power of obedience in the Kingdom of God using the book Hidden Treasures. Outstanding testimonies were shared. We thank God for overwhelming participation in June prayer and fasting. We request that you continue praying for us so that the church may grow in our nation.


We thank the God of our father who has allowed us to have Believer’s Convention in June. We had powerful services under the mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit. On the first and second day we had 15 to 30 people and on Sunday we had 60 including children. Some of the Testimonies in our nation: 

  • Two ladies confessed that this convention was for them, one of them who was sick for one year received her healing instantly.
  • One lady who wanted a baby boy was prayed for and received a boy after 5 girls and was so glad. Another came to be prayed for a baby after three miscarriages and now testified 7 months pregnant.
  • 5 Souls came to Christ and 15 rededicated their lives.
  • One girl’s thumb was not able to move and was stuck but after prayer she can move her hand .

God allowed us to visit and have a one day crusade to people of a different faith, last week we received testimonies from them. Those who were not getting married now have wedding plans. Many received their healing and breakthroughs. Marriages are restored. They want us to come again. God sent a boy for playing instruments properly and his father who had back pain is now completely healed. An urgent prayer request is that we are facing some situations here in our city and all over Pakistan, persecution for being Christians, we are asking for prayer for protection for the churches and for the pastors and saints. May the God of our father Ezekiel give us grace and wisdom to know how to handle the situation. Thank you for your continue prayers for Pakistan.


We would like to thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti.  We had our service with an attendance of 10 people where we had a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord. We give glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour for His mighty hand that we are continuing to see in the nation of Italy. We thank you all for your prayers, continue praying for us and also that more souls will come to Christ.


Casablanca – We thank the God of our Father Apostle E.H. for His great faithfulness to the church in Morocco. This week we were overjoyed to receive pastor TK from New Zealand and pastor Joseph Dhlakama who were sent to us as short-term missionaries. The Sunday service was attended  by 25 adults and 1 child. Pastor Joseph ministered powerfully on the power of the Word of God.

Marrakech – This Sunday we had an attendance of 20 adults and 8 children. We had a wonderful service, and the church was greatly encouraged by a message on the power of the mind shared by pastor TK.  Our in-person and online bible study groups continued to meet. We also thank God that the children’s church is growing in attendance and programs.


We give thanks and glory to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the just ended Month of Prayer June. We would like to thank God also for providing us with suitable and spacious places of Worship and house to stay, in a more expanding location, six kilometers away from the former place. We miraculously secured this place, the last day of the two weeks we were given as notice to vacate the Moslem owned place. We thank God again for numerically adding our membership. An outstanding Miracle; God healed a young girl who was diagnosed and was on TB medication. As she was taking her medication, the chest pains increased and the scan told that her chest was full of water mixed with blood which needs to be drained. She was prayed for by our pastors. When she went for draining it was discovered that there was a great change and the draining was canceled. She is now totally healed and ready to go back to school. Pray for the peace of our nation for God to end civil wars forever. People are full of fear of floods as we are in the rainy season since last year property and houses were carried away and over a million people were displaced and left destitute. Thank for praying for us.


Douala – We are praising God for increasing us daily and believers personal growth. We now have 35 FIF believers, and they have started to participate in the church activities. Our mid-week services continued. 38 people attended Sunday service; 23 adults, 15 children. 9 were visitors and 4 people gave their lives to Christ. Pastor C Muhana preached a powerful message. We are believing God for a bigger place of worship and the starting of a children’s church. 

Ebolowa – Glory to the God of our father. We thank the Lord for a blessed week. Our midweek services continued and had a powerful Sunday. 27 people (18 Adults and 9 Children, 3 were visitors) attended the service. Two powerful testimonies were shared on how the God of our father is working in the lives of the believers. The word was shared by our resident Pastor. We thank the Lord for a permanent place of worship which will enable us to have other church activities so that our believes can be grounded. We need your prayers for the registration of the church in Cameroon.


