Dear Friends
We give praise and glory to the God of Ezekiel for hearing our prayers for our FIFMI churches in the Islands that were threatened by Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Jose. God protected them in a miraculous way. This is only the hand of God. Let’s continue to pray for those that were affected in other islands and USA and that rescue efforts are fruitful.
Gweru Province Zimbabwe
Praise the Lord, our Midlands Province ladies prayer retreat was a success. The foundation of our church is prayer and we proved it again when our overseer encouraged us to pray and fast from 4-7 September 2017
It was a great and awesome event. Over 450 ladies from ZAOGA and different churches such as Methodist, Roman Catholic, Anglican and AFM came together for the 4-day prayer retreat. The Spirit of God moved mightily and we saw women who were hungry and thirsty for seeking God.
On day 4 Prayer started at 9am and people had more time of reading the word of God and time for faith clinic. After an intensive prayer session, the presence of the Lord was thick and many ladies experienced the presence of God in a powerful way. Some of them saw visions while others were slain under the power of God.
Many were healed and testified. Many vomited as they were being delivered. Some of the miracles:
We also had a Holy Spirit session and people were filled with the Holy Spirit and there was a great refilling of the Holy Spirit. Two ladies gave their lives to Christ.
The prayer ended on Thursday morning with the Holy Communion and fellowship. Many people were refreshed as they were delivered, healed and received their breakthroughs and blessings in prayer as our father teaches in the year of having.
Let’s hear the results of prayers around the world:
St Kitts.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! All praise and thanks to the God of our Father and Mother Ezekiel and Eunor Guti who heard the prayers of the believers of Forward In Faith across the entire world and shifted both Hurricanes Irma and Jose from destroying our Nation. Hallelujah thanks to the true and living God.
Our Monday prayer service was awesome as we witnessed the passionate prayers of the believers as we sought the Lord for Souls and to spare us from the onslaught of the storms. On Friday we had a great praise and thanksgiving service as we worshiped and thanked our God for spared lives. He is truly a merciful Father, Amen Hallelujah. Our Sunday service had 19 persons in attendance and two persons who have been attending off and on asked to be members of our church. We give thanks.
Please pray for our family members in the other islands who have lost everything and will have to come back home. We also need continued prayer as we go out and minister to the lost. Amen.
What a week it has been in Nevis as we prepared for the storms We did what God would want us to do. We cried out to him in despair and he heard our cries. We learnt how to trust him more than we have ever trusted him and he heard our cries and answered our prayers. St.Kitts and Nevis were two of the very few countries in the Caribbean that Hurricane Irma did not touch and two days later when we held on to God and prayed he smiled upon us one more time and Hurricane Jose just forgot about us. We are praying for Family Members across the Caribbean especially in Barbuda where the Island has been declared uninhabitable, St.Martin and Anguilla, the United States Virgin Islands and Cuba. We are believing God for passing over our FIFMI Brothers and Sisters in Miami and Orlando Florida and our own Family Members. We are trusting God and praying for full restoration in many of these islands where people are homeless and in need of food, clothing and help going forward.
Our weeks activities, though challenged by weather issues helped us encourage ourselves in Growth in God. Daily Lunchtime Ministry continued focus on being Saved, Baptized and Filled with the Holy Spirit. This focus is what helped us thru these challenging times.
Sunday’s Worship was a worship of thanksgiving for being spared from the storms. We prayed and God delivered! There were 14 Adults / 7 Children in attendance.
Testimonies: Praise God for the teachings of our Father and Mother that has equipped us to have faith, to pray without ceasing and to believe that all things are possible when we trust God. This past week Nevis was saved from a major life threatening hurricane. Through fervent prayer God Favored us steered the storms away from us. When all gives way He is our hope and stay, on Christ the solid Rock We stand all other ground is sinking sand.
The God of Ezekiel continues to be gracious to us here in Barbados. We received Overseer Ann over the weekend and there was great joy on Sunday with an attendance of 40. The M.C struggled to stop people from testifying. One person after the other, sharing powerful testimonies. Those without jobs receiving their jobs, God teaching His people to read English through the Bible just as He did to our father Apostle E.H Guti. Brother Garry stood up and said I wish Baba Guti was here to see the church this day. He testified of how they started while they were 4 locals and how the church is growing. Glory to God who answers His servant’s prayers.
This week has been declared a week of prayer and fasting as this subject has been taught for some weeks now during Bible Study. The word which was shared stirred the hunger and thirst to seek God more as the church prepares for a week of prayer. Mighty deliverance took place. 4 ladies were set free from the bondages.
