Apostles Update Week 5

by fifmi

February 16, 2025

Dear Friends,


We thank the God of our father, Apostle Professor Ezekiel H. Guti, for the power-packed services. We started with an online service where our Elder Mutemaringa encouraged the church to stick with Jesus referencing Ephesians 6. The total attendance was 21 members. Right after, there was an offline service with our brother Joseph, charging the youth to stand on the promises of God. We continue fellowshipping through midweek prayer bands, cell groups, GOQ, and BOT sessions. We thank God for the 2 new cell groups, one in St Petersburg under the leadership of Elder Mutemaringa and one in Moscow. As the Russian church, we commit to following the example of our Father Apostle, Professor Guti. Pray for us that we can win more and more Russians to Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support.


We give thanks to the God of Ezekiel for yet another blessed and fulfilling week. We acknowledge His grace and faithfulness in our lives and give all glory and honor to Him. As a church, we remain steadfast in our spiritual journey, continuing with all our midweek services. Each morning, the congregation gathers for devotion, seeking God’s presence and strength to guide us throughout the day. Additionally, the ladies remain committed to their Tuesday Prayer Reach, joining together online to intercede and uplift one another in faith. On Friday, Elder Coreen delivered a powerful and inspiring message, ministering the Word with great depth and conviction. The presence of God was evident as she shared insights that encouraged and strengthened the hearts of the believers.
On Sunday, the church gathered in great numbers, eager to worship and receive spiritual nourishment. The service began with an enriching and interactive Bible study from the book Two Ways of Knowing God, which deepened our understanding of our relationship with Him. This was followed by a dynamic and uplifting praise and worship session, where the congregation wholeheartedly expressed their love and adoration for the Lord. The message was delivered by Deacon Andra, who ministered on the powerful truth that the Word of God is His living self. He passionately encouraged the believers to be filled with the Word, to meditate on it daily, and to allow it to shape their lives. He reminded the church that the Word is God Himself, and we draw closer to Him by abiding in it. His message stirred the hearts of many, igniting a renewed passion for the Scriptures. The service was truly a time of spiritual revival, and the presence of the Holy Spirit was felt among us.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued prayers and unwavering support. May God continue to bless and strengthen us as we walk in faith and obedience to His Word.


We’re incredibly thankful to the God of our Father as 2025 began on high momentum, with fervent prayer during our ten days of prayer and fasting. Our online mid-week and physical Saturday services remain well-attended, and the church is filled with joy. Saturday services are concluded with fellowship, encouraging love and bonding among the saints. We appreciate Elder Nyamahowa’s visit to Cairo, where he encouraged the saints to remain rooted in our church’s doctrine. We also appreciate the Deeper Life conference feedback shared by Pastors Power and Linda Sibanda during our online services. Following the conclusion of ten days of prayer and fasting, we began a new Bible study series using our Father’s Sunday Bible Study manual, focusing on the study of demonic influence, deliverance, and maintaining freedom from attacks. The sessions are highly interactive, with practical experiences sharing among the saints. We were also blessed by Evangelist David Mabvuramiti’s message on the God of miracles in this church during our online Friday service. The church celebrated the fact that Egypt was among the top 15 countries supporting missions in 2024. our short-term missionaries, Pastors Prince and Tinashe Makaza, received the medal on behalf of the church. Finally, we rejoice that five of our leaders have enrolled for the part-time AMFCC diploma in Biblical studies. We are grateful for your prayers and are witnessing God’s blessings in Egypt.


We want to thank the God of our father E H Guti for His unfailing love and favour upon our nation Solomon Islands. We continue to witness the goodness and grace of God upon the church even in the absence of our beloved Overseers Rueben and Trace Makosa. During the big Sunday, 19 new converts and 6 people were baptized. Noro was attended by 106, Honiara was attended by 266, and in other provinces, the attendance was very good. Everyone was filled with joy and excitement as the speakers spoke and taught from our father’s books, the history book, and other books. It was inspiring and encouraging the minds and hearts of the saints.
In one of our provinces where pastor Tawanda Lameck is, they held a Child Evangelism Conference from the 31st of January to the 2nd of February, and 147 Children gathered for the Conference. 95 children gave their lives to Jesus, 38 children were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and 28 were water baptised. They received teachings that we believe will transform their lives. Many children received their healing and deliverance, glory be to God of our father Ezekiel H Guti. We are Grateful to God for the success of this Conference.


AMFCC House Of All Nations Church – We thank the God of Ezekiel for a special visitation by the Holy Spirit on Friday, February 7, 2025, during prayer. After a week of fasting and prayer combined with the impartation received by female pastors at the Zone 1 Female pastors prayer retreat held at Bindura Prayer Mountain from 4th to 5th February, Friday night prayer was charged with the presence of God. As deep worship was offered to God, saints saw angels moving up and down in the chapel. Over 100 student pastors and church pastors experienced the power and joy of God in a very special way. One student testified how he was instantly healed from a boil on his left breast. Many more were healed from various hurts as they poured their hearts during faith clinic. The same spirit continued on Sunday, 9 February, after Dr K Mauye gave feedback on the Fire of God. Two students received baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Manicaland Province Prison Ministry – It was a historical and exciting day at Mutare Farm Prison choir competitions in honour and celebration of our Father Apostle E H Guti “The legacy continues” on Saturday, about 800 people were in attendance, six Prisons in Manicaland were competing three songs, one song was on the history of ZAOGA FIF, Mutare Farm Prison Hosted and won the inaugural ZPCS Manicaland Province inmates music competition “CLASH OF THE GIANTS” well sponsored by ZAOGA FIF Prison ministry. The occasion which had gospel sensation, popular musician Dr Dorcas Moyo as the Guest of honour, was graced by the presence of Commissioner S Chinobva who is also an elder in our church, Deputy Assistant Commissioner George Mabvu, Deputy Officer Commanding and the delegation from ZAOGA FIF, Director Rev Sarah Rusere, Overseer Karima, Dps, Pastor Mabhanda and Pastor G Mbaimbai, elders and deacons, After a powerful delivery of the word of God a total of 84 inmates gave their lives to Christ. We give glory to God.

