Featured photo: Our mother Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti celebrating, rejoicing, dancing and running across the stage during the Single Women’s conference in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Dear Friends,
We thank the God of our Father Professor E. H. Guti for allowing the Single Women Ministry to defend the Legacy our Father left for the Ministry. We had a powerful Seminar from Thursday with an attendance of 600 delegates rising to 1200 on Sunday. Also, it was live on Zoom from Friday to Sunday. We thank God for our Guest Speakers Bishop M and S Mlambo, Overseer G and A Musvipa who were mightily used by God. We also had National Directors from Zambia Rev E. Mwape, Nambia Rev E. L Masiza and South Africa Rev D. Nkambule and local Ministry Pastors and Elder S. Sithole who were mightily used by God. The Conference was graced by our father the International Executive Chairman Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti and Amai on Friday night. They spoke to our Executive Committee during the Executive meeting. International Go Quickly Director Dr. La-Verne Simukai taught how to encourage those who are still hesitant to join the Ministry and how to welcome new widows and ground them in the Ministry. Above all and to crown it all indeed God allowed our Mother Senior Archbishop Prof Eunor Guti to come on Sunday and the thick presence of God covered the auditorium. Our Mother strongly shared on Importance of maintaining proper worship that allows the presence of God to remain in our midst. We can only come to that if we maintain righteousness and genuine fear of God and prayer. Furthermore, the song “Sweet Jesus” when it is sung draws the owner of the church nearer and He manifests and does miracles in our midst. There was a powerful move of the Holy Spirit and God spoke in our midst. Many people were delivered from different ailments such as marine spirit, denouncing the use of water and stones from religious sects and background limitations. Indeed, our Ministry will never be the same after great impartation and empowerment of leadership.

We express our gratitude to the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for His unwavering favor in Russia. We continue to thank God for the wonderful attendance in our Bible studies and prayers. On Saturday the G.O.Q hosted a colorful welcome service for all the new students. The Sunday online and offline services were powerful with Sister Christerbel ministering to the church on staying connected to the true vine Jesus Christ. The attendance was 27 members offline and 14 members online. Thank you for praying for us.

We continue the Tuesday prayers and the 5:00 am devotion. For our Sunday service, we had a powerful Bible study on “Extending the Kingdom of God” as extracted from “Sunday Morning Lectures by pastor Fanuel”. The Bible study was followed by powerful praise and worship, our Deacon Andra preached the message on walking with God in the kingdom, Praise be to the God of our Father. Continue to pray for us here in Guyana.
The God of our father Ezekiel H. Guti gave us favour as EEP Go Quickly to have our prayer retreat with Overseer Evelyn Mujuruki and guest speaker Overseer Ann Forest. Women gathered with a hunger to seek the Lord at Dagenham Christian Centre. Overseer Ann taught on the teachings of our mother Archbishop Eunor Guti. She taught as it was taught, by our mother fresh from Eswatini prayer camp. God also gave us grace to have Pastor Cynthia Maoko who was also at the Eswatini prayer camp. We were taught and encouraged on the right way to pray
and intercede for the work of God. We were exhorted to allow Isaiah 58 to preach to us as individuals. We spent time reading Isaiah 58 prayerfully until deliverance started to take place in our lives. Sunday closing the conference, Overseer Ann Forest rounded off the conference with a powerful life-changing teaching about protecting and defending the inheritance through teaching the decrees to our children. The Holy Spirit ministered to us and gave revelation and
were delivered from the spirit of unforgiveness, strife, and sinful nature. We also had testimonies of how ladies were repenting after being convicted by the word in Isaiah 58 and how they had made decisions to change to be better leaders, mothers, wives, and members of the society at large. There was a revival and joy filled our hearts, the spirit of service and ministering was re-awakened in us.

We held a life-changing Pastors Deeper Life Conference from the 21st to the 25th of February 2024 in Maputo attended by about 500 pastors as well as Bishops, Apostles, and Overseers from the 10 provinces. We were honored by the presence of Archbishop Elias Soko from South Africa, Dr. Herbert Nyakonda and Amai from Zimbabwe. Several other local speakers ministered powerfully. We thank the God of our Father for the rich teachings from Baba’s books with an emphasis on True Discipleship and the need to be connected to the spirit of our church, ZAOGA FIFMI. There is no doubt this deeper life impacted the nation which will never be the same. On Sunday the 26th Archbishop Soko ministered in a mighty way and 67 new souls came to Christ and 10 believers gave testimony of how they had been miraculously healed from various diseases as the archbishop declared healing and deliverance. Glory to God.