We thank the God of our father for continuing to move with us in a phenomenal dimension here in Nigeria. Our weekly activities went on well, with a powerful Friday all night at all the centres. Sango Assembly had their Friday prayer in the evening due to the ongoing work at their center which is not yet conducive for all-night prayer. Sunday service was glorious in all our Assemblies. At the HQ centre, overseer Helen Esene was the speaker and attendance was 46 person’s while at konifewo Assembly Overseer Henry Esene was the speaker. 5 new elders and 5 deacons were ordained. After the message, those who were not filled with the Holy Spirit were invited for the Holy Spirit session and 6 of then received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues including a first-time visitor. Those who were not yet baptised in water were invited for water baptism and 5 came forward. Attendance was 55 persons. We had 18 people in attendance at Sango Assembly. We specially need your prayers for Sango Assembly: it used to be about 90 people few years ago however, due to venue challenges, attendance dropped. Now that we have surmounted the venue challenge we are working to restore this assembly beyond what it used to be. We also need your prayers for the Lekki Assembly venue, for God to give us a venue within our budget. We are also believing God for a breakthrough in Abuja Assembly. Thank you so much for continuing to pray for Nigeria.


We thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti that our church registration has been finally approved by the President’s office, we are so excited that Forward In Faith Ministries (Seychelles) is now registered and we give glory to God! We have obtained a good and affordable venue for our services at one of the local schools and we thank God that we have managed to hold our first service at our new venue this past Sunday. Addressing a total of 10 attendants this past Sunday, our Pastors shared on the oneness of the church with the main focus being the vision of the chain of multiplication, and then powerfully encouraged us to meditate on the Word of God. We are believing this true seed of FIFMI will continue to grow and affect Seychelles in a mighty way. Given the surroundings of our venue, we urgently need a good set of instruments; we now have a keyboardist and we are believing God for provision of the PA system at the earliest. Thank you for praying for us.


Glory be to the God of our Father Ezekiel for an anointed, power-packed and joy-filled, FIF Church, British Columbia Canada’s first Believers Convention held from June 29 to July 2, 2023. We thank the Visionaries; Archbishops Ezekiel and Eunor Guti for sending us the Deputy Secretary General Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai who delivered a full package of ministration, with powerful teachings and demonstration of the power of God, as well as wisdom shared by Apostle Dr Steve.

The Speakers, who included Bishop Pat Schatzline, Overseers Joram & Joylyn Rusere (Australia), Evangelist Dr. Phil and Pastor Judith Mutsambiwa (Australia) and some youth speakers, demonstrated resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles such as airline delays, cancellations and lost luggage faced on the way to Canada to allow God to use them mightily to deliver powerful and life changing teachings designed to equip the BC church to be true disciples who are rooted and grounded in church doctrine. Indeed, they were all powerful conduits of God’s Word and were used mightily to impart spiritual gifts and minister healing and deliverance. We were amazed by God’s power as people were healed of back pain, migraines, excruciating pain in the legs while others were delivered from demonic oppression, bitterness and unforgiveness.

We received with joy teachings on unity, forgiveness, loving one another unconditionally, practical tools for witnessing of Jesus Christ in our localities in British Columbia. 

Sunday service had an attendance of 108 people including children. Dr. La-Verne ministered to the church in worship and people were miraculously healed. The banquet manager for the hotel where the Convention was held attended the Sunday service and decided to become part of FIFMI. Another individual who was attending our services for the first time declared “I have been to churches but this one is something else”. Someone else rededicated their life to the Lord and is already looking forward to the next church service. Glory to God. Dr. Steve wrapped up the conference with a powerful and anointed exhortation. There was a movement of the Spirit of God and great impartation. The spirit of our Father was present throughout the Convention.

We would also like to express gratitude to our Father and our Mother who allowed the FIFMI BC church to organize such a successful Believers’ Convention and for sending us Missionaries Apostle Thaddaeus & Pastor Joy Mike who have grounded us in the Word of God, provided leadership and Departmental training and were instrumental in the success of the Believers’ Convention in the three months they have been with us.


A continuous Happy Birthday to our father the Servant and Apostle of God Professor E. H Guti. We are still in the mood of celebrations and thanking God for how far He has brought our father. We also want to thank God for a powerful thirty days prayer and fasting in the month of June. His manifest presence was in the midst of His people and many testified of God`s divine intervention in their lives. Here are some of the testimonies:

  • A lady who has not been working for a while got a job and the Lord has also provided an apartment for her and her two children.
  • A single mother who had an going case with the social authorities about her a son who the authorities wanted to take him away from her, God intervened during the thirty days fasting and prayer and a positive decision was made on her favour. Glory be to God.
  • A lady who has been praying for a permanent working contract got it in the month of June.
  • A couple also testified of God giving them a financial breakthrough.
  • Many testified of being set free from the spirit of unforgiveness and bitterness.

