Dear Friends
Glory be to our God for Barbados! God continues to be faithful to His servant. One on one street witnessing was done throughout the week. Baba has been teaching about the Kingdom of God, being grounded in the word of God and having joy. We are witnessing great joy in our services as well as fellowships. Truly the joy of the Lord is amongst the believers.
We thank God for yet another answered prayer, we now have a church venue where we started meeting this weekend. A church board has been set up. We met as follows; Tuesday evening – 4 local adults, Saturday evening – 6 local adults with one child, Sunday morning – 6 local adults with one child and Sunday evening -12 local adults with 3 children. We are trusting God for the speedy registration of our church. Thank you for your prayers.
The church continues to enjoy the grace of God and local people are so excited of the church. The short term evangelist, Dr. Phil & Judy Mutsambiwa, arrived on Monday to join the team here. On Wednesday we had bible study attended by 9 locals and Friday prayer 6 locals attended. The Friday prayer was affected by a gospel concert in St Kitts. We continued to teach the kingdom of God. As teachings of practicing righteousness in the kingdom of God one man testified how he overcame the temptation to steal a pen in the bank because of the kingdom teachings. After some midweek one on one soul winning we had an attendance of 13 locals on Sunday and 4 gave their lives to Jesus Christ and committed to FIFMI. Glory to God. Some of the miracles:
- One brother who was into satanism was delivered and gave his life to Jesus.
- A man who was a sea diver had an ear he could not hear out of but Jesus healed him and he could not eat spiced food for medical reasons but after being prayed for he started eating with others during the fellowship.
The fellowship was so good that people could not go home until 2pm. They started discussing the African Apostle and how it has impacted their lives.
Pray for the up coming gospel revival concert from Friday to Sunday, this will be coupled by the word of God and healings.
MSU Botswana Outreach
Praise to God for the trip to Chadibe, it is our joy to inform you that our mission was a success. A group of 66 ZOC (ZAOGA On Campus), Midland State University (MSU) students went to preach the gospel in Chadibe, Botswana. Evangelists used door to door evangelism campaigns during the day and crusades at night to preach the word of God. A great number of people received their deliverance, healing and salvation through the crusades. Praise be to God for such a flow of his power. About 256 souls came to Jesus Christ and this was the greatest miracle that we experienced. Many people were filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit. There was also a great impartation of Spiritual gifts to the new converts. 14 people were water baptized and 14 received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Some of the miracles:
- A lady was healed from leg pains when the word of God was being shared with her.
- A lady was also healed from weak knees
- Gaya Alice was instantly healed from leg pains
- Grace Lopany was healed instantly from back pains and leg pains
- A young lady was healed from high bloody pressure
- E. Mpagaswa was healed from a stroke in her left side which she had for four years
- Chadiwa was healed from Anemia.
- Someone with a swollen leg on the right knee was healed instantly.
- A partially blind old lady had her eye sight restored
American Samoa
We thank God for the great joy in American Samoa. On Wednesday we had a bible study teaching on salvation and water baptism with 12 adults and 4 children in attendance. Our Sunday service was powerful as we witnessed the presence of God during prayer time. We were 20 people with 3 first time visitors. We baptized 10 people after our service followed by a barbeque after water baptism. We give glory to the God of our Father. Please continue to pray for God’s favor on the registration process of FIFMI American Samoa which is underway, also for a suitable church venue and an affordable mission house. Thank you for your prayers.
We praise God this week 2 people repented and one joined us. We will be having our third baptism soon. Thursday bible study was attended by 8 people. Sunday was such a blessed day, one new believer joined us. So far our membership stands as follows: 2 Americans, 3 Hatians and 3 Zimbabweans excluding the pastors. We give God the glory thank you all for your prayers.
We thank the God of our father for members that are slowly being added to our assemblies. Among them are Dutch citizens and others who have permanent residence, In one of our assemblies, a Dutch lady received Jesus Christ as her personal savior. She can play instruments. We ask for prayers so that she and others can be grounded and rooted in Christ. Today, despite some of our regular members failing to come, we had a Christmas celebration service which was attended by 21 people (12 adults and 9 kids). After the service some invited members testified that they felt a strong presence and love of Christ during preaching. We also had time to exchange gifts.
Dominican Republic
We thank the God of Ezekiel for a powerful week! Our Dominican Republic student pastors returned for a visit and God is already using them mightily. In Pedro Brand Group 28 we were over 50 in attendance with many new visitors as we announced guests would be arriving. 10 adults and 5 children received Jesus as their personal Savior, Glory to God! Their testimonies touched the hearts of many people as they have seen their friends and neighbours transformed by the Lord. There were 10 adults and 9 children in the Alcarizo Mutata Assembly.
Cayman Islands
We continue to thank God for our church in the Cayman Islands. We thank God that before Drs. Tad and Gwen Mawoko left us, they visited our local prison and counseled one young man and led him to the Lord. He received Jesus with gladness. We had Bible Study at the mission house with 5 people on Wednesday. On Friday the Mawoko’s left. On Friday night we had a powerful, Spirit filled all night prayer at the mission house with 13 in attendance. We had a great service this Sunday with 28 people in attendance. A lady who had been prayed for some weeks before testified she was healed. A young man who had been dumb was prayed for by two of our ladies and is now able to speak. Glory be to God! Continue praying for us brethren even more as we patiently await our next pastor.
There is joy in Jamaica. All mid-week services went on well including a leadership seminar on Tuesday which was attended by 19 people. 16 people attended Friday All-Night-Prayer, glory to the God of our father Ezekiel Guti. Sunday morning service was attended by 65 people and 38 attended the night service. 3 men gave their lives to Christ on Sunday. We also served Holy Communion on Sunday. Some of the testimonies:
- Our Praise and Worship ushered us into the presence of the Lord. The Holy Spirit moved mightily and 2 members received messages from the Lord that the church needs to continue to worship God and that the church is going to grow big. There was no preaching because of the move of the Holy Spirit.
- A sister testified that its a blessing being a member of FIFMI. She has been a Christian for 20 years and her prayer life was poor. Since coming to FIFMI, she was taught to pray for the Apostle and Servant of God our father Ezekiel Guti and her prayer life has greatly improved.
- A sister testified that she was involved in a car accident together with her mother the Saturday we had our 3 nights of prophetic word and instant miracles. She believes the God of FIFMI spared their lives. She complained of a painful neck and the mother complained of severe pain on her back and could not bend. They both received instant healing after being prayed for and glorified the God of FIFMI.
- Another sister testified that she was feeling back pains over the past 3 weeks and decided to come to church for healing and God healed her.
Bless you all for praying for Jamaica.