Speaker: Apostle Dr. EH Guti
Topic: Pray for a Revelation
Text: Proverbs 29:18
The Kingdom of God in this world is like the city of Goshen where although other people were suffering, but people in Goshen were enjoying the protection of God.
Walk in the Kingdom of God, you will see the difference
Many people from Zimbabwe, because of lack of revelation are running away to other countries from Zimbabwe. However people from other countries are flying into
Zimbabwe because they say there is much business opportunity in Zimbabwe. That’s why i say, pray for revelation, for God to reveal to you what to do.
There is something that is eating all the economies of the world.
There are people selling their clothes just to buy a bucket of mealie meal. What you need is a revelation. To see what is going on. Why things are like that.
Some, the way you handle your children, its the way of 10 years ago. The way you handle your finance…. its old fashioned. You need a revelation on what to do.
God wants you to enjoy life. Thats why Jesus came. He said “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived on earth”
Many people are doing things like they were being done 10 years ago because of lack of revelation
To those people who are borrowing money and believe they are going to pay it back, I want you to know that its very hard (to pay back)
There are people who are ordering and ordering many things without a revelation, and now have a large stock of things which are not being purchased. Because they
entered into business without revelation
Isaiah 5: 13
Why don’t you use they way that is written in the bible. I have found out it works. But many people criticize.
You can memorize verses in the Bible, but if you don’t practice it, it won’t help.
It is the will of God for you to have a better life. It doesn’t matter if you live under a tree, as long as you have [a] big God, you will enjoy life.
Many people think they will enjoy when they have a big house. Don’t you know that a big house comes with many bills? People who are living in a rural area with a small house enjoy life more than people in big cities with many credits.
Matthew 6:25-33
If you don’t have a revelation of the kingdom of God , you will have a problem. You will continue to run your life in the old fashion way.
I’m here as your brother, to witness that the word of God is true. If you believe it and do it, you will see
There is a God in heaven
There are many religions who have the name “God” but don’t have God Himself
Today i want to invite you to come to the true God. Jesus Christ.
To tell you the truth, to reach where i am, i suffered…seaching the Bible, until i found it. Today i’m here to tell you…if you worship God the way i tell you, your life will change. But you need a revelation. Noone can tell you until you pray and have a revelation