Apostles Update week 36

by fifmi

September 12, 2016

Dear Friends 

We give glory to God for a successful Good News Deliverance Explo in Mkoba Gweru. The highest attendance being about 9600 on saturday night. 2248 people received Jesus Christ as their Savior. 167 people were water baptized while 705 received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Many people were delivered from different kinds of evil spirits and healed from various diseases. Here a few of the miracles:

  • A man who had a heart problem and had difficulties in breathing was completely healed and delivered
  • A lady diagnosed with high blood pressure (BP) was experiencing great pain in the left side , she felt the power of God and was completely healed
  • A lady with cervical cancer, felt the warmth of the power of God and was instantly healed 
  • A man with the problem of cancer since 2008, who was feeling stomach pains, and legs which were painful was completely healed
  • Many people were healed from different types of back pains. 
  • A lady diagnosed with a leg problem since 2013 felt the power of God in her leg and was completely healed.
  • A lady who had an ear which kept on ringing immediately received her healing. Another lady who had a deaf ear for 54 years was healed upon entering the stadium when the maid servant of God was commanding healing to the sick.
  • A man who couldn’t wear shoes because of swollen and painful legs received his healing and he immediately started running which is something he could not do for a very long time. 
  • A lady who had a heart problem since 2015 received her healing 
  • A woman who was diagnosed with sugar diabetes 11 years ago and had itchy legs was completely delivered and healed. 
  • 7 people were delivered from a smoking addiction with some vomiting in the process
  • Several people threw away their crutches after they were healed
  • Many ladies were healed from period pains
  • Many people who had spirit of anger were delivered with some manifesting
  • Those with stiff necks and back pains all received their healing immediately when the hand of God touched them.
  • 39 people who had problems with conceiving and miscarriages were also prayed for  
  • A man who had a fractured hand since 2002 received his healing and immediately he started moving his hand normally
  • Many people with eye problems were healed including blind eyes being opened
  • A man with a lump on his hand, disappeared as the evangelist prayed 
  • A lady who was involved in an accident in 2008 that damaged her spinal cord was instantly healed 
  • A lady with a lump in her body and could not sleep the previous night was instantly healed as the evangelist prayed
  • A lady who could not stretch  her hand was instantly healed  and could stretch her  hand 

    Come with us around the globe and hear what God is doing:

This week 8 people attended Bible Study. One person was healed from lower back pain. One woman was on medication for about 5 years she was removed from medication and the headaches are gone, praise God. 9 people attended the Sunday service and we received a powerful message from Student Pastor Timothy Smithwick. We continue to witness to people and we are believing God for our venue. We thank God for your prayers.

God has been gracious to us on this Island of Cyprus. As we are nearing the end of the summer break we want to thank the body of Christ for the support in prayers. During this summer holidays we had a lot of activities with the believers who didn’t travel. We had a powerful revival where the God of Ezekiel was experienced and testimonies are flocking in every Sunday. Our numbers were averaging at 120 in Lefkosa, 12 in Magusa and 15 in Lefke. The whole month of August we were having Friday all night prayers at the mountain and it was awesome to see young people getting grounded in prayer. The highest attendance at the “kuGomo” All night prayers was 72. This summer the Boys ministry continued to meet and pray every Tuesday and the Girls also met relentlessly every Tuesday praying and fellowshipping. We are now preparing to welcome Freshmen on the Island for this new semester and our numbers are going to rise without a doubt. Our issue for a bigger venue is still pending. We have identified a place however we are believing the God of Ezekiel for favor with regards to the price. If God did it for Baba in Miami, He can surely do it for us in Cyprus.

The God of our father is continuing to add more members to the church in Holland. On Sunday a family worshiped with us for the first time during our Big Sunday in Utrecht. They used to fellowship with ZAOGA-Forward in Faith in Zimbabwe. When they came here 4 years ago, they did not find our church. The God of our father led some of our members into contact with them. They indicated they would want to come to church and God has proved his faithfulness. Our Big Sunday was power packed. After the preacher shared on the 5 titles of Jesus, there was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit which prompted effective deliverance. We were 9 adults and 9 kids.

Dominican Republic
Forward in Faith is well known for many things and especially the love when someone loses a family
member. Our condolences to a Dominican couple who lost their son on Sunday morning. The FIF 
members rallied together to give support at their home from the various assemblies and when the 
word was preached 5 people gave their lives to Jesus. The Saturday projector campaign went on 
well with 8 receiving Jesus after the Christian movie. The bible study groups are going well with 
believers sharing scriptures on network communications.

We want to thank the God of Ezekiel for the joy that is in the church of Thailand. Now that people are aware of the presence new pastors in the nation, they are starting to respond to the call. Our Monday prayer and bible studies have seen a noticeable increase in the number of attendees. This Sunday the Bangna Assembly had 8 people and the Huamak Assembly had 10 people. 2 people received personal prophecies and were strengthened in their faith.

