The National Deeper Life Leadership Conference South Africa is an annual event designed to equip and raise better leaders who will inspire spiritual followers in their local regions into abundance and deeper purpose. The Conference is attended by Overseers, Pastors, Elders and Deacons from around South Africa and is hosted by the Apostles Prof. Ezekiel and Dr Eunor Guti together with a number of powerful international speakers.
Event Dates
2 to 5 April 2014
The conference will be held at the Beulah Park International Conference Centre, Johannesburg
RSVP Email Address
Accommodation Booking
There are several local hotels around the Beulah Park International Conference Centre, so check out what’s on offer and book with them directly:
Vetho Villa – http://www.vethoapartments.co.za
Croydon – http://www.croydonhotel.co.za