Apostles Update Week 40

by fifmi

October 16, 2023

Dear Friends,


We would like to thank the God of our father Apostle E.H Guti for the great and mighty works He is doing in Poland. We had a wonderful week as the Overseer of the Schengen region visited our nation and blessed us with great teachings and encouragement. He managed to visit the assemblies in Warsaw and Lublin. By God’s grace we had power packed services, evangelism outreaches, leadership fellowships and training sessions. Many people received counselling and several people were delivered and healed by the power of God. Two people gave their lives to Jesus and two got water baptized. Attendance in Warsaw ranged from 24-47 people while in Lublin from 21 to 35 people. After the services we had wonderful fellowships with eats. Others continued to pray because of the sweet Presence of God. We believe Poland will never be the same again. We are kindly requesting the global FIF family to stand with us in prayer for the registration of the church and for speedy church growth in a nation where there is an estimated 3000 Zimbabwean students.


We want to thank the God of our Father Professor E H Guti for what He is doing in our nation. On Saturday our Pastors visited and prayed for our member who had a baby. On Sunday we were favoured again to have Elder Dorothy Vambe from Mabelreign District in Harare Zimbabwe and family in our midst. Elder Dorothy Vambe encouraged the church to read the books of our father and also be connected to the Covenant that God made with the Servant and Apostle of God. The love of God was great in the church and she emphasized that we keep the love that she felt in the church. A lady testified by thanking the God of Ezekiel for His Faithfulness. She recently lost her job but the God of our father miraculously provided her with a new one with a contract and increment in salary. Glory be to Jesus.


Vancouver “Gateway Church”

We are grateful to the God of Ezekiel who keeps on doing great things in our Province through our Pastors, Joshua and Rejoice Kufaruwenga. This week the God of Ezekiel granted us another opportunity to see the planting of a new Assembly in Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. He also gave us a convenient and affordable meeting place. Our Sunday Service was attended by 19 Adults and 11 children. Glory to God. Pastors Josh and Rejoice both delivered transformative teachings on the Church doctrine and knowledge of the Word of God. After Service we had an awesome time of fellowship. The Go Quickly and Tell Ministry also hosted a “High Tea” which was well attended by 30 Ladies. Pastor Rejoice taught the Ladies on “Spirit of Excellence”. The Women also enjoyed time of fellowship, solidifying relationships.

Kamloops Assembly

We want to thank the God of our father for our Assembly in Kamloops which has grown to 34 members since its launch in August. Glory to God. This Sunday they hosted a successful first ever Youth Big Sunday. Total in attendance including supporting Adults was 55 (32 Youths from Kamloops Assembly and 21 Youths from Vancouver Assembly). The atmosphere was charged and our Speaker from Vancouver Assembly Elder Francis Shonhiwa was mightily used by God to deliver a profound and life changing Teaching. After the Word, the Service ended with the Youth meeting for a good time of fellowship. Glory to God. There is great joy in the Province of British Columbia. We are seeing the hand of the God of our father at work through our Pastors and we remain thankful for His goodness. The Church is marching on. Thank you for your continued prayers.


We are grateful to God for all that He continues to do in the Cayman Islands church and in the lives of the members. This week was a power packed one. The church had a combined fellowship on Friday to celebrate yet another testimony where the children of one of our Elders finally relocated to the Cayman Islands. Additionally, we welcomed Bishop Caleb and Pastor Tina’s daughter Vanessa to the Cayman Islands. We also had the honour of having Mrs. Muskwe, Head of Chancery at the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Cuba and the one who assists Zimbabweans in Cayman Islands visit and fellowship with us since Friday. On Saturday the ladies had a conference which had 34 women in attendance and Pastor Tina, Vanessa had Mrs. Hungwe ministered to and encouraged the ladies to serve the Lord and fulfill their purpose and calling. Many women were greatly ministered to and testimonies continue to pour in of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel. This Sunday 15 October we had 51 people (12 men, 25 women and 14 children) in attendance. We had 5 visitors of which 2 made a commitment to fellowship with us. Pastor Tina ministered and taught about the Holy Spirit. Several received a fresh refilling of the Holy Spirit and physical healing. Thank you for praying for the Cayman Islands church, that the church will grow in the knowledge of God’s word and that God will open doors for the growth of the church.


