Apostles Update Week 25

by fifmi

July 2, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI!!

We are thankful for the grace God has given us for the month of June as we took time to pray and fast. Indeed it has been life-changing in many ways. Let’s keep what we gained and continue to seek God even on our own. All the glory belongs to the God of Ezekiel who gave us victory.


USA Arlington Happy Church together with City Church had a very exciting Big Sunday with our mother the Senior Archbishop Prof. Eunor Guti, which we called A Great VISITATION Sunday. It was indeed a great visitation. She came with a powerful delegation that she was traveling with. We had an attendance of about 198 people, and there was so much joy in abundance as our mother delivered a powerful message about the Integrity of the word of God.
People received healing while she was ministering. We had 4 visitors. Four people received Jesus Christ after she ministered. Our mother highlighted her joy to see young people being fully involved in the Church activities including Praise and Worship and KMD.
Dallas Metroplex will never be the same again.


Lilongwe – The God of Ezekiel remembered Lilongwe Highly Favoured Province following the visit of the FIFMI Secretary General Apostle Mishael and Reverend Leticia Nyambo, from 23 to 30 June 2024. They visited all the Assemblies within the province including Mzuzu, and Salima. The Secretary General toured church stands yet to be developed and a mission house under construction. After the visits, they presided over the believers’ prayer convention hosted by Bishop Harry and Rev. Gloria Odillo. They taught about prayer, personal cleansing, repentance, the kingdom of God, forgiveness, and knowing God through personal experiences. On Saturday, during the day, thirteen (13) women and eleven (11) men met separately. The ladies had an opportunity to conduct faith clinic, while men were taught to assume their Godly responsibility of being leaders both in their families and the church. On 30 June, sixty-two (62) believers gathered for the Big Sunday. Apostle Nyambo taught about obeying the teachings of our father and the importance of claiming the blessing that was given to our father Ezekiel H. Guti. He emphasized that no matter how big your problem is, the God of Ezekiel will solve all your problems. At the end of the service, SG Apostle Nyambo held a meeting with the leadership where he announced the new structures that had been set in the country. The establishment of a National Executive and National Council, including the appointment of national bishops is worth noting. He appreciated the leaders for supporting the work of God and encouraged them to step up when there are no pastors. Lilongwe will never be the same again after the Apostolic visit as members were revived to continue in the teachings of our Church. The church received with appreciation thirty bibles bought by our mother, Senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti. We give God the glory for a great revival and beginning of a new chapter in the nation of Malawi.


We have been truly blessed in this month of prayer. Powerful and encouraging testimonies of provision, protection, and healing were shared on Sunday, all to the glory of God. 3 more members also joined the church, bringing our total to 35. We continue to see the mighty hand of God in Japan. There is great anticipation among the believers as we enter the week of the Believers’ Prayer Convention. Our speaker on Sunday encouraged us to stand strong in prayer as we are guaranteed to overcome only through prayer. The leaders also joined a powerful Leaders Prayer Convention together with the church in China. Our lives are being transformed in this month and we know that the hand of the God of Ezekiel continues with us. We ask for your continued prayers for the growth of the church and for us to get a physical venue. We thank you.


We thank the God of our father, E.H Guti, for leading the church in Slovakia. We continue to be revived in our spirits by both prayer and the sharing from our Sunday services as well as from our WhatsApp group. Sunday 30 June was a very critical day as it was the last day for the sacred June month of prayer. We take pride in also being part of this month of prayer as we joined the Forward in Faith Schengen region in fasting and praying for the work of God. Indeed, it was quite a reviving month. On the 30th of June, we had a big Sunday as Schengen nations whose attendance was a record breaker as more than 100 believers joined the virtual service. In the service, believers had time to give testimonies about the June prayer convention. Indeed, quite thrilling testimonies were given. Our senior pastors then shared a powerful word from Exodus 16:15-18 titled “This is the day.” As Slovakia, we took the month of June seriously as we prayed earnestly for the work of God in the Schengen region and for the registration of the church in the Slovak Republic.


