Dear Friends
Special greetings to all the intercessors,
“Make a joyful shout to the Lord, serve the Lord with gladness!“ Baba and Amai were teaching the church and putting things in order in Toronto, Canada. Prophetess Eunor taught on the 7 things – our resolution for 2012 from 2 Peter 1:1-11. Baba taught and was setting up the church for healthy growth. New deacons were appointed and 4 students (a Jamaican couple and 2 people from Namibia) will be going to AMFCC. 6 people gave their lives to the Lord. There was a lot of powerful deliverance and miracles. Here are a couple of the many miracles that took place:
- A deaf ear opened
- A lady was healed from Arthritis. Give praise to God for the miracles.
Meanwhile in Russia people continue to meet. People from Cambodia gave their lives to the Lord and are now inviting FIF to plant a church in Cambodia. In Cyprus 24 people were in attendance today with 6 new people. God is showing himself in their lives – 4 people got jobs and someone was able to buy a car. This is the doing of the Lord!