Apostles Update Week 9

by fifmi

March 11, 2024

Dear Friends,


The International Girls’ Ministry held another powerful hybrid seminar this year from Thursday 7 March to Sunday 10 March at AMFCC in Harare Zimbabwe. We would like to thank the God of our Father for enabling us to hold this life-transforming conference. We were blessed with a line-up of powerful speakers such as Dr. La-Verne Simukai the International Go Quickly and Tell Director, Pastor Shamie Mwale from Cyprus, Pastor Rejoice Samundombe from RSA and Senior Pastor Gift Ranga the International Girls Advisor and other speakers who taught on several topics such as Emotional Healing, Leadership, Deliverance, Mental Health, Giving, personal development, and the History of our church. The Girls were equipped with life-changing skills to use in their day-to-day lives. This conference was one of its kind as we also had girls’ speakers who taught on social media and how to handle abuse. Over 100 girls were prayed for and poured out their hearts during the emotional healing session. A total of 150 girls received the gift of the Holy Spirit and started to speak in other tongues. Over 200 girls were prayed for during the deliverance session to break all the spirits that were working as hindrances in their walk with Christ.
On the last day of the conference, we were graced by our Mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti who spoke about what it takes to be a Young Eunor. She gave a charge on winning souls as this is what our Father Archbishop Professor E.H Guti had a burden for. She revealed some of the most powerful testimonies she experienced with Baba doing the work of God. She also spoke about being obedient, as that is the word God had given her to share with us and to have the genuine fear of God. It was a life-transforming service that touched many girls’ lives and they will never be the same. A total of 13 Girls gave their lives to Christ. We thank the God of our Father for giving the Girls Ministry grace to hold this Seminar and having a dedicated International Girls Director Pastor Ruth Basa who has remained willed to follow the vision that our Father had for a girl child.


We thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for a powerful Sunday service. The Leaders and members of the Church are happy with the return of Pastor Fredy to the Dominican Republic he preached the history of the Church, how the Church began through a simple man of God, Ezekiel Guti, and how he left his legacy, which is everything written in his books. Even if Apostle Ezekiel Guti went to be with the Lord, the FIFMI church is stronger, our mother Archbishop Eunor Guti and the 3 Apostles continue with the teachings of our father Ezekiel Guti. We ask for prayers for our upcoming crusades in the DR.


We had our Sunday service with 52 adults and 6 children. We praised and worshipped God and afterward, we received the teaching of the Word from our dear Brother Armando who taught from Luke chapter 10 about the Good Samaritan. Our believers testified about what God is doing in their lives. We had a special moment when our Pastor José read from the book of Proverb 31 dedicated to all women. We received the word of God and after there was an altar call and we were sent home with the blessing of the Lord.


We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel, for a powerful, life-changing Go Quickly Prayer Retreat in Yorkshire Province that was attended by over 140 ladies. Led by our Overseer Shkaa Manyati and Pastor Cleo Mutingwa and the Go Quickly Board of Yorkshire Province. Our invited speaker, Mama Bishop Dr. Mabel Samasuwo, was mightily used by God. On Saturday night, she taught on how to deal with forgiveness, children, and families, as led by the Holy Spirit. There was a mighty move of the presence of God. Many ladies testified how they had received guidance concerning issues happening in their lives. Also, God restored children to their parents. One lady was healed during the retreat. Broken hearts were restored. We saw women dancing and rejoicing after testifying about the goodness of the Lord.
Girls of Quality (GOQ) under the guidance of the National Girls Director Pastor Cecilia Zezani also had their prayer retreats. A lot of girls said Isaiah 58 has taught them to mend their relationship with their mothers which had broken down and also to let go of bitterness with their parents. Some texted their parents asking for forgiveness. Some were delivered from addiction to pornography and masturbation, some had issues and could not talk to each other, and they had time to meet and reconcile and forgive each other. 17 girls were Holy Spirit-filled. 169 girls attended the prayer retreat this year across all three zones. To God be the glory.


We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel for allowing our nation to launch an AMFCC part-time Bible School, the school opened its doors to learners on March 2nd with online classes. Students are scattered all over the country in different provinces. Interestingly we have youths in our classes as well. The first class has 60 students. We have local pastors as our teachers. Praise be to the Lord God Ezekiel.
As a nation, we also thank the Lord for a successful hybrid National Female Pastors Prayer Retreat from 29 Feb-2 March. Our Speaker was Overseer Joylyn Rusere from Australia. She ministered powerfully, utilizing Isaiah 58, and also taught on working Talents. There was a faith clinic and the Pastors freely poured out. The entire retreat was highly charged and there was a heavy presence of God. What a wonderful experience we had in the presence of the Lord. We have truly been refreshed, encouraged, revived, and equipped. We give glory to the God of Ezekiel!


