The Friday night vigil held on August 4, 2023 in honor of Archbishop Dr. Ezekiel H. Guti was an incredible evening of celebration. The praise and worship team was on fire, with studio-quality vocalists and musicians from all over Zaoga FIFMI singing songs that brought both joy and strength. Youths, (a.k.a young Ezekiels), abandoned their seats in exchange for spending most of the night dancing on the stadium floor (literally) with an energy that became contagious and sparked a unique atmosphere of celebration. The night included a powerful message from pastor Paul Arthurs leading to the salvation and deliverance of many people who were led to a separate room for counseling as the event continued. The preaching was preceded by powerful remarks from Apostles Steve, as well as speeches, presentations, testimonies and encouraging words from various people including members from missionary countries. The family of our father also gave a beautiful presentation which included singing two of baba’s favorite songs. Apostle Dr. Joe Guti also addressed the church and comforted the people greatly with his graceful words of encouragement. Watch the broadcast below: