Apostles Update Week 35

by fifmi

September 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI!!


FIFMI USA experienced the most powerful women’s conference that we have had to date, as the God of Ezekiel keeps moving us from glory to glory! From September 5-8 at the Ezekiel Guti USA Convention Center, we were graced by POWERFUL women of God and international guests who ministered life transformation from day one. The USA will never be the same. We were so blessed to have our Mother Senior Archbishop Dr. Eunor Guti who had just concluded a trip to Turkey / Asia Minor and were truly amazed to see how God strengthened her throughout the conference which took place just days after the trip. We also were blessed to have our Go Quickly International Director Dr. La-Verne Simukai, our mother Pastor Nyasha Guti, and Dr. Dorcas Jaricha. We also welcomed Overseer Anne Mushango and Pastor Cynthia Mawoko who travelled together and ministered to our mother. Anointed Guest speakers included: Overseer Cecelia Zezani from the UK, Overseer Joylyn Rusere from Australia, Overseer Essie Mhundwa from Jamaica, Pastor Fiona Arthurs (Chicago), Pastor Debra Phiri (Guyana), Pastor Helen Makonese (Belize), and Pastor Shami Mwale (Cyprus/UK).

Hosted by our USA Chairlady Dr. Cathy Marurama, the conference also had powerful local speakers who spoke the word of God with power and were moving in the same spirit throughout the conference. Dr. La-Verne was accompanied by a team that comprised powerful women from Zimbabwe, UK, and Australia. Emotional healing became one of the major themes of the conference as women were delivered and healed from emotional issues. Women also received teachings on financial prosperity through faithfulness in tithing and working talents, teachings on grooming, women’s health, and much more. Saturday night was a Glitz and Glamor night full of joy and a powerful word. Women received their healing and baptism in the Holy Ghost. On Sunday morning there was a special presentation honouring our mother Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti which left the congregation in tears. Following the presentation, our mother ministered the word of God sharing about the inheritance we have received through the Lord Jesus Christ and that we must hold on to the legacy we received from the servant of God Archbishop Dr. EH Guti. A few of the testimonies:

A woman who arrived with swollen feet was healed and was even able to wear heels.
A young girl testified that she was blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
Some women who lost loved ones received emotional healing.
Another woman who has been struggling to sleep testified that she had a good night’s sleep after the Saturday night service, something which had not been happening for a long time.
Several women testified of their miracles of supernatural provision and God making things work together to come to the conference.
A woman who had cancer in California and was bedridden is now whole and was able to come to conference
The USA will never be the same. There was so much more that took place in this conference which was a mighty move of God. We thank God for hearing our prayers as FIF USA women! Glory be to Jesus whose mercies endure forever!



The Good News Deliverance Explo 2024 arrived in Bindura with a bang. People from Bindura and surrounding areas congregated in Chipadze Stadium to hear the word of God. The EXPLO Evangelists sent by our Mother Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti delivered life-transforming teachings about life and Godliness followed by the demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God. Attendance shot from 3400 on Thursday Evening to 9972 on Saturday evening. On Sunday there were 6878 people in attendance.

We were honoured to receive our father, Apostle Dr Joseph Joe Guti on Saturday evening. He emphasized that the 2024 EXPLOs are in honour of the visionary, Prof EH Guti. He taught that righteousness will exalt the nation and that the Kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Many were healed from various ailments and demonic oppression.
Notably, 2 women were healed from fractured bones and they surrendered their clutches.
A man was healed from back pain and threw away his clutches.
A man who had suffered from severe back pains for 16 years was instantly healed.
A total of 2,097 people were born again, and 131 people were water-baptized.
501 people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Thousands were delivered from different ailments and evil spirits.
43 were delivered from the social vice of drug and alcohol abuse,
while 313 were delivered from the spirit of poverty and laziness.
Multitudes received their healing from different ailments which included inability to walk, lower back pain, limited eyesight, barrenness, issue of blood, and stomach problems.

We give glory to the God of our Father Prof Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti.


