Dear Friends
Special greetings to all the intercessors!
“Bless the Lord, O my soul! O lord my God, You are very great: You are clothed with honor and majesty”.
The God that we serve is an awesome God. He still does great wonders. Here are a few of the miracles that took place during the RE-BROADCAST of the Harare Elders Deeper Life Conference:
Swollen tummy with air is gone while waiting mama Guti ministering.Memory, Zimbabwe
- I have been a serious sinner but through baba and amai Guti I have decided to change the word from baba Guti touched my heart. Zambia Kabwe
- I thank God I have been healed when mama said raise your faith, l believed and l’m healed. Zimbabwe
- Thank you Jesus for healing me from a terrible headache. Zimbabwe
- I thank God when l watched the Live Broadcast I was crying in tears baba prophesied to my life I am transformed. Malawi
- I have been having sex with my boyfriend for 2 years when the lady who had HIV AIDS testified, l felt something in me. I joined Prophetess Eunor Guti the sinner’s prayer. Beata, Namibia
- The lump on my left breast has disappeared no more pain. South Africa
- Thank you Jesus for healing me from painful legs. South Africa
- I am now willing to serve God with all my heart Baba Guti’s word has changed me. Fest, Zimbabwe
- Bishop Guti I am impressed with the word put Jesus first my name is Alfred my faith in God has increased Amen. Alfred, South Africa
- I am Njabulo in Swaziland, I just thank the Lord kuko konkhe langentele kona. Swaziland
- I am blessed to watch Ezekiel TV my life is not the same again. South Africa
- My name is Thandiwe in Newcastle when I touched the screen I had a backache its gone I thank God. South Africa
- I am watching Ezekiel TV healed from pains whenever I used to stand not even for a long time I would feel terrible pains but now I finished watching standing. I am healed. South Africa
- Stomach problem gone. Sithole, Zimbabwe
- Healed while watching mama Guti ministering. Craig, Zimbabwe
- I had a problem of headaches for a long time but today while watching I was healed truly you are real man and woman of God. Zimbabwe
This shows that the power of God is not limited by distance or time. Glory to God. We also witnessed a miracle in Bulawayo North Province last week – The people came out of the dungeon of poverty as they worked Missons Fund miraculously in 21 days. There was a lot of joy. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. God continues to be faithful in providing for His work. Praise the Lord!
This week:
Praise God for the Servant and Apostles of God, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Guti that God gives them continuous revelation and supernatural strength for everyday. Praise God for giving them strength and the relevant word at the Deeper Life Conferences in Zimbabwe and South Africa this week. Praise God for the Big Sunday in Soweto South Africa this Sunday April 28, 2013. As they continue with the work of God, there are many other battles against principalities they face that they can’t tell us but we know as Psalm 91: 11-13, “For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.” God will cause that to happen for Ezekiel. We have a promised victory when we pray full of faith and confidence in God’s word. Let’s continue to stand with them in agreement for visas for missionaries who are supposed to have gone to New Zealand and USA. Joshua 1:3 “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.” Joshua 1:5 “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” Immigration is not just a building it us run by people. Baba is doing God’s work sending missionaries. Each 4:6-7 “So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts. ‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”‘”
We know that there are principalities that control things, spirits of darkness in different nations which would want to hinder the spread of the word. But who art thou o mountain, before Ezekiel, you will become a plain. Ezekiel is not doing his own things. We must get righteous anger based on the word if we are standing with the man of God. This thing will work of we come together join forces praying fervently in one accord with one purpose. God does miracles, when we have come to the end of the road. The key is agreement in prayer. Praise God that the ongoing transfers happening around the globe will continue to go well. Let’s thank God for providing the finances that are needed for the work. Praise God for granting Baba & Amai visas to go to the other nations that God has set for 2013.
- Praise God for continuous revelation for the Deeper Life 2 conferences to be held around Zimbabwe Monday April 22-27, 2013 and in RSA Wednesday April 25-28, 2013. Praise God for the Soweto Big Sunday April 28, 2013. Praise God for giving all the speakers revelation. Thank God for preparing the hearts of the delegates to be good ground that will gladly receive the word. Praise God for journey mercies as people travel to and from the conferences.
Praise God for continuous revelation in the preparations of the Singapore Explo. Praise God for divine favor and supernatural intervention in the processing of all paper work. Thank God for divine connections, miraculous adequate finances and speeding up of the process.
- Praise God for continuous revelation and intervention in the registration of the church in Argentina and providing finances for purchasing the mission house. Let’s thank God for giving us supernatural favor with the relevant people for each step. May God expedite the process by His grace. Praise God for helping us find a bigger and convenient meeting place for the church in Russia.
- Praise God for continuous revelation in providing money to buy land in Kenya so we can build a center in Nairobi and a church in Mai Maihu. Land has been identified so let’s thank God for also supplying the finances. Praise God for AMFCC in East Africa that everything lines up with the vision.
Praise God for continuous revelation for the operations at Hospital (Mbuya Dorcas Hospital and Health Centre). Thank God for the male and female wards that are in the process of completion and the providence of all the required finances. Praise God for finances for the Lab, maternity ward and theater. Let’s thank God for the giving us a Radiographer who also does Ultrasound and additional nurses with a burden to serve people with a sweet spirit.
Praise God for continuous revelation for the work at ZEGU: the roofing of lecture blocks is now complete and the plumbing and electric work of the staff housing is done. Let’s thank God for the plumbing and electric work for the kitchen and dinning to start soon. Let’s thank God for speeding up the process of meeting the requirements of the final registration and the providence of finances.
Praise God for continuous revelation for granting Visas for pastors who need to go to the various nations. Praise God for raising young people who are gifted so they can be sent out as long-term or short-term missionaries.
Praise God for continuous revelation in providing a national center in Dallas, TX for FIF USA – God to provide a building with a favorable price.
Praise God for continuous revelation in raising more sponsors for Ezekiel TV.
Luke 9:55-62 In the church the elders are not coming to prayer meetings because they are busy, they will come when they are done. People go to prayer meetings but there is no leader. Business people put their businesses first that’s why the business goes up and down because you forgot to put Jesus first. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Some people are afraid to open their mail because they fear debt collectors. There is no joy in you family, you come home late, you don’t tell your wife I love you because you forgot to put Jesus first. God bless you.