Apostles Update Week 37

by fifmi

September 26, 2023

Dear Friends,


We thank the God of our father for a successful week long Male Pastors Conference held from the 19th to 24th of September at Braeside Christian Center. Male pastors convened in Harare to receive profound and transformative teachings from speakers that were drawn all over the world. The conference ran under the theme: “Striving to be true disciples who are grounded and rooted in the doctrine of our church during the transition ” from the key scripture Philippians 4:9. In attendance was our mother, Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti who shared on the Importance of adhering to the covenant God made with His servant Prof EH Guti (Gen 17:2), Archbishop E.Z Soko who shared on the Male Pastor and His Integrity, N.E.C Apostle Dr Joseph Joe Guti who shared on the Job Description of a Pastor, S.G Apostle Mishael Nyambo who shared on the Importance of Submission to Authorities and D.S.G Apostle Dr Steve Simukai who taught on Importance of Wisdom and Knowledge. On Sunday, the 24th the male pastors joined the female pastors at AMFCC for a big Sunday. It was a highly subscribed conference as 1750 pastors thronged the Tabernacle at AMFCC.


We are so grateful to God for His faithfulness for granting us a power packed Female Pastors’ Conference from 19-24 September with over 900 Female Pastors in attendance physically and over 90 gadgets logged on Zoom. We appreciate the God of Ezekiel for enabling our mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti to attend and share powerful teachings together with other speakers who included Go Quickly International Director Dr. La-Verne Simukai, Pastor Nyasha Guti, Pastor Leticia Nyambo, Bishop Prisca Soko and many more.
The Conference addressed many topics such as Discipleship, Deliverance, GBV (Gender Based Violence) and Facilitated Topics which will highlighted all areas that affect a Female Pastor. On Sunday we had a combined service with male Pastors and our attendance was 1750. We give glory to the God of Ezekiel.


We want to thank the God of our Father Prof. E H Guti for His sufficient grace upon our nation. The church weekly activities continue as members participate towards the growth of the church. On Sunday we were favoured to have Elder Mildred Mushunje from Greendale Local mother church Zimbabwe in our midst. She ministered on “Being rooted in the things of God”. She had time to pray for those who needed prayer. We had fellowship after the service. Our attendance was Adults 20, Children 13 and 3 online. Thank you for praying for us.


We are grateful to God for all that He continues to do in the Cayman Islands church and in the lives of the people. Cell groups continued to meet for the weekly Bible study meetings in the respective venues. This Sunday 24 September we had 45 people (11 men, 18 women and 16 children) in attendance. It was a powerful testimony and thanksgiving Sunday where the various church members shared testimonies of how God has changed them and blessed them in various ways. There were testimonies of healing, promotions, deliverance, success, work permits amongst others. Indeed, God has been faithful, and the testimonies encouraged everyone to keep on serving God. After the sharing of the word and testimonies, the church took communion. We ask that you continue to pray for the Cayman Islands church, that the church will grow in the knowledge of God’s word and that God will open doors for the growth of the church. Additionally, we also continue to pray for Bishop Caleb and Tina as they are on assignment in the Cayman Islands, that the Lord will guide them and direct them as they advise and minister to the church



Glory glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. Forward in Faith is growing in Douala day by day and our God is doing many wonders in the lives of believers. Our mid week activities continued. We had a great Sunday. 38 people (24 adults, 14 Children, 2 were visitors) attended service. After Bible study the word was shared by Deacon Franklin. 2 persons received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the week. We continued with our culture of fellowship after the Sunday service.


Glory to the God of our father. We thank the Lord for a blessed week. Our midweek services continued. 25 people attended our power packed Sunday service and the word was shared by our resident Pastor. We are seeing the hand of God in people’s lives. We are believing God for a bigger place of worship as our current place of worship is already packed and also for the church registration.


We continue to pray for our Mother and the three apostles and for the church to continue to grow. This week started with a powerful virtual Bible study whose attendance was amazing. To keep encouraging each other and for the benefit of those who could not attend Bible study, the information was passed on. On Sunday we were ready to continue with the discussion, Pastor spoke about ‘One Aim, One Vision, One Spirit and One Mission’. We had a wonderful time of praise and worship with an attendance of 46 including children. The word was shared by Pastor Fanuel powerful teaching on discipleship from the book (A Disciplined And Teachable Spirit). The Pastor charged everyone to have a willing and teachable spirit. We ended the service with greeting each other. We thank you for your prayers.



We continue to experience the divine power of the God of Ezekiel. All 3 of our assemblies are holding services at their respective locations with the ranges in attendance from 15-80. On Sunday our FIF Gujarat coordination. Namely:Deacons Elia Muvuro, Emmanuel Mukaronda, Praymore Sadomba and Deaconess Fidelity Mapahla travelled to Mehsana (Ganpat University). There were powerful discussions and teachings on how to properly conduct services according to the FIF church standards and doctrine. The church was then also taught and encouraged on giving free will offering and tithing. We thank God for allowing us to embark on this journey as it helped address some challenges that this young church was facing. The church was left in high spirits with the young people ready to work for and experience the power of the God our father. Continue praying for us.


