Apostles Update Week 34

by fifmi

September 4, 2023

Dear Friends,


We give God all the glory and praise for all He continues to do in the church. We want to thank God that from the 2-6 August 2023, Elders Mutomba and Pedzisayi traveled well to Zimbabwe to join the rest of the Forward in Faith family in celebrating the life of our father, Apostle E. H Guti on behalf of the Cayman Islands church. During the week we welcomed Bishop Caleb and Pastor Tina Mashushire to Cayman Islands. On Wednesday we had a fellowship and it was a great time of reunion filled with joy. Pastor Tina had a remarkable time of fellowship with the ladies on Saturday. On Sunday we experienced a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit and many people were ministered to. In attendance were 57 people (15 men, 27 women and 15 children). The church service was then followed by water baptism and 5 candidates were baptized. We ask that you continue to pray for the Cayman Islands church, that God will open doors for the growth of the church.


We praise God for His goodness. Weekly services continued as believers, leaders and Pastors join devotional prayer in the morning online. As people were gathering for Friday three people were given the opportunity to minister, it was a powerful session. Sunday service featured a powerful Bible study using the book Forward in Faith Guidance Rules and Policy where our pastor taught about purpose and membership. One man got a job after being prayed for, we give glory to God. Teachers and children were prayed for as they are going back to schools. There was great deliverance. After service one lady hosted the whole church with food and drinks as she was thankful to what God is doing in her life and family. May you continuously intercede for us that we continue with the work of God.


We had an awesome week in our midweek services and fellowship, where we met on our zoom platform. Our Sunday Service was on a high, the atmosphere was so charged, we had a powerful Bible Study Facilitated by Elder Stephanie, from our Father’s book Sunday Morning Bible Lectures. “How to stay free after your Deliverance”. We had such powerful worship from our team we saw persons being delivered through worship and we felt the power of God, to God be the glory. In attendance were 25 adults, 11 children and 2 visitors. Some believers testified of God’s grace and providence in their lives. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue to pray for you.


We thank the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness to us here in Nevis. We continue steadfast in our weekly activities. Our Pastor Dr. Robert Chirima is counselling and ministering deliverance to many even to those who are not members of the church. As people see the light, we have more visitors. We thank God that this week, our Sunday was covered by Nevis Broadcasting Television and was aired two hours later to the nation. To God be the glory. We thank you for your continued prayer for us and we also continue to pray for you.


Ontario / Quebec – We thank the God of our father as the youth descended upon the capital city of Ottawa for a youth retreat weekend from Friday to Sunday. The retreat was aimed at bringing about a revival in the young people in the church. Over 60 youths and young adults were in attendance together with the Pastors and the Youth Advisors of all the assemblies in the province. On Saturday, we had an outreach BBQ by the beach. It was a wonderful time filled with fun, games and fellowship, as well as a games night. We had a power packed Big Sunday led by the youth. After a powerful preaching from Pastor Emmanuel Chuck, one youth gave his life to Christ and several young people rededicated their lives to Christ. Several others were delivered from various spirits. We give all the glory to the Lord God of Ezekiel.


South Yorkshire

We’re so grateful to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti who allowed us to open a new assembly in Lincolnshire, UK. This is the first time that Forward in Faith in UK has arrived in this city. There was great joy and excitement in the Region as Regional Pastors Blessing and Cleo Mutingwa with the team of Elders and deacons planned and organised soul winning activities leading to the official launch of Lincoln Assembly. There were over 145 people in attendance on Sunday including other saints from different assemblies in the region. There was singing and dancing to guest International Artist – Melissa Makwasha, VOT & Regional Praise & Worship team. KMD & EGEA books made outstanding presentations. The cake and cutting of the ribbon spiced up the creativity of the launch with a year of rentals raised for the new assembly, bought a brand new PA system and many other resources. Our Provincial Overseer Carls Manyati graced the day, preached the undiluted gospel centred on the Kingdom of God, which ministered to the hearts of many. Many people were prayed for and were healed from all sorts of ailments. Among those that came to the Lord, was a white British lady and her son. As our father the Apostle and Servant of God once said – ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet.’ The day ended with a wonderful fellowship. Indeed, this is the beginning of great and mighty things in our Region and Yorkshire Province.


