Featured photo: Church service in Thailand .
Dear Friends,
We are very humbled for yet another blessed week in Japan. Our mid-week services continued as usual, and our Sunday service was very powerful. Our Pastor preached to us on the subject of Faith. During Bible study, we are on a series on the subject of Giving using the books of our Father, Apostle E.H. Guti. We had 2 new members join the church this week, 2 women from Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone. We are grateful for all your prayers, and we thank God for His unending grace.
We remain focused and reflect on the life and ministry of our father, Ezekiel Guti. There is active participation every day on the WhatsApp group where scriptures, insights, and motivations are shared daily. We had a powerful Sunday service which was fairly attended both physical and virtual. We had a powerful Bible study followed by praise and worship and lastly the Word. After the service, we had time to share food and get to know each other personally. We continue to see the hand of the God of Ezekiel in all our gatherings. The church continues to pray for a proper venue of our services. May the saints pray with us for pastoral presence to take care of the baby church in this Central Europe part.
Casablanca and Marrakech – We give glory to the God of our Father for the continuing growth of the church in Morocco. Last week, the pastors conducted an intensive leadership training program in preparation for the appointment of new deacons and committee members for the Marrakech and Casablanca churches. Four new deacons were ordained at Casablanca and the Marrakech assemblies, bringing the total number of deacons in our country to 10. In the last two weeks, we had powerful assembly big Sundays that registered an attendance of 38 in Marrakech and 28 in Casablanca. Several believers were filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues at both assemblies when Senior Pastor Sessie ministered. There was great joy as we partook in Holy Communion and fellowship with the breaking of bread after the assembly big Sunday. Testimony:
After the service, we noticed that a visitor was in serious trouble having been duped by a fraudulent agent. The Pastor and elder helped to pay for her new accommodation and she cried uncontrollably praising God.
This week, we bid farewell to senior Pastors G.T.C. and S. Mutsigwa as they complete a highly successful three-month short mission to Morocco.
Ontario and Quebec – Apostle Dr. Steve & Dr. La-Verne Simukai and Bishop Patrick Schatzline landed in the Ontario and Quebec Province this past week. We had a National Big Tuesday with 168 gadgets logged with our Go Quickly and Tell International Director, Dr La-Verne. What an empowering service it was! On Wednesday Apostle Steve taught on the Power of the spoken Word of God. He reminded us that our father Apostle Ezekiel, was a man of the Word. The ladies had a Glitz and Glamor Big Thursday, graced by the Dr La-Verne who ministered deliverance powerfully and many were set free. On Saturday morning, 20 Men of Integrity met with Apostle Dr. Steve teaching from the book written by our father, A Wise Man. Bishop Schatzline taught about winning souls at the leadership seminar, he reminded the church that our father had a burden to reach out to all nations as a father of many nations. The week ended with a Big Sunday Service attended by 220 people and 7 visitors. After Apostle Steve taught the word 13 young people gave their lives to the Lord. Glory to God! A thick presence of God filled the auditorium and people were delivered. We have truly been encouraged and revived. Our personal lives and our Province will never be the same.
We would like to thank the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti for a successful Ladies’ Conference. With the blessing of our national mother Reverend Dr. Tafadzwa Masaka, our State Overseer Dr.Gwen Mawoko ran with the vision of organising an extraordinary conference for the ladies in Victoria. It was held from the 16th to the 19th of November and kicked off on a high note of energy with expectant Go Quickly women and Girls of Quality, ready to embrace a transformational journey through teachings taken from the books of our father Apostle E. H Guti and mother Dr. Eunor Guti. Our attendance ranged between 108-120 women from diverse backgrounds all ‘Striving to be women who remain rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our church during transition’ which was our theme for the conference. A powerful line-up of anointed national and international speakers graced the stage, namely Reverend Rudo Rwizi (USA), Reverend Gift Ranga (Zim), Reverend Cecilia Zezani (UK), and Reverend Lilian Kombora (WA, Australia). Here are a few of the many testimonies:
Some ladies were healed emotionally and delivered after experiencing church hurt and feeling unloved.
Emotional healing after losing a pregnancy.
Another lady with a desire to feel the tangible presence of God felt the touch of the Holy Spirit and was healed from hip pain.
