Apostles Update Week 21

Dear Friends  We are already half way through the year. What a great way to start to second half of the year with a month of prayer conventions. ZAOGA FIFMI is indeed a wonderful church. Don’t miss your prayer convention weekend when it’s your...

Apostles Update Week 20

  Dear Friends  Happy 57th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! 57 years of God’s grace and counting.  CyprusThe Apostles of Jesus Christ third week in Cyprus. Miracles, miracles, miracles. The God of our father Ezekiel Guti is faithful. The...

Apostles Update Week 19

Dear Friends  Happy 57th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! God has been faithful. Glory to God. CyprusGlory to God saints for He has continued being faithful to His servants. The Apostles of Jesus Christ our father and mother continue to lay the much awaited...

Apostles Update Week 18

  Dear Friends  Happy 57th Anniversary ZAOGA FIFMI! God has been faithful. Glory to God. Please note this Apostles Update is a little longer because of the anniversary reports. We give glory to God for the great things He did this past...

Apostles Update Week 17

  Dear Friends  Happy 94th birthday to “the world’s greatest father” Apostle Prof E. H. Guti. We join ZAOGA FIFMI members who have been sending birthday messages to our father from all over the world on all the technological platforms. He is truly...