We would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti, for loving the Chadians. We were overjoyed to welcome back our Pastors Johannes and Tracy Danga Kativhu. We had organised a crusade together with our Pastors as they were still in Zimbabwe that was scheduled to be done in Ambata an area we opened our second assembly last year October 2023. The crusade started on Friday with a surprising attendance of over 100 people, which increased on Saturday to 130 people. God gave us a total of 8 souls who gave their lives to Jesus. 7 people were delivered from demon possession. One woman testified that she had not been sleeping because of evil spirits that continued to oppress her, but after the deliverance, she slept peacefully. An outstanding miracle happened as the crusade team was on their way to collect the hired stage from another location. The small lorry they were using to carry the stage and chairs was wrapped by a banner with the photos of our father and mother; Archbishop Ezekiel Guti and Archbishop Eunor Guti. Suddenly a group of people stopped the lorry because they wanted transport to carry a sick woman to the hospital, as soon as the sick woman saw the photos on the banner she started screaming and rolling manifesting. The crusade team asked permission to pray for her. She was prayed for and was delivered then they took her to her home not to the hospital because she was stable and also healed. On Sunday as the team was returning the stage to the owner they saw her busy washing her clothes in perfect condition looking joyful and sober. All the glory to the God of Ezekiel.
On Sunday we had powerful teachings and the attendance was 65 people inclusive of children. Some members from our main assembly Walia managed to join the Ambata Sunday service. It’s our prayer request and desire that this year by the grace of the God of our father, He would permit us to be supported to hold one or more big crusades with our Zimbabwean Evangelists. The soil of Chad is very ripe for a great harvest. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.
Remembering, re-living, and celebrating the legacy of our father is all Chiredzi Province was experiencing from the 22nd to the 24th of February. The Forward in Faith International Executive Chairman, our father, Dr Joseph Joe Guti, came to the Lowveld Chiredzi province to bless the Baba Guti Legacy Provincial Big Sunday. His arrival, the tours to various church facilities, the deliverance evenings, and the Big Sunday itself were indeed grace to the believers in Chiredzi province. Evangelist Mabvuramiti led the preceding sessions before the apostle came on the 23rd. Saturday night, the International Executive Chairman (IEC) preached to 2443 congregants packed in the Tshovani Revival Center. He commanded spirits and sicknesses disquieting believers. A powerful deliverance session ensued as the apostle pointed and commanded each affliction out of the children of God. 15 people received their deliverance and 31 people gave their lives to the Lord Jesus. The Baba Guti Legacy Big Sunday was an extraordinary convergence in the province. A congregation of 6177 believers flouted the scorching heat to come and be part of the legacy celebrations. People came from surrounding provinces like Jerera, Chikombedzi, Mwenezi, and Checheche to witness the legacy celebrations. The Apostle Dr J Guti, preaching to the congregants, emphasized that we are beneficiaries of the covenant that God made with His servant. He informed that the purpose of the Legacy celebration is to unite the church and the vision is from the Apostle, the man of God Prof. E H Guti.152 people gave their lives to Jesus during the Legacy Big Sunday, and 53 were delivered from various afflictions.