Glory be to God. Our weekly services continued. Tuesday prayers continued online. On Friday members came out in their numbers to fellowship, the word ministered by Pastor Fanuel was encouraging the youths about the spiritual growth in God. Bible study was an interactive session. Sunday members gathered to fellowship, there was powerful praise and worship followed by testimonies. Pastor Fanuel minister the word using the book Prosperity Come Through Obedience. Leaders and Members gathered for Leadership training with our Pastor Fanuel for the month of October 2023. We thank you for your prayers and support.


We give all the glory to the God of our Father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness to us here in Nevis. We are focusing on the legacy of our father Ezekiel Guti on soul winning for God. Our new members are very excited of the teaching of the undiluted word of God even after 30 years just being religious. We thank God for FIF Nevis. Our weekly activities continue with our numbers increasing praise God. There are many testimonies after the one-week Kingdom Extravaganza revival last week. Continue to pray for us.



We want to thank God so much under the leadership of our Pastors James and Seema Gilchrist, we had a three-day meeting which was under the theme Healing. The first Day Elder Tatenda Mupandawana preached powerfully about out delays and stagnation, the lives of people were helped through the power of God. Second night Deacon Evans Ncube preached about Deliverance which brought loosing of bonds to those who were captives and finally on Sunday Deaconess Rachel Mano gave a power packed message on healing. We saw miracles happening on Friday one person came with a financial issue, he got his breakthrough after service the same night. We saw every student from lovely professional University and CT University receiving the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. We thank God for such a conference as the sick were healed from headaches and back aches and arthritis.


All three assemblies are currently meeting at their respective locations with believer attendance ranging from 15 to 80. In Vadodara (Mother Church) we had a Big Day to raise money for a new drum set. This Big Day was launched on Friday via a Zoom meeting, where we had Pastor Samundombe preach and encourage the church with a message titled “Giving Sacrificially.” This created an atmosphere of giving throughout the entire church, as shown on Sunday when the students, together in their numbers, came with so much joy and, in their love for the God of Ezekiel, gave sacrificially. Enough money for a new drum set and mixer was raised. While at Mehsana we managed to have a formally well-coordinated service with powerful praise and worship. The teaching focused on unity. We approached school authorities, and we are awaiting permission to secure a room for conducting our services. Then in Rajkot, we had a powerful service with teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, followed by believers’ fellowship. Please continue praying for us.


The God of Ezekiel continues to show Himself faithful in the nation of Thailand. This week we welcomed one new member to the family who relocated from Zimbabwe. Our weekly programs went on as usual with a very good attendance. On Friday we had a very fruitful Workers fellowship and 21 gadgets logged in. Pastor Learnnie gave an insightful teaching on leadership, which left us equipped and excited about the work of God. Saturday, the youth had a special service in which 22 gadgets logged in. The speaker was Nigel, the Sleek Pastor who taught powerfully on Kingdom influence in today’s world. Many youths testified that their lives will never be the same again. On Sunday, there was a total of 62 people attending the service, 37 online and 25 people onsite. We had 4 visitors who have the potential to become full members. Bible study was facilitated by elder Melody Toto. Elder Farie Hwata later taught the word powerfully. Some testimonies:
One person testified how God has been opening doors since she started tithing faithfully
A new believer testified how God healed her and protected her from a fatal illness.
Another person testified how they have grown spiritually since coming to Thailand and how God opened a door for a new and better job.
There is a spirit of love, joy and unity amongst the believers and we are seeing real spiritual growth amongst the saints, glory to God! Thank you for continuing to pray for us.



We had a powerful week as all three Home Bible Study groups were attended fully. The Pastors visited groups and witnessed the chosen leaders practically facilitating the groups according to our standards. The highly anticipated Men’s Fellowship was held on Saturday, and 13 members, including one invitee, were in attendance. Senior Pastor Chris showed that our father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti, taught men and boys to work hard in life before they marry and to earn the respect of their wives and families. There was unspeakable joy during the fellowship as members opened up, discussing men’s responsibilities that support church growth. The Sunday service had a sweet spirit and the presence of God. 17 members were in attendance, and more than the same number had attended a Congolese gathering in a different town.


We thank the God of our Father for His abounding grace. We had a wonderful Sunday service, which registered an attendance of 25 adults and 4 children, including 2 visitors. Our midweek meeting, including home Bible study groups, Tuesday lady’s prayer, and daily morning glory prayers, continued with good attendance. We request for your prayers for the expediting of the church registration processes.