A historic moment unfolded in Highfield Province as we hosted the Good News Deliverance Explo from the 5th to the 8th of September 2024 at Chemhanza grounds in Glenview 3. The Explo began on a high note on Thursday morning with a Ladies’ Meeting of 2417 women. 33 Churches were represented, 13 women were saved and 20 were water baptized. An attendance of 4065 people on Thursday evening was recorded and it increased daily. Saturday evening was a night to remember as there was a spiritual buffet with 9 Evangelists ministering the word of God one after the other, each one addressing different issues including healing from back pain, stomach ulcers, cancer lumps, deliverance from drug and substance abuse and others. Many Pastors from other churches came. 214 drug addicts dedicated their lives to Christ with some even surrendering the strong stuff they were taking. ZRP Victim Friendly Unit also had a slot to teach parents about drug and substance abuse and how we can fight it together as a community. On Sunday, our Father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti graced the event and began by praying for all leaders, and great impartation was experienced. He ministered a powerful message from the Book Acts 4 vs 7. He demonstrated that the Good News Deliverance Explo was not a self-seeking idea but God’s plan to extend the Kingdom of God and for true, total healing and Deliverance to those who believe. We recorded the highest attendance on Sunday of 9371 people and the highest number of souls as well who gave their lives to Christ, 819 people. A cumulative number of 2226 new converts was recorded by the end of the Explo, 353 people were water baptized, and 378 were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Some of the miracles are as follows:

2 men surrendered their cigarettes and strong stuff which they were drinking and gave their lives
to Christ.

Another man who was involved in an accident and was using crutches to walk was completely healed and began to walk without crutches.
Several ladies who were suffering from back pain and could not lift heavy things were healed and even lifted 20 litres of water
Several ladies who had lumps in their breasts were completely healed confirming that the lumps
have disappeared.

We give Glory to the God of Ezekiel for such grace.


Turf Kingdom Citizens (TKC) District. We thank God of Ezekiel for the Mega extraordinary visitation by our Secretary General Mishael Nyambo accompanied by elders Tekede from Scotland during our Big Sunday on the 1st of September at Turf Centre. Our District Pastors L & R Mabauwa guided us to host this joyous and historic big Sunday with all ministries participating with choirs and KMD by Children’s Church. The attendance was 520 people.

There was great jubilation as leaders and believers received the Secretary-General. Apostle Nyambo taught powerfully on being a true kingdom citizen whilst elders Tekede taught on church projects development and missions. Fifteen people with medical operations issues were prayed for. After service, everyone had the privilege to greet and get blessed by the Secretary-General.


South Bank Region – As South Bank Region with our Overseers Morris and Betty Gombakomba, we give glory to the God of our Father for a remarkable surprise Sunday service we had in the South Bank Region with DSG Apostle Steve Simukai on the 1st of September 2024. The church was at full capacity and overflow, with over 246 in attendance. We experienced an overflow of joy in the service, and powerful teaching was delivered. There was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. Two people gave their lives to Christ. After the service, the Apostle took time to greet everyone. Indeed, our lives will never remain the same. Monday, 2nd September, we met as a province online for provincial Monday prayer, with over 150 gadgets logged on, and powerful teaching was delivered by Apostle Steve Simukai.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for yet another blessed week. Our weekly activities continue. The ladies were logged to the USA women’s conference on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; they had the privilege to hear the speakers minister. On Sunday the church gathered for service where they had time to listen to the conference online where Mama Apostles Eunor ministered to the ladies. It was a powerful session that left the ladies praying. We thank you for your prayers in the construction of our church.


Nevis – Last week the visitors to our Bible Study and Corporate prayer sessions grew! We give all glory to the God of Ezekiel! During our Sunday service, we continue to receive and welcome visitors to receive the undiluted truth. Please continue to pray with us during the peak of the hurricane season – there are unstable weather systems in our area. May the God of mercy be with you.

Barbados – Monday-Friday morning glory and midweek services had a good attendance. Our Friday night service had 13 gadgets. Sunday we experienced the awesome presence of God as we worshipped Him for His word. All in all, 29 people attended face-to-face and on Zoom. We continue to give God all the praise and bless His holy name. We want to thank the God of Ezekiel for His continued faithfulness in our nation.


We had a week of prayer and fasting from 1st-6th of September with prayers from 5-6 am and 8-9 pm for our Asia believer’s convention which will be coming 4-6 October 2024. We had an average of 15-20 people per session. On Friday 6 September we had a power-packed all-night prayer at our center, truly we had an experience with God. Then to sum it all up on Sunday 8 September we had a phenomenal Big Sunday in Cyber at Kingdom City Assembly. The day was packed with activities, choirs, and presentations from our 3 assemblies. Deacon Princess Chuma shared the word on a topic The fear of the Lord. There was a move of the Holy Spirit and people who had needs were prayed for. 65 people were in attendance including 6 visitors and 17 online viewers. We had a great fellowship after the service.

