Dear Friends
Happy New Year! Praise the Lord, we are in another year, the year of “Walking in our inheritance practicing the kingdom of God”. God is a faithful God. As we heard from our father and mother, we should expect good things in 2015. We are sure many of us already experienced good things during the ten days of preacher and fasting. These were different from the other ten days and certainly the best. We had a wonderful time of prayer, cleansing ourselves, reading the word and praying for the work of God. 2015 is promising to be a year of its own kind. Reports from other people also express the same sentiments that the ten days were in a class if their own. People in FIFMI church world prayed around the clock around the globe. Everyone has a testimony of how God touched their life during the ten days. Below are some of the reports of how God is answering our prayers:
Solomon Islands We thank God for enabling us to join the FIFMI church world during the ten days of prayer and fasting. This Sunday we had 13 people in attendance, 6 new people. New people are coming to the church. Praise the lord. Madagascar We thank the God of Ezekiel who empowered us to join the FIFMI family in prayer and fasting during the ten days. We witnessed God’s spiritual blessings during fasting. We prayed and worshipped as never before. This last Sunday; one of the Elder testified that God has blessed her so much and gave her a land. She said that she will give the totality of it for the Church in Antananarivo, the capital city, as a firstfruit to God. Glory to God! We now have our own land. We will be able to build a Church building soon.
In Fort Dauphin, the building of the church is already in progress. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless us and that God will continue to provide in building the two churches in Antananarivo and Fort Dauphin, that they will be completed as soon as possible.
Thank you for continuously praying for us.
Liberia We bless God so much for the favor He has shown us. The church building project (A ONE THOUSAND PLUS SEATER EDIFICE) is about eighty (80%) percent completed. We are strongly believing to have the project completed in this year. This edifice is located in Lofa county, one of the 15 counties in Liberia. The Revival Center Assembly (in Montserrado County), will begin their church building project in March this year. We know that the God of our father is able.
Sweden We bring you joyful greetings from Stockholm . We had an awesome time in the presence of God during the ten days of prayer . People were meeting daily at the mission house during the ten days of prayer. During the prayer Convention one of our believers opened her home where people spend the whole day praying on the last day of the ten days. Some of our new believers were filled with the Holy Spirit during the ten days and testified during the service that their lives will never be the same again. Sunday we had 25 people in attendance including one visitor. Glory be to God! We continue to give glory to God for your support and prayers! EZEKIEL TV IMPORTANT NOTICE: We would like to inform all our EZEKIEL TV viewers who were experiencing problems accessing our channel, that we are now back on air and online streaming. Thank you for your prayers.
The new parameters are:
Frequency – 12522; Symbol rate – 27500; Polarization – Vertical; FEC – 3/4
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int. +263 777 282 092, +263 777 282 356 | |