We would like to give thanks to the God of our father Apostle E.H. Guti, who led and enabled His servant to establish this spiritual forceful, cross cultural, unstoppable and worldwide FIF International to have its seed sown and germinate in Chad. A predominantly Moslem nation where God is transforming and restoring lives to Jesus Christ. We would like to update that we have launched a children ‘s church with 19 children in attendance. A once dedicated Moslem man came to the Lord and was baptized in water after spending 38 years being a Moslem. God has healed him from a very serious sickness which was not curable by medical attention. On the 8th of October we hosted The President of Chad Pentecostal Alliance Association, Bishop A. Amane. This is the Association of all Chad Pentecostal churches, on his normal member church visits to see newly established churches in Chad with foreign origin. He testified that big churches in Chad should come and learn from FIF Church in Chad. The attendance was 51 people 19 Children and 32 adults. We want to thank you for continuing to pray for our nation for God to continue protecting us from floods during this rainy season which is almost coming to an end. Continue praying for our Missionaries as they face many challenges in the field.



Glory, glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We continue seeing the hand of God in Cameroun. We are seeing growth in our believers with almost everyone participating in our church activities. Our mid-week activities continued and we had a powerful Friday prayer at our mission house. We had a great Sunday. 31 people (15 adults, 16 Children) attended service, attendance was affected by heavy rains in some parts of Douala. We had Bible study then the word was shared by Deacon Gaylor Lwamba. We continued with our culture of fellowship after the Sunday service. We are believing God for a new mission house as our lease is expiring this month-end, we are praying for a bigger place of worship and for the church registration.


We express our gratitude to the God of our father, as we witness His blessings in Mauritius. Our church’s weekly activities are going well with active member participation. As FIF Mauritius, we remain steadfast in prayer in line with the Apostles Update. We had a week of praying and fasting at the beginning of the month. The ladies are continuing with online Tuesday prayer meetings. Last week concluded with a soul-refreshing Friday night of worship which had an attendance of 29. On Saturday, MOI enjoyed a fellowship, fostering enrichment and idea sharing, 8 men were in attendance. Our Sunday service had Pastor Elvis Chinyere sharing on keeping the old path of our church. Our attendance comprised 39 adults and 9 children and there was fellowship afterwards. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.



On the 6th of October UGF executive and a group of post graduates visited ZAOGA on campus Eden university as they were celebrating their first anniversary. It was such great event celebrating a year of establishment and being graced by the national offices. On the 7th kick started a meeting seminar with the Eden university council and they had time for a question and answering sessions on the topic entitled the role of a graduate in church. Our Sunday service was spiced with a 2km march around the place as we were celebrating God for the anniversary as well as for giving us victory at the place. Overseer Sangambo shared on the FEAR NOT SIN NOT which transcended a deep understand of the kingdom and of our doctrine at large. Overseer Maseka shared on the understanding the God of Ezekiel and the covenant that our father made with his God and that the same God he met is still manifesting in fullness quoting a scripture from [Hebrews 9 vs 17] and that our father left us a big God that propels us to be the best Graduate and saints at large. A total number of 229 students from Eden and surrounding universities graced the occasion. 89 were delivered from various infirmities haunting them and there was a great revival and transformation on the day. Surely the doing of the Lord is great for the gospel is reaching all corners of the world. The service ended with a fellowship and all saints were delighted. Glory be to God.



We are grateful to the visionary of this great ministry our father the great Apostle Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti for vision of the Traveling Teachers Ministry. The ministry held its conference in Highfield Mother Province from 6-8 October 2023 through the invitation of the provincial Overseers S. and V. Simbanegavi. A team of 30 teachers was deployed to 17 centres throughout the province. The ministry, under the leadership of its director Dr. G. Chomutare taught and covered the several subjects. Generally, there was a powerful wave of the Spirit of God across the centres especially during the sessions where church history, Understanding the vision and the visionary and kingdom of God were being taught. At one of the regions in Highfield local mother church a lady came to the team asking for prayers as she had received a phone call from SA that her brother had his car stolen while he had gone into a shop. As the History of ZAOGA was taught, she believed that the angel of ZAOGA can locate the car. She agreed together with the speaker who told her that the car was going to be found and indeed within 30 minutes she phoned saying that the car was found. Glory to the God of our father. Many people were prayed for with deliverance taking place and faith clinics were conducted in some places with people making deep confessions and being helped by the team of teachers. 41 people gave their lives to Jesus during the conference with 17 being water baptized. Indeed, Highfield mother province will not remain the same after such a powerful teaching conference.


