Apostles Update Week 27

by fifmi

July 17, 2023

Dear Friends,  


The National Executive Chairman (NEC) Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti drew profoundly the word of God, drawing from the books written by our father Archbishop Professor Ezekiel Guti, the History book of ZAOGA and A Disciplined and Teachable Spirit. He was encouraging and strengthening the church that Jesus Christ is the foundation of ZAOGA FIFMI even if the methods change, the message remains the same. About 338 people received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. In Masvingo, a woman was instantly healed of her ear which was no longer hearing. In Harare North, 6 women were instantly healed of severe period pain. In Mozambique, people were healed and many others were healed of stomach, chest, headaches and hip problems and 100 people were delivered from evil spirits. Countless others were healed. The church was blessed and strengthened by the word and the spirit of prayer engulfed most centres soon after the word was preached.

Feel free to share testimonies from your province or nation.


We remain focusing and reflecting on the life and ministry of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti. The week under review started with a powerful Bible Study that was attended virtually. Each member shared on what they learnt. It was followed by continual bible verses, insights and motivations shared throughout the week for uplifting our spirits. Sunday service was an exceptional hybrid service. We were joined by our Senior Pastors Chris and Sessy Mutsigwa from Hungary for the Bible study together with individuals from Austria, Poland and Hungary. Afterwards Slovakia continued with their service by the Kuchajda Park lake. A powerful word was shared by the church Elder. The church continues to pray for a proper venue for church services. Significant strides have been made to engage the various authorities on venue so that we have a proper place to hold our services every Sunday. However, continue to pray for us to get the best venue.


The Pastors are back in Hungary and revived our spirits by sharing their own personal testimonies of how the life of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti impacted and literally changed the course of their lives since they were youth. This led to all members doing the same. We gathered with the few remaining student members for a special meeting and fellowship to plan the preparation of familiarisation activities to attract new first year students and returning students during the September semester. Pray with us concerning this noble cause. We then joined the International Sunday service online.


We join the rest of ZAOGA FIF to celebrate the life well lived by the Apostle Dr. Ezekiel H Guti. Members were logged on to the zoom service where Pastor Fanuel and Deacon Coreen were given time to testify. On Sunday, the 16th July 2023 we gathered together to pray and celebrate the life of our Father Apostle Ezekiel. There was powerful praise and worship including testimonies that emphasized the love and humility our father showed to all colours of people. Pastor Fanuel Phiri emphasized on doing the work of God and encouraged us to remember the teachings of our father. As he spoke the presence of God took over and people were prayed for and delivered and one lady decided to make Forward in Faith her church. Glory be to God. 


We joined the family of ZAOGA FIF in the continued celebration of the life and legacy our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti. Many members have and continue to share their testimonies how our Father has unpacked their lives in this ministry. All of our weekly activities continue, the counseling sessions have really been a great help to many people who are reaching out to Dr Robert Chirima for counseling. Our Sunday Service was very powerful. Right after church we baptized 2 believers. All praise and glory to the God of our Father. We ask for your continued prayer for us here in Nevis.


Ontario and Quebec – We welcomed our new pastors, Thembinkosi and Priscilla Mupangeri, who were introduced to the Church by Apostle Atoria. The atmosphere from start to end was charged with a heavy presence of the Holy Ghost. The service started with multitudes of people testifying how their meetings and encounters with our father changed their lives. People testified about being healed and delivered after being prayed for by our father. 

  • One of our pastors testified about being completely healed after having suffered a stroke and was in a coma.
  • Another person testified about being healed from cancer and diabetes after our father prayed for him. 
  • A mother testified about how her son, who was born with cerebral palsy, was now self-sufficient and enrolled in school for graphic designing.
  • A certain woman testified about dreaming about the angel of ZAOGA FIFMI whenever she was going through tough times and that she would have breakthroughs. 

There was much joy and celebration as we sang and danced to songs that were popular in the church from more than 30 years ago to date. The Young Generation did a special presentation, honoring our father. Apostle Gudyanga, who is visiting from our Jerusalem, preached powerfully about the Kingdom of God. There was a great movement of the power of God as people received from the Holy Spirit. In attendance there were 136 adults and 30 children. One person gave her life to God and 5 others rededicated their lives. Please pray for us to keep this fire burning in our province and our nation as we strive to be true disciples of our father and go out to bring more souls into the kingdom.


