Apostles Update Week 32

            Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “Sing forth the honor of His name: make His praise glorious”.We give praise to the King...

Apostles Update Week 31

 Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day.” The first  Sunday in Russia had 19 people in attendance. The service was...

Apostles Update Week 30

 Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever;” Our God is an awesome God! On Saturday Baba and Amai had a braai (bar-b-que) and 28 people were in...

Apostles Update Week 29

  Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He redeemed from the hand of the enemy”. We want to thank God for a powerful life-changing conference...

Apostles Update Week 28

 Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul”. Thank God for the work in Argentina. The members are being grounded in the...

Apostles Update week 27

 Dear Friends  Special greetings to all the intercessors,      “Praise the Lord, for His mercies endure forever”. We serve a God of miracles. The USA Deeper Life Believers was a resounding success through the prayers...