Ladies testified of being revived, having joy restored, and encouraged by the teachings over the weekend.
Financial situations changed during this conference.
We give all the praise and glory to God.

Jamaica, Guyana and St Kitts and Nevis Go Quickly Ministry joined the whole world in campaigning for awareness to all ladies about breast cancer. We managed to meet on the Zoom platform on the 31st of Oct and in attendance were 34 ladies. We received powerful interactive teaching from Dr Kern Pemberton an Oncologist. Furthermore, in Guyana on Saturday night, the Guyana Go Quickly and Tell went out for dinner fellowship at the Grand Coastal International Hotel. The ladies had a lot of fun as some were testifying that it was their first time to be in a hotel and it had been their dream to be there one day. Pastor Debra encouraged women to work with their own hands in order to be self-reliant. While in Nevis, On Wednesday they had a powerful seminar on the right way to teach Bible study. This seminar has taken them completely to another level in teaching and preaching the word of God. We thank the God of Ezekiel that our members are safe during the recent cyclone and flooding in the Dominican Republic. We also thank the church for their prayers for the region and ask that we pray that the ladies be able to understand and run our Go Quickly Ministry.

Praises unto the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. Cameroun Douala had a super blessed week with our mid-week activities continuing in various locations in the city. We are seeing the hand of our God. The church was full of joy as we had our local Pastor, Pastor Eyene from Ebolowa during our Sunday Service. 37 people (18 adults, 19 children) Powerful praise and worship, the place was filled with the presence of God. Powerful testimonies as our God is showing Himself in the lives of believers. Our Bible study sessions are well attended coupled with participation by everyone. The Word was shared by our guest speaker Pastor Eyene on the Kingdom of God. We continued with our culture of fellowship after the Sunday service. We are eagerly awaiting the return of missionaries to Douala and we are praying for a bigger place of worship and for the church registration.
Glory to the God of our father Apostle Ezekiel H. Guti. We thank the Lord for a blessed week. Our midweek services continued. 26 people attended Sunday service. Our resident Pastor Rose Eyene shared the word of God with us and we were rejuvenated.

We want to thank the God of our Father Ezekiel H. Guti in Kinshasa, we are seeing the hand of God. Evangelist Phillip and Pastor Joyce Chipfakanya are preaching on the Kingdom of God, on the Holy Spirit and on the teaching of the History of our Church. People are repenting and others rededicating their lives to God and showing commitment to the work of God. Weekly services and daily morning devotion are being attended and the saints are excited to participate. Tuesday and Thursday women’s meetings are a success and the number of members is increasing. Pastor Joyce introduced various activities for the ladies and home talents, she also introduced the children’s Church. We also had leadership seminars for Elders and Deacons. Our Overseer Clement Kisuka is working hard to coordinate and translate all the teaching to local languages. We are thanking God for Kinshasa Church as we pray for a teachable spirit to be rooted and grounded in the doctrine of our Church; so far Mbinza Church has got two assemblies and the first service had 18 members and N’dlili Church was divided into two assemblies. This Sunday we had 18 people filled with the Holy Spirit and 3 people received Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. Our God is a good God.
We hosted a life-changing Single Women’s Conference from the 10th to the 12th of November 2023. To our father Apostle Joseph Guti, we would like to extend our profound gratitude for sending us the Ministry Director Caillar Mhlandhla as our Guest Speaker, through the offices of our Bishop MU and U M Uanguta and National Administrators P and T Mutumbwa whom we appreciate for their support and love towards the ministry in Namibia. The weekend of the conference was a flamboyant one as we received great teachings about our ministry from the Director and Dr. Gilbert empowered us with the awareness of breast cancer and other educative tips. Our attendance reached 110 and 1 person was filled with the Holy Spirit. Reverend Caillar, Overseer R. Owoseb, and our Bishop were mightily used by God in deliverance; many people testified that they were set free. A new committee was elected under the Leadership of our precious Pastor Lorraine Masiza. Many other Pastors came to support our ministry, including the Host Overseers I and S Komeheke. We are grateful to the God of our father Archbishop Ezekiel Guti for the success of this unique and motivational Conference.
