Apostles Update Week 47

   Dear Friends  Over 1500 ZAOGA FIF music members attended the conference at AMFCC which saw the Apostles of Jesus Christ, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Guti working so hard putting the ministry in shape. Baba taught on the purpose of music...

Apostles Update Week 46

    Dear Friends  Today’s Woman, “oh yeah!” What an awesome experience for all those who attended the Today’s Woman Conference in South Africa. Totally relevant and life-changing teachings that cover all aspects of...

Apostles’ Update week 45

     Dear Friends  We have experienced yet another busy and fruitful week with the Apostles of Jesus Christ  visiting and conducting meetings at AMFCC, ZEGU and the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital. At AMFCC they addressed students on...

Ezekiel TV Africa Signal Expansion

GOOD NEWS: Ezekiel TV Signal Expands We would like to advise all our Africa viewers that Ezekiel TV settings have changed effective 01 December 2014. This is a result of the expansion and upgrade we have done to our signal so that now viewers in West, Central...