Apostles Update Week 8

by fifmi

March 6, 2025

Dear Friends,


God’s work in Mauritius is thriving, and we are filled with gratitude to the God of our father as we witness His undeniable presence in our church. Our weekly activities continue to be a source of strength and growth, with members actively participating in the advancement of the Kingdom. Through prayer and the apostles’ update, we stand firm in faith, moving forward with purpose.
Friday’s Worship Night was a powerful encounter with God. The atmosphere was charged with His presence as Pastor Hillary taught on the weapons of our warfare from 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. It was a timely message, equipping us to stand strong in prayer for spiritual battles and claim victory in Christ.
Sunday was a day of deep revelation as Pastor Shamiso Mwale shared on the doctrine of our church, emphasizing its foundation on Jesus Christ. The teaching strengthened our faith and deepened our understanding of the core beliefs that define us. We were also encouraged by the continued growth of our congregation, with 166 adults and children gathering in worship. Thank you for your prayers and support. Mauritius is for Jesus!


We would want to thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti, who has blessed us with yet another week where there were greater experiences at Boys’ conferences organized in different states of India. Punjab, Haryana, and Andhra Pradesh: Gilgal Assembly and Flying Eagles Assembly and Rehoboth and Rock of Ages Assembly, Haryana, MVN Assembly, and Andhra Pradesh Assembly. In all these assemblies, life-changing Boys of Thunder (BOT) conferences took place as the anointed speakers shared the word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The boys were empowered through the word of God. There was great attendance, and people gave their lives to Christ. Glory be to the God of Ezekiel.
On the other hand, we are grateful to the God of Ezekiel for the wonderful growth we are seeing in the Girls’ ministry through our Pastor Seema Gilchrist. Recently, our attendance recorded for the Girls’ Tuesday meeting was 50 Girls of Quality (GOQ).
We continue to thank God for our Pastors Pastor James and Seema Gilchrist, who are tirelessly watching over the flock of the Lord, guiding the leadership in these different places while paying visits to various places to minister to the people of God.


We thank the God of Ezekiel for another blessed week and give all the glory to Him. Our midweek services continue to run smoothly.
On Sunday, the congregation gathered in great numbers, sharing powerful testimonies of what God has done. The service was filled with uplifting praise and worship, and we were blessed to receive a powerful message from Pastor Fanuel. He continued to provide feedback from the conference, emphasizing the theme: “Continuing to Practice to Be True Disciples Who Have Understanding and Are Rooted and Grounded in Our Church Bible Doctrine in Unity, Love, Prayer, and the Fear of God.”
Pastor Fanuel encouraged us to apply what we had learned, reminding us to love one another. He also spoke about the importance of using our talents and working with our hands. After his inspiring message, many received prayers. We are truly grateful for your love and prayers.


We are filled with joy and gratitude, as our Sunday service was truly an uplifting experience as we welcomed back some of our cherished old believers. Their return is a powerful reminder of the transformative love and grace that our faith offers.
During our Bible Study and Word lessons, the message focused on extending the kingdom of God, and that demands repentance and steadfastness in our faith. We were encouraged to “go ye therefore and preach the kingdom of God,” a call to action that resonated deeply within our hearts.
Our praise and worship session was so vibrant that it attracted some 12 Caucasian visitors from the streets. It was a joy to see new faces joining us in worship, highlighting the welcoming spirit of our community. The Ladies’ Ministry’s commitment to service and outreach ensures that the legacy continues to grow and impact lives positively. We give thanks to the God of Ezekiel for allowing us to witness His mercy and the incredible work He is doing on the island. Continue to pray for us as we strive to fulfil our mission and spread the message of hope and love.


Single Women Ministry International Leadership Conference
The Conference was held from February 20th to 23rd, 2025, at the Ezekiel Guti Convention Centre (AMFCC). We saw a remarkable increase in attendance, starting with 450 delegates on the first day and culminating in over 1271 delegates on the final day. In addition to the physical attendees from Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe, the conference was also streamed live on Zoom, expanding its reach significantly.
The conference featured a dynamic lineup of speakers. Bishop and Amai Rupapa delivered powerful teachings on the Fire of God, the importance of the blood of Jesus Christ, the significance of prayer (with a focus on intercession), having a burden for God’s work, and maintaining a legacy. Dr La-Verne Simukai, the International Go Quickly Director, shared impactful teachings from Archbishop E.H. Guti on self-control, resisting sin, and being a clean vessel.
A significant highlight was the filling of the Holy Spirit experienced by thirty-three people.
The conference concluded on a high note, with the single women receiving the Fire of God and being encouraged to carry this fire back to their respective nations and provinces.
The Single Women Ministry expresses deep gratitude to their Mum, Senior Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti; their father, the Presiding Bishop Dr Joseph Joe Guti and their mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti, for their prayers and spiritual guidance, which were instrumental in the conference’s success.

