Apostles Update Week 28

by fifmi

July 24, 2023

Dear Friends,  


We as South Africa feel very privileged to have been allowed to host the grand send-off service for our father Archbishop Professor Ezekiel Guti at our National centre at Olifantsfontein in Johannesburg on Friday July 21, 2023. The service was attended by an audience in excess of 10000 including the online audience from Facebook, YouTube and Ezekiel TV. We were highly honored to have our mother Professor Eunor Guti and the family in attendance. We also had dignitaries from heads of other churches who were learning from our father. Bishop Musa Sono, Dr Elijah Maswanganyi and Ambassador Hamadziripi to mention a few. The service was a showcase of the iconic stature of the African Apostle in an unprecedented way. Indeed, he was a cut above the rest proved by testimony after testimony as different people shared how they were impacted by our father’s life and ministry. The service was full of joy as different ministries celebrated a life well lived. In the proceedings we had a key note address from our mother who reminded us that what had happened to us was timely planned by God and it happened at the right time where Baba had finished laying the solid foundation for the continual growth of the ministry. She called the family of Forward In Faith to stand together in love and unity behind the leadership Baba gave us in the three Apostles( the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, Secretary General- Apostle Mishael Nyambo and Deputy Secretary General- Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai) and that Baba’s voice will continue to be heard as we continue in the books he wrote for us under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which left us greatly strengthened.


Our Mother showed us the kind of God our father gave us as she narrated how centres across the world were purchased cash without borrowing Dr. Steve Simukai then followed with a powerful message reinforcing Babas love towards the nation of South Africa. How for many years Baba personally labored and sacrificed resources to bring up the unique seed of Forward In Faith in South Africa. He recounted how the church was birthed from humble beginnings in Soshanguve and how God has fulfilled the promise He made to His servant resulting in the church expanding to reach all the 9 provinces of South Africa. In the end He went on to make an after call for people who wanted to give their lives to Christ and over 35 received Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour. Many other people were healed from several diseases as Dr La-Verne ministered healing and deliverance. A lady who had a back pain for 3 days, as she was watching on the television in Witbank, Mpumalanga Highveld province, was healed of back pain and she gave a testimony on the Sunday in church about this miracle. Glory be to the God of Ezekiel who does miracles through Ezekiel channel Television. At the end of the service, thousands thronged to pay their last respect to the Great General of our time. We will live to remember the grand exit and majestic convoy under metro police escort as they escorted our father and the family .


Saturday 22 July 2023 was a memorable day in the history of ZAOGA FIF and the nation of Zimbabwe when the body of our father Archbishop Ezekiel H. Guti was received back in the motherland. Thousands of people gathered at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport and more than 15000 lined up the 9km Airport Road singing and dancing as they welcomed their hero, father, iconic leader, the African Apostle back home. As the hearse passed by the crowds along Airport road, there was great jubilation as the people sang, danced and ululated and some received their deliverance as demons began to manifest and flee. Over 5000 people including the Bishops, Apostles and the Executive members of ZAOGA FIF , leaders of other ministries, the EFZ leadership represented Bishop Never Muparutsa gathered at Braeside Christian Centre International for the Home Coming Service. The service was punctuated by a powerful worship service, testimonies and brief word which centered on salvation at personal level sighting how our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti sought-after salvation, “Creator if you are there , save my soul”.14 people received Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. The EFZ president Bishop Never Muparutsa among other keynote speakers spoke highly of the ministry and the life of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti, nailing it on the wall that he wwas a “Father ” and an Apostle who impacted many lives both by his life and by his death. Our Mother , Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti exhorted and encouraged the people with words of wisdom to remain united, loving one another and building on the foundation already laid by our father according to 1 Cor 3:10-11


People were highly blessed and encouraged by the word shared by Apostle Mishael Nyambo, the Secretary General. He was basing on John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me”. He was encouraging ZAOGA Forward in Faith to believe in the God which was preached to us by our father, He will comfort us, He will make things clear as we go forward. Our father kept emphasising that this is not his church and whatever happens to him would not destroy the church. Apostle Nyambo also highlighted the importance of continuing to build schools as a method of spreading the Gospel, as true disciples of Archbishop Ezekiel Guti. Being a disciple is imitating the kind of life our father was living. He had a burden for the work of God. From now onwards we will hear his voice through the books he wrote.his ending he highlighted that our father did not come to us with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and power. This power is still operating in Forward in Faith and he ended by commanding sickness to go and many people were healed of various diseases and ailments, whilst many more were delivered from evil spirits. 199 people received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


We continue to see the marvelous deeds of the God of our father Archbishop Ezekiel Guti. During our midweek Bible Study attended Online by 8 members joining from Poland, Austria and Hungary, testimonies were shared of how Baba Guti’s Life and teachings affected and changed lives for the better.

The Pastors visited the capital city Budapest to find opportunities of starting a new Assembly. A fellowship of 6 members was held to plan the launching in the near future. Morale was boosted by Elders Donny and Chipo Jabangwe who visited from United Kingdom in what they called Missions holiday. We spent the weekend street witnessing together. We continue to seek prayers for the growth of the church in Hungary.


