Dear Friends,
God has been gracious to us as ZAOGA Chipinge Province. Indeed, we saw the hand of God and His faithfulness in answering the prayers of the saints as we had a surprise visit from our Mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti in our Province on September 8 and 9, 2023. It is important to note that, the saints had been eagerly waiting for such a season of grace for a long time. On 9 September 2023, our mother visited Ngaone Revival Centre and encouraged the church on the blessing of God and on continuing in the teachings we received from our father Archbishop Professor Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti. She then proceeded to Chipinge City Local Mother Church where over 1020 people were patiently waiting to receive our mother. There was so much joy indicated by singing, dancing and celebration. Our Mother ministered the word of God from Genesis 17 and encouraged us on the blessing of God, the teachings of our church and how God used our father Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti to spread the Gospel to many nations. 9 people gave their lives to Christ after this powerful ministration. To add to that, our Mother proceeded to our Provincial Centre where we also intend to build a primary and a secondary school. She prayed, blessed the place and prophesied about the building of the schools. Glory to God! Chipinge will never be the same again.

We remain focusing and reflecting on the life and ministry of our father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti. The week under review kick started with a powerful virtual Bible study whose attendance was amazing. To keep on encouraging each other and for the benefit of those who could not attend the Bible study due to work commitments, scriptures, insights, and motivations continued to be shared on the Whatsapp platform throughout the week under consideration. Sunday service was one of its own kind where a total of 15 adults attended the service that was held at one of the believer’s apartments and 6 adults were online. Amongst those who attended virtually was a FIF member from the neighbour’s country of the Czech Republic and another member from Dubai. We had devotional prayer, Bible study and the word. The service was followed by sharing of food and refreshments getting to know each other better. We continue to see the hand of the God of Ezekiel in all our gatherings. The church is believing for a proper venue for our services. May the saints pray with us for pastoral presence to take care of the baby churches within the region.
The Free To Worship concert on the 26th of August was nothing short of spectacular. The true definition of a successful comeback story. We meshed the old with the new to create a night to remember. The majority of the choir consisted of the emerging generation, youth and young adults which resulted in a fresh sound being displayed on the Free To Worship stage. For their comeback show they managed to accumulate a crowd of 1500. This place was full of people helping us honour the life of the great Apostle Prof E.H Guti and most importantly giving glory and honour to the most high God. This is definitely a choir to look out for because they are back and better.

The God of Ezekiel has continued to shine His face on our nation. This week was a week of prayer and fasting. We met daily for prayer and received encouraging teachings from local speakers. It’s worth pointing out how the youth were used mightily by God. We had an average attendance of 35 people per service. On Sunday we had yet another powerful service with a total attendance of 49 people, 15 onsite and 44 attending online. We received two new visitors who have recently located from Zimbabwe. During Bible study, Deacon Tracy continued teaching on discipleship and what it means to carry our cross. Later we received powerful teachings from Deacon Curly who taught on discipleship and the great commission and Deacon Sandy who taught on the power of prayer then we had time to pray for our lives after the word. We thank God that the church is highly charged and we are seeing great spiritual progress. Thank you for praying for us as we pray for you.

We give glory to the God of our Father Prof E H Guti for His continued faithfulness in Malaysia. There was great joy and excitement when we received Pastor Shepard Pachawo from our Jerusalem, Harare on the 5th of September. Our midweek meetings were well attended and on Saturday 09 September the young adults had a games day at Wangsa walk mall and a fellowship with the Pastor at the mission house. 14 members participated including 3 visitors. We then had a powerful big Sunday where Deacon Tinashe taught about Prayer from the book Adult Sunday school lecture and Pastor Shepherd preached about Authority in the kingdom of God using the book hidden treasure. We were blessed by the presentation and many were laid hands on. 41 were present including 4 children and 11 online viewers. We had fellowship after the service and the church was super excited to buy EGEA books from our Jerusalem. We highly appreciate your prayers and support
We started this month with our missions launch as we have dedicated September and October to work Missions. Overseers Henry and Helen Esene exhorted the church on the benefits of working Missions in line with the burden that God gave our father to reach the world. We have also committed the month of September for prayer and fasting as we work missions. We are seeing the hand of God as we continue to improve the worship structure in Sango branch. We have removed the canopy to replace it with a shed. Last week, construction work of the Assembly shed started with the supervision of the leaders of the assembly. We are believing God for the roofing sheets to finish off the shed this week. We would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the birth of a new Assembly in Abuja on Sunday, 10th September.
Overseers Thompson and Tsungie Nsingo who were transferred to Abuja launched the Assembly in the house with 18 people (12 Adults and 6 children) at Prince and Princess Estate in Kaura District. Overseer Thompson taught from the History book about the secret and uniqueness of Forward in Faith Ministry and also from the African Apostle book. People were blessed by the message. We thank God for a good start and we are believing God for a place of worship, instruments, furniture and more souls. Thank you for your unwavering prayers.