We continue with the pattern of the ZAOGA prayer and fasting in the month of June and we are moving to fulfill the Great Commission to win souls through discipleship. Our pastor Rev. Dr. Robert Chirima hosts our 4 am Bible Study sessions on Zoom- the numbers are increasing, and lives are submitting to the power and love of God. During the Sunday Service (June 23rd), we witnessed several congregants share testimonies on God’s work through them through the blessings and healing they received last week! Hallelujah! The Leadership of the FIFMI Nevis Assembly planned an outreach activity for Community Ministry on the 30th of June and a Car Wash fundraising activity on June 6th to allay the cost of building our church. The Men of Integrity meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays for prayer in the hills- the numbers are growing! To increase our church’s visibility, we have rekindled the Nevis Assembly’s social media presence on Facebook, visit us at Forward in Faith St. Kitts and Nevis. We request that our ZAOGA FIF family continue to pray for us during the hurricane season in June – November and for burden bearers to assist us with the preparation and the building of our church. May the God of peace be with you always.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for His faithfulness in Guyana. The weekly services are commended along with the morning devotion. We started our prayer conversion for believers on Thursday night. On Friday, our pastor preached, encouraging us as a church to get involved in building our church, as we’re the owners so that God can bless us. He then stated that the people who are contributing to the mission will be blessed, but as for us, we are the owners of the church, and if we don’t do anything, God is not going to bless us, so we also need the position of that blessing. On Sunday, some people were steered up by that word and made contributions to a bag of cement as we arranged as a whole to go on our church land so that we could work together with the contractor. Hence, those who didn’t have money were willing to minister physically. This was a powerful word from Pastor Fanuel. The whole church was given Holy Communion to end the service, and we had time to listen to the message from our Father, the Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti. We ask that you continue to pray for the construction of our building.


Monday to Friday at the national level 24 gadgets were connected. Midweek meetings went on well. From Thursday to Saturday at the Believers’ Prayer convention Pastor Diane shared the word and prayed for people for healing. Friday Elder Rose shared on unity, and Saturday prayer service Elder Anna from Independence Village shared on Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful convention. Sunday Service Bible studies were used for the youths to testify what they have learned from this month of June. The week we had 34 members in attendance. We thank God for His faithfulness.


We want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the opportunity to participate in the June month of prayer. Our father apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti through the missions office has sent us short-term missionaries evangelist Dr. Phil and Pastor Judith Mutsambiwa. The church is feeling revived through the teachings of our father. We also want to thank God for the opportunity of a Special Service with our General Overseer Apostle Dr. Steve, on 15 June. He touched mainly on Hebrews 6:10 encouraging the church to be committed to serving God. What a great revival and refreshing it was as he delivered a word in season to the nation of Qatar. As Qatar we participated in this month of prayer which started with pastors going physically to Dubai, then elders had a powerful time with evangelist Dr Phil and pastor J as speakers, from Monday to Thursday. It was followed by deacons and then the believers’ prayer convention. The attendance was so encouraging as we saw some members who were no longer coming, they attended throughout. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way transforming lives with great teachings from our pastors. On Saturday pastor, Judith organised a ladies’ high tea which was attended by 17 ladies at the Grand Regency Hotel. Ladies were revived and encouraged by the teachings. The church in Qatar is enjoying the revival.


We are grateful for the faithfulness of the God of our father E.H. Guti in our nation. Our Pastors attended the historic Asia Pastors’ prayer convention held online from 6 – 9 June. They brought the fire to our national Elders prayer convention which was attended in person by all our elders. Fervent prayers and worship were offered and our Pastors delivered powerful teachings from our father’s books and Isaiah 58. The deacons had their prayer convention from 20-23 June in person and recorded an attendance of 98%. There was a thick presence of God characterised with word of wisdom and prophesy in all sessions. Faith clinic sessions saw deacons pouring out their hearts in tears before the God of Ezekiel. Our deacons have been taken to a new level in their ministry. In preparation for the Believers prayer convention and Big Sunday, we intensified prayer with 3 times a day prayer sessions in the last week of June. We had a power-packed Believers prayer convention from 27- 30 June. Teachings on the correct way of praying and fasting, salvation, and the Kingdom of God were delivered followed by prayer and moments of electrifying presence of God. The Holy Spirit rained on us on Saturday night and the whole house was on fire. 2 people were Holy Spirit baptised. The gift of prophecy was seen at work and the church was strengthened. The same fire was seen on our Big Sunday which was attended by our 3 assemblies. Jubilant choirs presented their songs and dances. Departments, assemblies, and individuals presented to the God of Ezekiel gifts which the Holy Spirit instructed them to buy in the month of prayer and fasting. We thank God for the notable growth of our latest assembly in Cyberjaya. Miracles recorded in the month:
A young lady was prayed for and healed from a swollen and painful arm
Many were instantly healed from different ailments
A visitor testified that she had tried other churches but had seen God in FIF
A couple paid for a month’s rental for our new assembly
3 people received Jesus as their personal Saviour – 2 of them are Asian.
1 lady was water baptised
We give glory to God for such a month of divine visitations. We appreciate your prayers as we continue praying for permanent places of worship for our new assemblies Kuching and Cyberjaya.