We concluded the fasting and prayers with thanksgiving. We also had a fulfilled Sunday organised by the leaders of the church where we had games and fellowshipped together. We thank God that the Church in our nation is moving forward. Glory and honour be to God


On Sunday the of 2nd July the United Kingdom hosted a prestigious Today’s Woman High Tea 2023. Women from all over gathered following the vision given by God to our mother, Professor Eunor Guti. Although it was a virtual event, this did not stop women from all walks of life celebrating womanhood. We were blessed to have leaders from various churches coming together in their numbers, to be empowered and equipped with teachings and skills, causing them to become better women, wives and mothers. Over 600 women, both young and old, logged in and dressed up in colourful attires, unique fascinators and a well set table – keeping with the High Tea theme.Teachings included: raising and loving children with disabilities, tackling mental health issues, raising children after the Pandemic, as well as drug and substance abuse in young people. The main speaker of the day, Prophetess Memory Matimbire from DOV Prayer Ministry, was mightily used by God. We give glory to the God of our father for such an exquisite event. Truly, the lives of all women who logged in, will never remain the same.


The God of Ezekiel has continued to show Himself strong on our behalf in the nation of Thailand. This week our programs went on as usual with a good attendance. On Saturday, the boys met for a “Hair cut Saturday” fellowship at the mission house with Pastor Learnmore. 7 people attended and 4 boys gave their lives to Jesus Christ, glory to the God of our Father! On Sunday we had a total attendance of 44 people, 18 people on-site and 26 online. Some testimonies:

  • One person testified that during the month of prayer, he prayed for restoration of his relationship with his estranged brother and God answered his prayer immediately. His brother called him and they managed to reconcile, glory to God. 
  • Another lady testified of the love that she has received in this church and another on the breakthrough she had experience because of paying tithes. 

We thank God that the saints are highly motivated and there is evidence of spiritual growth in the church. Thank you for praying for us as we pray for you.


Our Sunday service was attended by 25 adults and 5 children, it was raining heavily but we thank God believers still came to the church. We had a powerful service, they had time to testify about what God did in their life then we had praise and worship. We received the Word of God from Elder Dorcas Mugadza. People received healing and deliverance, we want to glorify the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel who has richly blessed us. Thank you for your prayers.


We give all the glory and praise to God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for anointed, powerful and deliverance at the 2023 USA Leadership Deeper life Conference, our leaders tuned in to all the teachings. Our Sunday service was large as members came out in their numbers. During Bible Study Pastor managed to speak about Local Church and he gave time to the Deacons and Elder to share their experience on what they learned during the leaders Convention. A Deacon shared about their deliverance on Saturday while they were praying there was a miracle that took place in her body she started to vomit and is now healed. Other leaders shared about the teaching of the church history, love offering and youth ministry. There are now aware of the way the church operates. Pastor Fanuel ministered the word. 3 women rededicated their lives to Christ. May you continuously intercede for us as we thrive in this journey of soul winning and growth of our church. We thank you our Father and Mother.


We give thanks to the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti for an exciting week of celebration as God added to us new believers. This Sunday we started teachings on baptism to prepare new believers for baptism. After the teaching new believers were happy to have an understanding of why they should be baptized and it was also refreshing even to the old believers. Continue to pray for us. There was a move of the Holy Spirit during worship and the Pastor preached about the kingdom of God. The new believers testified that Forward in Faith is the church that teaches the truth as it is. They said we are happy to part of such great family. Keep us in your prayers. 


We want to thank the God of our father Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for awesome Sunday service of celebrating the end of the prayer conventions in the month of June. Our Elder Cyprian shared powerfully the word of God and the church was very excited. Some believers testified the goodness of the Lord in this month of prayer, glory to Jesus. Attendance was 146. We ended our church service with fellowship but we still need your prayers for God to bless us with our own stand for the church building. 


We give glory to the God of our father, this weekend had a hive of activities, the Youth Ministry successfully hosted a leadership summit in Lusaka from 29th June to 2nd July, 2023. The conference was aimed at orientation and training of upcoming youth leaders, Advisors and Pastors ‘Emerging generation’ for effective and sound leadership. Church Doctrine, History, giving and ministering, personal development, health, salvation and soul winning amongst other topics were covered. 250 Youth leaders, advisors and Pastors from all the provinces and districts across the nation of Zambia were in attendance.