Douala – Glory be unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. Forward In Faith is growing in Douala day by day and our God is doing many wonders in the lives of believers. Our mid-week activities continued. We had people testifying the goodness of God in their lives from promotions, job offers and for divine protection, of particular note is one of our believers testified how God protected her husband during the earthquake in Morocco, her husband attends FIF in Morocco. The Sunday service was led and coordinated by our newly appointed deacons. 43 people (27 adults, 16 Children, 2 were visitors) attended service. We completed Bible study on giving. The word was shared by Deacon Djimgou Jacques Gilles, powerful teaching on discipleship. One person received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Our pastor charged everyone to follow the pattern of our church and ensure we are deeply rooted in the teachings of our father. We ended the service with fellowship. We are believing God for a bigger place of worship as our current place of worship is already packed and also for the church registration.

We want to thank the God of our Father Apostle Ezekiel Guti, Egypt is experiencing great revival following the arrival of the short-term missionaries Pastors Prince and Tinashe Makaza. Egypt is now consistently following through the church programs with Monday prayer, Wednesday Bible study, Friday prayer, and main church gathering, which is held every Saturday. We thank God for giving us a place of worship that is safe and secure. The short-term missionaries had the opportunity of meeting His Excellency, the Ambassador of Zimbabwe in the Arab Republic of Egypt. We thank you for your continued prayers as we are pursuing the registration process for God to open the right doors.
We thank the God of our father, Apostle E.H. Guti for protecting His church from the earthquake that rocked our city and nation on Friday night. The earthquake caused severe damage in and around the city but none of the members of FIF were affected. Despite the earthquake, we were able to meet for our Sunday service, which registered an attendance of 34, including one visitor. Last week we joyfully welcomed Senior Pastors GTC and Sesedzai Mutsigwa who were sent to Morocco as short-term missionaries. A thorough follow up in organizing midweek Home Bible churches was done, complementing the foundation laid by the previous missionaries. A time fellowship followed after the service as the pastors engaged one on one interactions with members.
Our Sunday service was attended by 23 adults. We had a wonderful experience in the presence of the Lord and had time of fellowship with the breaking of bread after the service. Our in-person bible study groups during the midweek were well attended. It is a national mourning period here. We ask for prayers during this traumatic time.

We thank the God of our father Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for His faithfulness in our Sunday service. We had a wonderful time of praise and worship with an attendance of 126 and the believers were very happy after our Elder Gabriel taught powerfully on the topic “Benefits of Giving Willingly to the Lord” preparing the hearts of the believers for the working of Missions in month of October. One lady and one man were healed of sickness and testified at the end of the service. We still need your prayers because teaching of giving is challenging in war torn countries. We thank you for your continued prayers for God to bless us with our own land for the church building.

