Dear Friends
You can never finish the doing of the Lord. After going with flyers and people seeing on Facebook that the apostle and servant of God and mum are in the city, on Friday 5 people showed up very hungry and thirsty, and even looking for a home church. One of them said, I looked at the video and said I am going to look for this place where they were standing giving flyers if I can’t locate where they are. I will stand on that very place and know that “zvangu zvaita” meaning all my problems are sorted out. She finally she came to our hotel room, received Jesus and was healed. Another lady who had a lot of problems was delivered and she turned up for church on Sunday. She said I have come to thank God for I am now new and living a new life. I can’t believe myself. My husband will have a new wife.
Saturday we went to another couple’s home where we were invited, this was not one of the first five people we met on the Friday. They had invited their friends Ugandans, Kenyans and one Norwegian and all together there were 10 of them. We shared about the history of the apostle and servant of God. Listening with hunger to see this man of God. On Sunday 19 people showed up at our hotel where we had a powerful service with 6 people giving their lives to the Lord as Baba was preaching life.
3 people received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They didn’t want to leave and they are very hungry and thirsty.
Pray that the right pastor will be sent to them to continue with the work. There was no effort. God just did it in faithfulness to His servant and the prayers of saints! There is joy in the city.! There is life in the city!
Here are some of the results of prayers around the world:
St. Kitts
Monday night prayer was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. Our prayers rose to a new level in Christ as we experienced an awesome connection of our spirits. Our Home Bible study groups are on the rise and a new member was added to one of the groups.
Our outreach ministry continues as we took to the city streets handing out fliers and speaking to the citizens about Jesus Christ and Salvation.
Our Sunday service was an amazing experience, as pastor Dennis preached. We had Holy Communion afterwards. There were 18 persons in attendance.
We also praise God for our members who are receiving miracles of jobs, amen. We have a new member who is now committed to FIF. She said this kind of worship is what she’s been searching for, and is happy to have found it in FIF. Glory be to God
Please continue to pray for our outreach ministry. We are praying that a breakthrough will take place in our Nation. May the God of Baba Guti continue to bless us all.
We thank God for smooth transition as we say goodbye to Pastors Norman and Narissa Musekiwa and welcome to Pastors Ben and Prayer Chawadya with a fellowship at the church hall on Thursday evening.
As we continue to grow the Lunchtime Ministry has faithfully stayed on course with Spirit Filled teachings we have seen a consistent faithful. In-Home Bible Study Groups meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings and are expanding. In our Newest Group, one person gave their heart to the Lord. We give all the glory to God.
Our Sunday Worship saw a total of 30 in attendance (21 Adults and 9 Children) several new faces including 2 of our latest converts. The praise and worship team led us in stirring prayerful songs as Pastor Prayer, delivered the Word. Amen!
We are gearing up for a spirit filled week leading into our Big Sunday with St. Kitts. Glory be to Jesus.
We give thanks to the God of Ezekiel for a wonderful week. We had successful midweek meetings which resulted in 7 being baptised in the Holy Spirit. Regardless of the Tropical Storm surge over the Island this weekend, we had a wonderful service. We thank God for the teachings to dominate nature that our father always give us. We had to battle with the Tropical Storm in prayer even up to an hour before service as we commanded it out of the way so that God’s children could travel to come for service. We give glory to God who answers prayer. The heavy rain stopped and there was beautiful weather until we finished dropping off believers in their homes, which was contrary to the weather forecast. Our God is awesome!
We had 31 people in attendance. The Sunday service was lively and the Spirit of the Lord moved powerfully. The word shared on forgiveness was life changing, as many testified that they were delivered. Thank you for your prayers for us.
We thank God for a brand new week. Our weekly services went well. Our Sunday service had 12 adults in attendance. The church is excited to be partnering with our father in the Lighthouse project and the Missions. We thank God for His favor. Fellowship was sweet after service, one sister shared her belongings with other believers. Glory to God as according to the word delivered in Hebrews 10v24-25.”And let us consider how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds….” We thank you all for keeping us in prayer for spiritual and numerical growth.
New Zealand National Believers Convention
Glory to the God of our father Ezekiel for a powerful National Believers Convention held in Wellington from 19-22, October 2017. People of different nationalities from all over New Zealand attended the conference and the highest attendance was 198 people on Saturday evening. We are grateful to the Apostle and Servant of God for sending us guest speakers Secretary General Drs. Washington & Gertrude Rupapa together with DF Winston & Dr. Dorcas Jaricha. They gave powerful teachings which transformed lives and brought great joy and revival to the church. A total of 30 people were delivered from the spirit of unforgiveness, several others were healed and delivered from various diseases. 8 people were water baptised, 12 were refilled with the Holy Spirit and 3 people received the Holy Spirit for the first time. History was made during this conference as we held the inaugural graduation for NZ Multination for Christ College with 14 students graduating. We also launched the Ezekiel Guti Light House of Mercy talents and believers were excited for another opportunity to work for God. New Zealand will never be the same again after such a powerful conference. Glory to God.