We thank the God of our father for a powerful week long Crusade held from 3 – 8 October 2023 at Chisumbanje Revival Centre in Chipinge South Province ( Checheche) with Evangelist A Mavhunga and Evangelist Alison Martin. It was amazing as they preached the Word in their own home village Muyondozi. 412 souls surrendered their lives to the Lord. 200 people received Holy Spirit baptism and 95 were water baptised. Many people were delivered and healed from different infirmity and diseases which includes period pain, sleepless night, eye sight problems, anger, pain legs , poverty, familiar spirits, operation pain, financial challenges, fibroids, unforgiving spirit, fear, spirit of rejection, barrenness to mention the few. Many people prayed for the favour of God in marriage, weddings, financial breakthrough. Friday and Saturday there was one on one session where 30 people delivered from different ailments which include, leg pains, spiritual wives, spiritual husbands, demon possessions and others bringing their traditional cloths to be burnt. The attendance for the first day was 340 and it had risen to 1000 by the last day. We give Glory to God of Ezekiel.

Harare North

Praise be to the God of our Father E. H. Guti, who granted us the opportunity to host a highly successful Provincial Big Sunday at Hatcliff High School sports ground, amidst a cloudy and invigorating breeze on the 15th of October 2023. Pastor D. Mabvuramiti electrified the atmosphere with his musical talents. Bishop C. Kapandura was the guest speaker. Over 2040 attended the big Sunday. 100 people received Jesus as their personal savior,160 individuals were delivered from the spirit of anger, 50 were delivered from marine spirits, 300 received prayers and blessings for various ailments and personal requests and 62 people were water baptised. We thank you for your prayers our province will never be the same again.


Kaizen Annual Girls Conference was held from 12 – 15 October attendance on Thursday night was 50 rising to 300 on Sunday. Our speakers were Bishop C and A Kapandura, DP E Sonono and Deaconess T Mutandwa were mightily used by God in a mighty way. Many girls were delivered from the spirits of prostitution and some testified that they are going to divorce their boyfriends. Some notable miracle, a girl fell at school and was brought whilst she was not speaking for about 5 hours and having been prayed for she was delivered from many spirits together with her mother who was delivered also from many evil spirits. Many girls were delivered from unseen husbands. 14 people gave their lives to Christ. We give all the Glory to the God of our Father E. H. Guti.

ZAOGA College Students Fellowship

ZACOSF Harare Region had the honour to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to Macheke district (Marondera Province) at the invitation of DPs O and C Magudura from 13 to 15 October 2023. A team of 56 students and ministry coordinators from colleges that make up the Harare region; Belvedere Technical Teachers College, Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic, Harare Polytechnic and our very own Ezekiel Guti Technical College descended on the district with the sole objective of soul winning. The team split into three groups led by coordinator Elder Mudzingwa at Doe Roots Primary School, Coordinator Maisva at Downstone Farm and the Harare Region Zacosf Chairman Annoint Chirungu at Craig Lee Primary School.
A total of 174 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
2 people were delivered from the spirit of death.
2 people received their sight after suffering from blindness for a very long time.
2 people who were dumb were delivered and had their senses of speech restored by God.
Many other people were healed from various ailments and got delivered from diverse spiritual afflictions.
We continue to thank the God of our father Ezekiel for continuing to churn out college students who are so passionate about kingdom expansion through the preaching of the undiluted word of God.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He gives her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their spouses, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  4. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  5. Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India and Chad as God watches over His people.
  6. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone will have something tangible to show as a result of the covenant that God made with His servant Ezekiel of which we are beneficiaries.
  7. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland.
  8. Thanking God for your nation.


An excerpt from the History book

“What makes this ministry unique? What is the secret?
We preach the full gospel of Jesus Christ followed by signs and wonders. This is the secret of the Book of Acts. They preached the full gospel with, Christ being centred.
They were anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
They knew the power and their authority to use the name Jesus….” God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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