Apostles Update Week 49

by fifmi

December 16, 2024

Dear Friends,

Happy 64th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI!

Seasons Greetings! We are thankful to God and we have seen the goodness of the Lord throughout this year. Christmas is almost here. As we prepare for the festive season let’s remember, Jesus is the reason for the season!


We thank the God of our father Ezekiel as we received Pastors J & A Muchiuro in Debrecen, Hungary, for their ministerial visit. We had an impactful bible study, which was attended by 12 people. On Saturday, we had a hybrid Schengen Europe Youth Get Together service, where 20 youths from FIFMI Hungary attended. Pastor Shingirai Moyana was the guest speaker and he preached mightily on having a divine and Christ-centred vision. Glory be to God for our Forward In Faith members who are excelling in their University studies here in Hungary. The Hungary church continues to grow as the believers are young, vibrant, and dynamic to keep and continue with the legacy and the Kingdom inheritance they were given by Apostle Prof E.H. Guti!


Fort Dauphin District – We thank the God of our Father for His sufficient Grace in Fort Dauphin. It was a moment of joy to receive our short-term missionaries, Pastors P and J Kuseni. Indeed, we are continuing with the legacy; our midweek services are well attended. Believers are meeting for Morning Glory every Monday to Saturday. We managed to have our prayer retreat on the 29th to the 30th of November and our big Sunday on the 1st of December. 141 believers managed to attend, and seven souls surrendered their lives to Jesus.
We had a door-to-door soul-winning campaign in Moukala on Thursday 12th of December. We experienced the hand of the God of Ezekiel. 53 adults and 58 young generation received Jesus, giving a total of 111 who came to Jesus. We were also granted permission by the authorities to start our church there, so on Sunday, we opened a new assembly in Moukala with 52 believers in attendance, and 14 more souls were added on Sunday. 13 people were baptized in Water. On Saturday, the 14th of December, we managed to have a soul-winning crusade in Ampas. 16 adults and 7 young generation received Jesus. Demons were cast out. A lady who was sick and could not walk alone was assisted to the crusade, but after being prayed for, she was instantly healed and started to dance to the music. The Church in Fort Dauphine is numerically and Spiritually growing. Continue praying for us as the church is being grounded in the doctrine of FIFMI so that the church will be able to be self-reliant.


Punjab – We want to thank the God of our father, Ezekiel Guti, for the work of God in Punjab, we had an outreach program in district Gurdaspur. We spent three days in three different villages, and as a result, we successfully planted the 7th assembly in Punjab with local believers. Glory to the God of Ezekiel
Friday the 6th, we had 74 people in attendance as Pastors James and Seema Gilchrist ministered along with our Chairman Nigel Tukuta, the word of healing and deliverance, and notably, many evil spirits were cast out, and many were delivered. Saturday 7th of December, was Dinanagar Village Kolia, where we had an attendance of up to 75 people. Our Pastors, along with Deacon Evans Ncube, preached Jesus, and 30 souls gave their lives to Jesus Christ. On 8 December, Lehel Village had an attendance of 100 believers gathered, and our beloved pastors, along with Elder Tatenda Mupandawana, taught the congregation about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Notable miracles:
healing of a woman with a heart problem and the standing problem was healed instantly,
healing of a woman with an eye problem
Some people were healed from high blood pressure, and two women with spinal problems were healed instantly
4 people with Demonic dreams of torment were delivered,
4 people with back and spinal problems were healed,
Several prophecies were given and confirmed as people were delivered.
9 believers received the baptism of the holy spirit,
There was an impartation session for the 7 local leaders by pastors James and Seema Gilchrist. An assembly was opened at this place with the selection of a few leaders to be responsible for daily church proceedings.

Gujurat – We give all glory to the God of our Father, Apostle Ezekiel Guti, for the spiritual awakening taking place here in Gujarat. Through the life-changing teachings of our short-term pastors, District Pastor Joseph Mabikwa and Pastor T.K. Madzivanyika, we have witnessed remarkable growth, with three individuals giving their lives to Christ and two others rededicating their lives to the Lord. Our Indian sister received Christ as her Lord and personal Savior and then got baptized. On December 7th and 14th, we celebrated the baptism of 19 believers in obedience to Matthew 28:19 and experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. On Friday, December 14th, we also held a powerful deliverance service where we witnessed the God of Ezekiel bringing deliverance and healing to His people. Our pastors continue to engage with us through home cell groups, visitations, and prayer sessions at 10 p.m. and midnight, inspiring believers to participate. Currently, we have six vibrant cell groups with an average attendance of 10 people. We humbly request your continued prayers and support as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


We thank the God of our father, Apostle Professor Ezekiel H. Guti for the power-packed online and in-person services. A total of 20 members logged in online, and 34 members attended the offline service. Our Elder Natasha and Deacon Tinotenda conducted a Bible study focused on Faith, encouraging the church to build their faith in God. Following the Bible study, was Deacon Leonard who shared a powerful sermon on Prayer. During the offline service, Brother Timothy encouraged the believers, referencing the book, “Two Ways of Knowing God” by our father. We want to thank God for the 4 new believers from the cities of UFA and Moscow. Thank you for your prayers.