We thank you people of God for praying for FIF- Cayman Islands. We are seeing God’s favor here. Morning prayers at the mission house were attended by an average of 5 people Monday to Friday. On Tuesday, a lady was filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues after a one on one with Dr. Gwen. Tuesday ladies prayer was attended by 4 ladies as many failed to get transport on time. Wednesday Bible Study on the Holy Spirit was attended by 12 people. Friday prayer was followed with a teaching on History of FIF from the book African Apostle. Attendance was 13 with many expressing desire to continue with this teaching and learn more. We had a great, powerful Sunday service with 42 people (34 adults and 9 children). 2 Adults were visitors. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way with 5 prophecies during alter call. One lady was still feeling the burning fire of God right into the evening and relayed that to the pastors by phone. Also there was a Girls and Single Ladies Fellowship with teaching at the mission house where 6 ladies attended. Please help us pray for a keyboard prayer.

Greetings from Philippines, we had a good Sunday service with 14 people, 8 adults and 6 children. 3 people received Jesus after a powerful preaching from pastor Ashton. We also had Holy Communion. Monday prayer only one believer was able to come and also had one Home cell bible study with one believer. The church was happy to have its new keyboard and tambourine which the people raised funds together. The service was much more lively.


For the very first time ever, FIF Uganda held its inaugural General Conference which was attended by about 200 delegates, including some 8 representatives from Rwanda and Kenya. The Conference was combined with a crusade every evening in which the Great Visitation team (Ev. Enock Tigere and Ev. Dr. Phil Mutsambiwa) ministered powerfully. Many miracles were witnessed in this rural setting of Kibuku, including these to name a few:

  • A 65 year old man with bladder problems came for prayer on Friday and on Sunday testified that since then his bladder had became normal again and he no longer needed to go to the toilet frequently.
  • 2 ladies who were both deaf in one ear from birth received their hearing
  • A 2 year old with a fractured arm that could not carry anything any more was healed instantly and she could pick up stuff with no pain or discomfort.
  • A 13-year old suffering from constant migraines and abdominal pains was healed instantly she later gave her life to the Lord and has now become a member of FIF.
  • Many were empowered and stirred up to work talents after hearing the teaching on talents.
  • 198 people gave their lives to the Lord during the crusades, 53 were baptized in water, and more than 25 people were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues.
  • Apostle Mpanduki ignited the fire of producing fruit in the Church through the powerful “zala mwana” teachings from John 15 and since the conference, many new people are being born again as all believers are actively seeking to produce spiritual babies.

Pastors and leaders are busy with follow-ups and plans are under way to establish new assemblies closer to where the new believers are.
FIF Uganda is thankful to the God of our father Ezekiel for this great visitation. Surely Uganda will never be the same again.



This week:





  1. A. Pray for the Servant and Apostles of God, Prof Ezekiel H. & Dr. Eunor Guti that God will give them supernatural strength on a daily basis. 
    B. Pray for God to renew Baba’s strength after working hard doing meetings, counseling and church services in Dallas, TX USA this past week. He has more meetings and counseling lined up this week. Pray for Dr. Eunor as she continues with Explo meetings that God renews her strength
    C. Pray for Baba and Amai as they prepare for the Believers Convention to be held in Sydney Australia from September 22-25, 2016.
    D. Praise God for granting visas to other nations that Baba and Amai will be traveling to.
  2. Pray for the church in Miami that the new believers are strengthened and more souls added to the kingdom of God. Pray for favor so we get the approval to use the school hall as a meeting place 
  3. Praise God for a successful Good News Deliverance Explo in Gweru Province. Pray that souls saved will not get lost.
  4. Pray for the Harare South East Good News Deliverance Explo to be held in Gweru from this Thursday September 15-18, 2016. Pray that God anoints the speakers and He confirms His word with signs and wonders. 
  5. Pray for the works happening at Australia National Center to be completed on time. Pray for the Believers’ Convention to be held in at the new Center in Sydney from September 22-25, 2016. Pray for God to provide finances and enable people to attend. 
  6. Pray that the missionaries for Oman will be able to learn the local languages quickly. Pray for the English classes to go well. Pray for the registration process underway for Oman and the Dominican Republic.
  7. Pray for ZEGU talents that God opens the eyes of the people and that no one is left out of the blessing of these talents. Miracles will be seen by those working the talents in the kingdom of God.
  8. Pray for God’s grace to prevail in your nation.


You are blessed when you have enough money for your bills, to send your children to school, etc, the rest is to bless others. The sign that the kingdom of God is here, is your ability to kick the devil. You are supposed to enjoy life here. Who wants to go heaven now? Nobody… Because you don’t know where you’re going. You’ve never been there. The people who want to go to heaven are those that are living miserable lives. I’m not praying to go to heaven. I want to go when it’s time. In the mean time I want to be here to dominate the earth. So I just came to explain the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the rule of God in the hearts of believers…..TO BE CONTINUED…God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356,  +263 777 282 092 

info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org

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