Once again its our joy to announce the arrival of another new baby that we have been praying for – FIFMI Cayman Islands. Hallelujah, God has done it again. He has answered our prayers. The Servant and Apostles of God, Baba and Amai arrived on the Cayman Islands on August 4. They were welcomed by one of the local women who rented a van to take them to their hotel. Baba and Amai engaged in intense prayer and fasting. This mission has been very challenging and the place is expensive. Through prayer God provided for His work by speaking to different people to send support. Even after many weeks of prayer we could not find anyone. For two weeks only one person came faithfully. The Lord showed Baba a vision of the digging of a very big and deep foundation. God miraculously led Baba and Amai to a Cameroonian woman who in turn led them to the Zimbabwean community on the Island. Only God can work this way.

Baba and Amai struggled to find a meeting place, everywhere they went the halls were full and they were referred to a government hall by most people. This government hall is only used for government meetings. Through the hand of God FIFMI are the first group of people to use that hall for a non-governmental meeting. Nobody has ever used it for anything else. This is the doing of the Lord. The hall is in a central and convenient location.
People started attending the Tuesday and Thursday evening meetings as well as Sunday services. So far 9 people have received Jesus Christ and 5 have been water baptised. Glory to God.

The team was then invited for soccer games which brought the much needed connection with the local and international community. A local Caymanian woman who had a strained relationship with her son for 19 years came to meet Baba and Amai. After counseling the two reconciled and hugged each other in tears as the bitterness had been dealt with.
Another woman from Costa Rica heard about the servant of God who is in their nation and she came for counseling together with her 3 friends. Her husband, a gifted musician was surprised to see that his wife received Christ and was excited to get water baptized.
Through the services and counseling sessions there has been a steady growth of attendance