We held our greater Bindura Big Sunday graced by the Deputy Secretary General, Apostle Dr. S and Dr. L Simukai. Over 3000 people attended the Big Sunday held at the ZEGU chapel. Apostle Dr. S Simukai taught on the theme of the Church highlighting that it’s a sequel from 2023. The church was striving to be true disciples in 2023, but now the church is practicing to be true disciples in 2024. Unity, love, and oneness were emphasized. He also taught on wisdom and the power of God. 32 people received Jesus as their personal Savior. Dr. L Simukai ministered healing and deliverance:
More than 500 people were healed from various diseases and delivered from diverse evil spirits.
More than 20 people suffering from stomach acids were healed.
20 People suffering from migraine headaches were healed.
35 people suffering from pain on the right side of the tummy going to the back were healed.
14 people suffering from sciatica pain were healed.
6 women with a continuous issue of blood were healed.
More than 200 people who have businesses and are owed money were ministered to and prophesied that their money would be paid.
2 people who were depressed and in need joy of the Lord, were refreshed by the Holy Ghost. People received the anointing of the Holy Ghost. The multitude of people were refreshed, more than 300 of them. Glory to God.
Child Evangelism – We would like to thank the God of our father Ezekiel H. Guti for a successful 6th Information, Publicity and Media Workshop which was held at Karumazondo Outdoor Centre in Marondera from the 23rd to 25th of February 2024. Overseer David Guni graced the Conference on the first day Friday 23 February 2024. Children’s Church Director Pastor Petros Dope, Pastor Beverly Chigwenhembe, Elder Shadreck Muchenje, and Elder Munyaradzi Mapingire were the facilitators who took turns to teach and deliver powerful teachings on Communication, Basic Video Filming, Media Practitioners’ Personality, Basic Graphic Design, Media Regulations, Basic Photography, Studio Production, Live Streaming, Reporting and Minutes writing. A total number of 25 delegates from the following provinces Braeside, Chinhoyi, Gweru, Harare Central, Kadoma, Kuwadzana, Bindura, Waterfalls, Westgate, and Zvishavane were in attendance. On Saturday afternoon the delegates got an opportunity to play soccer. The workshop was an eye-opener to the present delegates to safeguard the ZAOGA Church brand and to maintain the quality church standards expected in line with the vision God gave to our Father Apostle Professor E. H Guti.
We thank the God of our father E. H. Guti for a powerful Provincial Legacy Big Sunday on 25 February 2024 in Zengeza Province under the leadership of Overseers Master and Ireen Masango, which was preceded by a Provincial council where leaders were equipped, encouraged and revived by Bishops C and A Kapandura as our guest speakers. The Legacy Big Sunday had a huge attendance of over 1122 people who gathered to worship the God of Ezekiel at the Aquatic Complex in Chitungwiza. The province partnered with our ZEGU university to promote enrollment at the institution and ZEGU sent its marketing team to the big Sunday. Bishop A. Kapandura emphasised strongly on the issue of home talents and encouraged the go quickly, men of integrity, and the youth to take part in working home talents. Bishop C. Kapandura then encouraged people to walk in righteous ways before the Lord and preserve holiness in the church being true disciples who remain rooted in the doctrine of our church in love, unity, prayer, and genuine fear of God. 36 people repented and gave their lives unto the Lord and many people were delivered from oppressions and different diseases. We thank the God of our father for such a resounding success of the Legacy Provincial Big Sunday and Zengeza Province will not remain the same.
We held a successful Provincial Soul-winning Crusade and Revival Big Sunday, from the 23rd to the 25th of February of 2024 at Nemakonde High School Grounds Chinhoyi. The event was organized by our esteemed Overseers, P & M Masikini, and featured renowned Guest Speaker and Evangelist, Paul Saungweme. In attendance were the Mashwest EFZ Chairman Rev. TJ Mafukidze, Minister’s Fraternity chair Apostle Nyemba and Amai, and EFZ Chinhoyi treasurer Rev Chinetseu. Attendance rose from 2523 to 4502 people. 930 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, 1355 people received deliverance from various afflictions and 101 were water baptised. We witnessed a great performance by choirs on the Big Sunday and many notable miracles, a few to mention:
A certain man who had suffered from heart disease for four years and backache, experienced healing.
A girl, who had been suffering from headaches and chest pain due to a scotch cart accident four years ago, found relief.
A certain lady who had been enduring leg pain and hand pain for two years received healing.
A young man’s eyesight was restored, and he could see clearly.
A lady who had been suffering from painful kidneys for years experienced healing.
Chinhoyi Province will never be the same again.
As part of EFZ in raising climate change action through tree planting in partnership with the Forestry Commission (FC) and the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) our guest Evangelist Paul Saungweme planted a tree at Nemakonde High School.

Glory be to God of our Father Apostle E. H Guti who once again has necessitated a powerful All Night Family Deliverance service on the 23rd of February 2024. Over 900 people attended this occasion among them visitors from other churches and various places across Zimbabwe. Evangelists Mark Mariya and Phillip Sarayi Chipfakanya were indeed mightily used by God. Deliverance started taking place during Praise and Worship and Preaching time. The main scripture was 1 Peter 1:18-19 and several people thereafter testified being healed and delivered:
21 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
238 were prayed for and delivered from spiritual husband and wife.
19 with barrenness were also prayed for and delivered.
12 people who were having anti-marriage spirit and 16 with stomach pains were also delivered. Over 70 people vomited.
Of those who received Christ, 10 were baptized on Sunday the 25th of February 2024. Glory be to God.
Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.
You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for refreshing her and giving her wisdom and revelation for the growing work. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the International Girls Conference from the 7th to the 10th of March 2024. Thanking God for giving the young Eunors grace and that the conference may be successful.
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
- Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favourable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland.
- Thanking God for your nation.
The history book reminds us that “This ministry is not going to come to an end. God will raise many young people if they keep themselves from these: Pride, the love of money, and the temptation of women. God raised one Ezekiel, but there are going to be many true disciples of Ezekiel who will lead the people in all truth by the Spirit of God.”
Our father feared the Lord, so we as true disciples of Ezekiel should also fear the Lord….God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org
“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46