Apostles Update Week 35

by fifmi

September 8, 2014








Dear Friends

What an amazing weekend in Gweru Zimbabwe. God showed up and showed off. Over 3000 thousand people gave their lives to the Lord. The attendance was very good throughout the weekend and the speakers were mightily used by God. Saturday night being the highlight – demons started screaming as the Evangelist, Dr. Eunor was driving into the stadium. Here are a few of the many miracles that took place: 

  1. A man who was not able to see clearly for 3 years confirmed that he could now see after God healed him.
  2. By word of knowledge Dr. Eunor called for a lady whose name had the letters PAT who was in a financial problem. The lady came running in tears and crying at the top of her voice. God touched her and even her face changed. She then confirmed her name was Patience.
  3. A lady whose name starts with C was also healed from a backache. She confirmed her name was Christine. Many other ladies were healed form backaches.
  4. Other people were healed from migraine headaches.
  5. A lady was told about her husband who has been away at a “small house” (extramarital affair) – he will come home for 3 months but then he will leave again. The lady was warned not to have anything to do with this man as she will open up herself to evil spirits that come through soul ties.
  6. A man who came walking on crutches started walking on his own while the Evangelist was preaching.
  7. A lady was healed from stomach pains that made her belly button feel like something was pulling it tight.
  8. One lady was vomiting every time she ate anything. During the service she felt something lift from her stomach and she was healed. No more vomiting.
  9. A woman had no strength in her right arm so she was not able to use it. God touched her and she felt strength in that arm, so much strength she felt like she could lift someone with her right hand.
  10. A woman was healed from leg problems, she started jumping on the stage praising God for the healing.
  11. A man had a hole on his side. The hole closed instantly as the power of God touched him. A little boy had a hole in his stomach by the belly button, also felt the hole close.
  12. A man who had a hernia since 1987 was completely healed.
  13. Many people, teenagers and children were delivered from various evil spirits including satanism.

Praise the Lord. We serve an awesome God.



We praise the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the nation of Switzerland. Two believers received the Holy Spirit and one received Jesus Christ during home visits. Praise be to the Lord Almighty for opening the door to evangelize the Swiss nation. After national broadcasting of FIF on Swiss TV, a local community of Lausen requested FIF for a revival in their city. On 31 August 2014 we conducted our service in Lausen. The service was attended by around 40 Swiss people, 14 from FIF and 12 visitors. A certain Swiss couple travelled more than 100km to attend this service. 

Evangelist Mike shared the message on Salvation from John 3 vs 16. There was a move of the Spirit of God, such that some people could be seen crying and praying to the Lord Almighty. One person gave her life to Jesus after this touching and reviving message. A certain lady offered to host FIF members and the Overseers at her place for dinner. We had a sweet fellowship at her place to the glory of the Lord. The community was highly blessed and asked for more of this kind of worship. The Swiss community will advertise our next special service on 30 November 2014 for the Salvation of the nation.



We had a wonderful service here in Stockholm which was punctuated with so much joy and excitement with the arrival of the new Resident Pastors to Sweden, Pastor Abel & Honour Fusire. The total number in attendance was 18 (13 adults and 5 children) We thank the God of our father as we can see that that the church is moving on in honour of the vision that God gave to his servant Ezekiel. Hallelujah.!



We had good services regardless of the bad weather we are experiencing.  A total of 34 people attended our two services. And 2 gave their lives to Christ. We also had 4 guests from abroad invited by our member and  were blessed by the service. In Lord’s bank assembly 8 people attended. Two people were baptized. 


This week:


  1. Pray for the Servant and Apostles of God, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Guti that God will give them supernatural strength. Pray for upcoming trip to Cuba and the teams going. Pray for all the necessary preparations to be done there and that things will be in place in a short period. Pray for the breakthrough for the visas they need for the other nations God is sending them to in 2014.
  2. Praise God the success of the Gweru Explo and the many lives that were touched.
  3. Pray for God to intervene in the Singapore and Argentina church registrations. We need a miracle in Singapore for the meeting that needs to take place to happen and a positive outcome. Our God has never failed us. Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
  4. Pray for the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital certification that is due in September. Pray for the meeting to be held with relevant authorities that God grants us favor and we are able to get a favorable answer in record time. Pray against any hindrances in the preparation and processing of this critical certification.
  5. Pray against the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa. Pray for containment of the disease and a cure to be found..
  6. Pray for the opening of the spiritual eyes of the leaders in ZAOGA FIF. May they catch the things God is giving through His servant Ezekiel.
  7. Pray for the finances required to build the laboratories at ZEGU for the Agriculture and Science faculties. 




Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

When I read my minimum of 4 chapters a day, I read the following books:

Read a chapter from the Old Testament.
Read a chapter from the book of Psalms – it teaches how to praise God and pray and also reminds that if you regard iniquity in your heart the Lord will not hear you
Read a chapter from the book of Proverbs – it has treasure and wisdom – shows you your foolishness eg- it is better to stay on rooftop than in a corner with contentious woman; if u lack correction u r a fool.
Read the New Testament – talks about the life of Jesus
When you are fasting read Isaiah 58 – this chapter shows me the kind of fast that pleases God. Verses 6-7 – warns us against practices which intereferes with the effectiveness of our fasting such as talking too much and anger. We are also encouraged to give to the poor and to the needy.
God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 779 715 481,  +263 777 282 356 

info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org

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