We had a blessed service on Sunday. We welcomed visitors from Kenya, and after service, we had time for fellowship with families and friends. Our bible study by Deacon Saros left everyone with a question, “Do you know the God you worship?” from the book, “Two Ways of Knowing God” written by our father. Pastor Ratie gave a powerful word of thanksgiving for what God has done and fasting to prepare us for the 10 days. The church was vibrant, dancing and singing praises to the God of Prof. Ezekiel Guti. We are grateful that our numbers are increasing every Sunday. Our mid-week schedule remains the same. MOI meets on the mountain to pray. Continue to pray for us.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for another blessed week and give all the glory to Him. Our midweek services continue, with the church gathering for morning devotion and the ladies meeting online for their Tuesday prayer. On Friday, Elder Wesley ministered the word, what a powerful session it was. During Sunday service, we had a powerful Bible study where our pastor taught and encouraged us to be ready as we looked forward to ten days of prayer. We had two very powerful speakers who spoke about miracles, and there was a mighty move that led people to the altar where they were prayed for. We thank the God of Ezekiel for His favor here in Guyana. Thank you for your love and prayers.


We want to thank the God of our father, Ezekiel Guti, for allowing us to hold the successful Young Generation conference, which was held from 12 to 15 December. We had our international Director, Rev Petros Dope, and other speakers who shared with the children about drug awareness, deliverance, Holy Spirit empowerment, and salvation. We witnessed the young people being delivered from various evil spirits, and 137 gave their lives to Christ. With an average attendance of 400 children. We also had the first-ever KMD competition from Assemblies, Districts, and Provinces.
Zonal Youth Conferences – We thank the God of our father who enabled us to hold our Zonal Youth conferences from 12th to 15th December in Chipata, Kabwe, Mansa, Monze, and Mpulungu. We saw the power of God as the word was taught. Many people received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, while others were filled with the Holy Spirit. Many young people were delivered from various bondages and afflictions and re-committed themselves to God and went back happy and praising God.


Great Zimbabwe University – A group of 45 evangelists from Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) ZOC embarked on the Ngundu Outreach Evangelism from December 7 to 15, 2024, under the guidance of Ngundu District pastors Abias and Fadzai Boaz, as well as our ZOC pastors Tawanda and Constance Kapunzeni. The team conducted door-to-door evangelism as well as open-air services.
During the outreach, 476 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. The evangelists were divided into 8 groups for door-to-door sessions. Additionally, 16 people were baptized in water, and 20 people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The attendance at the open-air services ranged from 200 to 300 people.

Notably, several miracles were reported:
A woman who had been unable to hear was prayed for by the evangelists and was healed.
A woman who had suffered from asthma and ulcers for many years was prayed for and received total healing.
A woman who experienced severe pain in her left hand was healed.
12 people were delivered from chronic heart diseases.
Approximately 10 people were healed from stomach pain.
A partially blind man regained his sight after being prayed for.
A woman who had suffered from back pain was healed.
A man with a severe headache was healed instantly after the evangelists laid hands on him.
A woman who had been unable to walk due to pain in her right leg was healed.

The Ngundu Outreach Evangelism was a resounding success, with many lives transformed through the power of the God of Ezekiel.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.
You are welcome to contact our office at +263 774 873 565 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for wisdom for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for our father Bishop Dr. Joseph Joe and Pastor Nyasha Guti that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignment.
  3. Thanking God for the 2 Apostles; SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  4. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  5. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special Diabetes pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, Poland, and South Korea. Thanking God for the construction of the churches in Guyana and Ghana. Thanking God for peace in areas that are not politically stable. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


Christmas has a spirit – you want to travel nowhere for no reason. You have issues at home, and people fight in the family because of Christmas. Don’t come back with broken limbs. Christians should not be controlled by Christmas. There’s a spirit of Christmas that causes people to steal, do bad, and then lose jobs. Just stay home and enjoy Christmas. Don’t get caught up in credits just for 2 days. May God make you content that Jesus is your Christmas. God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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