There was a sweet fellowship after service and as people were clearing up, the power of God was still at work in the auditorium. A lady was slain by the power of God while trying to get some cold water from the fountain. She was jumping and shouting out loud and before she knew it, she was on the floor. It was an awesome experience. Surely God’s power is not confined or restricted to our service set up.
We thank God for His steadfast love and grace upon FIF church in the Kingdom of Bahrain. We also thank our Father Archbishop E.H. Guti for his prayers and commitment to sending short term Pastors to ground us in the faith and doctrine of our church FIF. In August we were overjoyed to receive Pastors Samuel and Angeline Mapokotera. We have received teachings on salvation, water baptism, church pattern and history among other subjects. The church continues to grow with membership at 26 adults and 5 children. We now have 2 functional midweek cell groups and have started fasting and praying for souls every Monday together as a church. Women’s Fellowships led by Pastor Angeline are taking place every week and also Men of Integrity have their monthly meetings. The Youth held their own service for the first time on the 19th of August and will continue to do so regularly. Two members from FIF Bahrain Assembly attended the 10th Annual UAE Believers’ Convention and were blessed meeting the Apostles of God E.H and Eunor Guti for the first time.
We thank the God of our father the Apostle and Servant of God E.H Guti that through your prayers we are seeing the grace of God in Philippines as our members are growing in the Lord. On Friday we had prayer with 4 believers. On Saturday we launched our first Christian Business Fellowship with the aim to reach out to business people as well as offer community assistance by equipping aspiring business people. The event was attended by 21 people, we give glory to God. It was a power packed seminar where we had 2 local small business owners as guest testimonial speakers and Pastor Ashton as the main speaker. The attendees indicated that they would love to attend such an event again. This Sunday we had a powerful service which was attended by 9 adults and 10 children. Three children were dedicated to the Lord and we had Holy Communion. One person received Jesus Christ Hallelujah. After the service we had fellowship with eats and drinks. We want to thank God for an elder in Zimbabwe who donated money for us to buy a professional sound speaker for the church. The church is now enjoying better sound during services. Praise the Lord.
The church in Oman continues to grow in leaps and bounds as the God of Ezekiel continues to gives us grace. On Friday at our Al Seeb assembly, we had a record attendance of 55 people including two children. 3 Pakistani couple and 1 Indian formally accepted to be members of the FIF Church. After tasting the fellowship and soundness of the doctrine of the FIF Church the Pakistan couple has invited the Pastors to preach to Pakistan group of believers. The Pastors will be visiting them next week on Friday. Glory to God. On Saturday, 9 September 2017, we held our service in the Ruwi assembly where we had an attendance of 10 people. 26 of our believers managed to attend church last Friday where the Pastors managed to connect them with the servants of God Apostle Ezekiel Guti on line. Even though they could not see the servant of God on video they could hear him speak to and pray for them, and this was such a blessing to them. Glory to God.
We want to thank the God of our Father Ezekiel Guti for what he is doing in Hannover, Germany . A newly born church is growing, members are being added to the glory of God. Our Sunday which was comprised of Berlin Assembly And Hannover Assembly was attended by 33 members. One person gave her life to Jesus. People came from various cities across Germany. 12 members could not come to church due to work and other commitments.
Powerful teachings were given during the service. Home Bible Studies were encouraged. Meanwhile,efforts are underway to look for a house to rent for the Overseers who are set to relocate to Germany.
Dominican Republic
An amazing miracle occurred as soon as the power went off in Dominican Republic during the category 5 hurricane Irma on Thursday. We were sitting at the table with the children and the telephone was on another table on the other side of the room. The recorded song list turned on by itself and what song came on? Baba Guti was singing “coming down!” Then está bajando in Spanish came on and the two songs just kept repeating over and over. We believe Baba was praying for Dominican Republic and rebuking the hurricane through the phone! We’ve never witnessed anything like it when the winds and rain got really powerful and it started to calm a little, amazing!!! A true man of God. Another powerful testimony that the pastors youngest son was given a full kindergarten scholarship to study for free at one of the best private kindergartens in the city! It truly is a year of having! We were 29 in Pedro Brand 28, and 14 in Alcarizo. Each believer from 28 was given an emergency parcel of food items for help through the hurricane period. Thank you to the faithful prayer warriors who stood with us during the hurricane, as your prayers were answered and Dominican Republic saved.
This week:
Psalm 32:1 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven….”
Matthew 18:35 “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses”
Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
If your sins have not been forgiven you are vulnerable to any spirit. Any spirit can attack you. It’s very important to make sure your sins have been forgiven. The scripture says blessed is the man who’s sins have been forgiven. When your sins are not forgiven your life is open to the demons and sickness can come into your body.
Forgiveness is very, very important for us all. We need to understand that.
God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092 |