We express our gratitude to the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for His unwavering favour in Russia. We had a powerful online service with 19 members in attendance. Pastor Farai Kupamhama preached a potent sermon on Covenant and encouraged the young Ezekiels and Eunors to continue with the vision of our father here in Russia. Afterwards, we had yet another powerful offline service with an attendance of 25. Brother Special encouraged the church to trust in God. Thank you for your prayers. God is doing mightier and greater things in Russia through the students. We received so many testimonies this week on the goodness of the God of Ezekiel in the students’ lives.


We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for His continued faithfulness in our Nation. Our midweek services were well attended, including the Go Quickly Tuesday prayer and Thursday meeting. On Friday 01 March our Pastors had their first historic Asia Pastors Friday prayer online. On Saturday 02 March, we had a young adults’ outing and games which was held in Cyber Jaya at our Advisors’ place Elders Mutyavaviri. 16 members were present and we had a great time of games and teachings from our advisors and Pastors this was so refreshing. Then on Sunday 03 March, we had a phenomenal Big Sunday. Deacon Tinashe led an interactive bible study and deacon Rodney was the forerunner who taught powerfully on fellowship with God. Pastor Shepherd sealed the service with the teaching of discipleship, we were encouraged. We had 48 members in attendance, 4 children including 2 visitors from Vietnam and 7 online viewers. We highly appreciate your prayers and support.


We are eternally grateful to the God of our father for His continued faithfulness in our nation. This week was a week of breakthroughs where we were fasting and meeting daily for prayer, with an average of 30 people logging in for the service. Several local speakers were used mightily to speak to our lives and encourage us. On Friday, Pastor Learnie preached powerfully on moving in the presence of God. This Sunday was very powerful with a total attendance of 56 people, 35 online and 19 people onsite. We had three visitors, a lady from South Africa, another from Nigeria, and a brother who has just relocated from Zimbabwe, who has also pledged to make FIF his home. A highly interactive Bible study was led by sister Hazel on creation. Sister Jemimah was the forerunner and preached on counting it joy when we face trials. Thereafter, Deacon Sandy taught powerfully about the God who restores even when things seem beyond redemption. We had time to pray for our lives after the word. One person later gave her life to Christ, glory to God! Many people are testifying of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel in their lives. Thank you for praying for us, as we pray for you.


We want to thank the God of our father for the ladies’ prayer retreats that took place in our nation within the last two weeks. 35 ladies in the Upper North (Auckland) Region and 20 ladies in the Lower North (Wellington) Region gathered in their regional centres between Thursday 29 February and Sunday 10 March. The ladies received powerful teachings from Pastor Judith Mutsambiwa and Overseer Nerisa Normans ministering in Lower North, Pst Judith Mutsambiwa and Pastor Martha Kahwema in South Island Regions while Pastor Tabitha Collins and Senior Pastor Rumbi Makuwere ministered in the Upper North Regions. Women were empowered through teachings of prayer, forgiveness, loosening heavy burdens, home talents, and practicing to be true disciples who remain rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our church. There was great deliverance from rejection, unforgiveness, self-blame, childhood trauma, gossiping, and great pouring out from individuals. There was faith clinic time and most of the ladies had a one-on-one with one of the Pastors or the Speaker. Upper and Lower North Regions ended their prayer retreat with a Big Sunday together with the church. We thank God for the restoration, healing, and deliverance that took place, and these are some of the few testimonies that were noted.
Ladies were healed from spiritual heaviness and generational bitterness.
One lady was healed from spine/tailbone deviation.
Someone had refused to work home talents but after the teaching, she is now geared up to work for her family.
One lady was healed from chronic migraine headaches.
We continue to thank God for our mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti for the vision as the platform of prayer retreat has become a safe place to pour out and receive our complete deliverance.


God favoured us as the nation of Malawi from the 5th-6th of March we had a National Female Pastors Prayer retreat and all the female Pastors gathered in Lilongwe. The HQ sent us powerful speakers DP Winnie Nzou and Pastor Christine Kagura who were used by God in a mighty way. They taught on Prayer, Home Talents, Partnering with God, and the Mandate of Go Quickly quoting from the books that were written by our Father. Isaiah 58 worked, Pastors poured out and the Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way. In the morning hours, the God of Ezekiel visited us there was a thick presence of God in the church and He ministered to us, we give glory to God. Home Talents were taught and Female Pastors were revived to go back and work hard in order to have better lives and partner with God. 3 ladies were delivered from the spirit of unforgiveness, 2 others from the spirit of rejection, and 1 from the spirit of forgetfulness. 5 were filled with the Holy Spirit. Some who were sick were also healed. Women testified on how God has touched their lives and their faces were glowing with the glory of God.