Kwekwe Province
It was a great weekend for Kwekwe Millionaires Golden Province when 525 Elders and Deacons met for their Provincial Council. The event hosted by the Overseers Dr H and J Nyakonda was graced by the presence of Bishop Dr W and Rev Dr G Rupapa. They delivered powerful teachings on the Jesus’ style of leadership. Bishop Rupapa emphasized on ministering as an effective tool in leading God’s church.
On Sunday, the youth hosted a Provincial Mega Big Sunday, and the atmosphere was filled with joy, ululation, and jubilation as 1,488 believers gathered together. There was much joy as choirs from all districts and KMD took turns ministering unto the Lord. The youths led the church into energetic praise and worshipping God. Rev Dr G Rupapa took on the podium to teach the church about having the spirit of prayer and how to develop to become prayer warriors and to be effective intercessors.
Bishop Rupapa taught on the outstanding way of ministering unto the Lord with the genuine love of God. He ministered healing and deliverance to the congregation, where several people were healed from different ailments. 10 people gave their lives to Christ. Truly, Kwekwe Millionaires Golden Province will never be the same again as it was left refreshed, rejuvenated, and revitalized. We really thank the God of Ezekiel, who gave us the grace to host such a magnificent event

National FAMB Ministry Leadership Seminar
We are forever grateful for the doing of the Lord God of Ezekiel in our generation. Under the leadership of the International Directors Rev Hilary and Jestina Nyakutya, the ministry held a life-transforming National Leadership Seminar from Friday, 28 February to Sunday, 2 March 2025. The seminar started off with the Pastors’ session, which was attended by 86 delegates. Our guest speakers were Apostle Mishael and Rev Leticia Nyambo and a team of local and foreign facilitators. Dr Tadius Mawoko and Dr Chirima shared online on Marriage Matters and Drug and Substance Abuse, respectively. The Ministry Advisors Bishop Mutingwa and Amai were there together with the Ministry Overseers Mazuruse and Amai also graced the seminar and shared powerfully.
The attendance rose from 168 on Friday evening to 365 on Sunday afternoon. Leaders were equipped for the work of the ministry. Sunday ended up with a great visitation of the Holy Spirit when Pastors Patler and Sharon Ndoga of Oman ignited the atmosphere through a powerful delivery on praying as a family. The Secretary General took over and iced the cake, sending all delegates with great enthusiasm to go back and impact their families and their churches. Indeed, it is a seminar to remember.

Masvingo East (Jerera) Province
The local Youth had their Field Trip service on Friday, 28 February, at Nyika District Church, with guidance from the provincial Overseers G & A Musvipa. More than 50 youths spent the night fellowshipping with the Lord. Pastors T and N Machakachi graced the occasion as speakers from the National Youth Office. The vision for 2025 was well laid out, and Youths were grounded in our church bible doctrine. Emphasis was given on studying Baba Guti’s books. The youth were also encouraged to keep on praying until breakthroughs come. If a watchman sleeps on duty, the devil will attack. The youth were taught to keep on knocking until the heavens open. We were also taught to support our local church.

Zengeza Province
We thank the God of Ezekiel for a powerful Provincial Council held at our Zengeza Local Mother Church from Friday, 1 March to Saturday, 2 March 2025, where leaders from Zengeza Province gathered to plan the work of God under the leadership of our overseers Master and Irene Masango.
The Provincial Council was followed by an evening service at Takura grounds in Nazareth region in Nyatsime on Saturday, where over 200 people gathered to worship God in the open-air service, and Evangelist Alice Mavhunga shared a powerful message on the power in the name of Jesus Christ. 10 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ, and many were healed from various sicknesses and others delivered from oppression.
On Sunday, we had a provincial Big Sunday again at Takura grounds in Nazareth region in Nyatsime, and over 700 people attended the big Sunday. Overseer Irene Masango shared on the Covenant Kingdom Multipurpose Talents, and then Overseer Master Masango gave a powerful sharing that was followed by miracles. 40 people gave their lives to Christ, while 2 ladies who had weak bones were healed. Another lady who had a painful spinal cord was prayed for and healed and a woman who had a very painful right hand was healed as well. Many other people were healed from various diseases, and others were delivered from oppression.