We want to thank God of our Father Professor E. H. Guti for the success of His work here in Rwanda. We were graced by the visit of Bishop L. Mpanduki and Overseer P. Masikini. We had a very productive council meeting with them under their guidance on Saturday 9th September. Bishop Mupanduki preached on showing love to our families, parents and relatives first and not to neglect them because of being too busy with our own work and also the work of God. On Sunday 10th September, they both preached powerful and encouraging messages. Bishop Mpanduki encouraged the church on loving one another, unconditionally as one family. We sensed great love in the church and we’re bonded together in the Lord more and more. Praise the Lord. Many people started to feel great love, a sense of peace and belonging to the great family in Jesus Christ. Some people were healed from sicknesses and went home happy.
In attendance were: 21 men, 32 women, 23 youths, 48 children. In all, there were 124 people in attendance. We praise the Lord. All weekly programs and home bible study groups are going on by the grace of God. We now have 5 regions, each region with 3 functional home bible study groups. We pray that God grants us affordable meeting places where we can officially meet as regions during weekly and Sunday services.
On 02 September 2023 at God’s View (Chipadze) Local Mother Church, we held our provincial council with National Executive Chairman (NEC) Apostle Dr. Joe Guti and Pastor Nyasha Guti as the invited guests. 253 delegates comprising of District pastors, Local Pastors, Pastors, Elders and Deacons all under the leadership of Overseers Joel and Wimbai Chinhema attended. The NEC taught extensively on leadership and the need for every leader to be sure of their salvation. He also emphasied that the doctrine of ZAOGA FIF as laid by our Father the Servant and Apostle of God does not change. He encouraged every leader to enrol with the AMFCC part time school and as Churches work missions, there is need to give enough time for testimonies in church and to read Baba’s books that have testimonies. We have the 3 Apostles as they are guided by our Mother the visionary who was with Baba, writing down many things he taught which we are all benefiting from today. Deliverance was ministered to 68 leaders who were suffering from different ailments and they were instantly healed. Glory to God.

Harare North & Central
Zone 3 held its Young Generation conference at the Grange church, Chisipite. A variety of Topics were covered which included Prayer, Deliverance, water baptism, salvation, Holy Spirit baptism, grooming, legal issues, social media and health. A powerful team of speakers were lined up, the likes of C.E International Directors Pastors P and R Dope, Pastor Gracious Chikore, Evangelist C Munemo, Advocate R. Matsikidze, Dr. E. Matsikidze, Elder Chichie and Pastor Carol Matombo. 468 children were in attendance. Activities included a sports day which ended in a life skill exercise of making fresh chips and sausages from scratch and this was done in groups as a team building exercise. That evening massive deliverance was conducted with a backup of AMFCC student Pastors as the children were many. There was also a question and answer session where Pastors patiently addressed the children’s issues. On their colorful African attire official opening day, Districts took turns to show case the knowledge of their church History, under the topics, The African Apostle, CE, Prayer for Africa, Talents, ODCF, ten days prayer etc. From among the 350 who were delivered testified of having been delivered from different oppressions including dullness, prayerlessness, bad dreams, moodiness and being disrespectful, painful menstruation etc. They were excited that they can now pray and speak in tongues among other things. 272 received Jesus as their personal Savior, 165 were water baptized and 72 received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.

We thank the God of our Father Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for granting us the opportunity to have an annual Young Generation Conference from 27-29 August 2023. Children were taught about Salvation, Church history, Grooming, Health, Entrepreneurship, Peer pressure, Drug and Substance abuse, Effects of Music and Technology, Deliverance, Adolescents, Water Baptism, Holy Spirit Baptism and How to stay free after deliverance. Elders Leonard and Praise Madyagwayi were the speakers. A total of 127 children, 13 Child Evangelism teachers and parents attended this life changing conference. 37 children received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and 52 children were delivered from different kinds of bondages such as Drug abuse, fornication, lying, suicide, effects of Music and stealing. Glory be to God.
On Sunday 03 September we hosted our Boys Braai Fellowship Mega Sunday at the District Mission House with our advisors Elder Makazhu, Elder Ndoro and Elder Mutede. 27 boys were in attendance. They shared on life choices, business, careers guidance and other topics which encompass the boy child. We also had a question and answer session addressing sofa conference, consumption of alcohol and the like. We thank the God of our father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti for giving us such an opportunity.
Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website
You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He gives her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the Today’s Woman Conference that will be held at the Glamis Arena, Harare, Zimbabwe from Thursday September 14-16, 2023. May God provide finances for the conference and anoint the speakers. Thanking God for record attendance.
- Thanking God for the Male and Female Pastors Conferences to be held from September 19 – 24, 2023 in Harare, Zimbabwe. Thanking God for enabling the pastors to attend. May He also anoint all the speakers.
- Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India and Chad as God watches over His people.
- Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
- Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
- Thanking God as He continues to comfort and console His church. The church is marching on Forward In Faith.
- Thanking God for your nation.
An excerpt from the History book
“..We do not mix the worship of God with the worship of ancestral spirits. We serve One living God, the almighty God of heaven who created us in His own image and redeemed us through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour….” God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] |