Mahusekwa – We would like to thank the God of our Father Apostle Prof. Ezekiel H. Guti for a successful Zone 1 Young Generation annual Leadership Seminar which was held in Mahusekwa under the leadership of the International Directors Pastors P & R Dope. A total of 98 children and 33 teachers attended the seminar. Pastor Faith Kambudzi, Elders Praise and Leonard Madyagwayi were the speakers who took turns to teach the emerging generation leaders on salvation, Holy Spirit, Leadership, Communication, Giving, Planning, How to run a business meeting, Team work and delegation among other subjects. 28 children received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, 8 children were baptized in the Holy Spirit and several were delivered and the sick were healed during this life changing leadership seminar. The leadership seminar was an eye opener to the children. Children also got an opportunity to do team-building activities and sports during the seminar. We give glory to God for such a historic young generation leadership seminar.

Highfield Province – We thank the God of Ezekiel Guti for our Girls Crossover Night which was held in Glenview District 1 on the 7th of February giving thanks to our overseer Violet Simbanegavi, our Provincial Girls Pastor Annacletta Maphosa as well as our zonal Advisor Masline Musora, for the success and prayers of our service. Glory be to the God of Ezekiel, who allowed 235 girls, 9 advisors, and 3 pastors to attend our 2025 Crossover Night. Our speaker was DP Winnie Nzou, she entitled her message Shifting to another level. The presence of God was profoundly felt. She emphasized that in this church we have the servant of God who wrote several books for us, and as girls we should read them. She shared from the book Girls Fellowship and the New African Apostle. The girls were encouraged to read a lot of the word of God, reverse all the negative words that were spoke and move from poverty to prosperity.
Her message brought deliverance to 24 girls who were dreaming eating whilst they are asleep, 42 were delivered from the Spiritual Husbands. Approximately 48 – 50 prayed for period pain. 80 girls were delivered from procrastination. We give glory for a successful crossover night.

Norton Wealthy Province – We give glory to God for yet another blessed year. Norton wealthy province under the leadership of Overseer Clemence and Jerita Manyono had a memorable day on Sunday the 9th of February 2025. The province held ministerial Big Sundays under the supervision of the FAMB ministry. It was a great favour for the Provincial Go Quickly Ministry to receive the Go Quickly International Director Dr. La-Verne Simukai with a delegation of 18 Pastors and elders at Katanga Local Mother Church where a total of 700 ladies were gathered. The gathering was graced by Mama Bishop Macharika. Dr. La-Verne emphasized on the importance of practicing to be true disciples of our father Archbishop Prof E H Guti, Phil 4:9. After her preaching 5 ladies gave their lives to Christ, 39 were filled with the Holy Spirit and many were healed.
It was on the same venue where the Men of Integrity were privileged to host the National MOI vice chairman Overseer Dr Winston Jaricha in the children’s church where 134 men were gathered for a Big Sunday/Field trip. He came with delegation of 4 men. Gracing the occasion was the resident Bishop Lazarus Macharika. In his opening remarks Dr W Jaricha refreshed the men on the birth of the ministry in 1991, the vision of MOI ministry including the wakeup call by the Servant and Apostle Prof E H Guti in the year 2022, emphasizing that men must lead and men must think. 3 men were converted to the Lord.
A total of 228 youth also met for a Big Sunday/ Field trip at the City District Church with Elders Mr and Mrs Nhekairo, who were sent from the National Youth Director’s office. They taught on how one can lead a successful life and be a blessing to parents and society as a youth.
Pastor Memory Marowa was our guest for the Child Evangelism Ministry. She concluded with a children’s Big Sunday at the Maridale District Church, where a total of 325 children and 7 teachers were gathered. She taught powerfully on the fear of God and shunning evil from (Job1:1-2). Children were encouraged to learn from our Father, the servant and Apostle of God, who set an example of fearing God.
Indeed, Norton Province will never remain the same.

  • P.S
  • Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
  • Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.
  • You are welcome to contact our office at +263 774 873 565 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mum Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her and refresh her daily. Thanking God for wisdom and revelation for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for our father, the Presiding Bishop Dr. Joseph Joe, and our mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they lead the church.
  3. Thanking God for the 2 Apostles, SG Apostle Mishael & Pastor Leticia Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  4. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  5. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the ongoing construction of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special Diabetes pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favourable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, Poland, and South Korea. Thanking God for the construction of the churches in Guyana and Ghana. Thanking God for peace in areas that are not politically stable. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


The word of God gives you a better understanding. Make a way for the seed to find a place in you so it can grow.
You can’t see the kingdom of God with your own eyes. It’s a mystery; you don’t need to fast that it grows. Every year, you must change and be different. How come you are a FIF member, but you are doing a merry-go-round (going around in circles)?
Don’t try to make a shortcut. Don’t copy people, copy Jesus Christ. Our prayer must be different to show that we are living in the kingdom. I want your members to be blessed, and to get rich, and they must be different. God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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