Dear Friends
Nyanga province had 300 women gathered from regions and districts to pray for the servant and Apostles of God. Many women were delivered from evil spirits and spiritual husbands. Some who had been separated from their husbands but after this prayer retreat they have reconciled. The women are happy and are free from unforgiveness.
GWAHAFI Leadership Seminar
The yearly national Planning Seminar took place in Kwekwe on the 3rd of March 2018 attracting 65 delegates from ten chapters, with Harare alone having 22 delegates.
Various chapters presented their annual reports and here are some of the exploits happening in this life-transforming interdenominational organisation:
Extra-ordinary prayer retreats wrecked havoc to the kingdom of the devil, including one by the Harare chapter which depopulated 8 souls from the kingdom of darkness in a single day.
Currently GWAHAFI has 50 different denominations including CPA, Harvest house, Everlasting Gospel and Life giving centre. The Bulawayo chapter alone has 42 different denominations and its leadership includes general overseers and Apostles from the different denominations.
Great deliverance from spiritual husbands and wives and other sicknesses have become the trade mark of the ministry. Other ministries are growing as a result of attending GWAHAFI meetings.
We thank the God of GWAHAFI together with the President and founder Prof E.H Guti and Dr Eunor Guti for the marriage-restoring, peace-giving anti-divorce organisation which is rescuing a galore of marriages from collapsing at the interdenominational landscape.
Forward in Faith College and High School Ministry (FIFCAHSM)
As FIFCAHSM God gave us the grace to hold 2 successful functions from the 8th- 11th of March 2018. We had an outreach in Uzumbamarambapfungwe. Pastor Chihombori went out with 16 outreach members. They did one on one preaching at Mutawatawa growth point and 274 people received Jesus Christ. They went to Chitsungo township in Pfungwe and also did one on one preaching and 398 people amongst these people the chief Chitsungo and councillor of Chitsungo received Jesus Christ. We thank the God of our father for using the team in a mighty way.
On Sunday 19 people received the Holy Spirit and 30 people were water baptised. Some of the miracles:
El Bethel college had a prayer retreat for exam classes. A total of 55 students came for the retreat. 1 girl repented, 3 girls were delivered from the spirit of prostitution, 1 boy was delivered from satanism and 8 students were delivered from spirit of bitterness towards their parents. We give glory to God.
News from around the world
St Kitts
We thank the God of our father Ezekiel for his love and grace towards our nation of St Kitts. This week we had time to visit the hospital and minister to the sick. We had encouraging words from one man who still had our flier which he was given by the Pastors through street witnessing and we prayed for his sick relative – he promised to visit us. We thank God for our mid week services are being well attended. One lady said I cannot miss Tuesday and Friday nights because this is where I can learn how to pray. Our Sunday service we are seeing believers all doing their work in church as they learnt from Baba’s book that they should know their area. Powerful deliverance took place. Attendance was 23 people which included 6 children and one visitor who promised to come back next Sunday. Please continue to pray for us as some of our believers work on Sunday.
Counting our many blessings and naming them one by one we are able to see clearly what God is doing through our many prayers which are keeping FIFMI Nevis rooted and grounded in God. We are having good attendance for the midweek meetings as people are hungry for the word. On Thursday Pastor Vee attended the International Woman’s Conference celebrating women and it was a welcomed opportunity for Pastor Vee to minister to some 50 women and tell them about Forward In Faith Ministry. She also seized the opportunity to invite them to “Ladies Hi Tea” coming up this week at our fellowship hall. God is opening doors of opportunity for us to spread the Good News. Hallelujah!
Sunday Worship was filled with praise and glory as powerful worship permeated the halls. 28 persons were in attendance (19 Adults and 9 Children). Testimonies highlighting the love of God, the faithfulness of God and Gods saving grace were shared followed by a powerful word. Glory be to God.
Fellowship followed. We continue to pray for the building up of FIFMI Nevis.
We thank the God of our father for such powerful midweek services accompanied with much prayer. The attendance has been pleasing, we praise God for such a breakthrough to pray. We saw the hand of God on Sunday the presence of God was present to convict people’s hearts as they cried tears for restoration. One man gave his life to Christ. Attendance was 42 (35 adults and 7 children). We ask for your prayers as we prepare for the miracle week starting on 14th to the 16th of March. People are excited about it and looking forward for a great harvest.
We thank God so much for another eventful week. This week on Wednesday we had a successful bible study at the new place called Moreno with 2 believers. On Sunday we praise the God of our father that two more souls were added to the kingdom, and we managed to launch a Girls ministry and Go Quickly ministry. We have been praying for this for the past one and half years, it is exciting to see the Lord at work here in Argentina. Please pray for God to give us a bigger meeting place for both adults and children and a mission house all at reasonable price. We are also believing for grace to be able to win more men and more families.