The God of our father Ezekiel H. Guti has granted us favour as female pastors in Mozambique in the 10 provinces of the country, to hold our Prayer Retreat from the 4th to the 6th of March, using the instructions we were given through the manual, the book of Isaiah 58, which was our strength during the Retreat. The pastors testified about their lives and sought to be women of good character. It was a good moment when our mother Dr. Petronela Simão taught us in order for us to understand Talents. Pastors witnessed some changes in their lives through the book of Isaiah 58. They were good moments for us, the Holy Spirit ministered powerfully among us. There was repentance in several areas. May the God of our father be praised.



It was a power-packed weekend in the Mabelreign Kingdom district as we hosted the Deputy Secretary General of ZAOGA FIF Apostle Dr. Steve and Dr. La-Verne Simukai at our first quarter District Council and big Sunday. The Word was extracted from 2 Peter 1 from verse 3 about His divine power through which God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He emphasised the need to dominate as kings drawing our power and dominion from the priesthood and therefore be in charge of our lives, families, and life’s situations. He encouraged parents to take charge and control of their homes and to be careful of what children do on social media. Saturday afternoon every DC delegate present was prayed for and received impartation and later we had fellowship. The Sunday service was attended by 585 people and the DSG Apostle Steve shared on true discipleship, reminding the believers to do the things that we have received and learned, heard, and saw in our father the servant and Apostle of God Ezekiel Guti. He taught us to walk and operate in the Kingdom of God. Dr La-Verne Simukai shared on walking in the Kingdom. Multiplication happens when we are in the Kingdom. She then declared the Kingdom of God and 9 people with leg pains were prayed for and healed while 11 more were delivered from various ailments. 13 new souls gave their lives to Christ. Glory to God!


We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel for His visitation as Greater Marondera province Men of Integrity and Boys of Thunder. We had a powerful, life-changing Big Sunday hosted by our Overseer David Guni spearheaded by provincial MOI Pastor DP Alexio Nyaruwata as well as Boys Zonal Pastor G Chadyemhunga. The highlight of our Big Sunday was the conference on the father-to-son relationship which was facilitated by Overseer D Guni. There was profound sharing by both fathers and sons. There were 135 people in attendance. The National vice chairman of Men of Integrity, Dr. Winston Jaricha, graced our Big Sunday. He shared from Philippians 4 vs 9 as well as 1 Kings 2 v2. He challenged both boys and men to be real men. He challenged us to make a prayer of Jabez and to emulate what we heard, learned, and saw from our Father. He charged us to be progressive spiritually and life in general. We thank the God of our Father Ezekiel for mightily using Dr. W Jaricha. MOI Marondera province will never be the same. He encouraged men to work hard because work builds character and loyalty.16 people gave their lives to the Lord and were immediately baptized.


We are so thankful to the God of Ezekiel for the immeasurable grace He showed us as Highfield Mother Province. We successfully held our Provincial Big Sunday at Glenorah High 2 school grounds on the 25th of February 2024, indeed it was a day to remember. Hundreds of believers congregated from all the districts in the Province with some being ferried by buses and Kombis to witness this great and historic event. A total of 3550 people were in attendance, powerful testimonies were shared, and KMD gave an outstanding performance that kept the crowd on the edge with excitement. District choirs bloomed the event in their gowns and sang melodious songs followed by an outstanding performance from the Guest musician Sabastian Magacha who electrified the atmosphere and there was jubilation during praise time. The speaker shared a powerful message on the fear of God and quoted the Apostles’ Update teachings and the book of Job 1 vs 1 with great emphasis on the genuine fear of God, 32 people received Jesus Christ, 600 people were prayed for and 58 people received their healing from different ailments. A woman with painful legs for a long time with difficulty walking was healed, and another woman who could not withstand noise was also healed as the speaker was ministering. We are very grateful to the God of our Father who has allowed us to grasp the vision of provincial Big Sundays, we continue to pray for the grace to excel even more in the coming Big Sundays.


