Apostles Update Week 46

by fifmi

November 28, 2023

Dear Friends,


We want to thank the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His faithfulness, as we held our Annual Meet the President Seminar and 39th Anniversary Celebrations on Saturday the 25th of November at the Cresta Lodge in Msasa Harare. In attendance were delegates from various churches from Kwekwe, Gweru, Filabusi, Bulawayo, Harare, UK and the US, while other international chapters logged on via zoom. Among these where the married women, mature girls and singles, including Pastors from other churches. The peak of the seminar was when Our Mother, the President of Gracious Women’s Fellowship International, Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti stepped into the conference room. She was accompanied by our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and Pastor Nyasha together with Dr La-Verne Simukai and Dr. Dorcas Jaricha and other guests. We continue to thank God for such favor. She taught prophetically about what a gracious woman is, someone who is kind, polite, tender hearted, pleasant and forgiving. She explained that gossip is what destroys any women’s organisation. Our Mother emphasized on us letting our light shine as in Mathew 5:16. The light is seen in good deeds that a woman practices. There was a move of the Holy Spirit with deep repentance and emotional healing and Deliverance was ministered to 63 women. Gracious Women’s Fellowship will never remain the same. Everyone was charged up, revived and went with a new vigor to see the ministry growing.


This week has been a week of prayer in Japan as directed in the letter from our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti. We were able to hold prayer meetings every evening, and we will continue in the same spirit until the end of the month. We also held our Sunday service, and, as usual, it was very powerful. We continued with our series on Giving during Bible Study, and we got a very powerful teaching on Tithing. Our Pastor also taught us on the importance of following the pattern of life that Jesus Christ led; which was the same pattern that our late father Prof. E.H. Guti followed in his lifetime. We give God all the glory! Thank you for your continued prayers for us.


We would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the continued work in Hungary. Two weeks ago, we received two missionaries in Debrecen, Hungary, Pastor Patrick Cavanagh from Australia and Pastor Blessing Mutingwa from United Kingdom. We are so excited for the revival and the uplifting of the church with the great teachings from the missionaries. The church in Hungary continues to grow and thrive. We are meeting for prayers, Bible Studies, church services and fellowships consistently. God continues to raise young leaders in Hungary who are passionate and zealous for the things of God and actively taking part in church services, praying for our mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti, the three Apostles and the work of God. Thank you for your continued prayers. Indeed, Forward In Faith Hungary is matching on. Glory to God of our father. Amen!


On Friday 24th the youth had a worship night which was a great experience from 10pm to 4am. There was intense prayer, healing and Holy Spirit Baptism on that Friday night. Elder Anne Mutambira taught on how she didn’t understand the saying “The God of Ezekiel” she led many youth to that understanding and her sharing ended with faith clinic. The Friday attendance was just above 273. Saturday was a great event with a Christmas ball with 360 youth in attendance. Throughout the conference we had powerful youth preachers and Sunday saw a relay of 7 youths who preached together with the International Youth Director Overseer Manyati. The God of Ezekiel revealed Himself in a mighty way, youths came to the altar in tears without invitation and great deliverance and healing took place as the God of Ezekiel used the boys and girls in deliverance. This conference revealed the maturity of the UK youth leadership as they organised such a great conference that ended with 460 youth attendance on Sunday. We give glory to the God of Ezekiel who continues to be faithful to His covenant.


The ladies in Nevis logged in to FIF USA Women Ministry and received a powerful word of encouragement from our International Director, Dr. La-Verne Simukai. Praise be to God their numbers are increasing weekly and a woman was filled with the Holy as she was testifying, 2 people testified that they were told by the eye doctor they have cataract and after prayer, they believed God and were healed. Praise be to God. This week in Belize, the Zoom was the platform used by all 3 assemblies to celebrate the closing of talents with a high tea party. Pastor Latoya from Jamaica was our guest speaker. She shared the benefits of working talents. In Belize city, powerful testimonies were given of God’s healing power, those who worked talents about what they have bought and intending to buy from their Talents money which will be withdrawn from the common pool. They are testifying of divine protection in the Dominican Republic and a very powerful service with the presence of the Holy Spirit. While in Guyana Pastor Fanuel led Bible study from the book Local Church, where he discussed the pastor’s role in the secret of church growth and as it was guided by stirring praise and worship, everyone was urged to participate. For the sick, an altar call was given and one woman experienced a change in her body after receiving prayer. We are so thankful to the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for a powerful week in this region.


