Apostles Update Week 6

by fifmi

February 16, 2015





Dear Friends 

God is a great God! He hears when we pray. Deeper life conference in Sydney Australia for the Australasia leaders was a great success. We had over 200 delegates just elders and deacons only who came in from all the 8 states  and Territories of Australia. That number alone tells you the growth of the church here. We also had leaders from the Islands such as Samoa, Tonga and Fiji. The islands are part of Australia’s first fruits in our missions projects so it’s exciting to see the new leaders in those churches here with us. Saturday night was our first live broadcast of  the year. People tuned in to Ezekiel TV on their TVs or live streaming to experience the powerful healing and deliverance as the Apostles of Jesus Christ preached the word.

In 2013 FIFMI Australia worked talents and now in 2015 we have finalized the purchase of our very own state of the art national centre. Yes the title deeds are in hand. We are walking in our inheritance as a nation. 

The following are some of the Saturday Live broadcast Testimonies:
1.  Back ache for several years now healed:
– A lady couldn’t bend or walk fast but can now bend over
– One lady who was taking tablets for back pain radiating to the right leg is now healed
– Someone with back pain that was on and off felt the pain disappear instantly. 
– A lady who had a severe back ache was watching from home. The power of God touched her and she was healed. She attended service on Sunday. 
2.  Lumps on the breast disappear and no longer exist:
– A lady who could not lift up her hand because of  a lump in her breast can now lift her hand after being healed. 
– One lady was told 2 years ago that she has lump in the breast and could feel the pain in her left armpit.  Upon receiving her healing she came running forward. 
– Another lady was also told 4 years ago that she has a lump and had been refusing to go for an operation. She no longer needs to go because the lump disappeared in the service. 
– A lady who had lumps in both breasts checked herself and could not feel them anymore as she had received her healing.
3.  Someone who had diabetes  for long time which was affecting her eye sight came forward for healing and can now see without her glasses. Praise the Lord.
4.  Sore throats healed:
– A lady whose lymph nodes would swell up was prayed for and she received her healing. She drank some water with and no longer felt the swelling. 
– A little girl was due for an operation due to breathing difficulty. God touched her and she immediately started breathing normally.
– Another lady had a sore throat each morning and sometimes would cough out blood. After prayer she felt relief in her throat. Hallelujah!
5.  Several people who had left knee problems which made it difficult to bend the knee received healing resulting in them being able to bend the knee without pain or difficulty. 
6.  One lady had developed heart palpitations over  the past one year and this would make her cough but now felt the palpitations gone and no more coughing.
7. Two people who were struggling with their voices which were now getting hoarse received healing and their voices normalized. 
8.  A lady testified that the previous night between 3-4 am had a severe cramp in her right leg by the calf muscle and was crying because of the pain but when she came to the front, the pain disappeared as a result of prayer. Hallelujah.
9. A young boy who could not speak for 5 years began to speak after God touched him. Praise the Lord.


10. Someone with a sharp pain in stomach testified that they are now healed. 
11. A young lady who could not see words clearly was healed and her eyesight has been restored. 
12. Mrs. Hosho (watching the broadcast) testified that she received healing in the left ear which was deaf since childhood. She is the very person whom Apostle said “Someone watching with right ear giving her problems and can only hearing with the left ear.”  She was at work when it happened. We thank the miracle working God of Ezekiel. Praise the Lord

More testimonies from the Sunday service:

  1. Many people who had backslidden rededicated themselves to the lord. 
  2. Several marriages were restored as couples forgave each other.
  3. Two people with a sharp pain on the left side were healed
  4. Four people with pain at the centre between womb and chest felt relief after being prayed for.
  5. Someone with an opening/ hole in lower abdomen that was causing swelling received her healing.
  6. A girl who had been experiencing numbness in her right hand from the fingers spreading to palm testified of her healing after being prayed for. 


We had a wonderful service with 11 people in attendance. We had a couple who visited us today we also had a visiting couple. The bible study and teaching was powerful and people were blessed. We also taught on the Holy Spirit and plan to have a Holy Spirit baptism session next Sunday. We have introduced the all night prayer starting this Friday.  
Solomon Islands 
Service went well. We moved to our new venue. Praise the Lord!


We want to thank God for his grace which enabled us to go through the Ten Days of  Prayer & Fasting. This year, we saw the hand of God as we went through the Ten Days. People got healed and new members joined the church.
We will be commencing the building project  for two of our assemblies; Revival Center Assembly, in Montserrado County and Grace Assembly, in Lofa County in March of this year by the grace of the God of our father.
The edifice for Gilgal Assembly is at the finishing touches. We are hoping that the building will be ready for dedication next year 2016 during our National Deeper life Convention. We just want to thank the God of our father. School is about to be reopen in Liberia and we are believing high enrollment despite the economic conditions.



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This week:


  1. Pray for the Servant and Apostles of God, Drs Ezekiel & Eunor Gutithat God renews their strength after the Deeper life leadership conference in Sydney this past weekend as they prepare for the Believers’ Convention in Wellington, New Zealand starting this Thursday February 19-22, 2015. We know that God made it possible for the visas for New Zealand to be granted so let’s pray that there is no hindrance in delivering the word for the believers in that nation. These are back to back conferences but we know the prayers of the saints will prevail. Pray for visas to the nations God wants them to go to this year.
  2. Praise God for a successful Deeper life in Sydney Australia this past weekend. Leaders were revived.
  3. Pray for the Believers’ Convention to be held in Wellington, New Zealand this Thursday February 19-22, 2015 that everyone who should attend this Convention is able to. Pray that God provides finaces for the delegates so they come and receive the word for the nation from the Servant and Apostle of God. Pray for God to anoint the speakers and give journey mercies as people travel to and from all over the New Zealand.
  4. Pray for the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital and the Maternity ward and Laboratory under construction. 
  5. Pray for the churches in Cuba and Solomon Islands that God strengthens the believers. Pray for visas for the pastors going to Cuba and Solomon Islands. Pray for Belize: the person who was supposed to pay back the money for the building didn’t show up on date agreed on saying he was sick. May God fight for His church. FIFMI knows no defeat. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered.
  6. Pray for the building of the churches in Madagascar and Liberia  that God continues to provide the finances and that they are completed in a timely manner. 


    Matt 4:16; The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light,
    And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned. 
    Eph 1:9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself
    When you are full of the world you have no hunger for God. You need to empty yourself of the world. Why not listen to the Spirit of God in you – He already has the plan for your life. Jesus said in me you have peace but in the world there tribulation. John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  Why don’t you have peace? It’s a sign that you are still in darkness. When the kingdom is in your family there is peace and loving each other. Some of you are still in darkness. God bless you. 
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai

ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.

+263 777 282 356,  +263 777 282 092 

info@fifmi.org | www.fifmi.org

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