We recently hosted the Greater Gujarat Conference at Vadodara City Church, all the assemblies in Gujarat are comprised of students and this weekend also marked 6 years since the opening of FIF Gujarat. We were graced by Apostle T. and pastor J Mike. During the 3-day conference. The conference was officially opened by Apostle T Mike as he grounded the church using our church’s book of history and remembrance. This service saw 107 believers attending, with 17 individuals rededicating their lives to Christ. Our guest speaker Pastor James Gilchrist delivered a powerful message titled ‘The Blood of Jesus,’ resulting in an incredible spiritual movement and deliverance. The Saturday workshop, separating genders, gathered 87 young individuals, imparting valuable lessons on career, marriage, and life. Sunday’s concluding service, attended by 132 believers, featured Pastor James’ impactful teachings on the Holy Spirit, witnessing many receiving the gift of speaking in tongues. The conference was then concluded by a powerful and life-transforming teaching from Apostle T Mike titled “Dangers of Humanism” This was a word in season for the young people in our church as we were cautioned not to forget God’s word as we get swayed by todays evil world teachings. A fellowship then followed after the service courtesy of our Apostle T and Pastor Joy. All the assemblies in Gujarat – Vadodara, Mehsana, and Rajkot were in attendance, and the church rejoiced as we celebrated the legacy of our father throughout this conference. We felt the apostolic anointing flowing throughout the conference, it was truly a demonstration of the God of Ezekiel. Thank you so much continue praying for us.

Worship service
This special Sunday service orchestrated by the praise and worship team was a resounding success, drawing 32 girls and 21 boys to partake in the spiritual gathering. The guest speaker, Pastor Maxwell Chipepera from Zimbabwe, delivered a compelling sermon highlighting the significance of praise and worship in the faith journey. Attendees were immersed in a transformative experience as they witnessed the palpable movement of God’s power throughout the service. Pastor Chipepera’s words resonated, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual reflection among the congregation. This event not only served as a communal celebration of faith but also left a lasting impact, emphasizing the profound connection between praise, worship, and the manifestation of divine power.

We thank God of our father for His continued faithfulness in our Nation. We had a power-packed week with our mid-week activities culminating into a phenomenal weekend, where on Saturday 11 November we had an educative couples’ fellowship with Pastor Shepherd and 5 couples attended. We then had a super hybrid Sunday service with 31 in-person, 15 online viewers, and 5 visitors of which two are Chinese who have considered FIF to be their spiritual home. The church participated in choosing 2024 leaders after the teaching from our Pastor. This Sunday there was a celebration mood as we concluded our missions drive, the church was super excited to hit our missions target. All believers were appreciated and received certificates of participation and gifts for the top 3 participants. Thereafter Elder Aquelline delivered a powerful teaching. We were blessed and challenged by the word of God and after the service we had a fellowship. We highly appreciate your prayers and support.
We give thanks to the God of our father Ezekiel for his never-ending mercies. This week we had one visitor who relocated from Zimbabwe. During the week we had our usual programs and on Thursday the Go Quickly and Men of Integrity met separately for an exciting “night of conversation” with Pastors Prim and Learnie respectively. The attendance on both counts was very good. On Saturday the youth also met and had teachings on how to handle finances facilitated by Deacon Locardia. On Sunday, we had a total of 50 people attending the service, with 18 onsite. Bible study was facilitated by deacon John, Elder Heather later shared a life-changing word and deacon Tracy also taught powerfully. Several people testified of the goodness of the God of Ezekiel they have been experiencing at home and work, glory to God! Thank you for continuing to pray of us as we do for you.

We express gratitude to the God of our father, witnessing His blessings in Mauritius. Our church’s weekly activities continue with active member participation. As FIF Mauritius, we remain steadfast in prayer aligned with the apostles’ update. The ladies continue online Tuesday prayer meetings, and on Friday, the Mauritius leadership team had an empowering seminar with 9 Elders, 2 Deacons, 3 Lay Leaders, and 1 prospective leader. Saturday featured a breakfast meeting for the ladies, with 8 attendees. Sunday’s impactful service, centred around the sermon “You belong to God,” resulting in prayer for the sick and one water baptism after the service. Our congregation reached 51 adults and 9 children. Sunday concluded with a couples meeting involving 9 pairs. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.