The God of Ezekiel continues to show Himself faithful in Thailand. This week our usual programs went on with a good attendance. On Thursday night we had an interesting couples’ meeting and on Saturday the girls met for a teaching on skin care. Sunday was very powerful with a total attendance of 58 people, with 14 people onsite. Elder Becky led a highly interactive Bible study on the importance of gathering together as saints. Later Pastor Prim gave a powerful teaching on the kingdom of God. We had time to pray for our lives and many people testified that their lives will never be the same again. Several people also testified of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel in their lives, glory to God! Thank you continuing to pray for us as we pray for you.


We give glory to the God of our Father as we continue to celebrate and reflect on the life and ministry of our Father Professor Ezekiel Guti in our nation. There was a high participation of members in all our midweek church activities which include a Deacons training on Thursday 23 November where 10 deacons attended this event, which was facilitated by our elders and Pastors. It was eye opening and interactive. Followed by a leadership meeting on Saturday 25 November. We began a new believers class with two new Chinese Students who have considered Forward in Faith their spiritual home. Then we had a phenomenal Sunday service where Sister Chenge delivered a powerful word of the season on the topic Knowing Jesus personally using the book Two ways of knowing God by Professor E.H Guti. 6 people were healed from various ailments and we had fellowship after the service. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support.


We are so grateful to the God of our father who continues to sustain us as a church, even as we continue to celebrate the Godly legacy of God’s work through His Servant. Indeed, we are witnessing the power of God as we are continuing in the doctrine of our church through various teachings by our leaders, during our Sunday and mid-week services. We are so excited that as a church, we have recently managed to obtain a bigger and more spacious venue for our services at a very reasonable rental price. Surely we are experiencing the favour of the God of Ezekiel. By the grace of God, we have also managed to obtain permits for our Missionaries, whom we expect to grace our islands soon. We are so grateful for all the prayers and support from the Missions Office, the UK church and all the saints around the world, for standing with us. We continue to request your prayers so that we can continue to penetrate the islands with the true seed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as preached by our father. We also need prayers for God’s grace to lead the coming of our Missionaries without hindrance, as we expect the work of God to grow mightily in the island nation.


We give glory to the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We had a blessed week. Our mid-week services started with couples’ fellowship where 5 couples were in attendance plus the husband of an invited couple. This was followed by our Friday prayer session where 10 people managed to attend, that’s when the invited couple decided to join the FIF family. After the prayer session our Pastors had a fellowship with the couple at the mission house. Our Sunday service had 9 people in attendance (8 adults and 1 child). During our Bible Study session and Preaching Pastors Norry and Laizah Malongi taught about our church doctrine and knowing the God of our father using the following books: Guidance, Rules and Policy, The Remained unspoken in the African Apostle and Two ways of knowing God. We give glory to the God of our Father for our Sunday services in FIF Congo Brazzaville. Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we look for the place of worship in a good location and with affordable price and also for the church growth.


We want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the grace and favour He has for Blantyre Malawi. Through the offices of the Apostle Dr. Joe Guti and the Archbishop Dr. Eunor Guti, we received Bishop Christopher ” The Commander” Kapandura. He held meetings with, pastors, leaders, and various ministries in the church and saw the beginning of the construction of the embarkment wall of the two-story mission house, which was miraculously left standing on the edge of the river when a devastating cyclone Freddy hit Malawi. We thank the God of our father for this miracle.
Bishop Kapandura visited Zomba several times to see the church, put structures, plan for the new province, while bishop mama Kapandura was busy with the women on Tuesdays and Thursdays for ladies meetings. We will never be the same again. We give Glory to the God of our father for granting us such mercy and favour. We will move to another level.


We thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for enabling us to successfully host another week-long crusade, from 20th – 25th November at our Lusaka North Provincial centre which we saw more than 120 souls surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people experienced outstanding miracles, one being a lady who was healed from stroke, another lady who lost her sight after operation was healed after she was delivered. Many were restored after deliverance from evil spirits. About 30 people attended the Sunday service with great joy saying they are glad to be members of Forward in Faith. On Saturday 25th November, 2023 we had a Greater Lusaka Big Saturday and Talents Grand Celebration of Home Talents. The atmosphere was characterized with so much joy as people testified that they have never seen such a thing before, (kingdom wealth creation). The grand celebration continued with many people testifying of how they have worked. Others presented many projects they have undertaken ranging from real estate, household items, cars and plots of land they have bought. We thank the God of our father Ezekiel for such an outpouring of His grace for people to work Home Talents in the manner we have witnessed. The continuation of 2024 Home Talents was launched and received with great exuberance and enthusiasm. Praise God.


Harare Central

As Harare Central we had our first ever Provincial Big Sunday at a public venue. A total of 4005 people converged at the City Sports Centre. The attendees consisted 2,917 adults and 1,088 children. We thank the God of Ezekiel for allowing our mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti to grace the service and finding time to love her children and reminding us of the love for one another that we were taught by the Servant and Apostle of God, Archbishop Professor E.H Guti. The atmosphere was electric and full of joy as the Church was excited to see the Maidservant of the Lord. Church Choirs, KMD entertained the Church. Our father, Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti taught from the history book grounding the congregants in the Doctrine of the Church and Teachings of the Servant and Apostle of God. 19 people gave their lives to the Lord. Several people received healing and got delivered as Pastor Nyasha ministered healing and Deliverance while Evangelists prayed for everyone. Here are a few notable miracles that occurred:
A young lady was delivered from the spirit of witchcraft.
Several girls and ladies were delivered from severe period pain.
A lady could not turn her head for days, received instant healing.
A lady was delivered from severe stomachache.
A man was delivered from a migraine headache.
All the glory to God.

Harare North

We are so grateful to the God of our father Apostle Professor Ezekiel H Guti for having our last quarter Provincial Council that was a resounding success from 24-25 November 2023. The event received a massive turn out of the PC delegates which started at 272 on Friday and exploded to 560 on Saturday. The momentous occussion was graced by our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and Pastor Nyasha. There was great jubilation as delegates received our father. He emphasized that we have to teach from the books chronicled by our father and not from any other books. We are thankful to God for allowing our father to grace our Provincial Council. We received profound life transforming teachings. We believe that our province will shift to another dimension through the his visit. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


We want to thank God for a memorable Provincial Council that we had as Kwekwe Millionaires Golden Province where more than 350 elders and deacons converged. There was a heavy presence of God as Bishop Gangata and Amai delivered prophetic teachings on church history and church growth. On Sunday more than 1100 people converged from all corners of Kwekwe for the provincial Big Sunday. Student pastors Martin Akrong from Ghana and Moses Sowonie from Sierra Leone preached powerfully and prophetically before Bishop Gangata took the stage and encouraged the church to continue persevering even in difficult times. He encouraged the church to continue trusting in the God of Ezekiel. Four people gave their lives to Christ. Some of the notable miracles included the following:
One person was totally healed from a mild stroke.
One person was healed from a back ache she had suffered for years.
Several people were healed from stomach pains.
6 people received direct prophecies many people were healed from different ailments.
It is a fact that Kwekwe will never be the same again.


We offer our sincerest praises and adoration to the Almighty God, who reigns as the God of our esteemed Father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti, for orchestrating a triumphant Word Festival hosted by Ascot Youth District in Gweru. This remarkable event was graced with the blessings of our honorable leaders, DPs W and N Sigauke. Commencing from the 21st to the 25th of November 2023, our gathering witnessed an attendance ranging from 150 to 200 individuals. The Festival encompassed a wide array of spiritually enriching topics, including prayer, deliverance, salvation, and an empowering session dedicated to the Holy Spirit shared by guest speaker DPs Kazembe. It is with great rejoicing that we announce that during this holy gathering, 25 individuals were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We witnessed the miraculous release of numerous attendees from the clutches of demonic oppression. Then on Sunday, the 26th of November, the Ascot Youth District then took a heartfelt initiative to honor and shower their beloved parents with gifts in an effort to seek and receive their parental blessings. May we continually strive to walk in the light of His word and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, always giving glory to the God of our Father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti.