We praise the God of our Father, Apostle E.H. Guti, for the abundant grace in our church in Morocco. The month of June brought about a great revival as the church came together in fervent prayer and fasting, culminating in the believers’ prayer convention. The Sunday service in Marrakech assembly had a total attendance of 35, while Casablanca had 17 attendees. Our midweek Bible study groups and prayer services were well attended. Last week, the Marrakech and Casablanca assemblies combined for a special Sunday service in Marrakech, which was attended by 38 adults and 9 children. There was a powerful move of God during the service, resulting in the deliverance of two women from demonic oppression. The church had a fellowship with the breaking of bread after the service which was marked by great joy and unity. We request your prayers for the processing of visas for long-term missionaries.


Douala – Douala City continues to give glory to the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. The church joined the rest of the ZAOGA FIFMI for prayer convention which started on Thursday through to Sunday and it saw people camping at church for the period. Key emphasis was on Isaiah 58 which encouraged believers to get into faith clinic sessions with our Pastors Major and Ruponiso Nyamukuvhengu. People poured out their hearts before the Lord and were prayed for. In the last night after teaching about the Spiritual Gifts there was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit which ended up with the impartation of Spiritual gifts. Sunday Church service was conducted which ended with Holy Communion and Fellowship. Sunday Attendance: 16 people (13 adults 3 children). Prayer requests – Registration of the Church in Cameroon. New converts to be allowed to attend church by their guardians i.e. (parents and some by their husbands).


Blessed be to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti whose favour is upon our nation Chad. God allowed us to be praying in the month of prayer, June which ended with a powerful prayer and fasting convention which started on Thursday to Sunday. We camped at our mission house which is also our meeting place. As it was our first June camping prayer convention, we tremendously experienced the power of prayer as we spent the day and part of the night in the presence of God praying. We were taught by our missionary pastors Johannes and Tracy Danga Kativhu during the convention. We were helped by the word. Our prayer commanders were given time to share the word of God as forerunners. Part of the outstanding Miracles:
One of our believers who was our conference director was involved in an accident with a dog riding a motorbike during the break period. He collided with a dog and was thrown to the other side of the road and the bike to the other side. He stood up and found out that he was apart from the bike and unharmed. Thank God for the protection of our conference director.
A lady who had not been able to sleep for three days because of being tormented by an evil spirit came to our church and the pastor led her to Christ first then prayed for her and was delivered instantly and some staff she had was burned.
On Sunday people braved the weather and we had 57 members and seven visitors. Seven people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and three were delivered from the power of evil spirits. Prayer Request: we have started experiencing heavy rainfalls and in some low places water start entering some houses – may God protect us. Pray for peace in our nation. Thank you for praying for us.


We want to thank the God of our father Professor Ezekiel Guti for His abundant grace in Nigeria, the month of June was a unique month for us as the church engaged in prayer from the pastors’ to the believer’s prayer convention. The leaders and believers were strengthened during this month of prayer. On Saturday the 29th of June as the praise and worship ministered the Holy Spirit took over the service, some people were on the floor worshipping God in tears, and the Holy Spirit spoke through many people who encouraged the church to follow the teachings of the church. Overseers Esene Henry And Helen were the speakers of the believer’s prayer convention. We had holy communion, and our Father Apostle Joseph Joe Guti blessed the church. After which refreshments were served. Total attendance for the Lagos zone was 108.

Abuja – We had the believers prayer convention from the 28th to the 30th of June. We were camping at our new place of worship from that Friday. Our overseers Thomson and Tsungie Nsingo shared words of encouragement taking the teachings from Baba’s books on prayer. On Saturday afternoon people had time to read the word of God and for faith clinic. The Spirit of God moved mightily, especially on Saturday night, people were delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit. On Sunday 30th of June, we had a powerful service with an attendance of 36 people. A powerful word was shared by overseer Thomson Nsingo, people were blessed and instantly healed. We shared food after the service. Abuja is promising, thank you for your unwavering prayers. Continue to pray for our school project as we are working towards new classrooms at the Lagos center for the September school resumption. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nigeria.


Glory be to God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the emphasis on the importance of prayer. We thank God for all our provinces attended prayer. Elders’ and deacons’ prayer was well attended, and the word of God was shared powerfully concerning fasting, prayer, and working of missions. Believers’ prayer was well attended by 280 people. The overseer encouraged the church on the importance of being obedient to the word of God. There was joy and happiness:
4 Repented
5 baptised
10 were Holy Spirit filled and others were refilled.
A woman with backache received her healing
A woman with stomach pain was prayed for and she was healed and many others received their healing
A paralyzed man received his healing and went back rejoicing. Many people were delivered from different types of evil spirits.
Many people poured out their lives during the faith clinic. God of our father Ezekiel Guti is so faithful.


