Speaker: Pastor Maureen Shana
Topic: Beyond Your Self-Expectation
Text: Exodus 3:1
Whenever God gathers women together, He has a specific plan, and its not just business as usual.
There is a woman who has an appointment with destiny. Its not an ordinary woman who will make things happen, but its a woman who says “If I perish, I perish.” Who says “enough is enough. I didn’t come here just for nothing. I am a woman on assignment. I’m tired of business as usual”
You are here because of destiny and because you’re carrying something on the inside.
No one comes to earth empty. No one comes to earth being ordinary.
Jeremiah 1:5
God formed you, and you are God’s idea. Even before your parents met, God knew you and qualified you. No one needs to qualify you. You are already qualified. When God qualified you, you were given gifts, power, abilities, and capacities. Your responsibility is to discover what it is that is on the inside of you.
The enemy knows that when you discover your purpose and assignment, you are unstoppable.
Moses made a choice to lead the sheep across the desert to Sinai. He thought he was a shepherd boy like everyone else. But this particular day, he decided to go a little bit further.
Woman of God, there is a going a little bit further. You’ve been praying and reading the word, but you have to go a little bit further.
In the mind of God, Moses was already a deliverer. But in his own mind Moses thought he was just a shepherd boy until he went a little bit further.
For years I was just a pastor’s wife, sitting pretty next to my husband. I was shy, I was timid. (I hate timidity). I got to a point where i got tired of being tired. I got to a point when I say God if you don’t touch my life, I will die.

We don’t change in the presence of man but in the presence of God. Change just doesn’t happen. Its not just a desire but its a desire with action.
Moses god tired of seeing the same things, and he went a little bit further. Its only when he did so that he saw the burning bush. You cannot progress unless you go a little bit further.
If you want to see the supernatural in your life and if you want to hear the voice of God, go a little bit further.
Moses took a turn (turned around to go another way). He separated himself. Suddenly he heard the voice of God. And when God speaks, you will know its God.
Moses discovered his purpose.
Exodus 4:1
Sometimes when you discover your purpose, fear will come. Because God will always call you to do something bigger than yourself.
This same timid girl who could not even stand up and greet people now has a different story. Its the story desperation. How desperate are you for change? Creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
America, Taiwan, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, all the nations are waiting for you.
This has nothing to do with your qualifications, your background, even what your mother called you. You are not a shepherd boy. You are not ordinary. What is your name?!
Genesis 32:4
The angel asked Jacob “What is your name?”
What do people call you? Useless person? God for nothing woman? It doesn’t matter what name they have given you. You are not here by chance, but by divine appointment.
Jacob wrestled all night. I’m not talking about praying as usual. Hold on to your purpose, your mission, the call of God. Hold on. Jacob held on the whole night. When others were sleeping, he was travailing. The word of God says he was left alone. You need to come to a time when you are alone. You and God.
There is an anointing to prevail today. You will prevail. God will cause you to prevail. Its not about you, its about what He put on the inside of you.
When i discovered Him, my life changed.
There was a song by Helen Baylor which said “I’m not the girl I used to be.”
You will change people’s life. When they talk about the story of your country, they will talk about you. Get rid of fear. People can laugh today but you will laugh tomorrow. Today is your day, this is your time and season.