On November 12, over 400 ladies convened at a central venue, BCT for a Bulawayo Zone Big Tuesday. The big Tuesday had attendees from greater Bulawayo and as far as Plumtree and Filabusi. It was a powerful time of prayer, praise and worship. Very encouraging testimonies on home talents were given. Our speaker was Mama Bishop Dube who taught powerfully on the power of intercession and the character and lifestyle of an intercessor. We praise God for the joy and unity as intercessors gathered to pray for the work of God.


We are so grateful to the God of Ezekiel for the abundant grace He showed us as Highfield Mother Province. We successfully held our Provincial Big Sunday at AMFCC 8000-Seater Auditorium on the 19th of November 2023 with Secretary General Apostle Nyambo and Amai as our guest speakers. A total of 3810 people were in attendance, powerful testimonies were shared, KMD gave an outstanding performance which kept the crowd on the edge with excitement. District choirs flowered the event in their gowns and sang melodious songs with an exceptional performance from our guest choir from God`s View Local Mother Church, Bindura and Elder Mbuya Ndoga being one of the Choir members. Evangelist David Mabvuramiti electrified the atmosphere and there was jubilation during praise time. Our guest speaker Reverend Leticia Nyambo encouraged all believers to work Home Talents and take it seriously. The Secretary General Apostle Mishael Nyambo shared a powerful message on being rooted in the doctrine of our church and following the teachings of our Father, 20 people received Jesus Christ. Mighty deliverance was ministered during altar call and many were healed and delivered. We are very grateful to the God of our Father who has allowed us to grasp the vison of provincial big Sundays.


160 leaders attended the year end PC. All provincial committees were renewed and new leaders elected to give as many leaders as is possible the chance to do the work of God. The PC made a resolution to develop schools in the province as well as the provincial centre in support of the vision. The provincial big Sunday which was held at ZEGU was attended by over 3987 people. Overseer J Chinhema ministered and 47 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their personal LORD and Savior. Glory to God.


Glory be to God of our Father Apostle E.H Guti who once again has necessitated a powerful All Night Family Deliverance service on the 24th of November 2023 at Norton City International Christian Centre with our own Pastors, Evangelists Mark and Lindani Mariya as Speakers. Over 1300 people attended this occasion among them visitors from Bulawayo, Mutare, Gweru, Chinhoyi, Bindura, Karoi, Harare and various other places across Zimbabwe and some came with hired Inter Africa buses. Indeed all roads were leading to Norton.
Ninety one (91) people received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour
Sixty-two (62) testified being healed from chronic heart problems, headaches and various other diseases.
A lady with nonstop coughing for 2 years testified that as she stepped in Church she was completely healed.
During the teaching people manifested and vomited.
We indeed witnessed the greatest manifestation and presence of the Holy Spirit when another lady who was unable to walk because of cancer was prayed for and started miraculously walking.
Over 380 people were also prayed for and delivered from spiritual husbands and wives.
Finally 38 others with bareness were prayed for and delivered. Glory be to God of our Father Prof E.H Guti.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He always gives her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their spouses, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…
  4. Thanking God for Mbuya Doracs Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, realization of the special diabetic pharmacy and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  5. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  6. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
  7. Thanking God for His intervention in the Mount Pleasant Heights church issue. May God give His people victory.
  8. Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India as God watches over His people.
  9. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone will have something tangible to show as a result of the covenant that God made with His servant Ezekiel of which we are beneficiaries.
  10. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland.
  11. Thanking God for your nation.


An excerpt from the Disciplined and Teachable Spirit Book

We have to be joined to the teacher and work hard to learn upon our teacher’s word and act upon it so that we can become like our teacher in spirit. People do not need another spirit. They need the spirit of ZAOGA FIF and not another spirit. This will enable the whole church to have the real spirit of ZAOGA FIF and not another spirit…….” God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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