The God of Ezekiel has continued to show Himself strong on our behalf in our nation. This week the pastors Mazuru went to Pattaya city for soul winning. One lady, a Thai national received Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. She was addicted to marijuana, and after being ministered to, she surrendered it all. She was also a smoker and drinker but after prayer, she was delivered. Her mother who, had pains in her leg and was struggling to walk, after prayer was healed and began walking normally, glory to the God of Ezekiel! We had our Believers’ prayer convention from Thursday night, we had 38 gadgets logging in and Deacon Mataruse from Cambodia preached powerfully on cleansing ourselves. On Friday we had a hybrid service, with 18 people gathering onsite and 34 online. Deacon Bernadette preached powerfully on the importance of using the word of God in prayer. Pastor Rodney also taught powerfully on prayer. We spent the whole day in prayer on Saturday with 24 people onsite and 38 people online. We received powerful teachings from Elders Victor and Farie on love and character, respectively. Faith clinic was conducted and people went for counselling with the pastors and elders. In the evening Pastor Rodney taught on discipleship and we also had a lot of time to pray. The spirit of prayer was in our midst and some people were prayed for and received deliverance. Sunday service was also very powerful. We had a total attendance of 70 people, with 45 online and 25 onsite. We had two visitors, one a Thai lady who is showing promise of becoming a member and another, a Zimbabwean lady living in Bangkok. Deacon Nyasha preached powerfully on the favour of God, using Baba’s book, Dissatisfaction Because of the Sense of Eden. Later pastor Rodney also spoke on the same topic and people were ministered to in a mighty way. We had Holy Communion later and after the service, two people were water baptized, one of them, a Thai national who gave her life to Christ a couple of weeks ago. We give God all the glory for His faithfulness. Thank you for continuing to pray for the church registration process, as we continue praying for you.


Muzarabani – As ZOC, one hundred and twenty-five (125) evangelists from the University of Zimbabwe managed to attend the Chawarura, Muzarabani Gospel Outreach from 14 June – 23 June 2024. Chawarura is a region in Muzarabani Province Under Student Pastor Tinashe Madondo and Overseers S & G Foya. One thousand and three hundred and seventy-nine (1 379) people gave their lives to Christ, ninety-three (93) were Holy Spirit filled and ninety-two (92) were water baptized. A lot of miracles and healings took place in Muzarabani such as converting Muslims in the area to Christianity, deaf people were able to hear, those with eye problems regained sight, and stroked people were prayed for and were healed. Miracles:
A total of 1 379 people gave their lives to Christ, 93 were Holy Spirit filled and 92 were water baptized.
A lady who had sore legs and diabetes mellitus was prayed for and was healed.
Moslems in the area received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and they were baptized in water and the Holy Spirit.
A man with a urinary tube who was not able to walk or stand was prayed for and started walking.
A grandmother who was using a hearing machine, her ears opened after evangelists prayed for her.
A woman was prayed for the day before and safely delivered a baby boy though the doctor had said she needed an operation.
A certain grandfather who had one of his eyes blind regained sight.
A girl who had a deaf ear all her life long was prayed for and healed instantly.
Nine (9) people were delivered from marine spirits.
A certain lady had cancer and she got operated on and was prayed for and she was healed.
A girl who had something moving in her stomach was prayed for was delivered and healed.
A certain lady who was paralyzed was healed and she was able to hold a cup in her hand and also, she was able to walk without a supporting stick.
A certain lady got her legs healed; she was not able to walk but after being prayed for she was able to walk. A boy who had a painful leg was prayed for and healed.
A young man testified that he was feeling at peace after receiving Jesus Christ.
A lady who has been suffering from a right-side stroke was healed and restored by the God of our father.
A certain boy decided to leave alcohol after receiving Christ
A bedridden lady was prayed for and another day evangelists passed by and saw her better and sitting with family.
A man who had chest pain was prayed for and healed.
A lady was prayed for and came Sunday morning testifying that her high BP was recorded as normal puzzling the nurses.
A young boy who had a fever got prayed for and was later seen playing football.
Husband and wife who both had back pain got instantly healed and that led them to give their lives to Christ.
The legacy of our Father E.H. Guti continues.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for wisdom for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for grace as she prepares for the Canada Deeper Life Conference. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  4. Thanking God for the Canada Deeper Life Leadership Conference to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada this Thursday July 4 – 7, 2024. May God anoint the speakers. May provide for the finances enable the leaders to travel from all over Canada.
  5. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


Centenary celebrations message from Baba (14 May 2023):

I say to you all, fear God, fight with your flesh, endeavor to be faithful people, be obedient, be obedient to the teachings, that’s what is good. I’m here I took care of my mother because she took care of me.
All those who got saved today, from today you should pray, Once you start praying God will start speaking to your heart and you will know that this is the true God.
Thank you to everyone who left everything and came to celebrate with me
Thank you for spending the day here. Thank you. God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46

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