Lusaka – We thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for enabling us to successfully host a fruitful crusade in Lusaka North Province from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th November, 2023 in which we saw more than 150 souls coming to the Lord Jesus. The word of God was preached powerfully, warning people of the danger of sin and countless people were delivered from demonic oppression. We witnessed a man throwing away the crutches to walk freely by the power of the Name of Jesus Christ. We thank The God of our father for this far He has led us.
Forward in Faith College and High School Ministry hosted a powerful prayer retreat from the 17th -19th of November 2023 for students at Destiny Achievers College in Glen Forest. Over 300 students were gathered. Indeed, we experienced the power of the word of God bringing transformation, healing, restoration, deliverance, and revival in the lives of these students. Our speakers were Pastor Chihombori, Evangelist Muchenje and Elder Tabeth Mbambo just to mention a few. They taught about salvation and having a good character. A total of 137 students received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 65 students were water baptised. 37 were spirit-filled. A number of girls and boys were delivered from many demonic oppressions such as suicidal thoughts, spiritual spouses, drug and substance abuse, bitterness, anger, and fornication. We give glory to God.
The celebrations of the Legacy of our Father Archbishop E.H Guti are continuing as the Midlands Zone (Gweru, Kwekwe, Gokwe, Mberengwa, Shurugwi and Zvishavane Provinces) SADOP Ministry gathered on the night of 18 November. Over 70 Pastors’ Children gathered to celebrate our Father’s legacy through song, dance and sharing of testimonies of the life and ministry of our Father. Our Zonal Sadop Pastor DP B Musokota taking from part of the message our Mother Apostle Dr. Eunor Guti shared to the Harare Zone SADOP, encouraged us to hold on to what we have seen, learned, received and heard from our Father. The event was graced by our resident Bishop Caleb Mashushire who is also a SADOP himself and Pastors Ngundu. Our Bishop encouraged us to hold on and stand firm in the God of Ezekiel as he shared the testimony of his life as a SADOP with us, all his struggles, and how he overcame them. He also encouraged us to separate ourselves from the world and that we must continue to serve the God of our Father wholeheartedly. We had a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord as the Bishop conducted one-on-one counseling sessions with the Pastor’s Children. The Bishop prayed for us and pronounced a blessing upon our lives. SADOP Midlands Zone will never be the same again. SADOP We wanna be like them!!
We give glory to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti who enabled us to host our music ministry seminar under the leadership of our provincial Overseers M and L Chipepera and music provincial pastor A Queko in order to keep up with today’s church standards. Our music ministry seminar was held on the 17th of November 2023. The praise and worship team and choirs gathered at Checheche provincial church with an attendance of up to 84 delegates. We were graced by our speakers Elder Zirima and our vice director pastor A. Chitereka. She taught various life-changing topics that touched the life of a praise and worshipper on and off stage. We believe our province will never be the same and we are grateful.
We want to thank the God of Ezekiel Guti who granted us grace to host a breast cancer Awareness big Thursday in our zone. We were privileged to have the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital Matron Lister Guti and staff, who kickstarted the programme with teachings on cancer. Cancer screening, BP checks, and sugar tests were carried out. We are really grateful for the service that was rendered to us by the Mbuya Dorcas hospital staff. Evangelist Oziel Maparadze graced the occasion and ministered deliverance in a mighty way.100 ladies were delivered: 30 were delivered from marital issues, 20 were delivered from spiritual husbands and 20 were healed from various sicknesses. We give God all the glory.
Harare North
We thank the God of our father Ezekiel Guti for the abundant grace He showed us from the 17th to the 19th of November 2023. Special thanks to our Provincial Captain Overseers J and J Ganyiwa together with Local pastor, Pastors J and P Sithole for arranging such a power-packed and life-transforming weekend filled with practical deliverance and revival, with Evangelist Eriah Chibvongo and his yafamba team. Over 600 people attended and 132 people gave their lives to Christ, 22 people received the Holy Spirit about 550 people received one-on-one counselling. Outstanding miracles:
1 lady who was using a crutch and a knee immobilizer to walk was prayed for and the leg was restored to its original state. She left the place walking without any aid.
1 lady who came limping due to Arthritis disease was completely healed and was now able to walk perfectly.
1 lady who was suffering from aphasia was completely healed and was able to speak.