We remain indebted to the God of Ezekiel for His continued faithfulness in Thailand, even as we are in this season of celebrating the life of the Servant and Apostle of God. Last week pastors Learnie and Prim travelled to Trang province, some 840 km from Bangkok to visit and strengthen the believers there. The believers testified that they were touched by such love and were greatly edified by the visit. This week we had our weekly services with a good attendance, the highlight was the touching testimonies of how our father impacted the lives of the saints in FIF Thailand. On Sunday we had a power-packed service with 54 people in attendance, 19 onsite and 35 online. During Bible study, we read from the Book of Remembrance and had an interesting and very fruitful discussion on the page 9 of the book. Later, people had time to testify the goodness of God they have experienced through the life our Father. Pastor Prim taught powerfully. We had time to pray for our lives and the Spirit of God fell heavily in the place. It took a while for people to leave the service as we just basked in His presence, glory to God! Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we pray for you.


Glory be to God of our father Ezekiel Guti for His favour upon our lives. The church in the Solomon Islands is doing very well. We thank God for the week of celebration even though it was not easy for people but we thank God, we had a blessed service. When our people came to know this God and reading the books that our father wrote and his teachings it created a deep burden and a desire to meet with our Father, Baba Ezekiel Guti physically even though only few had the opportunity to meet with him. During our service, we were encouraged by the word, of how our father had fought a good fight, a life well lived, a great hero of faith. The attendance was very good, 14 people repented and gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.Glory to God.


Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We joined the rest of FIF to celebrate the life of our father Apostle E. H Guti. We are praising God for increasing us daily and believers personal growth. 20 people attended services, 17 adults, 3 children. 4 were visitors (Elder Barnabas from Chad with his family). Powerful testimonies were shared about how people’s lives are being changed after coming to Forward in Faith. Glory to God. The word was shared by our DP W Muhana.

Ebolowa – Glory to the God of our father. We thank the Lord for a blessed week. Our midweek services continued and had a powerful Sunday as we joined the rest of FIF to celebrate the life of our father. 20 people (16 Adults and 4 Children, 4 were visitors) attended the service. We need your prayers for the registration of the church in Cameroon and a place of worship for Douala.


ZOC MSU– On the 24th of June 2023, Midlands State University ZAOGA on Campus team embarked on a gospel outreach in Empress, a region under Kwekwe Golden province, 65 evangelists managed to be part of this gospel outreach. More than 60 people got delivered from different curses and demonic attacks. Here are some testimonies:

  • 12 souls came to Christ. 
  • 32 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
  • 48 people were water baptized.
  • A certain group of miners was preserved from the accident that happened at the mine when an evangelist had prayed for protection a day before the accident happened.
  • A certain man who was jobless got a job a day after evangelists prayed for him.
  • A young girl received her deliverance from seeing blank pages and dark pages at school and consistently dreaming drinking people’s blood and she had also been instructed to kill her mother. Glory to God she is now free.
  • A lady with swollen legs struggling to walk was healed by prayer and started to walk properly.
  • 2 girls got delivered from marine spirits.
  • A young man suffering from back pain and not able to do his work got healed instantly after prayer was offered to him and he is now able to do his work.
  • A certain whole family was attacked by demons, and got deliverance after evangelists prayed for all of them.

We thank the God of Ezekiel for the vision granted to servant of God, that we are moving in today as young Ezekiels and we will always continue moving in it.


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for always giving her victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for comforting and consoling His church in this season. The church is marching on Forward In Faith
  4. Thanking God for protecting the saints in Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in Chad as God watches over His people.
  5. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  6. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
  7. Thanking God for your nation.



An excerpt from the History book


Now I want to say this:

If people lean on me as their source of strength, they will be led astray when I am gone because they will say ‘our strength is gone’. Only those who kept my teachings will survive. Those who used to hear you saying God is present because the servant of God is present, will laugh at you and saying ‘Your God is gone. What are you going to do?’ I never preached myself to be Jesus or pretend to be Jesus but I am a servant and Messenger of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, who died and rose for you and me. Amen.

My aim is that everyone clings to what I preach about Jesus who sent me. I was sent by Jesus. I was raised by God to teach people the truth, without the doctrine of men. Be ye my followers, as I am a follower of Christ. ( I Corinthians 11:1)”…… God bless you.


We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

[email protected] | www.fifmi.org



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