We sincerely thank you for your prayers and support


We want to thank God of our father Ezekiel for the New Baby Church of Limete and Gombe in the City Centre where Pst Owen and Josephine Muyambuki are Pastoring. The Church has seen a tremendous growth. We had 4 members in July when we moved to Limete. People are coming to the Lord everyday. There are now 2 bible study groups. One at the Mission house and a new one which started last week. The average attendance of the study groups is 7 people and some of those attending are not yet coming to Church, but most of the members are repenting at these groups. Women have started Tuesday Prayers with an attendance of 3 women every Tuesday. Youth services are now attracting an attendance of 10 to 12 members every Saturday in Limete. Our Sunday Service is now attended by an average of 23 people. The total membership is now at 27 people and growing. We have put in place a committee for our church. Please pray that we get a suitable meeting place, a church stand, and a basic PA System for the church. Thank you for your prayers that are sustaining us.


Maungwe Province – We want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel for a powerful Provincial Young Generation Conference. Maungwe Province under the leadership of our overseers Benias and Mthandazo Chawadya held a Young Generation Conference from the 26th to the 28th of August at Mabvazuva Local Mother Church. The conference was one of its own, with a great attendance of 350 children and 19 teachers. Indeed, it was a life transforming conference graced by veteran speakers, CE pastor ‘Lolo’ from Chiredzi together with Elder Tafirenyika. In attendance were local speakers including Provincial CE pastor Evidence Makava. There was massive deliverance which saw 18 children delivered from demonic influence, 251 children rededicated their lives to Christ, and 121 were baptised in the Holy Spirit. Glory be to the God of our father for this vision.

Mashonaland West – What an incredible day it was. Ladies from Mashonaland West Zone 8 (Chinhoyi and Hurungwe), under the leadership of Overseers Masikini and Mulambo, converged at Chinhoyi City Local church on the 27th of August 2024 for a historical Zonal Tuesday Prayer. Zone 8 was highly favored to host the International Go Quickly Director Dr La Verne Simukai. She was accompanied by a team of 20 ladies. This historical event had an amazing attendance of 1768 delegates, inclusive of the pastorate. The service was on fire throughout, we had choirs from both provinces, and some testified of what God is doing to them through home talents. Dr. La Verne Simukai powerfully taught on prayer, tithing, home talents, and the genuine fear of God, putting much emphasis on prayer. She also shared some life-transforming testimonies. Four people gave their lives to Christ, 1326 people were prayed for, 427 people were delivered from various ailments, 16 people were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time and spoke in new tongues. Thereafter there was an outpouring and many were filled with the spirit of joy and there was great impartation. The ladies went back with great joy as she had time to handshake all the ladies.

Mt Darwin Province – Mukumbura was home to a power-packed Crusade by Young Ezekiels and Young Eunors (Prayer Warriors Group) from 02 to 08 September. The area under regional pastors E & W Masvoreva and Overseers N & E Ndlovu witnessed 160 souls won to Christ through a door-to-door soul-winning campaign while 133 were saved during the evening crusades. New converts were water baptized while 37 were filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. Outstanding miracles included 5people who surrendered their charms for burning, 4 people who were delivered from leg pains, and 2 people who were delivered from serious backache. Old believers also testified of a great revival in their Christian journey during the period. Indeed, God will continue to show Himself strong and faithful to all true disciples of our father, Prof. E.H Guti, regardless of age or location. We praise and honour Him.

Kwekwe – On Friday, September 6th, 2024, Kwekwe Millionaires Golden Province held their FAMB back-to-school all-night prayer with Pastor Haisa as the guest musician. Families gathered to listen to teachings on topics such as What is FAMB, Family Management, the challenges children are facing, and what children would like their parents to know. There was dancing, worship, and a chance for families to pray for each other, with a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. A special prayer was also made for all school-going children. We are grateful to God for ministering to our lives in such a profound way, bringing restoration, revival, and strength to families.


Kadoma – We hosted our inaugural Zonal Youth Conference from 5-8 September 2024, at Waverly Local Mother Church and John Mark Hall on Sunday. Under Zonal Pastors R & B Nashe’s guidance, renowned speakers Pst Ray & Ladonna Chigwenhembe and Elders C & J Nhekairo shared powerful life-changing messages and valuable insights. Attendance grew from 148 to 267. The conference saw:

15 youths were set free from demonic possession.
25 received the Holy Spirit
2 remarkable healings. A twin girl who suffered an asthma attack was prayed for and healed instantly; the second twin sister who was hospitalized and on oxygen was instantly delivered and discharged the following day.
We give glory to the God of our father E. H. Guti for these blessings and for a successful conference.