We want to thank God for a powerful revival that has begun in our city and region with the arrival of missionaries Senior Pastors Chris and Sesie Mutsigwa to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The Pastors hit the ground running, meeting with leaders from Edmonton’s North and South assemblies and also attending Sunday services at both the South and North assemblies encouraging and ministering unity and relationships. A revival for studying the Bible has been ignited and is spreading across the Province of Alberta through the Wednesday home cell groups.
On Tuesday, Senior Pastor Sesie met with 10 ladies who braved the cold weather to pray at the mission house and hear the word. She taught about the power of praying for the Servants of God with a clean heart.
On Sunday at the North assembly many people shared testimonies about what God is doing in the church. One new young girl testified that she has never been to a church where she was encouraged to speak the word of God with faith over her situations and she declared deliverance from depression and complete healing in her body from a lump in her breast. This month, the Church is being encouraged to give towards missions through consistent teachings on the importance of missions and the great commission.
Praise the Lord!
In the year of thanking God, we managed to go to the mountain for the first time after so many years, this was a milestone
We had 17 people pouring out their hearts to God from morning until lunch time. The prayer retreat impacted lives in that one lady who joined us brought her family to church.
On Sunday the church was full of joy. We felt the presence of God,
10 people rededicated their lives to Jesus after we taught about the kingdom of God. Miracles:
Attendance was 52 adults and 21 children. Pray for us for God ‘s favour as we are processing our visa.
Namibia Western Province
We had our first quarter Provincial Council for this year in Walvis Bay and God gave grace to Provincial Overseers Josephat and Agnes Tjizoo and the province to host great speakers, The Deputy Secretary General of Zaoga FIF, Dr’s Steve & La-verne Simukai from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th March. The PC was attended on Saturday by about 67 leaders from the assemblies in our province; some of them travelling from as far as 213km. Sunday, which was a Provincial Big Sunday was attended by 175 adults and 118 children.
The PC was preceded by a couples fellowship on Thursday night the 8th, which was attended by 59 couples. There were powerful teachings on marriage which were followed by a question & answer session which proved very fruitful. Testimonies from some of the couples were evidence enough that marriages were helped.
Our guest speakers emphasised that every believer must practice kingdom lifestyle, be grounded in the doctrine of the church and know the history of the church amongst other things. The two impacted the people so much with their powerful and practical teachings that many people were instantly healed of various sicknesses while some demons screamed from the chairs as powerful practical deliverance took place. 5 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
Some of the confirmed miracles include:
Many others were healed from severe headaches, painful ears, and painful legs amongst other things.Glory to God. There was great joy in the province and we will never be the same.
UK Women’s Prayer Retreats
North West Province (Manchester): The prayer retreat was a success, graced by Bishop Mabel Samasuwo and attended by 40 women who were camped from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th. Much time was spent praying for the Apostles, our father and mother, Drs EH & E Guti and the Lighthouse of Mercy. In the midst of a mighty move of the Spirit of God, a new song for the Lighthouse of Mercy was inspired.
After the teachings by the Bishop women were encouraged to pour out and cleanse their hearts, which invited a thick presence of the Holy Ghost and much joy as they continued to thank God for His servants.
Overseer Knowledge Vheremu led a deliverance session where many were set free from different spirits. Powerful testimonies include one lady who was healed from sciatica and no longer in pain; another lady who was unwell when she came and God totally healed her. There was a lot of joy on the final day as the women had been delivered, equipped, ready to go and continue to do the work of God at their assemblies with a revived spirit.
Yorkshire Province (Leeds): The women met from 9th to 10th March. Using books written by our father women received deep teachings. Faith clinics were held and counselling done through the night to the last day. The message of cleansing was followed with travailing in prayer as sea divers in search of the mind of God, which was a life changing experience in the presence of God. Women were delivered and spiritually revived when the spirit of laughter filled the venue and one woman was filled with the Holy Spirit. Women were delivered from the following:-
· the spirit of anger
· unforgiveness
· spirit of heaviness
· controlling/domineering spirit
· being argumentative
· frigidity
· spirit of stagnation
· unfaithfulness in managing home finances
· being chased by an unidentified person
· poor parenting
· nightmares
This week:
Mark 11:12-24. v 22-23 says, “So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
Lots of things were supposed to happen but because of lack of faith they did not. This is not your usual faith but deeper faith which is the God kind of faith that will not be moved. The faith of God is connected to His Spirit. V23 says you shall have whatever you say, if you say without doubting.
We lack lots of things because we don’t have faith. We say this can’t happen – that’s doubt. Jesus cursed the fig tree, creating a place for disciples to learn about faith. Whatever you say without doubting you will have. God bless you.
We love you and are praying for you,
Drs Steve & La-Verne Simukai
ZAOGA Forward In Faith Ministries Int.
+263 777 282 356, +263 777 282 092 |