As we continued to celebrate life well lived by the Apostle Professor Ezekiel H Guti. On Friday morning people were connected to the live broadcast which was on Ezekiel TV for the celebration of our Father in South Africa and also on Friday Evening we were connected in USA for the celebration of our Father, Saturday morning we were also connected on live broadcasting on Ezekiel TV for the homecoming of our Father in Zimbabwe the word which Mama spoke on the book of Joshua was a confirmation that was given to us by our Pastor after our Father departed to glory to strengthen the church of Guyana. On Sunday members were given time to testify about how the life of Baba impacted them followed by the powerful worship team, Pastor Fanuel ministered the word to the people encouraging them to know the God of our Father, and by doing so we need to keep our self from pride, the love of money, temptation of women/men he emphasized. We ask that you continue to pray for us so that God’s work may continue to grow in this nation.


We want to thank God for the life of our Father Apostle Ezekiel Guti as we join the FIF family to celebrate his life well lived. As Germany, Poland, France we were recently blessed with short term missionaries Overseers Rudolf and Sophia Owoseb. During this midweek, Overseers Owoseb visited Hamburg Assembly, and he conducted home visits, teaching about the Kingdom of God and strengthening the saints as they prepare to launch the assembly. The home visits were concluded with a barbecue fellowship, held on Thursday, and was attended by a total of 12 people, including children. On Sunday a powerful Hybrid Sunday service was hosted by Hannover Assembly with 23 adults and 7 children attending physically and 15 gadgets connected on Zoom from within Germany, Poland, France and Finland. Powerful testimonies were shared on how Baba Guti impacted the lives of believers. Overseer Sofia then encouraged the church to read Baba’s books and highlighted some must-have books for believers and leaders. Overseer Rudolf taught the church about Holy Spirit baptism and water baptism. He then led the Holy Spirit session, and 8 people received the gift of the Holy Spirit and 5 people were water baptised the same day. Afterwards, the church broke bread together, fellowshipping with each other.


Glory to the God of Ezekiel for His mercies which endure forever. This week we had our weekly programs as usual, giving much emphasis to the celebration of our Father’s life. We managed to join the FIF international family in the online celebrations of our Father’s life and the homecoming. The believers feel strengthened and ready to soldier on with the work of God in Thailand. On Sunday we had an amazing service with a total attendance 55 people, 21 people onsite and 34 people online. During Bible study we had an interesting discussion from the History book, page 10. People continued to testify on the great impact the life of our Father had on their lives. Later Pastor Learnie taught powerfully on discipleship. He was prompted by the Holy Spirit to call for an alter call for people who were struggling with unforgiveness and several people were delivered from the spirit of unforgiveness. Later we managed to join the live international service on Ezekiel TV. Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we pray for you. 


Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We joined the rest of FIF to celebrate the life of our father Apostle E.H Guti through testimonies and songs. We are seeing the hand of the God of our father Apostle Prof. E. H. Guti. We continued with our mid-week services, we thank the Lord our praise and worship team now has consistent members who practice every Saturday. 30 people attended services, 15 adults, 15 children. 3 were visitors. Glory unto to God. We give glory to God as one young man testified of how he had a near death experience after falling sick during the week and as Pastor W Muhana prayed for him he was instantly healed. The Word was shared by our Pastor.

Ebolowa – Glory to the God of our father. Praise unto to the God of our father Apostle E.H Guti. Our midweek services continued and we had a powerful Sunday as we joined the rest of FIF as we continued to celebrate the life of our father. 25 people (21 Adults and 4 Children, 1 visitor) attended the service. We need your prayers for the registration of the church in Cameroon and a place of worship for Douala.


We are celebrating the Life and Legacy of Apostle and Servant of God our father Ezekiel Guti who has been promoted to Glory. From 18th to 22nd July, we continued our Celebration with Bishop Christopher and A. Kapandura, who came to grace the events by sharing from the Books written by our Father, that God runs His Church. He visited, Central Province, Kafue Province, and Lusaka West. On 22nd July, 2023 Greater Lusaka Provinces gathered in one Place to hear Testimonies and the History book was read. 15 people rededicated their lives to Christ. We thank God for the prayers of the saints


Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.


This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for always giving her victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for comforting and consoling His church in this season. The church is marching on Forward In Faith
  4. Thanking God for protecting the saints in Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in Chad as God watches over His people.
  5. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  6. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
  7. Thanking God for your nation.



An excerpt from the History book


Now I want to say this:

Let no man put trust in man. The Bible forbids Jeremiah 17:5-8. I say Blessed is the man that trusts in God, whom I have taught. He who loves me, let him keep the salvation of Jesus that I have taught and that I will teach till he comes, that man might believe and be saved from their sins and walk in the light and in truth without compromise. My teaching is not a mixture of truth and lies but pure word of God. He who walks in this truth will not go astray, though he might be a fool.”…… God bless you.


We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092

[email protected] | www.fifmi.org


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