Marlborough District
We thank the God of Ezekiel for allowing us as Marlborough District MOI to visit Ngaone and Vumba Mountain and to have an encounter, through prayer and fasting, at these sacred places from 28 February 2025 to 2 March 2025. The delegation consisted of the District Pastor, Solomon Ngorima, District MOI Pastor, Misheck Munyonga, Senior Pastor Isaac Mukombe, Pastor Herbert Jaravani, and twenty-five (25) men comprising Elders, Deacons, and saints from Marlborough District MOI. Our guest speaker was AMFCC Director Reverend Douglas Makuyana. Men got time to pour their hearts at the sacred place in Ngaone. There was a mighty visitation by the Holy Spirit.
In the morning, we continued our journey to Vumba, where we went up the Vumba mountain. We had time to pray and pour our hearts out to the Lord, following in the footsteps of our Father, Professor Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti’s prayer life. On that mountain, we had encounters and visitations. Men saw angels visiting and depositing spiritual gifts and things for people who were there.
Men also had time to pray for our Father, Apostle Dr Joseph Joe Guti, and our mother, Pastor Miriam Nyasha Guti. The men’s lives will never be the same. It was a mighty encounter.

2025 International Hosting & Stewardship Seminar
The 2025 edition was a remarkable and transformative event with physical attendance of over 1112 people and an online presence of 434 gadgets. The event was hosted by our International Director, Overseer Eunice Matsikenyere, at Braeside Local Mother Church. It brought together esteemed speakers and participants for a time of impactful teachings and practical demonstrations on Hosting at the pulpit, Proper preparation of hampers, and Effective stewardship, amongst others.
The seminar was graced by our beloved mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti, and Dr La-Verne Simukai, on behalf of our patron, Archbishop Eunor Guti. The occasion was a resounding success, equipping attendees with valuable knowledge and skills to serve effectively.
We look forward to greater advancements in the ministry. Glory be to the God of Ezekiel.

Bindura Province
We are grateful to God for the grace to host a Provincial Big Sunday on the 2nd of March 2025 at the Ezekiel Guti Prayer Mountain for All Nations. It was an exciting day for Bindura Province as Choirs from different Districts (from around the province) and The God’s view (Chipadze) Local Mother Church had the opportunity to minister. The KMD and Tambourine Ministry also ministered through music and dance.
The Zonal Bishop, Bishop Christopher and Angela Kapandura were the Guest Speakers. Bishop Christopher Kapandura taught on Kingdom Life Principles with emphasis on righteousness and the Fear of God. Attendance was more than 2000 believers, 68 people were born again, and deliverance was ministered to hundreds of people who came to be prayed for after the word was spoken. We give glory to the God of Ezekiel.

Nyanga Province
We thank the God of our father, Apostle Professor E.H Guti, for a wonderful and historic, life-changing Provincial Big Sunday on the 2nd of March 2025, led by our Overseers O & N Murindagomo. Evangelist D & A Mabvuramiti were the Speakers who were mightily used by God speaking under the theme Good News Deliverance Explo 2025.
Choirs from Regions and districts had time to present, and the young and upcoming group calling themselves the ‘Legends’ took the stage by storm, and KMD capped up everything. As evangelist David Mabvuramiti worshipped God, great deliverance and healing took place. 87 people were delivered from marital problems, menstrual cramps, and from the spirit of anger. The attendance was 1,070 people.
After delivering a powerful and soul-searching preaching from Ruth 1:15-16, coupled with various testimonies of his life and how God used our father Apostle Professor E H Guti in the mission field. The church understood the vision God gave our father and the realm of the prophetic in which he operated. The spirit of God stirred the hearts of many people, and they abundantly gave towards the Good News Deliverance Explo. Glory be to the God of our Father for His favour upon Nyanga Province. The legacy continues.


  • Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
  • Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.
  • You are welcome to contact our office at +263 774 873 565 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mum Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her and refresh her daily. Thanking God for wisdom and revelation for the growing work and projects to be done. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for our father, the Presiding Bishop Dr. Joseph Joe, and our mother, Pastor Nyasha Guti, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they lead the church.
  3. Thanking God for the 2 Apostles, SG Apostle Mishael & Pastor Leticia Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  4. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  5. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide the items needed for the students.
  6. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the ongoing construction of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special Diabetes pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, Poland, and South Korea. Thanking God for the construction of the churches in Guyana and Ghana. Thanking God for peace in areas that are not politically stable. Thanking God for protecting the different nations from heavy rains and hurricanes in their areas.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


I realized God will never forget all the good that we do for Him. I used to stay in Mbare in one room, and we used a curtain to divide the room so others could sleep on the other side. We then found a house in Highfield. This is the wisdom that I am sharing with you: the needs of man are endless, and you will never finish them. There’s always room to want more. (You desire to move from one room to two rooms, to four rooms, a full house, and it continues). If you sincerely work for God, God will remember you and reward you accordingly and in His time. It may take time for you to see the rewards, but remember we serve a God who sees. God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you.

Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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