Dear Friends
Special greetings to all the intercessors,
“My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul”. Thank God for the work in Argentina. The members are being grounded in the word daily. Praise God for the church in Cyprus as members are being added by the grace of God. Praise God for people who received miracles during USA live broadcast and the rebroadcasts.
One lady who fell on the stairs during the conference and hurt her leg was healed – Dr. Eunor said some people would wake up the next morning and discover they were healed. She woke up and found the pain in her leg was gone. Praise the Lord. One man was slain by the Holy Spirit unexpectedly and he testified that he experienced something he had never seen – he felt that night changed his whole being and he felt a newness of life. Many people got drunk in the Spirit and that laughter and joy continued even in their beds. Laughter does good like medicine. Prov. 17:22