On the same dates the Go Quickly hosted a national women’s conference. We thank God for powerful speakers Overseer Felistas Mahaso, Pastor Nqobile Maziriri and Elder Viola Mbizvo. Women from across the Country came with the attendance ranging from 120 to 455. Topics covered included, home Talents, Salvation, Character, the girl child and Marriage among other topics. The power of God moved mightily and women were delivered. 12 women gave their lives to Christ. Praise the Lord.


Chinhoyi – We wish to express our gratitude to the God of our Father Apostle Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for a life-transforming Season of Miracles Revival that took place from the 30th – 2nd of July 2023 at Chinhoyi City Local Mother Church with 468 saints in attendance on the first night and numbers rising to 951 in attendance on the last day. Our Guest Speaker Evangelist Rumbi Nyamhanza delivered an undiluted word of God with the demonstration of God’s power extracting her teaching from the book “Do you want to know what people expect when they come to church” written by Apostle Dr. E H Guti. She ministered deliverance powerfully, electrifying the environment with the power of God on total deliverance majoring on the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. There was great deliverance and 216 people were healed from different ailments and delivered from demonic oppressions. Notable miracles: 

  • A woman was delivered from spirit of goblins 
  • A man was delivered from a suicidal spirit 
  • A woman was set free from spiritual husbands 
  • A woman was delivered from things moving in the stomach 
  • A man was delivered from Asthma 
  • A woman was delivered from a blocked throat and her voice projection was restored 
  • A man was delivered from sugar diabetes 
  • There was restoration of sight on a certain man and he can now drive.
  • Marriage restoration after wife had backslidden now both husband and wife coming to church together 
  • A woman was healed from arthritis
  • 8 people gave their lives to Christ and were baptised in water.

Glory to the God of our Father Ezekiel H. Guti

Zvishavane – We want to thank the God of our father Prof E H Guti for the vision of the great Commission (Soul Winning) through Undergraduate Fellowship (UGF). A total number of 35 Evangelists from ZAOGA on Campus MSU Zvishavane (ZOC MSU ZVISH) embarked on a 8 days Outreach Crusade at Mtambi Growth Point about 40km from Zvishavane town from the 24th of June to the 2nd of July 2023. They were holding Mass Crusades during the evenings and door to door services during the day. 

  • 60 people gave their lives to Christ and 11 people were water baptised.
  • Some of the individuals who surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ came forward with their charms for burning, seeking to renounce their former practices and embrace a new life in Christ.
  • A lady who had been suffering from kidney problems and chronic back pain, experienced instant healing following prayer. Another was healed from cervical cancer.
  • A child afflicted with a hernia received healing during the crusade. The child’s condition was completely resolved following prayer.
  • A woman who had been unable to sleep for five years due to an unknown cause received prayer during the crusade and experienced a miraculous restoration of sleep.
  • A community leader and the whole polygamous family gave their lives to Jesus.
  • A lady was healed from acid and pain on the joint’s which made walking painful
  • Another lady was suffering from severe headache for a long time but was instantly healed at the crusade.

More miracles were witnessed and direct prophecies were given to people at the crusade. We thank our home church for the support.


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen them and enables them time to rest. May grace abound for all that He has put on their hearts to do in 2023 Thanking God for always giving them victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the success of the British Columbia, Canada Believers Convention held this past weekend. God honored the prayers of the saints.
  4. Thanking God for the Alberta, Canada Believers’ Convention to be held in Edmonton this Thursday July 6-9, 2023. May God anoint the speakers and enable believers to attend the conference.
  5. Thanking God for the protecting the saints in Pakistani. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season in with no flooding in Chad as God watched over His people.
  6. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  7. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, and Cameroon.
  8. Thanking God for your nation.



Acts 16:4-5  “And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily“.

Why do you listen to people who are not born again complaining about tithe? They intimidate you and you begin to join them yet you are a leader. Some people are suffering from the spirit of greed. They are not worshiping God, they are worshiping money. They pray but they are not pleasing God because they look for money only. The secret in this church is that the money is in the Spirit not in the flesh.…. God bless you


We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

[email protected] | www.fifmi.org


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