Apostles Update Week 29

by fifmi

July 31, 2023

Dear Friends,

Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai was exhorting the members of ZAOGA FIFMI worldwide that our father did not only preach a total gospel but also established a structure to govern the church into the future. Emphasizing that even though we are in a time of transition we should not depart from his teachings, we should know the God of our father and move in the power and anointing he moved in. Nearly the whole nation of Mozambique was online for International Sunday Service tuned in to the powerful and life changing message and more than 400 people were filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. More than 32 people were healed from different diseases in Mozambique and 24 received Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour. In some of the provinces in Zimbabwe about 263 people also received Jesus and more than a thousand people were healed from different diseases and ailments, 200 were delivered from evil spirits. All the glory to God.

We remain focusing and reflecting on the life and ministry of our father, Archbishop Ezekiel Guti The week under review kick started with a powerful virtual Bible study debate whose attendance was amazing. To keep on encouraging each other and for the benefit of those who could not attend the Bible study due to work commitments, scriptures, insights, and motivations continued to be shared on the Whatsapp platform throughout the week. Sunday service was one of its own kind with 16 adults in attendance. The service was held at the Elders’ apartment. We had a virtual bible study as Senior Pastors Chris and Sesedzai Mutsigwa delivered the bible study teaching session from Hungary. The virtual bible study was then followed by praise and worship and a powerful sermon as shared by our Elder. After the service we had some time to share food and getting to know each other better. In attendance was a Russian citizen who promised to continue attending our church services. We continue to see the hand of the God of Ezekiel in all our gatherings. The church continues to pray for a proper venue for our services.

We give glory to the God of our father who is continuing to comfort our mother Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti, the family, the nation and FIFMI family at large. As we continue to celebrate the life of our father, the whole nation gathered at the Ezekiel Guti Convention Centre for a special Pathway to Praise which was a Tribute our Father Archbishop Professor E. H Guti organised by our National Music Ministry. The night saw ministering from KMD, Young Generation, Youth and adults as all generations who were impacted by our father’s life and ministry all celebrated a century well lived. We are grateful to the God of our father as He honoured us with His thick presence as we basked in His presence. There was an unexplainable joy throughout the night. We truly experienced what Psalm 16:11 says in His presence there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever at His right hand. The night was graced by Pastors from across the nation, Overseers, Apostles and Our National Administrators Zezani. We had a powerful word from Apostle Thaddeus Mike who shared nuggets from the ZAOGA FIF history book explaining the uniqueness of our father’s legacy. We also had encouraging words from Pastor Fiona Arthurs and Dr. Dorcas Jaricha from our mother. The event was also watched via Facebook live by many people from all over the world. Glory be to the God of our father Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti.

Douala – Glory unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We joined the rest of FIF to celebrate the life of our father Apostle E.H Guti through testimonies from members and songs. We are seeing the hand of the God of our father Apostle Prof. E. H Guti. We continued with our mid-week services. 31 people attended services, 19 adults, 12 children. 2 were visitors. Glory unto to God. 2 people repented. The Word was shared by our Pastor using the book African Apostle. We are believing God for a bigger place of worship. We need your prayers for the registration.

Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 2pm (Central African Time) on Mondays. You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.

This week:

  1. Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to comfort and strengthen her. Thanking God for always giving her victory. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
  2. Thanking God for the NEC Apostle Dr. Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai that God gives them wisdom as they carry out their assignments.
  3. Thanking God for comforting and consoling His church in this season. Thanking God for Grand Celebrations to be held this week. Thanking God for journey mercies as people travel from all over the globe to Harare Zimbabwe. The church is marching on Forward In Faith.
  4. Thanking God for protecting the saints in Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in Chad as God watches over His people.
  5. Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone understands and participates. May businesses flourish and people get new ideas as God reveals to them.
  6. Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, and Slovakia.
  7. Thanking God for your nation.


An excerpt from the History book

““And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the highway of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for others the wayfaring men, though fools shall not go astray.” Isaiah 35:8. We will stay together in Heaven. He who is desirous to see me must keep all I have taught in Christ the Son of the living God. Hallelujah For His mercy endureth forever, let all the saints say Amen.”…… God bless you.

We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org

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