We give glory to the God of our Father Professor E.H Guti for His continued faithfulness here in Malaysia. Our midweek online services were well attended. Our Pastors had a privilege to attend the male and female Pastors Conferences online from 19-24 September. On Saturday 23 September at 2000hrs to 2200hrs we had an online soul winning seminar which was attended by all 9 soul winning team members who are planning an outreach in October.
Then we had a powerful hybrid Sunday service led by the young adults. We continued with the Missions series during Bible study led by Deacon Tinashe. Then sister Mitchell and brother Tashinga were on fire preaching about the kingdom of God. We were encouraged by their sharing. We were 38 in attendance and 24 online viewers. We had fellowship after the service.
Thank you for your prayers and support.



We give glory to the God of our Father for a wonderful week. Our home Bible study groups continue to grow in number and attendance. This week we launched a new group to increase the number of functional groups to 4. We had a powerful Sunday service with a total attendance of 27, including 2 visitors. Pastor C. Mutsigwa shared on the topic of commitment to the work of God. The Pastors continue to work on church structures and chain of multiplication.


Our Sunday service registered a total attendance of 20 despite the unavailability of our usual venue which is being used for storage of donation items for communities affected by the earthquake. As a result we managed to meet in 2 groups for our Sunday services, with one of the services at our mission house. 5 of our bible study groups managed to meet during the week. 10 ladies managed to log in for the Tuesday prayer. We thank you for continuing to pray for the church registration in Morocco.


We give glory to the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti and we thank the board of Bishops and Missions office for remembering us by sending short term missionaries Evangelist Philip and Pastor Joyce Chipfakanya who touched the ground running. In Kingasani assembly, the Evangelist went out for one on one soul winning and home visitation, we have 29 people who received Jesus; they are coming to church waiting for water baptism. The pool is under construction in Masina church, the nearest assembly, nine peoples were delivered from various demonic oppression, and one girl of 15 years was healed from a swollen eye, 8 people were delivered from marine spirits and an old lady of 70 years was healed from separated back bones and started to do what she couldn’t do before. At Masina assembly where our missionaries are residing, 22 people got saved; 15 of them got saved through a youth fellowship organised by the missionaries and 7 people through one on one home visitation. Morning devotion is attracting an average of 20 people every day whereby Evangelist Philip and Pastor Joyce are teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit as members of Forward in Faith according to our Father E.H.Guti in his books. There was a Holy Spirit explosion at the end of the teachings and 21 people were baptised and spoke in other tongues.

The music team is translating F.I.F songs to French and Overseers Clement and Esperance Kisuka are busy translating books for the church. We had a youth fellowship sponsored by our missionaries where 19 youth gathered and received the teachings in how to conduct youth services that attract young people to Christ. In N’djili assembly 6 people were born again, including the doctor and his family, then an elder’s family of 4 peoples were healed, a boy who was operated received Jesus and another elder was healed after 3 months of disease. The big Sunday was so hot with 150 members, 19 Deacons were promoted to be Elders and we had 20 new Deacons. After the preaching of the Evangelist Philip Chipfakanya on the power of the Kingdom of God, 9 peoples were delivered and 22 peoples received their miracles of healing, then people were taught about this Sacred Ministry using the book ” HISTORY OF ZAOGA F.I.F” during the Bible study. Our God is a good God.


We would like to thank the God of our father Professor E. H Guti for His faithfulness, this week was awesome. On Monday prayer there was the spirit of prayer in the church as some of the believers were praying in tongues and others were crying in their prayers, even Tuesday prayer for the ladies was wonderful with 15 in attendance. We had a wonderful Bible study on the topic growth and advancing in the Lord and on Thursday 11 ladies and also 5 men gathered for their separate meetings. On Saturday afternoon there was gathering of 10 youths to start their meeting and 12 leaders met for some teaching and to prepare Sunday service. We ended the week with an awesome Sunday service with 112 attendance, Elder Gabriel Gbalida taught on the theme ‘Giving’. We had a wonderful time of praise and worship in which the Holy Spirit moved in the church, some of the believers were delivered from sickness and evil spirits; one lady and one young man gave their lives to Christ glory to Jesus. We still need your prayers for God to bless us with a stand for the church building.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He gives her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the great success of Today’s Woman Conference be held at the Glamis Arena, Harare, Zimbabwe this past weekend.
  4. Thanking God for the success of the Male and Female Pastors Conferences held this past week in Harare, Zimbabwe. Thanking God for journey mercies as pastors travel back to their nations cities.
  5. Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India and Chad as God watches over His people.
  6. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  7. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favourable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
  8. Thanking God as He continues to comfort and console His church. The church is marching on Forward In Faith.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


An excerpt from the History book

“..This ministry was born and has come this far withstanding hardships, trials, persecution and being attacked by the enemies of the truth through intensive prayer and fasting.
Psalms 66:12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfilment.

Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”
If you keep this that will help you not to find yourself being a denomination….” God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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