Dominican Republic
We thank the God of our father Ezekiel for the powerful delegation that was sent to the Dominican Republic. Our father, the and Apostle of God sent Dr. Steve Simukai and his team which brought a great deliverance and revival. There was a mighty move of the Spirit in both assemblies in Santo Domingo with the demonstration of power through great healings and deliverance. There were 56 in attendance in Pedro Brand 28, with 5 people receiving Jesus as their personal Saviour. In Mutata, Alcarizo we were a full house in our new rental with over 30 in attendance and 3 receiving Jesus. Some of the miracles:
We worship an awesome God and the God of Ezekiel has done it again! The seed here in DR will surely germinate and bring a great harvest of growth, financial stability and prosperity and maturity to this powerful Caribbean nation which is sure to support the work of God and other nations in the future. We thank the saints of God for their continuous support and prayers for Dominican Republic.
We thank God for his grace that continues to shine in the Schengen region. The Schengen ladies held a powerful prayer convention in The Netherlands from 6 to 8 October. Some ladies travelled the whole night on buses and trains to attend this historic prayer retreat; what a sacrifice! This was the last Schengen event of the year 2017. We had delegates from Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, France, Belgium and Germany, adding up to 14. Delegates camped at the mission house where we had a great time of separation, seeking the face of God. We were encouraged by Pastor Aquinata de Haas and Overseer Joy Mike. There was a sweet spirit and people prayed intensely. On the last day we joined the Netherlands big Sunday service in Enschede and Overseer Joy taught the word. We believe a strong foundation of prayer has been laid in the region as the ladies carried the fire back to their nations. All glory to Jesus!
We thank God once again for continuing to show His goodness in Philippines. Weekly service went well. On Saturday after teaching the Rules and policy of the church, the church committee was elected. On Sunday 9 adults, and 7 children attended the service. One of them a new convert who attended for the second time and confirmed her commitment to the church, glory to God. She testified how she was touched by the message on forgiveness during Bible study and said she wants to forgive a child who had stolen her daughter’s cell phone which she recovered by withdrawing the police report she had made. We had fellowship after service then Bible class. There is a strong bond being created as members usually spend the whole Sunday at the mission house and usually retire in the evening with some sleeping in the mission house or staying for some days. A professional guitarist, who resides in Manila who is a new convert had blisters in both palms of his hands with the skin peeling off. Doctors failed to diagnose the cause and just gave him some medicine to drink but to no avail. We prayed for him two weeks ago and this past week his wife testified that he was healed and new good skin is growing on his hands. He even went to attend a guitarists audition after at least a month without touching the guitar. He has since stopped taking the medicine he used to drink.
Western Australia
We want to thank our father Apostle Ezekiel Guti for remembering Western Australia by sending Apostle Langton and Ndomupei Mpanduki to be with us for a whole week soon after the Australian Deeper Life Conference. They spent the whole week counselling people through faith clinics during the day and conducting services in the evenings. They met every ministry in the church in different meetings and they also conducted a leadership training. On Sunday we had the Big Sunday for all Perth Metro assemblies. On Monday they traveled to Bunbury about 180km from Perth and they also taught the church and the leadership as well as counselling late into the night before returning to Perth on Tuesday. All the sessions they conducted were well attended with Sunday having the highest attendance of 320 people. God used the apostles mightily and the church in WA was left revived from the rich teachings where they taught. Glory to God!
This week:
Psalm 32:1 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven….”
Matthew 18:35 “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses”
Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
Let that brother out, let that mother out, let that elder out, let that deacon out, let that pastor out, let that overseer out, let that bishop out, let that Archbishop out, let that husband out, let that mother-in-law out, let your friend out. Your friendship has died now because of unforgiveness, let your friend out. That neighbor let them out, so you can have. Jesus Christ forgave you your sins, you must also forgive. Let them out. As we forgive we will see that those who are sick, the sickness will go away because you are now free. The key is to forgive.
Some people can’t forgive their parents saying the didn’t do this and that for me. Forgive them. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the person is innocent but it’s for your own good, so God can be in your side. Make a decision to forgive and act upon it. Pray and release that person from your heart, ask God to forgive you, then you begin to pray for good things to happen to the person. God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092 |