Hurungwe – We rejoice in the God of our father Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti for the historic and life-changing Zonal Youth Conference held from 5 to 8 September 2024 at Hurungwe local mother church Karoi. Our first-ever Zonal Youth conference as Zone 12 hosted by our zonal youth Pastors R and C Mutandwa was a resounding success, with powerful teachings from our guest speakers, Pastors S & B Simango and Elder S. Chaka. The conference was attended by youth members from all corners of the zone, including Kariba District, MICC District, and all regions under Hurungwe Province. The attendance started at 120 on Thursday and on Sunday service there were more than 300 Youth members. The conference was marked by remarkable healing, with people delivered from various diseases. On Saturday we were honoured by the visit of our Provincial Overseer S & M Mlambo and our resident Bishop T Chiweshere. The workshops were successfully conducted, and new elections were held for the zonal board, ushering in a new era of leadership and vision for Zone 12. The highlight of the conference was the 9 individuals who gave their lives to Jesus Christ. We thank the God of our father E.H. Guti for the success of the conference. Glory be to God.

Chegutu – Youth Conference was held from the 5th to the 8th of September under the guidance of Zonal Pastors L and R Mabauwa. This was the first edition Zonal Youth Conference as a newly appointed zone and the presence of God was flowing. Our Speakers, Pastors T and C Kapunzeni and Elders S and R Maganyani delivered powerful teachings on entrepreneurship and how the youth ministry should be spirit filled. This led to a mighty wave of deliverance, with 11 people giving their lives to Christ and 41 being Holy Spirit-filled. A faith clinic was held and many were counseled on various problems. We started with an attendance of 117 which increased to 230 on Sunday. During the conference we also managed to hold a business forum where the young people advertised their personal business. On Sunday our Overseer Maturure together with Bishop Mangiza paid a visit to us and gave a blessing. The conference ended on a high note and energy, Zone 37 will not remain the same.


Chegutu Province – We want to thank the God of our father Professor E. H Guti for the success of the Young Generation Conference which was held from the 5th to the 8th September 2024, under the leadership of Provincial Overseas M and H Maturure, CE Pastors L and L. Our guest speakers were the Directors Pastors P and R Dope, 460 children and 10 teachers attended the conference. The speaker Pastor P. Dope taught on Salvation and 86 children gave their lives to the Lord, glory to Jesus. He also preached on drug and substance abuse and 51 children were delivered. The Director encouraged all the children to have the fear of God, and the director prayed for the kids and blessed them as they are going back to school, Chegutu province will never be the same again after such a powerful conference, equipping the young Ezekiels to be in line with the Vision of our father and stirring the Legacy on.

Kwekwe Millionaires Golden Province – We thank God for a successful Back to School Service which was held on Saturday 7 September 2024. Over 250 children and the activities included KMD Dances, Soccer and Netball. The guest speaker was Pastor Nyakudanga who taught the children about the Kingdom of God. Many children were delivered from various spirits such as spiritual husbands, failure to pass at school, and others. Some children were healed from migraine headaches, stomachaches, eye problems etc. Glory be to God who continues to manifest. Himself among the children in this generation.

Gutu Province – Praise be to the God of our Father Apostle Prof. E.H Guti, who allowed us to hold a successful Young Generation 1 & 2 Legacy Conference under the leadership of our Provincial Overseers O & L Chighidhani from the 28th to the 30th of August 2024 at Gutu Local Mother with 494 children and 18 teachers in attendance. Our Guest Speakers were C.E International Directors Pastor P. Dope and Elder L. Madyagwayi. During the conference, 120 children received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour while many rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. There was great deliverance on the last day of the Conference after the powerful Back to School charge from the International Director Pastor P. Dope. A total of 142 children were delivered from different forms of bondage. Child Evangelism Ministry will never be the same again after such a powerful and reviving Conference equipping the Young Ezekiels to be in line with the doctrine and vision which God gave to our Father Apostle Prof. E.H Guti.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for wisdom for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe and Pastor Nyasha Guti that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignment.
  3. Thanking God for the 2 Apostles; SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  4. Thanking God for the success of the trip to Asia Minor.
  5. Thanking God for the success of the USA Women’s Conference held at the EGCC in Arlington, Texas USA this past weekend. Lives were changed and souls were added to the Kingdom.
  6. Thanking God for the 2nd Edition International Legacy Wiseman Conference to be held at the EGICC, Harare, Zimbabwe from September 12-15, 2024. May God cause the speakers to flow in the same Spirit of Jesus Christ. Thanking God for journey mercies as men travel from all over the world and wisdom for the organisers.
  7. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  8. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  9. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special Diabetes pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  10. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  11. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favourable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland. Thanking God for the construction of the church in Guyana and Ghana. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
  12. Thanking God for your nation.

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,

Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”

Acts 2:42, 46

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