We celebrate the God of Ezekiel for His constant grace upon our nation. Indeed, the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. The ladies had High Tea (Esther´s Banquet) on the 2nd of September in Stockholm with the theme “In such a time like this” Esther 4:14. We had lots of interesting sessions and speakers, who spoke from different spheres of life encouraging them on how to maintain good hygiene habits in all aspects as ladies, living a purposeful life as a virtuous woman and how to raise our children in the fear of God. We also had our resident pastors as our guest speakers for the question and answer session. We hosted ladies from different countries of origin like Uganda, Kenya and Ghana. The total number of ladies was 10 plus our pastors. All the ladies were prayed for. We give God all the glory.


We continue to witness the goodness of the God of our father as saints are continuously being grounded in the word of God in both assemblies. In Punjab the church is growing, our weekly service went well, we were 30 people in attendance at Makhu, we had our Bible study with Pastor Seema where she taught on the subject of prayer, followed by powerful praise and worship including testimonies. Pastor James shared the word of God as he encouraged believers to continue in the faith despite the hard times. One woman was prayed for and healed from her liver problem. Another who was having severe breathing problems was healed from asthma.
While in Gilgal, 33 faithful attendees, with 4 new believers came together to worship and grow in their faith. Bible study was an in-depth discussion and reflection on the Scriptures from the book “a teachable and disciplined spirit”. After the doubt clearing session, we embarked on learning another book for this month “Sunday morning bible lectures” written by our father Professor E.H. Guti. Following the service, members enjoyed a time of fellowship. We need serious prayers for the work of God in India. The church of God is under serious persecution, churches are being burnt, many pastors are in jails. At the same time, we are experiencing floods in Punjab and crops are ruined due to heavy rain here.


We give glory to the God of Ezekiel for another fruitful week. Our weekly programs went on as usual with a good attendance. On Saturday the ladies held a hybrid baby shower for one of the deacons. A total of 22 ladies attended the event with some for travelling over 400 km. The joy of the Lord was so great and the spirit of love and unity was evident. On Sunday, we had a total attendance of 46 people, 34 attending online and 11 onsite. During bible study, deacon Tracy facilitated a fruitful discussion on discipleship. Later deacon Nyasha shared powerfully on the nature of the God of Ezekiel. The power of God fell in the place and people had time to pray for their lives. Surely our lives will never be the same again. Some testimonies:
A couple testified how God made a way for the renewal of their visas after they had been denied.
One lady testified of the favour she has been experiencing at work despite the difficult circumstances at her workplace.
We are seeing the goodness of God in our nation and ask that you continue praying for us as we pray for you.


Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. Bonjour from Cameroun. Douala assembly is growing day by day. Our mid-week activities continued and we completed our Deacons training and orientation. Our God keeps doing great things in the lives of believers. We are receiving many testimonies of the goodness of our God. We held our first ever Big Sunday with an attendance of 45 people (17 children, 28 adults, 3 were visitors). We had wonderful presentations from various ministries and the church was full of joy. 5 deacons were appointed and our pastor prayed and charged them for the work ahead. 13 children were dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ and we partook our first Holy communion as an assembly. The Bible study was like no other as Pastor Concie wrapped up principles of giving with illustrations and real-life examples. Pastor W Muhana powerfully shared the word of God on deliverance followed by powerful practical deliverance. Many people were delivered and set free. Heavens rejoiced with us as 2 people gave their lives to Christ. The Sunday ended with a special fellowship of sharing and giving, we are seeing the teachings of our father coming to life as the assembly is full of the love of Christ. We are believing God for a bigger place of worship as our current place of worship is already packed and also for the church registration.


