Dear Friends
Explo greetings to all the intercessors,
Praise the Lord for a successful Explo in Fiji! Apostle Eunor visited the Prime Minister’s office on Friday. The Explo was well attended with 118 people on Saturday night and 125 for Sunday. A total of 83 people received Jesus Christ and 38 people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The leadership impartation service was very powerful and leaders from the mainline churches were filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the leaders confessed he was turning to be pentecostal. There is confirmation from church leaders there who saw something they did not really understand, something unusual but bringing spiritual awakening and the fear of God and blessing to the nation. When they heard about the Good News Deliverance Explo, it was confirmed this was the thing they were waiting for. Many miracles happened as Dr.Eunor received word of knowledge for various conditions and a few are recorded below:
1. The Apostle called for someone who had a ringing ear for a very long time, the man came forward, was prayed for and the ringing stopped. The man was surprised because he had suffered since 1982.
2. Another call was made for those who had partial sight and nine people responded. All were healed and could tell colors from a distance. One of the nine said she could not recognize someone from a distance but she was able to point where her grandchild was standing and where her son-in-law right was seated.
3. Many people were healed of ear problems in addition to those called out specifically for the left ear.
4. A lady was healed from gastric pains.
5. A man who had arthritis was healed and he greatly rejoiced thanking God for his miracle.
6. A lady who was healed from a heart problem after the Apostle prayed for her.
7. A pregnant women who had no kicks in her womb visited a gynecologist who told her there was no baby in her womb but as the Apostle prayed for her without the knowledge of her problem she felt the baby moving and kicking.
8. A word of knowledge was given about someone with stomach cramps and she was healed as she walked up front, glory to God.
9. A man who had a limping leg was healed and began jumping up and down the gospel platform.
10. A lady who had side pain for 10 years was astonished to discover she was healed as she was seated hearing the Word.
11. For one and half years a lady who suffered from a sharp pain. She received her healing in the service. Many people with backaches were also healed.
12. A rugby player who had an injury on his leg was miraculously healed.
Many thanks to our father and our mother for the heart of missions they have. They were able to purchase musical instruments for the church in Fiji which did not have any musical instruments. This has brought a lot of joy. There is a great spiritual awakening in the Island of Fiji. God is a great God.