Our province, a.k.a Koinonia Province held its Provincial Big Sunday on 10 March 2024 at Magandanga ground in Mufakose as per the vision that was given by Visionary, Archbishop E.H Guti. The province is under the able leadership of Overseers Kenneth and Beauty Chinhema. The total attendance was 2,100. Pastors David Mabvuramiti and Lawrence Haisa serenaded the crowd with anointed praise and jubilation songs. Various choirs from the districts and the KMD then took to the stage with their lively performance. The Deputy Secretary General, Apostles Drs. Steve and La-Verne Simukai were the guest speakers. Dr. Steve brought a powerful team of student pastors and the MDH Chief Executive Officer. Also in attendance was the resident Bishop, Lazarus Kataya, whom the guest speaker acknowledged and reported that he walked and ministered with our father for more than 60 years. Coincidentally it was his birthday week, where he was celebrating 97 years. One of the elders testified that he did not go to school but through the teaching of this church, he was now running a successful construction company. Dr. Steve ministered powerfully as an outstanding evangelist under the anointing of the Holy Ghost on the kingdom of God. 56 people committed their lives unto the Lord Jesus Christ and most of these were immediately baptized in water. Many people were delivered from various things including spiritual husbands and spiritual wives, including those who dreamt of eating, had nightmares, cysts, headaches, and those under the influence of witchcraft. Many people received from God and returned to their homes full of joy. Kuwadzana Province will never remain the same again. We give all glory to the God of our father for giving us the grace to hold such a powerful and life-changing Big Sunday.

Mt Darwin

We held our first Provincial Big Sunday of the year where over 580 believers gathered. Regional choirs and KMD were at hand to spice up the joy that was present from the beginning to the end. Testimonies from Elders who came to the Lord in the 70s and 80s, and the youths proved the faithfulness of our God to the Covenant He made with our father to uplift the poor, despised, and uneducated to positions of influence in the community. Overseer Nephat Ndlovu delivered a timely message for members to set their lives in order as we were living in the last days. Everyone had time to introspect themselves so as not to be found wanting on the last day and over 100 people were ministered to. 2 new converts were added to the Kingdom of God. To God be the glory.

Zaoga On Campus(ZOC)

We thank the God of our father, E.H Guti for leading us as Great Zimbabwe University ZOC Ministry. We had a powerful prayer retreat at Masvingo Local Mother church from the 8th to the 10th of March 2024. We witnessed a great revival in the lives of the students as they intensively and earnestly prayed and fasted over the weekend. We had our highest attendance of 103 students. Overseers S and N Fambai were our guest speakers and God used them mightily. Many students were delivered from bad dreams and misfortunes caused by possessions they were given by other people. 15 ladies were also delivered from spiritual husbands and we glorify God for such a great deliverance. Saturday night we had a Holy Spirit session. There was a mighty presence of God in the auditorium. Indeed, we thank God for such a mighty visitation and great revival among the students and our lives will never be the same again. May the saints continue praying for us to win more souls at our Campuses.

Young Generation

The Young Generation Leadership Seminar in Gweru saw 80 Young Generation leaders attending. Pastors Arnold and Dorothy Maruza were the speakers. 19 delegates rededicated their lives to Christ. While at Seke North Local Mother Church 87 were in attendance. Pastors Edmore and Shylet Chijena were the speakers and 15 children received Jesus. Many topics were taught to empower the young leaders and great deliverance took place. Several were delivered from pornography, masturbation, dullness, poverty, and various bondages. Glory be to God the Almighty.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1 pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.

Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.

You are welcome to contact our office at +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for refreshing her and giving her wisdom and revelation for the growing work. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the 3 Apostles; our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their wives, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for the success of the International Girls Conference held this past weekend. Lives were inspired and revived. Glory to God.
  4. Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
  5. Thanking God for Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH); for the successful completion of the operating theatres, the commencement of the postgraduate nursing school, the realization of the special diabetic pharmacy, and every other project lined up at the hospital. Thanking God for raising burden bearers who will partner and support the vision that God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  6. Thanking God that ZEGU continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
  8. Thanking God for the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland.
  9. Thanking God for your nation.


“Prayer is a powerful force God does things in answer to prayer that He would not do otherwise” Pg. 6 Prayer of a Righteous Man Avails Much… book.
God will not do anything without prayer. “God has ordained prayer, and He will do nothing through people without prayer. Prayer is a specific divine appointment with God” (pg 16).
You can cry for a job or promotion at work but if you don’t go the way of the ordained prayer, it will not happen. Nothing happens without the ordained powerful force. God waits for the ordained powerful force…God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

“The Love Of God Through Fellowship,
Breaking Of Bread & In Prayers”
Acts 2:42, 46

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