We thank the God of Ezekiel, Lilongwe Province under the leadership of Overseers G. and A Kanzeru hosted the 2nd Deeper Life Conference as Lilongwe Province, from 31 August to 3 September 2023. It was attended by 100 leaders drawn from all Regions and Assemblies in the Province. Our guest speakers were Bishop Martin Chikuse and Reverend E. Chikuse, who taught the leaders on rules and policy, history of the church, understanding transition and good working relationships and leadership. The province was well grounded and most leaders appreciated the importance of the rules and policy and church history. During the conference the first AMFCC- part time class of 20 students from both Blantyre and Lilongwe Provinces graduated on 2 September 2023, glory to God. The graduation was presided over by the International Director of AMFCC Part-Time schools Dr J. Mlambo and Dean of Students at AMFCC, Reverend E. Zimbili, who were also part of the speakers of the conference. We thank God, Malawi will never be the same again.


The Boys and Girls Conferences were held simultaneously from the 1st to 3rd of September, 2023. The speakers were mightily used by God. Faith Clinic and deliverance was conducted and many boys and girls were set free from demonic oppression. The topics covered were: the doctrine of the church, Entrepreneurship, Physical and Mental illness and dangers of drug Abuse. Overseer Yonnah Banda ministered on being rooted and grounded in the doctrine of the church. We thank the God of our Father for the good response from the Girls and Boys who turned up on the last day, 3rd September which was a Mega Big Sunday.


Child Evangelism/Young Generation Conference

We want to thank the God of our Father Archbishop Ezekiel H. Guti for wonderful Child Evangelism/Young Generation Conferences that were held around the country. In Guruve provincial CE Pastors Magora, Overseers Nyamuzinga, Local Pastors Maseko and Elder Goba shared on various topics. The attendance ranged from 184 on the first day to 240 on the last day. A total of 48 children accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in their lives. Counselling was given and one on one sessions were conducted and more than 50 children opened up and were prayed for. Over 80 children were set free from familiar spirits, marine spirits and generational curses were broken. We also conducted a Holy Spirit session in which 70 children and filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. While in Bulawayo Overseers Mushangwe and Pastor B. Mthupha hosted Pastors Casper and Tsitsi Dandadzi as guest speakers alongside Elders Chibaro, Malunga, Maphosa. Dr. Mashingaidze, Evangelist Mano and Deacons Makore. Numerous children were delivered from demonic oppression with 15 surrendering finger rings, ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets and belts to be destroyed as these were linked to satanic dedications. 169 delegates attended from Plumtree and Greater Bulawayo provinces, of whom 72 received the Lord Jesus Christ and 26 were Water Baptised. The conferences focused on the total person as Health personnel, police officers from the victim friendly unit, CID, magistrates, educationists also shared with the children on their areas of expertise.


Saturday 2 September 2023 was a historic Quarterly Provincial Council for Huruyadzo Province as it was graced by our Deputy Secretary General Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and Go Quickly International Director Dr. La-Verne Simukai who were accompanied by two mightily used student pastors from Sierra Leone and Cameroon. The Apostle spoke strongly on the mission of bringing sinners to the kingdom of God as is our mandate as leaders and Christians. He also spoke on the family unit and how church should start from home and the Holy Spirit was released and people got drunk in the Spirit of God. A lady who was cursed to never get married was delivered. Dr. La-Verne thanked the church on behalf of our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti for the prayers and how God continues to strengthen her, she dwelt on working Talents and saving dollar by dollar to get the things we want as our Father taught. 25 people gave their lives to Christ. Huruyadzo will never be the same.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He gives her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the Today’s Woman Conference that will be held at the Glamis Arena, Harare, Zimbabwe from Thursday September 14-16, 2023. May God provide finances for the conference and anoint the speakers. Thanking God for record attendance.
  4. Thanking God for the Male and Female Pastors Conferences to be held from September 19 – 24, 2023 in Harare, Zimbabwe. Thanking God for enabling the pastors to attend. May He also anoint all the speakers.
  5. Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India and Chad as God watches over His people.
  6. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  7. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
  8. Thanking God as He continues to comfort and console His church. The church is marching on Forward In Faith.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


An excerpt from the History book

“..If one has truly repented, he brings all his charms to be burnt as in the book of Acts 19:18-19. We believe that, if we are sick, we call the elders of the church according to James 5:14. We don’t believe in going to those who call themselves prophets and give you water in the bottle and do funny things to put fear in you. The true prophets according to the word of God encourage you and build your faith in God according to 1Corinthians 14:3-4……..” God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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