Deeper Life International Christian Leadership Conference
We thank God for the successful conclusion of the 43rd Deeper Life International Christian Leadership Conference, which took place from 21-26 January, 2014 at the Ezekiel Guti Conference Centre.
The conference drew more than 2,000 delegates who are full time pastors from all over the world where the ZAOGA FIF seed has been planted. The pastors were learning at the feet of the Apostles, Archbishop Dr Ezekiel H Guti and Apostle Eunor Guti.
Speakers were drawn from the broad spectrum of the church under the theme of the year given to the Servant and Apostle, Dr Ezekiel H. Guti which is: “The Year of Personal Revelation in Knowing Our Inheritance (Romans 8:17).
The speakers covered topics including;
“Jesus Christ Has Paid for Your Inheritance” (Isaiah 53:7, Hebrews 4:14-16)
“Having Faith To Have And Walk in the Inheritance” – We have to fight for the inheritance just like the children of Israel had to fight those who they found in Canaan, their promised land of inheritance when they got there
Home Bible Study Cell Groups
The Fear Of God And Righteousness
Giving to Unlock the Inheritance
The Mindset Of An Heir
Planning and Personal Planning
Autonomous Church Administration
The Importance Of Teaching The Word of God
The School Of Talents in The year Of Inheritance
Good Working Relationships
Marriage Enrichment
…and other great topics
The major highlights were the times the Apostles Dr’s Ezekiel and Eunor Guti ministered. Dr Guti taught that we need to move the church from 2013 to 2014 and know why we are still alive while others have gone to be with The Lord. He said that we are still alive to do the work of God of bringing people to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are still alive for His work and not for ourselves.
Therefore the number one job of every believer who is a follower of Jesus Christ is to fish man to Jesus Christ because He said “I will make you fishers of man.” So we must ask ourselves: “Where is the fish if I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?” If you want more years to live, catch fish for Jesus Christ!
Dr. Guti taught that people must not be lazy, and also emphasized the importance of teaching the Word of God as it has power even to drive away issues and demons from people’s lives. This happens through teaching the Word of God, especially with anointing.
Dr. Guti also taught on the importance of being connected to the headquarters by teaching the decrees from there just like Paul and the early Apostles took time to travel and teach decrees from Jerusalem (Acts 8:14; Acts 11:22; Acts 20:4).
Delegates saw God strengthening His servants as he also took time to do administrative work by having meetings with groups from different countries as well as addressing issues raised during the conference’s question and answer session.
Dr. Guti also talked about the need for evangelism as it sets the church on fire, keeps the church fresh, causes church members to be united and to grow, and eliminates spectators in the church as everyone finds something to do in the house of God. Pastors were encouraged to do the work of an Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher, but above all: evangelism, evangelism, evangelism! (2 Timothy 4:5).
Our mother, Apostle Eunor spoke about the great need to have a good heart (Psalms 51:10-12, 17). She said people always want to blame others first without looking from inside themselves – their heart. The problem is not with other people, but one’s own heart. So people need to kick out the best of the devil in the heart in order to enjoy in the inheritance. She said we must cry for a broken and contrite spirit.
Coupled with this was the need to have true and genuine love as in 1 Corinthians 13:1-6.
Apostle Eunor also taught on healing and demonstrated the willingness of God through Jesus Christ for people to be of good health. Many people testified of receiving their healing
Another special part of the program was the official opening on Wednesday, 22 January which highlighted the many achievements of ZAOGA FIF globally, as well as a special display of the 105 books written by Apostle Dr. E.H Guti.
Evening sessions were marked with groups that performed presentations of song and dance, which were received with excitement by the audience.
Saturday, 25th January saw the graduation of 103 students from the 2012 AMFCC class. They were conferred with their Diplomas in Christian Ministry. Others were conferred with Masters degrees and Doctorates from other sister universities. In addition, on Sunday, the final day of the conference, there was the ordination in which a total of 56 pastors received their ordination as full-time pastors in ZAOGA FIFMI.
Delegates applauded the level of organization and administration of the 2014 Deeper Life conference, and plans for the 2015 conference are now underway.