View Photos from the 2013 Today’s Woman Conference
The much anticipated Today’s Woman conference which ran from Friday, Ocotober 10th to Saturday October 12th was a resounding success. The conference continues to grow in popularity, as this year, the number of attendees exceeded well over 10,000. The Harare City Sports Centre was filled to capacity, including people filling the overflow tents that were located just outside of the arena.
Under the visionaries Archbishops Drs. Ezekiel and Eunor Guti, the Today’s Woman Conference brings together women from all walks of life, and this year, featured once again inspiring speakers with timely topics under the theme:
“I have seen Him who sees me” – Genesis 16 vs 13
The messages which included topics covering Deliverance, Health and Wellness, the nature of Today’s Woman and much more, were communicated in supernatural sync and demonstrated the harmony that comes through the direction of the Holy Ghost.
View Photos from the 2013 Today’s Woman Conference
The conference featured a powerful praise and worship team who ushered in the atmosphere of worship with well known and new songs in Shona, English, Ndebele/Zulu, and Nyanja. A great new treat which was birthed this year is the “Today’s Woman band”, featuring a team of all-female instrumentalists who also performed 2 songs on Friday and Saturday.
Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti shared on the Topics: “I have seen Him who Sees Me,” “Today’s Woman,” and in addition, another message of deliverance during the LIVE broadcast on Saturday.
On Saturday Afternoon, the conference took another exciting climax with the visit of Her Excellency Honorable First Lady of Zimbabwe, Amai Grace Mugabe, together with her daughter Bona Mugabe. The first lady shared a heartwarming testimony, as well as an inspirational message to Today’s Woman.
The conference concluded on Saturday night with a powerful move of deliverance during and after the Live broadcast which was seen on ZTV (Zimbabwe Television) and Ezekiel TV.
View Photos from the 2013 Today’s Woman Conference