21 people who had numbness in their hands and feet were delivered completely.
44 people were delivered from spiritual husbands.
60 people with moving things in their bodies were delivered.
Several people were delivered from the spirit of Anti-marriage. Thank you so much for your prayers.
At Kaunye Revival Centre, one of Mutoko Local Mother Church’s Regions, from the 9th to the 12th of November an Open-air and door-to-door evangelism by Young Ezekiel Champions Crusade team was held. On the 12th of November 2023 we witnessed an official opening of a state of the art 300 seater Church by Bishop N.K. Guti as it was dedicated to God. There was extreme jubilation as the occasion was graced by our Zonal Bishop, Senior Pastors and Chief Kaunye, Teachers from nearby schools and various churches were also among the invited guests. Close to 800 people were in attendance.102 people repented, 28 were water baptized, 12 were Holy Spirit filled and several were prayed for and delivered from different demonic oppression. We give glory to God.
Braeside Gateway Province hosted a Big Sunday on 19 November 2023. The event was attended by 3457 people, graced by our mother, Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti and Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti was the guest speaker. The event was dubbed #Tinemi/Sisonke (We are together) in affirmation of the support the Province is throwing behind the work of God through the office of our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Guti. Notable events that transpired include performances by district choirs capped by performances by the Pastors’ Choir and Sadop Choir. We also had presentations by ZEGU, MDH, EGTC and FIF group of Schools as they marketed our institutions for continuous growth. Our father taught us that Big Sundays are a tool to use for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. He also taught from the book “Local Church” and encouraged the children of God to remain rooted in the teachings of our father Archbishop Professor E.H Guti and not migrate from one church to the other. Many people with longstanding health issues and other problems were prayed for, 19 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
Please be advised that our office will no longer be accepting Apostles Update reports sent on WhatsApp to the number +263 777 28 20 92. To ensure the publication of your report kindly email it to [email protected] by 1pm (Central African Time) on Mondays.
Kindly note we are requesting you, where possible to include photos to accompany your report submission as we will be publishing some photos of the weekly Apostles Update on our website https://fifmi.org/apostles-updates/.
You are welcome to contact our office on +263 775 83 19 21 for alternative arrangements or further assistance.
This week:
- Thanking God for our mother Apostle Prof. Eunor Guti that He continues to strengthen her. Thanking God for the victory He continues to give her. Thanking God for the continued success of the mission in Chitungwiza.
- Thanking God for our father Apostle Dr. Joseph Joe Guti, the SG Apostle Mishael Nyambo, and the DSG Apostle Dr. Steve Simukai and their spouses, that God gives them wisdom and grace as they carry out their assignments.
- Thanking God for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”
- Thanking God for the success of the Regional Seminar & Big Sunday held in Toronto, Ontario Canada this past weekend.
- Thanking God that ZEGU and the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital (MDH) continues to excel and that the vision is fulfilled as God gave to His servant Ezekiel.
- Thanking God for the ongoing construction of the Ezekiel Guti Jr (EJ) Legacy Center for people with special needs. May God continue to provide for the work.
- Thanking God for His intervention in the Mount Pleasant Heights church issue. May God give His people victory.
- Thanking God for protecting the saints in India and Pakistan. May He send angels all around them. Thanking God for a rainy season with no flooding in India as God watches over His people.
- Thanking God for Home Talents (Kingdom Wealth Creation) that everyone will have something tangible to show as a result of the covenant that God made with His servant Ezekiel of which we are beneficiaries.
- Thanking God for giving success to the long-term and short-term missionaries. Thanking God for providing suitable meeting places and favorable prices as the FIFMI churches continue to grow. Thanking God for the registration process of FIFMI Thailand, Egypt, Morocco, Romania, Cameroon, Slovakia, and Poland.
- Thanking God for your nation.
An excerpt from the Disciplined and Teachable Spirit Book
“ It doesn’t matter you don’t know how to preach but if you have the spirit of ZAOGA Forward in Faith people will come to you. For us to have this spirit we have to be true disciples of the Apostle and servant of God with a teachable spirit. Paul says imitate me just as I also imitate Christ –
1 Corinthians 11:1 “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” …….” God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Apostle Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092
[email protected] | www.fifmi.org